I hope I see her soon though...

To Save The World


Eli's POV

"Get Him!"

I ran down the crowded street, squeezing in between them. I ran into a narrow ally and started to pick up my pace. It's been
3 weeks since I ran away from the organization and Ive been on the run ever since. Boss sent a squad to hunt me down...
my squad, the one I've been training. They're the best and they should be, because well... I taught them everything they know.
I'm a little proud of them... and a little scared. But I didn't teach them everything up my sleeve. The end of the ally was coming
and they were far away enough for me to run into a store and I knew just the right one to go to. I took a sharp right and
entered the very first store. A great ramen store that me and Kibum use to go to all the time for lunch. I closed the door
behind me and backed up against a wall while I heard them run by. I stood there for a minute to catch my breath. 
"Eli! My dear, what's wrong? Why are you so short of breath?" I felt more at ease when I heard the voice of the sweet
little old lady who always served me. I let out a small smirk.
"Ajumma, I need some help." I said holding her shoulders.
"Of course dear! Do you need somewhere to hide? I saw the men chasing you earlier." She said patting my hand. I
chuckled and gave her a hug.
"You know me so well."
"Aigoo. What have you gotten yourself into this time?" she said rubbing my back.
"Quickly get under the counter, I think they might come back soon!" She said opening the counter door. I quickly got
in and carefully shaped myself under the counter. She went into the kitchen for a while and came back with some napkins
and a glass of water.
"Here, you look like you just ran a marathon!" she said handing me a glass of water and started patting my forehead
with the napkins. I gulped down the water and let out a huge sigh. I locked eyes with her and smiled... But that quickly ended
when I heard the door open and someone come in. She nodded at me and then got up.
"Can I help you sir?" she said in a sweet little voice.
"Did you see someone run by here? He was wearing a black hoodie and he's about 6'0."
"Oh yes! I did! He ran down the street and went into the supermarket.Man this woman is a good liar. I smiled to
"Thanks ajumma." I heard him walk toward the door. Can't believe I taught them so much and they actually believe what
an old woman says. I shunned them in my head until I heard the door open but when it closed... someone was coming back.
"Are you sure he went that way ajumma?... You know what I would have to do to your pretty little store if I find
out your lieing right?" he said leaning onto the counter. ... I take back what I said. I looked around and found a pan
sitting next to me. I carefully picked it up and handed her the handle. 
"Of course." She said while getting a good grip on the pan. A short pause passed and he jumped over the counter.
"Now!" I told her. She swung the pan across his face but he didn't stand down. I could see he was going to go after her now.
I got out from under the counter and tackled him down before he could get to her. He struggled against me but I knew that
couldn't escape. I reached out for the pan and she quickly gave it to me. I smacked him behind his head hard enough for
him to knock out cold.
I got up and dusted myself off. 
"Eli, you have to run! I'll take care of things here, You just get out of here!" she said pushing me towards the back
"B-but what about you?" I said looking at her.
"Honey, Don't worry. I'll be fine. I can take care of myself." she said holding my face. Such a sweet woman.... I took
one more hard look at her and nodded. I ran through the back door which led me into an alleyway. I put my hood up and
walked into the street casually. I looked around and could see some of them still searching fore me. I walked closer to to
some people so it looked like I was a third wheel. 
"Hey you!" someone said while grabbing my shoulder. I turned around and decked him in balls and made a run for it. Not a
fair move but hey... you gotta do what you gotta do. I picked up some more speed and zigzagged my way into the streets
for a good hour or so. I was making my way into an empty neighborhood when I saw and abandoned building with the door
wide open. I ran inside and closed the door trying my best not to make it slam. The room was really hot and it looked like it's
been collecting dust for a couple of years. I sat against the wall and took some deep breaths. My legs were pulsing and
getting numb on me. Damn... I still need to find a place to hideout. I sat there for a while before I could here someone
coming. I forced myself to breath slower.
"I saw him run somewhere around here!" someone shouted.
"Are you sure? I don't see him anywhere." someone else said breathing really heavily.
"Yah. I'm pretty sure I saw him.Please don't come in here. Please don't come in here.
"Okay, You go that way and I'll go this way." the one breathing heavily said. YESS.
"Damn... he can sure run fast." Damn straight I can... I smirked to myself. I heard them leave and I let out a sigh. Man, i'm
getting really tired. I wonder how much weight I've lost so far... I shook my head. I can't think about food right now. I sat there
for a couple of more minutes before I got up. I fanned my self for a second and then slowly opened the door. I peeked out
and looked both ways before I walked out. I walked back into the street and started causally walking. My legs feel like they
were about to break off my leg but I knew that I had to keep going if I didn't want to get caught.
It was slowly getting dark outside but still enough light to see everything. I was getting a little tired so I sat down on a bench
near by. Crap... My body is starting to get weaker. I need a nap. I laid my head back but as soon as I did, someone had to 
interrupted and shout at me.
"Hey I found him!" I looked up and noticed some people running towards me. Son of a beeatchhhhh! I got up and ran
through the park, but my legs weren't cooperating with me so the guys caught up to me really fast. They surrounded me and
took out their bats and crowbars. Looks like i'll have to do this the hard way. They all came closer at me and started to
raise their weapons. They guy behind me was the closest so I decided to take him down first. I pony kicked him in the
stomach and elbowed him in the face. Another guy came at me with a crowbar but I dodged it and kicked him in the ribs. I
felt someone hit me in the back with a bat but I didn't go down. I grabbed his arm with the bat in it and uppercut his nose with
my palm. Probably breaking it. He let go of them bat and I punched him in the gut. I reached for the bat, but someone hit me
in the ribs with a crowbar, causing me to get down. ! That really hurt. I grabbed a handful of dirt and threw it in his face.
While still on the ground I tripped him with my leg and grabbed the crow bar. I was trying to get up but I felt an extreme pain
in my ribs again, and then on my back. The guy with the bat had come back for me and I could tell that he was furious. I still
had the crowbar in my hand so I threw it at his face, but I had a bad aim because of the pain in my ribs. I managed to knock
the bat out of his hand but then they all surrounded me again while I was on the ground. I knew I didn't have enough time or
energy to get up, so I prepared myself for a good beating. They all started to kick me which didn't hurt that much, until they
started to aim for my ribs and my face, which made it really hard to breath. I was pretty sure I was going to pass out, but then
I heard somebody scream at them.
"YAH! What do you think your doing to that guy?!" a girl said from a distance. They were still kicking me but one of
them said,
"Beat it kid! It's none of your business!" They started laughing and kicking harder. My body couldn't stand it anymore
and I couldn't block myself from their blows. But then it all stopped and I could hear thumps of people dropping beside me. I
opened my eyes and I could see the sun was setting. I turned my head to see the guys on the floor knocked out cold. But
how did they get there?...My body ached so much... It felt like someone was tearing me apart. I looked back at the sun and
my eyes started to get really heavy. 
"Hey! Are you okay?" I heard the girl say. She was sitting next to me and looking at my body. She looked really worried
and started to panic. 
"Omo. What should I do?!" she said with her hands shaking over my chest. 
"There's so much blood..." she sounded like she was going to cry. Nobody has been so worried about me before... so
why now? She slowly lifted my head and I winced.
"Oh! I-I'm sorry!" she rested my head against something really soft and warm, but I couldn't tell was it was. I opened my
eyes again and there she was looking at me, holding my face.
"Look, it's gonna be alright! I'm right here, okay?" she smiled at me and started to look around. She was
actually....kinda pretty. My eyes got really heavy and I wanted to take a nap so bad.
"Hey! You have to stay with me here! Don't go to sleep just yet okay?! Wait! Hey! HEY!" she said patting my face,
but I didn't care, I just really wanted to sleep right now. I hope I see her soon though...
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Liyanamyssha #1
Chapter 23: Please update fast. I am really into this story.
MakiMaki #2
Chapter 23: Omo please tell me you will update
ThunderSchemes #3
UPDATE SOON! Eli is so cute X3