[YoonSeul] A lazy day

The Road of Love [사랑의 길] | A One-shot Gallery

Fine, I'm lazy.

Cast: Min Yoongi, Kang Seulgi

Scenario: Seulgi can bet on anything that Yoongi is the most laziest boyfriend ever. Yet the most loving too.

Bright sunrays hit straight at Seulgi's eyes, waking her up instantly. How much time it had been anyway? She thinks as she looks up to find Yoongi sleeping ever so peacefully.

After the endless performances and award-winning and promotions and travelling, here is this one day both of them wanted: break time.

"Yoongi," She calls out, still sleepy. "Yoongi~" She whines.

"What?" He asks in his ever-lazy voice, sounding almost drunk. Not to mention he always sounds like that when he raps. (A/N: NOT WHAT I THINK okay das me but it's damn attractive)

"Get up"


And he sleeps away again.

Sometimes she really wonders why she liked someone like Yoongi. There was nothing interesting about him: he was the laziest, always slept away almost anywhere (he almost slept away in the bathroom once), never prepared anythin special like every other boyfriend, and just liked making music. Nothing interesting.

"Min Yoongi, get up"

"Agh, five more minutes Seul" He mumbles sleepily, not expecting to be rolled off the bed. He fell with a thump and a wide mouth, just not screaming and creating chaos. His face immediately formed a pout, directing the look right to Jihye. But nopw, she ain't falling for that.

"You're not cute. Now get up and go brush"

"Aagh! Jwust lemme hwave my sweep~!" He says, fighting to take his place back in the bed.

"Seriously you're the laziest boyfriend a girl should ever get!"

"I admit" He says and nuzzles inside the pillow, a blissful smile on his face.

"Guess it's time for the punishment"

And she does it. "AAH JUST STOP THAT SOUND IT SENDS ME CHILLS ALL OVERR!" Yoongi cries like a little boy as the stiff girl twists her bones, making a 'pop!' sound which annoyed Yoongi to no end. Even nails on a blackboard would sound much better... or not.

"Then get up; it's your turn to make breakfast today"

"Okay fine, I'm up" He says, still whiny about losing his sleep. Just then, his phone blasts out some rap song he loved; which had a name he didn't even remember anymore. He just liked the tone of the song.

"Ugh, the volume almost stopped my heart" Seulgi says as she picks it up, taking a glance at the caller. Taehyung pabo, it read. "Since when did Taehyung become a pabo?"

"Ever since he joined the group" Yoongi dead-pans as he answers the call, too lazy to even keep the phone near his ear.

LAZY, his whole body screamed that one word. She wonders how someone as lethargic as him plays basketball like a pro.

"You enjoying your day with Seulgi noona, eh?" His eyes widens at the tone Taehyung used; and all he feels was second hand embarassment.

"Taehyung, stop. No I'm not 'enjoying' my day as you mean it!"

Seulgi just chuckles. Yes, she feels embarassed too but it is always cute when Yoongi was embarassed, his pale skin coloring up as bright as a tomato, which is one of he things she liked about him.

She then goes to the kitchen of their small two-roomed apartment they had rented out, and came at their break time. Seulgi was almost surprised at how well-hidden they were. Right below was an elderly grandma with her son in the US who owned the apartment, and the two maknaes of each group would come along them as the third wheels. Of course no media outlet suspected the two; probably because people who are internationally 'shipped' with each other just never get together.

Seulgi chuckles at remembering how Wendy shuddered one day, telling she read a fanfiction of Seulgi and Yoongi making out. Yup, it is exactly what it means. Wendy whined for all of that day of her innocence being taken away, and became suddenly over-protective of her friend. It was indicated by frequent calls and messages to both her phone and Yoongi's to 'stay put' and 'not go overboard', but the two would just laugh at her. Of course they knew their limits; nothing more than late-night movie marathons, cuddles, sweet gentlelike-the-rain kisses and that was it. 

At least he initiated them rather than being lazy for that too. Sighing to herself, she takes her phone and plays her most favorite song as of now: Taeyeon's I. She didn't know why, it sounded so... inspiring. Singing along to it, she tries to decide on what to make.

She suddenly feels a snuggle on her shoulder, and finds Yoongi sleeping on her shoulder, hugging her from the back. Anyone looking at it would think it was a cute and romantic gesture, but the truth is he was just sleeping.

"Ugh, lazyhead. Wake up!"

"Stop lulling me to sleep, then" He moans sleepily. She wonders how he's still sleepy.

"Sleepyhead, lazyhead, sleeping prince... all names suit you" She elbows him finally getting him to stand up by himself.

"What are you making?"

"That's what I'm thinking"

"How about we order from outside?"

"Then we're in!" Yeri says from the entrance of the house. Seulgi just wanted to hide herself; wih Yoongi, of course.

"Kookie-oppa! They're ordering breakfast!" And off goes Yeri telling everything to Jungkook.

Both Seulgi and Yoongi face-palmed at the exact time, and laughed at it.

Planting a soft kiss on her lips, he said. "How about we make instead of ordering from outside?"

"I'd love that"

And the song playing coincidentally changed to Rain as gentle drizzles shuddered against the window, indicating the start of a rain.

A perfectly ruined day that both of them liked.

[okay Yoonseul was totally unexpected! i don't even ship these two (i do now) and i was actually going tomake this SugaxOC but someone Seulgi bring my bias crept up beside Yoongi... OTL i'm weak for anything BTS and RV now ><]

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MyImagination1 #1
Chapter 1: I love it! Oh gosh, the feels!
Shino159 #2
Chapter 17: Awww this is super super cutee!!~~~ Now I wanna read a fangirl's heart again~~~ :D and omg such a tease~~!!!!~ Not even saying if they kissed or not~~Ahh~~! >////<
Wow.. and he even got a crowd to watch? Aigo, Namu~
So now that they're under the mistletoe, does that mean.... you know... what I think happened next? Hehehehehe

AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!! My Woohuyn feels have been intensified like... soooo much! And I wanna reread A Fangirl's Heart now >.< Thank uuuuu! I can't thank youuu enoughhh!!! You're too sweeeetttt *huggggg*
Chapter 17: OMG! You know the family tree and entire relationship too well... wayyy too well XD
Oooohhhh! Even Il Hwa is there as wellll!!!! I miss Il Hwa now T_T
Aaaahhhh Mommyyy is helpinggg! This is so true since my mom knows a lot more about fashion than me and she always helps me dress up XD
Wow, okay after writing Back and HIPS, it feels super nostalgic to see all the A Fangirl's Heart characters here. And I'm listening to White Confession while reading this... :')
AAAAAWWWW So Mir is truly a driver since I'm... I mean.. Hyunmi is sitting at the back.
WAITTT WHICH INTERVIEW WAS IT???? I am another love fool who has forgotten about everything else now... Just smiling to myself >////<
Oh wow, this is actually too coolll! Dongwoon arrived now? Wowowowow
It's like they're snatching all the greasy lines from Woohyun and claiming he said it. XD
The person at the park didn't even notice Dongwoon, but Hyunmi instead. I'm flattered. "Am I a celebrity now?" so trueeee, indeed my exact response XD Gosh, you know me so well!
Aaahhhh what's wrong with me? My heart actually skipped a beat as soon as I read "miss me already?" Ah, is this why you asked me whether she called him oppa or not? :3
HAHAHAHAHA! Great Dongwoon! You're not delaying the meeting on purpose right? XD How big is the park for you to get lost in it?
Still, knowing Hyunmi, even if they all accidentally said something about what Woohyun was planning, she'd be too clueless to figure it out XD
PREDEBUT PICS! I WANTTTTT!!!!! Ahhhh can't you make this come true??? Unnaaaaa, be my fairy Godmother! >.< Hahhaha
lolll.. I like how Hyunmi is so sassy towards Key. Again, a good representation. Wow, I am really amazed how well you know me actually. Like, really amazed.
"Turn anti-fans into fans" I think i've said this line a lot of times in real life. Hehehe
Chapter 1: Really good one shot! c: