A Bet

Korean Love

         Daesung and SeungRi were chilling at the bar. They both liked to dance but they wanted to check out the drinks first. They both surveyed the bar and got two drinks, one for each of them.

        They sat down and watched the dance floor. Daesung and SeungRi talked about how life was treating them, how their families were doing , and many other things. 
       "나는 나와 함께 춤을 그녀의 전화 번호를 얻을 수있는 여자를 얻을 수 있음을 내기. (I bet you that I can get a girl to  dance with me and get her number.)" Daesung said making a bet. 

        "D-Lite는 네 말이 맞아. (D-Lite You're on.)" SeungRi challenged shaking Daesung's hand. 
        Daesung scanned the tables and bar. He finally spotted a girl , who was very very attractive and sipping on a drink at a lonely table. He walked casually over. 
        "안녕하세요. Hello. I'm Daesung. I'm was wondering if you would like to dance with me and maybe if u liked me and/or the dancing, would you maybe give me your number afterwards." Daesung flirted smling. The girl started laughing.

         Daesung was confused. Very confused.
        "You think I'd dance with the likes of you?! You're weird looking, by the way. I'm way out of your league, little man. " the girl snubbed.
        Daesung felt crushed. Like very crushed. Some American girls are mean and rude unlike Raine. He went back to Seungri. Seungri frowned for his friend. Daesung sighed and shook his head sadly still a bit hurt by what the girl said to him. He was still good looking. He knew that. He had a great personality. 
        "Next time, D-Lite." Seungri said. Daesung nodded. They drank to hearts content and continued whatever they were previously talking about. Daesung seemed to be a bit more cheerful now.

        He just watched and surveyed. He noticed a a girl looking straight at him.

        Mind you this was a different girl. This one was pretty and cute. She looked away blushing when she noticed him staring back. She seems so shy too.

        She gave a smile towards Daesung's way. Daesung's heart fluttered. Maybe there was a little hope yet. 
        Daesung got up and managed to get to her table. "Hi." He said. The girl was looking at him. 
        "Hi.." she replied shyly. SHe nervously twirled a strand of hair. 
        He told her the same pick up line. The girl giggled smiling bright now.

        She said yes. Daesung cheered. He looked at Seungri with a "HA in your face" look.

       Seungri just chuckled and watched Daesung go with the girl to the dance floor. 


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