[DongjaexYeondoo] Always By Me

The Road of Love [사랑의 길] | A One-shot Gallery

Whenever I needed you, you were there.

Cast: Ha Dong Jae, Kang Yeon Doo

Scenario: Yeon Doo hates to study. And so does Dong Jae, but he never shows it.

"Ha-ddong~" Yeon Doo whined. "The exams are coming up~!"

"So? Study, Yeon Doo"

"Shiro~ (I don't want to~). Come on, let's head out for a while"

"Eh? Now?"

"Yes! I would die if I stayed here a bit longer"

"D-Die?" He stammered.

"Not really, Ha-ddong. Aigoo, you're still scared of that word!"

"Y-Yah! You know I almost killed you!"

"That was when we were kids. Would you stop reminding me of it? It wasn't all your fault"


"Let's go to the arcade~!" She whined, changing the subject.

"No! I'd rather keep up my image"

"What image?" She scoffed. "Of being Kwon Soo Ah's boyfriend? Yeah right, you need to keep up that image"

"And you're the girlfriend of the school's Number One. Don't you feel the need to keep up an image?"

"Why should I? I like being me. Plus, Yeol would give me his notes when I ask for it!" She stated

"Fine. I have an idea.. How about we study without their notes?"

"Without notes? I'd fail— You know what, you're right" She sat upright, resolved. "12'O clock, laundry room. Deal?"

"Deal" And he hund up.

"Yah, where are you going with my boyfriend?" Kwon Soo Ah asked her.

"Ey, not what you think~ We're just going to study in the laundry room"

"Study? And I don't get to be with him?"

"We're studying without yours or Kim Yeol's notes" Yeon Doo stuck her tongue out at her.

"Without our notes? You won't move an inch ahead without Yeol's notes, I swear. Now, I'm going to be with Dong Jae"

"Yah, Ha-ddong and I are childhood friends before you two started dating! Be good to me, because it'll be me who approves your relationship"

"Yah, you're going a bit too far. He won't ask you for everything"

"Yeah, you stole my strawberry milk and then my best friend! Of course he won't ask me anymore"

"That was before he confessed to me. And he was the one being that romantic!"

"Eish, it isn't of any use to argue with you. Fine! You can come stay with us, and I'll call Yeol too. You two study while me and Ha-ddong study by ourselves"

"Hey! Then why am I coming when you're the one going to sit with him?"

"Then don't. You needn't worry, he's only my friend" Yeon Doo assured Soo Ah as she gathered her books for their night-study.

"Finally, you came! I was starting to get afraid" Dong Jae said as he saw Yeon Doo sneaking in.

"Can't have the Head Resident get me sneaking out of my room." She squinted her eyes at the thought. "Fine, what are we studying tonight?"

"Algebra" He said and smiled at her.

"Not that! I hate Algebra! Why name numbers instead of keeping them the way they are? So frustrating..."

"And English"

"Great, just great. You punk"


"I-I meant the subjects!"

"That better be the case," He took his English book. "Let's read the poem"

As Dong Jae read the poem to her, explaining whatever he understood from Teacher Im's class, she had fallen asleep.

".. Autumn— Ey, you've fallen asleep!" He whispered silently, annoyed by her actions. Yet, when he went to wake her up, he didn't want to.

"These two months were hard on you, weren't they?" He asked her, not caring whether she heard it or not. "Soo Ah was plotting everything against you, Teacher Yang was almost to be fired just to save you. And finally, your own boyfriend's and your parents were thinking of marrying each other. It sure was hard for you" He said to the sleeping girl. Something about her made him want to protect her, even when he failed to do it when he was a kid. That memory still haunts him; it will haunt him for his life.

"But you know what was most interesting? That you managed to change each and every one of them into someone they'll be proud of. I don't know whether they'll be thankful to you for this or not, but I'll surely be. You were the one who taught me to look from the inside, and not from the outside. And that is how I knew how Soo Ah felt even before you did"

"I'll always be by your side, as how you have always been by my side"

With that, he laid down beside his friend, looking at her with a proud smile. 

"I'll always be proud that you are my friend"

[aww ha-ddongie is so emotional! i just saw the last episode, and i wanted to do something related to the ending. it's obvious Soo Ah will be Dong Jae's boyfriend sooner or later! she started stealing Yeon Doo's strawberry milk, how long would it take for her to get into his heart too?]

picture credit to whoever made it.

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MyImagination1 #1
Chapter 1: I love it! Oh gosh, the feels!
Shino159 #2
Chapter 17: Awww this is super super cutee!!~~~ Now I wanna read a fangirl's heart again~~~ :D and omg such a tease~~!!!!~ Not even saying if they kissed or not~~Ahh~~! >////<
Wow.. and he even got a crowd to watch? Aigo, Namu~
So now that they're under the mistletoe, does that mean.... you know... what I think happened next? Hehehehehe

AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!! My Woohuyn feels have been intensified like... soooo much! And I wanna reread A Fangirl's Heart now >.< Thank uuuuu! I can't thank youuu enoughhh!!! You're too sweeeetttt *huggggg*
Chapter 17: OMG! You know the family tree and entire relationship too well... wayyy too well XD
Oooohhhh! Even Il Hwa is there as wellll!!!! I miss Il Hwa now T_T
Aaaahhhh Mommyyy is helpinggg! This is so true since my mom knows a lot more about fashion than me and she always helps me dress up XD
Wow, okay after writing Back and HIPS, it feels super nostalgic to see all the A Fangirl's Heart characters here. And I'm listening to White Confession while reading this... :')
AAAAAWWWW So Mir is truly a driver since I'm... I mean.. Hyunmi is sitting at the back.
WAITTT WHICH INTERVIEW WAS IT???? I am another love fool who has forgotten about everything else now... Just smiling to myself >////<
Oh wow, this is actually too coolll! Dongwoon arrived now? Wowowowow
It's like they're snatching all the greasy lines from Woohyun and claiming he said it. XD
The person at the park didn't even notice Dongwoon, but Hyunmi instead. I'm flattered. "Am I a celebrity now?" so trueeee, indeed my exact response XD Gosh, you know me so well!
Aaahhhh what's wrong with me? My heart actually skipped a beat as soon as I read "miss me already?" Ah, is this why you asked me whether she called him oppa or not? :3
HAHAHAHAHA! Great Dongwoon! You're not delaying the meeting on purpose right? XD How big is the park for you to get lost in it?
Still, knowing Hyunmi, even if they all accidentally said something about what Woohyun was planning, she'd be too clueless to figure it out XD
PREDEBUT PICS! I WANTTTTT!!!!! Ahhhh can't you make this come true??? Unnaaaaa, be my fairy Godmother! >.< Hahhaha
lolll.. I like how Hyunmi is so sassy towards Key. Again, a good representation. Wow, I am really amazed how well you know me actually. Like, really amazed.
"Turn anti-fans into fans" I think i've said this line a lot of times in real life. Hehehe
Chapter 1: Really good one shot! c: