
Something Stronger than Fate

So I wanted to add something more to the story, so here’s a short little something from Wonwoo’s POV

Just to give you some context, this takes place on the Friday before Mingyu goes out to see Chan. So, the day before tragedy strikes D:






Wonwoo could feel his eyelids starting to droop, threatening to fall. He looked at the bottom corner of his laptop screen. It was 2:14am. He had lost track of time yet again. He sighed, stretching before closing his laptop. As he did, the first thing he saw was a fluff of black hair, no longer hidden behind the screen. He smiled, suddenly remembering that the boy had come over that night. The boy had been coming over every day that week after his classes, but Wonwoo didn’t mind. He enjoyed their time together. Mingyu’s arms were folded over his textbook, acting as a pillow for his head, which faced in Wonwoo’s direction. He breathed slowly and softly in a steady rhythm.


“Mingyu?” Wonwoo asked quietly.


Mingyu remained still, indicating that he was in a deep sleep.


“Mingyu,” he breathed.


He watched the peaceful, dreaming Mingyu and slowly pulled out his phone, positioning it to take a picture. He steadied his hands, then pressed the snapshot button. He froze when a loud shutter sound came from his phone, and realized he forgot to turn off the sound. He looked over his phone to see Mingyu still as he was, and sighed a breath of relief, relaxing. He brought the phone in front of him and started pressing buttons. He didn’t use his phone all that much, so it wasn’t a surprise that he didn’t know how to change the settings. But that didn’t stop him from being frustrated from trying to figure it out. After struggling and going in circles, he eventually produced his desired outcome.  He pressed the button to get to his home screen and smiled at the new background. A sleeping Mingyu. His sleeping Mingyu.


Wonwoo placed his phone on the table and turned to face Mingyu. He reached out and placed a hand on top of his soft hair. He buried his fingers in his locks, and started messing it up. Mingyu still didn’t wake up, and Wonwoo just smiled in amusement at the sight. When he was satisfied, he fixed it back up, though it wasn’t as neat as it originally was. He brushed aside Mingyu’s bangs and then gave his forehead a light kiss. Then he leaned in and whispered something in his ear. Being asleep, Mingyu didn’t hear it, but that was okay with Wonwoo.


He straightened himself up and looked over at the sleeping boy again, adoringly. He wondered where all of his own drowsiness went. Somehow, looking at the boy beside him was enough to drain it all own of him. He watched for a little while longer, once again playing with his hair. When he figured it was late enough, he decided to wake Mingyu by shaking his shoulders. He didn’t wake up the first time, so he tried again, shaking harder.




A small groan came from Mingyu, as he squeezed his eyes tighter, as if to resist waking up.


“Wake up. You should go back to your unit.”


Mingyu draped his arms across the table to stretch them out, yawning as he did so. He slowly got up and Wonwoo packed his stuff for him. Mingyu lazily stepped into his shoes, not bothering to put them on correctly.


“Let’s go,” said Wonwoo when he was done.


Wonwoo handed Mingyu his backpack and placed a hand behind his back, guiding him out of his unit and to Mingyu’s. He stopped at the door and watched Mingyu go in. Wonwoo figured he could make it to his bed by himself. He was about to close the door, but saw Mingyu dropping his backpack on the floor and turning back to him. He wobbled over to Wonwoo, still sleepy, and hugged him tightly.


“Can I see you tomorrow too?”


Wonwoo chuckled. “You don’t have to ask, silly.”


Mingyu released him from his embrace and and smiled. “Then I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight, Wonwoo.”


“Goodnight, Mingyu. Sweet dreams.”


Mingyu shut the door and Wonwoo returned to his unit. He went straight to bed, falling asleep soon after. It was the most pleasant sleep he had in a long time.








Thank you for coming into my life. I love you more than you will ever know.







And there it is. A short little extra :P

I thought that this fic lacked some meanie moments, so I decided to add an extra. I hope you enjoyed this fic overall ^-^


Btw, if I didn’t make it very clear (very possible), the last little line was what Wonwoo secretly whispered to Mingyu in his sleep.


But tbh I’m kind of mad at myself that neither of them will ever hear the other say that they love them, but I guess that was kind of the point...

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darksanctuary #1
Chapter 10: i just realized that i've read your stories at AO3 then found you here today but can't help rereading them again... sigh. ofc I'm crying again but I'm satisfied lol such an M.
ajexastxsvt #2
Chapter 10: ㅠㅠ my heart!! Whyy?! Meanie is lifee! Whyy?!

But this is great! Hahahha! Keep it up author-nim! Fighting!
Chapter 8: this is so sad. *cries in the corner*
i love this story so much !!
SeungHodaebak #6
I just read this in less than 1 hour and ditched all my pending tasks.

well you did a great job for breaking my heart. TT____TT
hunhankyumin #7
Chapter 10: Okay, i'm so done with this...
Why, author-nim, why :(((( my tears are... OMG
I love this fic so much, and I want everybody to know this fic. Can I translate this into Vietnamese? I'll keep all the credit
Thank you so much, and sorry for my bad grammar ;A;
byungsxx #8
Chapter 10: this.is.so.sad.

FEELS MAN OMG WHYYYYYㅡi cried okay anw thanks authornim
He17oAlice #9
Chapter 10: They never told each other they loved them...but it was like they knew but they didn't know o.0 I think that's the beauty of how vague their love is ㅠㅠ man I cried too hard. This was great!^^ ♡