To Save The World




"CL, wake up. We're about to get something to eat... Come on sleeping beauty, up, up, up!" Luna said tapping my
cheek. I squinted my eyes from the bright lights coming from the window and sat up from Luna's lap. 
"Mmm... what time is it?" I asked rubbing my eyes.
"It's almost 7:00am." Nadia said. 
"What do you guys want to eat?" Kiseop asked us.
"Grilled mackerel."
"Kimchi Soup."
"...Eggs." We all said one after another.
"Errr... Kevin, what's a place what would hall all of that?" he asked. Kevin looked around still keeping an eye on the
road and then pointed out to a big restaurant in front of us.
"There, it serves all types of food!" Kevin said, happy he was getting food.
"Wait, are we going to go in dressed like this?" Nadia asked pointing at the PJ's.
"It's still early in the morning so we'll be fine." Tasia said yawning and stretching like a cat. I looked at Luna and studied
her. Her hair was down and combed through, she had her sleeves up to her elbow and her leg was still in the same position
as last night. She looked like she was perfectly fine, but she was covered in nasty bruises and her forehead was practically
covered in bandages. 
"Unnie, are you okay?" I asked gently poking one of her bruises.
"Yeah, i'm fine. Just a little headache. Don't worry about it." She touched her forehead and then started to peel off her
"I am not walking in there looking like I was just came out of a zombie movie." Her bandage was covered in blood
but her forehead was clean as a whistle. 
"Unnie... where did all your cuts go?..." I scooted over to examine her some more.
"CL, i'm totally fine. I promise. Just a few bruises and a broken leg, thats all.
"But last time I saw you, you-"
"No buts, Look i'm seriously fine CL. See?" She pulled her sleeves up some more and started poking a few bruises.
"I'm being serious CL, I'm TOTALLY fine. Don't worry about it, araso?" I stared at her for a few more seconds.
"...Araso." I sat back in my seat and waited till we got to the restaurant.
-Few minutes later-
"Alright girls we're here!" Kevin said while throwing a fist in the air and carefully parking.
"I'M SO HUNGRY!" Kevin and Kiseop got out of the car first and opened the door to help us out.
"I'll go get the wheelchair." Tasia said jumping out. Nadia and I got out and slowly Luna came afterward. 
"This cast is heavy as a Mother Trucker!" She said laughing trying to lift her leg up. 
"We got this." Me and Nadia said together. Nadia and Tasia have Unnie's big-sister aura... We both got back into the van
and carried her out. Tasia quickly closed the back door and opened the wheelchair so we could drop her into her seat. After 
successfully getting her into the wheelchair we all hurried into the restaurant doors. It was a pretty big place, but it was empty
just like Tasia predicted. We got a big booth all the way at the end near the closed bar. Me, Luna, and Nadia sat on one
side while Kiseop, Kevin and Tasia sat in the other.
"OMG, i'm soooo hungry. I don't think I've ever gone so long without food." I said holding my tummy.
"It was only one day CL." Luna chuckled.
"But it was the longest day EVER."
"Yeah, yesterday felt pretty long." Kevin said.
"Speak for yourself, I was having fun locating where you all were." Kiseop said waving over the waitress. She was
an extremity thin girl. Her black hair was put up in a high ponytail and she had on thick, dark make-up. She came and took
one look at the boys and quickly straitened herself up.
"Welcome boys, can I get you something to drink?" she said in a high, flirtatious voice. Kevin and Kiseop looked at the
menu while me and the girls were staring at the waitress. For some reason I felt really... weird when she was hitting on the
guys. It wasn't like I was jealous or anything but... it was more like... like watching a girl hit on your best friends boyfriend. I
was pretty sure the other girls felt the same way too because we were all giving her a weird look.
"I'll have some coffee." Kiseop told the her.
"Me too." Kevin said looking up at her. She smiled at them and then turned to us. Her 'oh-so-cute' smile turned into an
annoyed frown.
"What do you guys want?" she said looking at her notebook, not even bothering to look at us.
"... I'll have some apple juice." I said.
"Tea for me." Luna said rolling her eyes at the girl.
"Milk..." Nadia said putting down her menu.
"I'll just have water." Tasia crossed her arms and leaned back. She finished writing down the order and then turned to the
"I'll be right back boys." She said in her 'oh-so-cute' voice again. She did a little curtsy and went into the kitchen.
Kiseop studies us for a second and asked, "What's wrong?"
"Did you just see what she did?" Tasia leaned forward.
"She totally just blew us off."
"Yeah." Nadia and I agreed.
"I didn't notice anything." Kevin said putting down his menu.
"Are you blind Kevin?" Tasia said flicking his forehead. "She was acting like a total to us.
"Owww, You didn't have to hit meee." Kevinsaid rubbing his forehead.
"Come on Kiseop, you did notice how she was acting towards us right?" Luna asked him.
"She was totally hitting on you guys. Ignoring the fact that there were other girls around." I added. He sat back
and scratched his head.
"Maybe I should pay more attention to how girls act.
"Hey, all girls act that way towards Kiseop. He probably didn't even notice. I mean seriously, Look at his cute
little face!" Kevin said pinching his cheeks. 
"Kevin! Stop, that hurts!" he said pinching his cheeks back. Soon enough, they were having a cheek pinching fight
against each other while the rest of us were laughing out loud in our booth.
"You guys better stop before you both look like chimp-mucks with nuts stuffed in its face." Luna said poking her
cheeks. They both paused and looked at each other before quickly droped each-others faces.
"Look, their blushing!" Nadia pointed out. 
"AM NOT!" They said putting their hands up and covering their cheeks. We all giggled like their was no tomorrow while they
were trying to hide their faces.
"Hey, we know we're beautiful and all, but you don't have to blush about it!" Tasia said in a sarcastic tone. We all
had another booming laugh, but quickly stopped when the waitress came back. She obviously gave the guys their coffee
first, but I noticed that her black skirt was ALOT shorter than It was before and her hair was let down and completely brushed
through. Does she really think she can get guys like that...? I asked myself. She handed out the rest of the drinks to us like
she didn't even care if it spills or not and quickly turned to the guys.
"What can I get for you?" she asked DIRECTLY to them.
"I'll have the 'Supreme Japanese Breakfast'." Kevin told her while pointing at the picture in the menu.
"I'm okay with just some coffee." Kiseop said slightly lifting up his cup. 
"Are you sure? I could get you something if you like." she said putting her hand on his shoulder. WTF? Does she
know what personal space is? 
"No, It's okay. I'm not that hungry." he said carefully brushing off her hand. She caught the sign and slowly let go of him,
then turned to us and got ready to take our order. 
"..." we all waited for her to ask us what we wanted.
"Are you ganna order or not?" she said in a y tone. The only thing stopping me from pouncing on her like a puma
was Luna, who put her hand on my shoulder. I turned to her and gave her a 'Why are you stopping me?' look and she
responded with a 'Cause she's not worth it.' look. She's right... I mentally sighed to myself.
"I'll have some Grilled Mackerel with rice." I said leaning on the table turning my head away from her.
"Kimchi soup for me." Luna told her.
"I'll have some Bacon and Eggs, and she'll have some chocolate chip waffles." Nadia said pointing at Tasia who
was resting her head on the table. 
"And can you give me a bowl of blueberries?" Tasia said lifting a finger up into the air. The waitress rolled her eyes and
walked away.
"If she wanted to get a date with one of them, she could have at least tried to act nice to us. Seriously who the
hell does that?" I said crossing my arms.
"Hey, thats how a typical high school girl acts." Kevin said taking his jacket off.
"We don't act that way." Nadia said leaning closer to the table.
"What he ment to say was," Kiseop said sipping his coffee. "Thats how non-special teenage girls act."
"Exactly my point." Kevin said nodding to Kiseop.
"Well I don't know about that, CL has the mind of a 5 year old." Luna said ruffling my head. I turned to her and have
here a >;o face.
"Hey! Don't be so mean Luna! I act way smarter than that and you know it. Hmph."
"You know I was just playinggg. Don't take things so seriousssllllyyyyy." Luna said tickling me NONSTOP. My huge
laughter/cry for help, was interrupted by a enormous tummy growl from Tasia, who was moving around in her seat.
"SOOOO HUNNGGRRRYYY." She said holding her tummy. We all burst out laughing while our tummies growled too.
"Thinking about food makes me droooollll." I complained. "12 whole hours..."
"Okay, so I have a few questions for you guys." Luna said getting serious. "What are we going to do about
"Mmm, about that,"Kiseop said taking another sip of his coffee. "You guys will be home-school."
"There is more people at the house so we'll each be taking turns teaching you all." he smile.
"Home-school.... that doesn't sound so bad." Luna nodded.
"Your right... we won't have to drive to school anymore!" I chimed.
"Oooo... and we get to study in our PJ's! DAEBAEK!" Tasia clapped. Me and Nadia high-fived each other.
"Finally, we won't have to transfer schools anymore." Luna sighed happily.
"Do you guys move alot?" Nadia asked us.
"Mhmm, it's only us 2 so it's kinda hard to maintain money." Luna said sipping her tea. "But we get around pretty
fine, just have to move around here and there."
"You guys don't have parents?" Nadia questioned.
"That's a story for another day." Luna said giving her a sweet smile. "I have another question, you said as long as
we live with you, so where exactly will we be living?"
"You'll be living at HQ. Our home. " Kiseop smiled. "We recently just moved into a bigger house so I think your
ganna find your rooms extremely comfortable."
"What about all our stuff?" I asked.
"We already have your luggage at the house. All you need to do is choose your rooms." Kevin said leaning on his
cheeks. We all looked at each other. How the hell do they have all our things packed? Its only been 1 day...
"You know, your kinda creeping us out... Just a little." Tasia laughed at the guys. All of us joined her and then, a little
later an sweet old lady came to our table with the food we ordered.
"Where's the other waitress?" Kevin asked.
"Oh her shift was over so i'm filling in for her." she said.
"Now who ordered the Grilled Mackerel with rice?" she looked around.
"Me." I lifted me head up a little higher. She gave me my food and I almost drooled all over my PJ's "Kamsahamnida." I
thanked her. 
"The chocolate chip waffles?" she asked.
"Over here." Tasia waved at her. She quickly passed her the plate and bowl of blueberries.
"Thankk youuuu!" Tasia said popping a few blueberries in .
"And the Bacon and Eggs?" she asked us again. Nadia raised her hand and gave her a small smile. 
"Thank you." she said when the waitress passed it to her.
"And i'm guessing your having the Kimchi soup." she said giving Luna the humongous bowl. "Careful now, it's hot."
"Thank you. Mmmm it looks so good." Luna said gazing into the bowl.
"I'll be right back with the Japanese Breakfast soon." she quickly sprinted to the back door, only to come back with a
huge tray of food.
"Which one of you guys ordered this enormousness thing?" she chuckled. Kevin's eyes widened and glittered like a
little boy who just got a power ranger toy. Kiseop only laughed at him and started to point to Kevin with his right hand. 
"Here you go," she handed him the tray. "Have a good breakfastttt!" she said skipping along.
I'm starting to like this life already...
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Liyanamyssha #1
Chapter 23: Please update fast. I am really into this story.
MakiMaki #2
Chapter 23: Omo please tell me you will update
ThunderSchemes #3
UPDATE SOON! Eli is so cute X3