[WoohyunxHyunmi] The Mistletoe [Christmas Special!]

The Road of Love [사랑의 길] | A One-shot Gallery

Now that we're under the Mistletoe...

Cast: Nam Woohyun, Jang Hyunmi (A Fangirl's heart)

Scenario: The Christmas Eve has a sweet surprise for Jang Hyunmi!

"Oppa, How about wearing this?" Hyunmi asked her brother Dongwoo, who was browsing something in his phone to kill his boredom. She was really having a dilemma, and this was probably the tenth time she asked her brother.

"Huh?" He looked up at her. "Oh, yeah... It's nice"

"But your face doesn't say it" She stated.

"Hyunmi-ah, I don't know a thing about dresses. It's too bad if you're gonna go with my choice" He confessed. "Plus, I'm just too bored"

"Then get a girlfriend, oppa. I'll call Heejin and tell her to come"

He just shrugged. She took her phone and went out, dialling Heejin's number. "Hello? Heejin-ah, I need your help!" She whined.

"What is it, Hyunmi? I'm with Minseok-oppa"

Hyunmi felt bad to disturb the couple. "Nothing, I'll take care of it. Haver a great Christmas!" She hung up, still in a dilemma. Il-hwa would be sound asleep, now that it was the time of Christmas Holidays, and she really didn't have anyone else to ask.

Going back inside, she looked through every dress she had for the nth time, trying to choose a good one herself. Since it's christmas... a red dress? She thought as she pulled out the only red dress she had. She remembered wearing it on her High-school graduation prom; Back then, it was too... provocative. No! I am not wearing this! She threw the dress away, shuddering.

"Ugh, why is this so hard?!" She wailed.

"Hyunmi— What have you done?!" Her Mother came by, shocked at the room.

"Not me" Dongwoo shrugged and walked out, leaving Hyunmi alone to face her Mom.

"Why are all of these strewn about?"

Hyunmi just took a deep breath. "I need to get ready"


"Why do you ask so many questions? It's for my date"

"Oh, so my daughter's going on a date~" Her mother said and sat down beside her. "I remember being more nervous than you, when I first met your dad" She chuckled.

"I need to look good..." She looked at the floor, sighing deeply for the nth time that day.

"Well, let me help you!"


"Of course! I'll make you the most beautiful girl in your boyfriend's eyes"

"Mom, now that's over-exaggeration!"

And so, the mother and daughter spent another hour, getting Hyunmi picture-perfect for the very special Christmas date.

"Oh! It's already 9... I must be going now! Thanks Mom~" She smiled widely to her Mom and hugged her.

"Anything for you," Her Mom hugged her back.

As she got down, she heard a car honk before their house. She opened the door, only to see Mir on the driver's side.

"Mir?" She asked in confusion. "Why're you here?"

"Christmas date~ I'm your driver for today" He grinned widely. "Get on~ Oh, at the back, because Woohyun would be seriously angry if he knows you sat beside me. He's quite jealous when it's you" 

Hyunmi just chuckled and sat on the back seat, looking at the sleek car Woohyun had managed to prepare in awe. It was quiet inside, with Christmas-y love songs playing in the Music Player.

"By the way, Woohyun said you look good" Mir said all of a sudden.

"Eh? How does he know how I look?"

"He just knows that you'll look good in any dress; he loves you that much. He's such a love fool"

"Yeah, I remember him saying that once" She said. "At an interview" [A/N: HE REALLY SAID THAT]

"He's a fool for sure, but I don't know whether he's a love fool or not"

"Yah" She couldn't help her protective instinct. "Bang Cheol-yong"

"Okay, sorry" He muttered with sarcasm. The rest of the drive went silent.

"And we stop... here~" They stopped before a park. She got down, confused more than ever.

"That's it?"

"Well, I gotta go get rea— No! I mustn't say it!"

"Oh come on, Mir!"

"No! Or I'll be chopped like meat by Woohyun. He's too hyper and angry when I ruin something, and I'll be dead for sure if I spoil this" He shuddered, thinking about what could happen if he actually said it.

"But where will I be going to?!" She yelled after Mir who drove away to somewhere, disappearing after some minutes.

"That'd be my work" She turned at yet another familiar voice.

"Dongwoon," She squinted her eyes at the said person, who looked like he was ready to block her from running away. "If you're gonna kidnap me, I'd better get ready to run"

"Technically this is kidnapping, but all mastered by Woohyun"

"I feel so..." She stopped to find the right word, but failed. "So special"

"Well, you're special to him" He gave a smile to her and escorted her towards a particular 'somewhere'.

"I... appreciate that" She said, feeling awkward of the words which were to be actually said by her boyfriend.

"Oh, it's Hyunmi!" Someone in the park looked at her and waved. She waved back, amused at the sudden attention.

"Am I a celebrity now?"

"People know you now, since you're the infamous Nam Woohyun's girlfriend. Just a small wave and walk away like a boss; that's what a celeb does" She laughed a bit at his words. He knew when to be funny. It calmed her curious and somewhat nervous heart.

"Funny, I think I need to learn from you guys"

"Well, Dongwoon Teaching Session could always be in your schedule! Hey, how about training under Woolim as a singer?"

"Uhm..." She hesitated a bit. "I'd.. rather like a normal life"

"Ohoho, your life isn't normal anymore. It won't be until Namu is out of your life" He said, using the famous nickname of the idol. "Oh, I almost forgot. Present~" He smiled goofily and handed a piece of folded paper to her.

Miss me already? Annoyed already? Everything's for a reason! Just wait a little bit more, and oppa will come running to you~ Well, technically not running, but more like waiting. Oops! Already spoiling the surprise... I'm really a fool.
                                                    Can't wait to see you~!—NWH

The letter read. Her smile grew wider and wider as she read through it.

"Aww~ This is so sweet~!" She exclaimed. "I wanna see him already"

"Till the clock turns twelve, he won't be coming. Or at least you won't be seeing him"

"Aaw!" She pouted.

"Of course he knew you— Oh god, where are we?!" He looked around, his face displaying pure horror.

"Are we lost?"

"Probably... God, I'm such an idiot!" He stomped his feet like a kid, his expression close to crying. "Woohyun is really gonna kill me for this"

"One question, Why are you all suddenly afraid of him?"

"Afraid? Who's afraid?" He faked a laughter, but couldn't hide. "Well, he won't spare us if we did something wrong in this event"

"Event? What event?" asked the oblivious Hyunmi.

"Of course his event!" Dongwoon said and went quiet. "I should really shut my mouth" He said more to himself and went about, searching for something. 

"If you tell me what you're searching, maybe I could—"

"There it is! Finally! Come on, we need to get there fast!" He said and ran towards a tree. Confused as hell, she had no choice but to run after him.

A particular tree was decorated, making it unique and different from all the other trees in the park. And everything was in baby blue, a colour which the girl loved.

"Ooh! The decorations are soo~ sweet!" She said, grinning happily at the blue colour radiating from the lights.

"Well, he knows what you like. Now, look at these!" Dongwoon said and handed what looked like a scrapbook to her. Inside it was all Nam Woohyun. Not practically him, but his photos. Exclusive photos that no one could get to see; Pre-debut pictures!

"EEK HE IS SO CUTE!" She shrieked at one picture. "Aww look at him~"

"My journey ends here. See you soon~" Dongwoon said and walked away, letting her look through the pictures on her own.

"Boo!" Someone yelled right beside her.

"AAH!" She shrieked again, jumping up in shock. "Yah Kim Kibum! Won't you stop pranking me?!"

"All until the clock turns twelve, baby" He winked at her in a seductive way.

"I still don't get why you didn't confess to Il-hwa" She frowned. Honestly, the two could have been a great couple, only if they confessed to each other.

"Can you stop with that? I respect her decision; end of story. You want me to take you too your Woohyun or not?"

"Fine, diva" She muttered as she followed him. "By the way, what are you all doing?"

"Your Namu's preparations. He seriously was so sttressed planning all of this, and he didn't even let us enjoy anything!"


"It went to the extent of him not sleeping for two days, and keeping us awake from a day, even with our busy schedules and Winter promotions. That's how much he's serious about you"

"Whoa..." She gasped in surprise. "He did that? Really?"

"He's very serious about you, girl. You better keep him happy"

"You know what? This makes me think whether you're interested in him..." She trailed off, waiting for his reaction.

"What? No!! I'd never be interested in a guy, and that too him!! That's like, insulting my whole life and my preferences"

"What?" She asked while laughing. "Okay, diva-boy. Please show me the way to my boyfriend"

"Sure, young lady" He said and lead the way.

"God, I feel like I'm in a scavenger hunt" She sighed fot the nth time that day. This was starting to bore her.

"Just some more time... Meanwhile, do you want to eat something?"

"You need to ask that? Of course I'm hungry!!" And Key led her towards... a food-truck.

"Whoa... he prepared all of this?"

"Well, some were from the good-hearted fans. But it is from him, for most of the things. The weirdest thing is that even his fans like you; and this doesn't happen with every fandom"

"Well, maybe I'm that much likeable. I'm just like him, you know? I can turn even an anti-fan into a fan" She smirked, quite happy because of the food. Without a thought, she started eating.

"What time is it, by the way?" Key asked himself as he looked at the watch. "! We have to go now!" And he pulled her away from the truck, making her drop the cake she had in her hand.

"My cake!"

"That can wait, this cannot!" He said and pulled her to somewhere. The two soon reached a particularly dark place; it was darker than most of the park.

"Wait, where is this place? What is this, KKey?" There wasn't a reply from the said guy. "Key? Kim Kibum!!" She yelled through, but there wasn't a simple answer.

Suddenly, there was a small cough from somewhere. She turned towards her right, trying to sense the direction.

Love you
The fluttering wishes, yeah
The confession that I never made, yeah
I will visit you with the white snow and tell you, yeah

I will tell you
while looking at your eyes, yeah
The love that remains in me, yeah
I wanna give it to you now

And there was Nam Woohyun, singing for her. Hyunmi just stood there, looking at him in complete surprise.

I’m sorry
The heart that I didn’t get to show you, yeah
The answer that you didn’t get to hear, yeah
I will visit you with the white snow and tell you, yeah

I will tell you
while looking at your eyes, yeah
The love that you gave me, yeah
I wanna give it all to you now

The other four stood around what looked like a big Christmas tree, completely decorated with bells and lights and a star on the very top. Her smile just couldn't stop growing wider and wider.

"Merry Christmas~!" Woohyun said as he got down the makeshift stage. As he approached her, there were soome squeals from fans around, and from the spectators.

Hyunmi coulddn''t say a word. That all-familiar smile of Woohyun still managed to mesmerise her.

"Do you like it?" He asked, quite nervous of the outcome.

"Do I like it?" She asked. "I love it! This is the best Christmas Eve event one could ever have!!" She exclaimed, grinning widely.

The typical Christmas bells ringed around as the four played very typical Christmas love songs. The two stayed in each other's embrace, enjoying the Christmas eve night with wide smiles.

"But I have to say, you didn't have to force the others and more importantly, yourself"

"I'd do anything for you" The walked hand in hand, and he stopped right under the tree.

"Well, Now that we're under the Mistletoe..." He smirked. She had to admit he looked pretty hot in that perfectly-tailored suit.

She lookedup, and— finding themselves under the Christmas Tree— smacked her stupid self. "You're smart for the foolish guy I see in interviews and TV shows"

"Well, I'm a fool indeed... a love fool" He smiled widely.

[THIS IS THE SPECIAL ONE-SHOT!!!! WELP I AM GONNA GO SQUEAL OUT ALL MY WOOMI FEELS!! So this became a Christmas special~ Hope you like it, Mel eonni! i was inspired by many many Christmas songs  (ESPECIALLY GOT7'S CONFESSION SONG THAT IS THE CUTEST SONG EVERR! and Jungkook& Jimin's 'Christmas Day', Infinite's 'Lately' /you'd recognise the translation up above, right?/) enjoy the one-shot, and check out the most lovey-dovey fic i've ever read, A Fangirl's Heart~ The NinentyOne ref. is from there too in fact all the characters are from there but meh whateverr~~]

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MyImagination1 #1
Chapter 1: I love it! Oh gosh, the feels!
Shino159 #2
Chapter 17: Awww this is super super cutee!!~~~ Now I wanna read a fangirl's heart again~~~ :D and omg such a tease~~!!!!~ Not even saying if they kissed or not~~Ahh~~! >////<
Wow.. and he even got a crowd to watch? Aigo, Namu~
So now that they're under the mistletoe, does that mean.... you know... what I think happened next? Hehehehehe

AWWWW THANK YOU SO MUCHHHH!!!! My Woohuyn feels have been intensified like... soooo much! And I wanna reread A Fangirl's Heart now >.< Thank uuuuu! I can't thank youuu enoughhh!!! You're too sweeeetttt *huggggg*
Chapter 17: OMG! You know the family tree and entire relationship too well... wayyy too well XD
Oooohhhh! Even Il Hwa is there as wellll!!!! I miss Il Hwa now T_T
Aaaahhhh Mommyyy is helpinggg! This is so true since my mom knows a lot more about fashion than me and she always helps me dress up XD
Wow, okay after writing Back and HIPS, it feels super nostalgic to see all the A Fangirl's Heart characters here. And I'm listening to White Confession while reading this... :')
AAAAAWWWW So Mir is truly a driver since I'm... I mean.. Hyunmi is sitting at the back.
WAITTT WHICH INTERVIEW WAS IT???? I am another love fool who has forgotten about everything else now... Just smiling to myself >////<
Oh wow, this is actually too coolll! Dongwoon arrived now? Wowowowow
It's like they're snatching all the greasy lines from Woohyun and claiming he said it. XD
The person at the park didn't even notice Dongwoon, but Hyunmi instead. I'm flattered. "Am I a celebrity now?" so trueeee, indeed my exact response XD Gosh, you know me so well!
Aaahhhh what's wrong with me? My heart actually skipped a beat as soon as I read "miss me already?" Ah, is this why you asked me whether she called him oppa or not? :3
HAHAHAHAHA! Great Dongwoon! You're not delaying the meeting on purpose right? XD How big is the park for you to get lost in it?
Still, knowing Hyunmi, even if they all accidentally said something about what Woohyun was planning, she'd be too clueless to figure it out XD
PREDEBUT PICS! I WANTTTTT!!!!! Ahhhh can't you make this come true??? Unnaaaaa, be my fairy Godmother! >.< Hahhaha
lolll.. I like how Hyunmi is so sassy towards Key. Again, a good representation. Wow, I am really amazed how well you know me actually. Like, really amazed.
"Turn anti-fans into fans" I think i've said this line a lot of times in real life. Hehehe
Chapter 1: Really good one shot! c: