Bittersweet Farewell

Odds Are In Our Favor
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"We probably, with a complicated fate have an entangled love with each other. Everyday I, as much as I can't pay you back increase my debt to you. Like lovers, otherwise like strangers, is it okay if we keep living like this? Even with as many wrongs and frequent separations, you are always there. I know that you are the only person in the world that will make me live life right."

News articles started roaming around the web along with a photo of Jackson & Mia spotted leaving their building with luggages, red puffed faces and a tissue on hand.

Naver Article

Jackson Wang & Kwon Mia reported to have broken up.

Sweetest yet saddest break up goes to?

You've read it right. An official statement from JYP entertainment has been released that Jackson Wang and his 3 year girlfriend, Kwon Mia, have broken up.

Now we all know this skinship couple isn't any ordinary couple out in the korean entertainment industry. They were popular for not caring about their paparazzi's. And one of the longest couples that have strongly been together for years. That's why GOT7 fans accepted them fully.

Although news about Idols & non celebrity couples are not that popular, these two earned respect from netizens worldwide. But due to GOT7’s current world tour promotions, our well loved couple are taking its toll.

“It was a bittersweet farewell for the both parties. Mia didn't want to be in the way for GOT7's promotions and tours..” A representative at JYP Entertainment revealed.

“And we know that Mia really do cares about Jackson's dreams and career first. They both know what will happen and settled to just let each other go and continue achieving their individual dreams.” They representative reported to us.

“It saddens the whole company because the couple grew in our hearts and we've loved them dearly. Kwon has been a really good influence to Jackson for many years and we've never seen him this happy. It breaks our heart that idols gets to face this because of their work. We recently heard news that Ms Kwon is flying to New York to continue her work. They both ended their relationship on a good note. And we hope they'll see each other in the future where they're both really ready. And the time is right for them.”

See how this couple touched a lot of people's lives? Even their staffs are concerned! They truly gave an impact to the whole kpop dating industry.

Even JYP himself gave a statement about the whole breakup! Read what he has to say about this below:

“Mia is a very smart girl and even if its against their will to break up. Jackson needs the right amount of focus for their new album promotions and upcoming world tour right now. It's very sad to hear it but I'm thankful she looks well for Jackson's being. And Jackson supports Mia's dreams as well. They were the best influential couple that I personally know in this industry and I hope this would be a good effect for the idols who wants to date in the future. Both are open minded and understanding of their career and lives. Maybe one day they'll meet again. And if they do, I give my full support.”

UPDATE: In recent updates we've received, Jackson even accompanied Mia to the airport and the two officially baid their goodbyes there. See photos below.

Each of the articles went on with paparazzi photo’s of the now ex-couple at the airport. Jackson personally wanted to send Mia off even this breaks them more.

We're so sad to hear this news! They've been our favorite couple for years. What do you guys think of their break up? Was it bittersweet?

[1982+] [-105] Mia gave me hope that a mere fan can date an idol or celebrity as long as you believe in yourself. I’m sad hearing this news. I feel like I’m heartbroken as they are.

[1233+] [-80] I hope the future will be bright again for these two. They really are an influential couple. Oppa, unnie fighting!! :(

[1089+] [-23] I hope they’re both happy with their decisions. They were my relationship goals.

[998+] [-3] The rest of the IGOT7 fandom is heartbroken to hear this. We’re still with you both! #JackMiProtectionSquad forever! Hwaiting!

[546+] [-45] It really is bittersweet :( This is so sad. I’m so sad.

Comments of pity and sympathy raced all over the web after hearing the news.

The week after the break-up, Mia booked her flight after she wrapped all of her stuffs in boxes. Rosie breaks as she sees her best friend break down a couple of times during the week. Although, Mia apologized for not keeping her promise to be with her during her pregnancy, she still promise to keep in touch. Rosie assured her that she was fine and she wants all the best for her instead.

"If I want to go on living without regrets I probably have to hold on to you, but, with my rough thoughts and the insecure light in my eyes and the you that has to keep watch over this that is probably a war-like love, because I'm dangerous, because I love you. I'm going to depart from you."

By the end of the week, Jackson mustered up the courage to knock by Mia’s door before she left for her flight. They didn’t even have a talk to know each other’s sentiments. He bravely accompanied her himself to the airport.

“This is it..” Jackson said as they stood at the boarding gate.

“No goodbyes, please.” Mia begged. Jackson smiled remembering how he hated goodbyes.

“The best 3 years were the years spent with you. I hope you reach your dreams as you’ve helped reached mine. I’ll always love you.” Jackson

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Chapter 30: This was actually quite a nice story. It had me squeal like crazy since the first book and it mirrored every fangirl's dream to meet their biases. The 2nd book made me cry so much in some parts.
Good job!
Chapter 30: Wow...I stayed up so late for this...LOVE IT!!! You're writing style is really awesome and the way you woven emotions and the ups and downs into the plot is so deep. This story is intricated. <3333 BEST AUTHOR~!
mahee1234 #3
Chapter 30: You made me bawl so hard girrrrl! But I love you for it! I love this so much! Both books have a perfect ending! Ugh! *sniff* You're amazing! <3 <3
Chapter 30: Urgh.... it was too good to end!
maistorysince1996 #5
Chapter 30: O. M. G. Authornim this couldn't have been a better ending! I love the sentimentality of it! Oh gosh i am sad its over tho. It was fun being a part of this story! Cant wait to see u in your other story! Haha
maistorysince1996 #6
Chapter 29: YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYA MIA's GOING BAAAAAAACKK! Hahaha sorry the feelz ^~^ but im so happy! It'll be quite the reunion i assume to come. Cant wait for the next chapter authornim!
maistorysince1996 #7
Chapter 28: Hahahahahah they really are big babies. Unfortunate that eric is gay but thats about as close to reality it can get lolol
maistorysince1996 #8
Chapter 27: Oh my gaaawwwwwddddd Rosie gave birth!!! New character status haha cant wait to read the next chapter!