That plot twist

Odds Are In Our Favor
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The week after Rosie settled back in her apartment with Baby Francene, Mia flew back to New York and GOT7 flew to Las Vegas for another concert.

3 months later, the tour finally ended and it was already Mark’s daughter’s 100th day. A celebration important to Korean parents and families. But as foreigner parents they’d still want to celebrate this day for their 1st born especially now Seoul is their 2nd home.

In a restaurant in downtown Seoul, a few of the immediate family and friends flew in to celebrate with them. Everyone adored Baby Francene as she mumbled on incoherent words and probably dripped saliva on all of the guests that entered.

“Wow, first visit in Korea and we’re screwed. Great job, Camie.” Two girls argued in the road.

“Oh shush it, Bea.”

“Oh god, if I die in these streets I’m gonna hunt you to death.” Bea threathened.

“We’ll both be dead stupid.” Camie sneered as she continued to look at her phone’s map.

“I just want to see Baby Franny already. And food!” Bea whined.

Jackson and Yugyeom walked behind them with their gifts and heard the two foreigners.

“Oh, excuse me. Did you say Franny? Are you one of Mark’s relatives?” Jackson spoke from behind.

“Oh! You’re one of Mark’s members!” Bea recalled as they turned around seeing the boys.

“Yeah, I’m Jackson and this is Yugyeom.”  Jackson introduced himself.

“We’re huge fans!” Camie disclosed.

“Wow, thank you.” Jackson replied.

“Are you girls perhaps lost?” Yugyeom said.

“Yeah, we’re on our way to Mark & Rosie’s party but we got lost along the way.” Camie explained.

“You can come with us. We’re on our way there.” Jackson suggested to the two young girls.

They talked along the way to the venue. Outside the restaurant, fans and paparazzi’s already spotted them entering.

“Omo omo. Is that Jackson & Yugyeom?? Who are they with??” Some fans talked amongst themselves.

They watched as Mark greeted them with Baby Francene in hand.

In a matter of minutes, rumors and gossips started to spread all over the web making it one of the trending topic the whole night.

Not long, this news reached Mia the next day after her phone beeped with notifications of fans tagging her on different Korean articles about Jackson’s date.

She read articles on her tablet as she rode her service to the location site of the shoot in the afternoon. Eyes glued to the screen, brows connected as she sipped on her iced coffee.

“You seem to be in a bad mood?” Megan her assistant said as she handed her the moodboard. Mia handed her the tablet for her to read while she studied the moodboard.

“Oh..” Megan mumbled as she read on the translated articles.

“It’s been what??? A year? That’s how fast he could find someone to replace me???” Mia scoffed as she paced around the room flinging the moodboard in her hands.

“Well.. Mi,you know. A year is really a long time. Maybe, it’s not a serious thing! Just a fling!” Megan tried to convince her.

“It’s a family party. Would you bring a fling to a family party????” Mia sneered.

“Well.. I guess..” Megan said in defeat.

Mia was bothered the entire day after the news she read. She constantly argued with herself that she shouldn’t feel like this. She should stop feeling as if she’s still his girlfriend.

That night when she’s back at her apartment, she laid out her sentiments to Rosie who was feeding Francene some baby food for breakfast.

 “Mia, you guys have broken up..” Rosie stated the obvious which made Mia more frustrated.

“I don’t think I want to remind you that already. If Jackson is dating this girl. Then you should be happy for him. He expected you to date remember? He wrote you that in his letter for you.”

“But that’s the thing. I don’t want to date..” Mia disclosed.

“Because you’re expecting that you’ll get back with each other?”

She rendered silent.

“Mia, it’s been over a year. Stop waiting for him and most of all, stop hurting yourself.”

“But the tour is done..” Mia tried to persuade.

“And???” Rosie shot. “Let me remind you, you’re still in New York. He’s back here in Seoul and you’re still there. Even if you plan on getting back with each other, you can’t win the fight against distance especially for the both of you who craves for physical affection. You both will lose again in this game.”

Rosie had a harsh point into their reality.

“Do yourself a favor. Go out and give some guy a shot.” Rosie adviced. “Plus, Franny wants her auntie to be happy once she visits Seoul on her 1st birthday.”


“You are coming to Francene’s 1st birthday right? I mean, I forgive you for not coming to her 100th birthday but you should be here for her 1st.”

“That’s a year from now, I’ll make sure to be there.” Mia assured her.

“You better get your up here in Seoul by then.” Rosie threathened.

They chuckled and ended the call. Mia laid back down on her sofa while her tv was on, on a infomercial. Her phone rang again, she let it play until the message records. She doesn’t want to talk to anyone right now.

“Mia!” A familiar voice rang. “Its me, Soojung! I got your number from Rosie. Me & Seohyun are around Manhattan for a quick vacation. We heard you live here already! Let’s go out on a club tonight??? It’s been awhile! Call us—“

Mia immediately picked up the call.

“Go out and give a guy a shot huh? Alright. Let’s play your game, Wang.” Mia thought to herself as she started to dress up to go out.

The only parties she attended was for work and if she’s invited out by fashion designers on afterparties. There was never a time in the year passed that she went out just for fun. Tonight she plans to let loose and party.


Soojung & Seohyun greeted her by the entrance of the club.

“Girls!!!” Mia said as soon as she saw her two friends.

They immediately went in for a group hug and went in to get to their reserved seats courtesy of Soojung.

“So how have you been?” Soojung asked as they got their margaritas in hand.

“I’ve been great! I’m loving it here in New York!” Mia replied.

“That’s great to hear but you know what we meant..” Seohyun continued as she sipped on her drink hinting a topic Mia was used to.

“We heard the news from Rosie while we got your number.” Soojung said.

“I’m fine you guys. Don’t worry.” Mia assured them as she sipped on her cocktail.

“Are you sure unnie? That’s not what we heard from Rosie unnie.” Seohyun said. Mia dropped a jaw and squinted at the sisters.

“Is that why you guys invited me out???” Mia sneered jokingly.

“No! .. Well.. part of it. But we really like to see you!” Soojung assured.

Mia sighed back down her chair as she placed her glass back on to the table.

“I don’t know you guys. Is it too shallow to still feel jealous?”

“No ofcourse not. That’s what everyone has to go through while moving on because of love. You’ll really encounter those kinds of moments. It’s a given. Now that you’re on that phase, start working on the part of accepting that it’s over. It’s done.” Soojung comforted.

Mia rolled her eyes as she refused to. The girls chuckled at her reaction.

“Come on. Let’s spot some cute guys here. Oh! There’s one!” Seohyun said pointing to a tall guy by the bar. His back facing them.

“He looks cute!” Soojung commented.

“His back looks cute.” Mia sneered.

“Come on! Go out there, talk to him!!” Seohyun encouraged as she pushed Mia out of her chair.

Mia grumbled as she dragged her feet to the bar. She never done anything like this before. So this will be a first. When she was about to hesitate and turn around, the girls gestured her to go back and do it.

She heaved a deep breath a

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Chapter 30: This was actually quite a nice story. It had me squeal like crazy since the first book and it mirrored every fangirl's dream to meet their biases. The 2nd book made me cry so much in some parts.
Good job!
Chapter 30: Wow...I stayed up so late for this...LOVE IT!!! You're writing style is really awesome and the way you woven emotions and the ups and downs into the plot is so deep. This story is intricated. <3333 BEST AUTHOR~!
mahee1234 #3
Chapter 30: You made me bawl so hard girrrrl! But I love you for it! I love this so much! Both books have a perfect ending! Ugh! *sniff* You're amazing! <3 <3
Chapter 30: Urgh.... it was too good to end!
maistorysince1996 #5
Chapter 30: O. M. G. Authornim this couldn't have been a better ending! I love the sentimentality of it! Oh gosh i am sad its over tho. It was fun being a part of this story! Cant wait to see u in your other story! Haha
maistorysince1996 #6
Chapter 29: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA MIA's GOING BAAAAAAACKK! Hahaha sorry the feelz ^~^ but im so happy! It'll be quite the reunion i assume to come. Cant wait for the next chapter authornim!
maistorysince1996 #7
Chapter 28: Hahahahahah they really are big babies. Unfortunate that eric is gay but thats about as close to reality it can get lolol
maistorysince1996 #8
Chapter 27: Oh my gaaawwwwwddddd Rosie gave birth!!! New character status haha cant wait to read the next chapter!