chapter 2

Of Surprises, Misunderstandings and Miracles

Mark hums as he flipped over the pancake he’s currently making. He can’t help but to actually wonder who the little boy actually is and where did he comes from and ends up in Mark’s apartment.


He tries to recollect his memories about last night. He remembers the fact that he’s extremely tired yesterday but somehow managed to get back to his apartment safely from the train station but he doesn’t remember anyone talked to him on his way home or anyone following him(yeah even though he walks home in a zombie-like state, Mark was actually pretty proud of himself for always putting his guards up despite said condition).


Mark sighs and feels disappointed of his own self for this carelessness but he quickly shakes his head softly because what’s the use of crying over spilt milk.


“…hyungg….do you need my help?” a coy voice asked from behind him.


Mark turns around to find the little boy who trespass his home adorably blinking at him. The boy is still blinking hopefully at him but Mark knows better than to let kids wreck his home and so he smiles softly and shakes his head slowly.


“No…it’s okay…you can just sit down and wait till breakfast is served...”


The boy looks drastically upset and Mark could actually see imaginary puppy ears drooping down from the boy’s head. Mark sighs at this and tries to cheer the boy up with the stack of pancakes he just finished making.


“Hey, come now kiddo, look over here…it’s done…let’s dig in!” Mark says gleefully as he brings the plate over to the dining table. The boy perks up directly at the sight of the pancakes and quickly rush to the dining table and Mark can’t help but chuckles.


After a few minutes of preparing the utensils and pouring maple syrup all over the pancakes(courtesy of the kiddo), they begin to chow their food and strangely it’s at that exact moment Mark suddenly realized that he still doesn’t know what the boy’s name is and calling him kiddo all the time is just plain rude. So Mark swallows his food quickly with some water before thinking that it’s best to interrogate the boy when his mood is still good.


“Hey kiddo…what’s your name?” Mark asks as he sets his cup down.


The boy squints at him suspiciously as he continuously chow down his food.


“Daddy says that I shouldn’t tell random strangers my name,” the boy says eventually and Mark felt slightly ticked off.


“Well then, My name is Mark… and since I’ve told you my name, I’m no longer a stranger right?” Mark replies easily despite the still accusatory gaze that the boy is sending him.


“I already know what your name is…hyung… and that doesn’t change the fact that you’re a stranger,” the boy says calmly and Mark actually widens his eyes at the boy. The boy giggles when he sees that Mark looks quite shocked by his answer and so he points to Mark’s office id card which lies next to the water jug as an explaination.


Mark literally feel the urge to face-palmed himself for carelessly putting his id card like that(he will be charged if he lost it…one of his office’s rules).


“Okay kiddo…don’t try to play “Sherlock Holmes” with me now…you literally enter, sleep and eat in a stranger’s house! You need to check your priorities…”Mark says eventually getting a little worked up and he feels quite dumb losing his composure to a kid.


The boy blinks in surprise as he slowly process what Mark says before smiling widely.


“I guess you’re right hyung! My name is Kunpimook Bhuwakul!!” He says cheerfully.


“What…sorry Kunpi-what?” Mark asks dumbly.


The boy frowns at this and shakes his head vigorously before re-introducing himself.


“My name is not Kunpi-what!!It’s Kunpimook Bhuwakul!!”


“Okay…it’s Kunmook Bwakul..”


“NO!!It’s Kunpimook Bhuwakul!!!”


“Okay why don’t you write it down…you know your alphabets right?”


“Of course I do!! I’m almost six!” the boy huffs feeling offended and Mark actually dares to fist his pump in the air as if to say; “jackpot I got his age right!” behind the boy’s back as he searches for a piece of paper and pen.


After a few minutes, Mark could finally pronounce the boy’s name correctly and he smiles because he felt as if he achieved something (because hey in his defense the name is actually really foreign to him) until that feeling is immediately crushed by the boy’s next words.


“But you can call me Bambam!!”


Mark’s smile literally froze and he feels he’s going to get older every time he talks with the kid.






“Okay…So Bambam…you’re telling me that you follow me all the way from the train station to my apartment and you even asked my permission to live here for a while because you’re fighting with your daddy…and I agree to it?” Mark asks confusedly after hearing Bambam’s side of the story of how he managed to enter Mark’s apartment.


Bambam nods vigorously at this as he gulped down the apple juice that Mark had just offered to him.


“Wa-wait…that doesn’t even make any sense…Are you lying to me…? Because I remember clearly I didn’t talk to anyone on my way home… And I must be insane to give “permission” to a kid to live in my apartment…”Mark says quite frustrated and he could see Bambam looks quite offended.


“I swear hyunggg!! I asked you nicely and I see it clearly with my own eyes that you nod your head!” Bambam says loudly in his defense.


Mark tries again to recollect his memories of last night. Yes he remembers the fact that he didn’t talk to anyone and along the way reaching up to his floor he still didn’t hold any conservation whatsoever but he did greet the ahjumma next door by giving her a slight nod…wait…Mark’s brain is processing rapidly…If Mark hears correctly…Bambam said that Mark nods at him as if to agree with his request...OH MY GOD! And Mark literally face-palmed himself in front of the boy.


“Hyung…why did you just slap your face…?”Bambam asks confusedly as he tilts his head to the side cutely.


Mark doesn’t reply and bang his head on the table as he groaned inwardly about the whole situation…about this weird and strange and stupid and idiotic big misunderstanding that’s happening right now.


“Ahhhhh! Could it be you just realized that you’re late for work?”Bambam asks gleefully and at this Mark lifts his head at the speed of light to look over at the clock that has been hung on the wall since the day he first moved in this apartment. The clock shows that it’s almost 9 and Mark couldn’t do anything but bang his head several times on the table out of frustration.


Bambam feels guilty after seeing Mark’s actions and so he quickly rushes to Mark’s side and hugs him in an attempt to stop him from banging his head repeatedly on the table.


“Hyunnggg…I’m sorry…It’s all my fault…Please stop trying to kill yourself…I’m sorry…”Bambam says as he begins to tear up and starts sniffling while still keeping a tight grip on Mark’s sweater.


Mark stops banging his head when he heard the boy’s sniffling and he actually wanted to bang his head again because ohh godd this boy is misunderstanding the situation again....


He sighs to release some stress because even though the boy is now admitting that he’s at fault for this chain of "incidents" that keeps on happening, Mark couldn’t really blame him completely because no matter how you look at it, it’s his fault too for being very careless and ignorant of his surroundings.


“….hyung…huks…i..i’m sor..sorry..”the sniffling gets harder and so Mark finally lifts his head up and pat the kid’s head.


“Bambam-ah…please stop crying…”Mark tries to console the boy but all he gets is more sniffling.


Mark can’t help but smiles a little because even though the boy trespass his home and annoys him a lot, he still thinks that Bambam is very cute and a crybaby and he can’t help but adores the boy and he can feel himself already getting attached to said boy even though they just officially met a few hours ago.


Mark is going to try consoling Bambam once again until suddenly a loud bang is heard.




There’s a lot of poundings on Mark’s apartment door and Mark can’t help but feel himself already getting irritated. He’s about to stand up when he suddenly feels the gripping around his waist tightens.


“…th-they found me…”Bambam muffles out as he buries his head deeper into Mark’s sweater as if he’s trying to hide.


“They…?”Mark ponders out and before he could ask Bambam who “they’ refer to, his apartment door swings open from all of the force and a few men in black enter his apartment.


Mark is so shocked at this point that he couldn’t even speak or scream at the trespassers for breaking his door(Oh god the maintenance’s price is gonna be…Mark groaned inwardly). What shocked him the most is the words that one of the men throws at him as he points a gun in Mark’s direction.


“Mark Tuan! You’re under arrest for kidnapping the young master!”






hi!! okay yeah this is all for chap2 and its still unclear and sorry if its lacking romance(and the fact that theres no jackson yet) but heyy this is only just chap2,,,i promise that on the next chap jackson will make his look forward to chap3!! and to those who guess the "child" is bambam u're righttt(actually i already make it really obvious that its him hahah)

anyway thank you so much to those who read, subscribe and give comments for this fic! ^ ^ / ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


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Chapter 7: Oh dear, you updated! *hearts in eyes*
Jaebum & Youngjae are so cute omg;;; ♡
And Bambam hahah xD
Jackson in casual clothes! Mmm, I can(not) wait to to know what Mark's reaction is going to be for that since you said that there will be a progress in their relationship *squeals*
Thanks for updating girl! ♡
aag1418 #2
Chapter 6: ADJSFK;;;; I CANNOT BELIEVE! I really can't believe that I'm reading this only now like HOW?! O___o
Oh my god, this is literally giving me life! And damn I love your writing style! *;;*
I love how you are not speeding the progress of Mark getting close with Jackson. And with Jaebum too! I'm really loving the MarkSon in here! I wonder if I can expect some MarkBum from this one.. Either way, I'm so in love with this fic!
Baby Bammie is everything! I bet as Mark assumed that the kid's mother must have had her reasons to leave him, but really... How could she... He is too damn adorable! ;-; And baby Youngjae too, omg;;; *w*
And lmao at Jinyoung though! Apologising Mark's neighbourhood before shouting his arse off at Mark XD
I can't wait to read the next chapter already! Assignments are killing me too >,< But hope you are doing fine with your studies :)
Thank you so much for writing this! Definitely one of my favourite on going fics! ♡
midorinoriko #4
Chapter 6: so fluffy. update soon xD
Chapter 6: I'm dying from the fluff ;_; can't wait for the next chapter! <3
hyunyeolliemarkson #6
Chapter 6: Finally an update! Loving this chap! Thanks author-nim :)
taoftsehun #7
Chapter 5: It's okay, I love this story
JacksonWang1a #8
Chapter 5: please update soon, author -nim... fighting....
BabyShades #9
Chapter 5: this is one of my fav stories <333
I really love the way you write and don't ask me about the plot, it's amazing!!

thank you for the update and make my life brighter today!!!
aag1418 #10
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD >_<

i may be the only one but till now this is soo CUTE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡