chapter 3

Of Surprises, Misunderstandings and Miracles

Hey^^! It’s been a week since my last update so I tried to make this chap longer.…Anyway im so happy to find that there’s some people who find this fic interesting despite the vague 2 chaps and I also want to thank those who subscribe and give comments,,. THANKYOUVERYMUCH>///<

And once again English is not my first lang so I apologize in advance for my poor grammar and I feel like this chap will be full of grammar errors since I actually kinda rush this chap to be asap updated…

Oh also as to not create confusion, I kno for a fact that Mark’s hair right now is purple(ooohhh swoons he looks so damnn hot ♥♥♥ sorrynotsorry) and Jackson’s is blond but I find it quite weird to let their hair colours be like tht in my plotline so I decided to keep their hair from GGG era because it suits the most in my opinion? because hey they’re supposed to be mature adult here (Mark’s red and Jacks’s black)

Ahh there will be some swearing but not too muchh coz c'mon they're supposed to be adults they're allowed to cuss freely....

Anyway enjoy reading~



Mark feels his head is going to explode from frustration, confusion, anger, etc…you name it

Well, truthfully who wouldn’t when they’re put in the same situation he’s now experiencing.

Yes, who wouldn’t when one is being tied up tightly with ropes all over his hands and legs and a duck tape covering his mouth and a black cloth covering his head also let’s not forget the fact that he’s being kidnapped (or mannaped since Mark is an adult? jkjkjk).

If all of you are wondering why Mark is not struggling despite said condition, then you’re wrong cause he did…he tried…at the very least…but it’s useless when he’s up against 5 men.

Mark tries to analyze his surrounding carefully. He knows for sure that Bambam is in a different car from him due to one of the men accidentally and stupidly exclaims that ‘the young master isn’t even here so it’s useless to attempt anything’.

Anyway back to analyzing the situation, Mark realizes that Bambam must be the child of a very rich bastard and that said boy must be extremely smart to escape from his household or it’s just the security system lacking or whatever seriously Mark just knows that he’s in deep and he just hope that lady luck is by his side to escape the situation he’s in.

 Mark sighs softly because truthfully he’s really tired from all this weird chained-up situations from the morning and somehow his mind wanders through what happened to him earlier.



“Mark Tuan! You’re under arrest for kidnapping the young master!”

Mark blinks wildly at this statement and tilt his head downwards to glance at Bambam. ‘What the ‘ Mark thinks but then he realized almost immediately that he’s the one who’s ed up when he notices that he’s being surrounded.

Mark slowly lifts his head and not to his surprise (actually he’s very surprised), all guns are directed toward his head. But soon, his fears are being replaced by his anger because he can’t believe the absurdity that’s happening at the moment. So Mark does the only thing that makes perfect sense to him. He started shouting.




Mark couldn’t even finished his sentence when something sticky is being slapped harshly to his mouth and before his brain could register what the ‘sticky’ thing is, his hands and legs are suddenly tugged and bound tightly with ropes that somehow appear mysteriously.

 He couldn’t even struggle because everything’s happening way too fast and Bambam’s grip on his waist is not helping him. But that doesn’t stop him from trying to break free.




One of the men decides to speak up when he sees that Mark is trying to break free.


“You know it is useless and actually you should be thankful we didn’t knocked you out”


Mark freezes at this and he can’t help his eyes from widening up.


“Yeah, we’re going to do that but seeing as Boss is an extremeeelyyy busy person~ It’s going to waste his time if we knocked you down and wait for you to wake up afterwards~,” Another decides to speak up too and sneers as he said his words out.


“Right, anyway let’s hurry up! You two take the young master and the three of us will take care of this criminal,” Mark guesses that the one who just spoke up is the leader due to the ‘Yes sirs’ and ‘Rogers’ that he gets in reply but he’s actually not so sure due to the gentle face that ‘the leader’ has.


“NOOoooo…!Mak…Makkk!!….hwungg.!!”Bambam sobs out loudly as he’s being carried out of the apartment first before the man who’s carrying him says a quick ‘I’m sorry for this young master’ and knocked Bambam out cold.


Mark grunts loudly at what he just saw before he feels himself being lifted up and soon he can’t see anything but darkness as he feels a black cloth blocking his eyesight.





“—uan! Mark Tuan! Are you listening?”


Mark blinks as he realized that one of the kidnappers men begins shaking him and roughly at that so he grunts in reply as an attempt to stop who ever it is for shaking him. His attempt is successful and the shaking immediately stop.


“Listen here, you should pay attention to what I’m about to say next,” The leader (Mark assumes) said calmly and Mark rolled his eyes at the statement.


Suddenly the black cloth that has been covering him this whole time is lifted and Mark reflexively squints his eyes at the sudden brightness.


“We’re going to untie your legs so we need you to be cooperative and don’t even think of struggling or kicking us like a kid, there’s gonna be some consequence to that,” The leader says and it seems like he’s waiting for a reply from Mark’s side and so he just nods at this and the leader soon motioned the one sitting next to him to untie Mark’s legs.


After his legs are untied, Mark feels himself being shoved from the side to move out of the car and he can’t feel himself forgetting to breath because what he’s seeing is breathtaking. In front of him is a huge mansion with a simply amazing architecture.


“Beautiful isn’t it? But sadly you’re here not for sightseeing so please start walking~” The one next to him said as he begins to grip tightly on Mark’s arm and Mark could feel his other arm is being tightly gripped too.


Seeing as it’s useless to struggle, Mark just let the two men dragged him towards the mansion. He sneaks up little glances to his right and left side to try finding Bambam. Even though said boy is actually the reason why he’s in this troublesome situation, he can’t help but worry over Bambam after seeing the boy being knocked out cold. But not to his luck he can’t see the boy anywhere near him.

Once inside, Mark can’t help but widen his eyes wider than before because the interior of the mansion is actually much more amazing and interesting than the exterior. He can’t help but marvels dreamily at the design of the house. The design is actually not too fancy or anything, it’s actually quite simple compare to those luxury mansions featured in magazines but also very refined in a way that makes it just right. Then, before he knew it, Mark feels as if he’s a guest that is being toured around but that’s quite wrong because after a while they come to a halt in front of a door. The leader opens said door and beckons the other two who’s handling Mark to enter.

Mark takes note that the room is actually pretty similar to that of an interrogation room due to the way the table and chairs are being located but it’s actually more comfortable than that due to the mahogany wallpaper and some shelves filled with learning books so he can assume this is a study room intead.

The two men that dragged Mark before forced him to sit down on a chair and then the leader decides to speak up as Mark feels his legs being tied up to the chair.


“Mark Tuan, the master will be here soon to interrogate you and if you want to save yourself then I suggest you tell truthfully the truth and what your motive is,” He said and then swiftly ripped the duck tape that has been stuck to Mark’s mouth for a while.


“!!” Mark curses out because damn it hurts okay?


“Oh, let me also suggest that you talk politely as master is quite short-tempered and get mad easily,” He continues.


“Nevermind that, all of you is misunderstanding something here! First of all, I didn—“


“Stop, there’s no use telling us because what happens to you next depends on the master’s judgement…so save your story when he arrives,”The leader said cutting Mark off and Mark can’t help feel himself boiling up but he can’t do anything so he just keep his mouth shut as he wait for ‘the master’ to come.





After about half an hour, Mark sighs inwardly because seriously how long is he supposed to wait. He feels so tired mentally and decides that it’s best to doze off a little when suddenly the doors are being swing open.

Mark straightens his back reflexively and even though he keeps on a calm expression inside he’s dying with anxiety and nervousness. He glances a little to the side to try and see who is going to interrogate him and to his pleasant surprise, his ‘interrogator’ is an attractive young man. His hair is jet black and tousled back, his eyes are chocolate brown, his suit fits perfe—okay let’s stop right there because Mark is not gay(he’s bi okay) and this is definitely not the time to admire observe someone’s feature like that. Mark actually feels like he has seen this man before but shrugged it off.

Mark’s so-called ‘interrogator’ sits on the chair opposite to him and slaps a document with the words hugely written in bold ‘MARK TUAN’ on the table.He sighs deeply and tiredly before he begins speaking.


“Mark Tuan-ssi or should I say Tuan Yi en-ssi, this document here contains every piece of information about you such as the fact that your nationality is Chinese,ah Taiwanese,my apologies, your parents are living in LA and that you just moved in to South Korea a few years back but that’s not important,” The ‘interrogator’ pauses his words for a minute to open the document before continuing.


“Here, in this document, it is stated that your criminal record is clean and that’s what I don’t understand because how could someone with a clear criminal record even managed to kidnap a kid who has been protected with strict security system for 24/7? So that just gives away that you’re probably a professional in your field and let’s not prolong this conversation, I’m going to have you arrested for kidnapping my son,” He says and begins to stand up. This action makes Mark to retort quickly.


“Wait a minute! You won’t even hear my part of the story! How could you even come to that conclusion??!! Just so you know I’ll have you arrested for trying to arrest an innocent man!!! I don’t care that you’re a rich bastard you’ll be arrested for making wrong assumptions!!!” Mark pants wildly after his outrage.


Everyone in the room widens their eyes from shock and after a few seconds laughter filled the room. Mark looks confusedly to his supposed interrogator as he laughed out loud like Mark just tell him the joke of the year. The laughter eventually stop and said interrogator shifts to sit more comfortably.


“Okay then, let’s hear your part of ‘the story’ since you managed to humor me,” He smiles widely as he finished his sentence.


Mark doesn’t need to be told twice and so he begins explaining what exactly happens. His explanation is cut off as soon as it begins.


“You know that’s actually really terrible for a lie”


“And I’m telling you that I’m not lying! Ba—uh your son just appear magically like that on my bed this morning!”


The man sitting across Mark sighs tiredly.


“You know what, I’m tired and I don’t have the time to actually listen to your nonsense”


“W-wait!!You don’t understand! I’m not telling you any kind of nonsense! It’s really what happened! If you don’t believe me why don’t you ask Ba—“




All heads in the room snap towards the door and in come a crying Bambam.


“Makk....!!Markkk hyunggg!!!!” Bambam cried out as he run towards Mark and before any of the bodyguards could stop him, he hugs Mark by the waist tightly. Before anyone could react, two maids come tumbling to the room looking very worried and tried to remove Bambam from Mark.


“Yo-young master! Please let’s come back!! And stop hugging the criminal! He’s dangerous!”Both of them then bow towards the master of the house when they noticed him sitting across the said criminal.


“NOOOoooo!!Go away!! I hate everyone hereee!! Es-Especially you Dada!!”Bambam shouts as he lifts his head a little and glares at ‘his dada’.


Then silence filled the room after Bambam’s declaration and Mark could see that his interrogator looks so heart-stricken at Bambam’s words. Mark sighs and pat Bambam’s head softly to get his attention and sure he gets it in an instant as the boy’s head snaps directly at him.


“Bambam-ah… why did you say that?” Mark asks the boy softly as he continuously his head.


“Be-because dada is a liar… and no-now dada is trying to ta-take Mak…Mak hyungg away fwom me...”Bambam begins to sob again at this.


“Hey look here kiddo, I’m not going anywhere okay? And I think your dad is misunderstanding something here… so would you explain what really happened to him? You know the reason why you’re in my apartment in the first place?” Mark says gently.


Bambam finds Mark’s words soothing and this encourages him to explain what really happen. Everyone in the room listens attentively and quietly as their young master begins to blab. At the end of the explanation, Mark could see that everyone in the room look equally shock and he tries his best to not smirk because I told you so.





Jackson feels extremely bad and thinks that he’s a failure as a father. After hearing Bambam’s ramblings, he feels so disappointed and angry towards himself for being the reason that caused this whole situation. He can’t help but also feel very bad for getting a stranger involved and not only that but also accused him for kidnapping his son.

Well, people might think that Jackson must’ve lost his mind for trusting his son’s explanation because who knows probably Bambam could’ve been drugged or hypnotized or something but no as Bambam’s father he already know what his son is capable of and despite the fact that Bambam is only five years old, he’s really smart and always seems to outdo others and that include adults especially kidnappers that usually try to kidnap him.

But no matter how smart Bambam is, Jackson is always worried about his son’s safety and despite all those unsuccessful kidnappings, this time Bambam managed to disappear which led Jackson to think of the only thing that's logical to him, his son has been successfully kidnapped and thus it all leads to this drastic counter measures.

Jackson sighs as he sees Bambam sulks openly at him after finish explaining the situation and he can hear clearly when Bambam whispers to his ‘Mak hyung’ along the lines ‘my dada is a liar cause he promised to play with me but always break that promise all the time because he’s busy’. He sighs again at hearing that and thinks that it’s useless to compromise with Bambam at this point so he decides to apologize to the beautiful man sitting across him but he’s being beaten to it when the other speaks up first.


“Bambam-ah…I’m sure your dad doesn’t meant to break his promise…he’s just busy with his work and I’m sure you’re old enough to understand that, don’t you?”


Bambam nods at this but he’s about to complain when his son is being beaten to it too.


“Then don’t say that you hate your daddy…you know your daddy looks really sad when you said that…and you know hate is a deep word Bambam-ah…you don’t want your daddy to say that to you right?”


Bambam tears up at this and shakes his head. He quickly moves towards Jackson and hug him tightly like he just hugged the other man. Jackson actually has the tendency to look shock because how could a stranger like ‘Mark Tuan-ssi’ has the ability to persuade his obstinate son.


“Da-dadaa… ‘m sooryy I don’t mean any of that…I love dada so much!!! You know that right?”Bambam says as he glances upwards to see his daddy’s reaction.


Jackson smiles softly before murmuring some words like ‘daddy is sorry too’ and ‘of course I know, I love you so much too’ he lifts Bambam to sit on his lap and continues to hug him tightly.





Mark smiles to himself when he sees the heartwarming scene in front of him.He sighs in relieve that the case is over and that he won’t be arrested. But then again just to make sure, he clears his throat to get his previous interrogator’s attention.


“Uhh…What should I call you?” Mark asks dumbly because hey he doesn’t want to keep calling the other ‘Mr.Interrogator’ and then the other just blinks before tilting his head to the side cutely confusedly.


“You don’t know who I am?”


“Nope…sorry?” Mark doesn’t know why he apologizes and then suddenly he can hear the other chuckles a bit.


“Sorry, I haven’t introduced myself huh? My name is Jackson Wang”


“Oh…”and then it hits Mark why this guy is so familiar because he’s always being featured in t.v and magazines as one of the youngest and most successful people in the business world. For Jackson Wang is the president to one of the biggest corporations;Wang Corp. in SK. Anyway, this is not the time to feel overwhelmed.


“Mmm…Jackson Wang-ssi, this case is over and I’m not going to be arrested right?” Mark decides to play it safe.


“Ohh! Yes! Yes! Of course you are not! Actually I’d like to apologize for getting you involved in my family matters and for accusing you of kidnapping my son,” Jackson says as he remove his grip from Bambam and motions the boy to stand up as he does the same.


“I’m so sorry for all this mess! Please let me repay you in a way!” He says as he gives Mark a 90° bow.


This actually surprises Mark because he never thinks big shots like Jackson Wang would bow his head like that to a mere employee and anyway what surprises him most is the last words that the other directed to him. Because yes due to his son, Mark did suffer a lot of weird and traumatizing situation but no harm is really done to him. So Mark smiles and shakes his head as to refuse the offer.

Jackson gapes at him before he keeps on insisting Mark to accept his offer as he feels really bad and the least he could do is grant him something. Mark sighs at this and realizes that he probably won’t be able to go home if he refuses the offer and speaking about home he suddenly remembers about his apartment’s door.


“Well, if you insist…would you fix my apartment door? As I’m quite worried that my apatment will be rob and I can’t probably live there as the door is busted by your men?” Mark decides to say as he rubs his neck.


Ohh God…I’m so sorry for that, my men probably bust it out when they tried to retrieve Bambam right?” Mark nods at this and Jackson sighs.


“Of course, it’ll be fixed right away and we’ll make sure that none of your belongings are gone so please rest assured…but the fixings will take a while…so then, would you stay here for some… lunch?” Jackson says as he glances at his watch and then quickly gives out orders to his men to do the task right away. Mark waits until Jackson finish giving out orders before replying him back.


“ it’s okay I won’t be overstaying my stay here, I need to go and report to my office about my morning absence”


Bambam pouts at this and begin to ramble things why he should stay but Jackson interrupts him.


“But it’s lunch time already?”


“That doesn’t give me the excuse to be absent for the whole day,” Mark deadpans.


“Well, I’m not trying to offend you or anything, but are you sure you’re going to the office looking like that?”


And Mark literally froze at that before looking down to skim what he wears and surely he’s only in his pajamas. Mark turns red from embarrassment because what was he actually thinking. He slowly glances up to see Jackson chuckles a little and Bambam laughing like there’s no tomorrow.


“Sooo~sooo~ this means that you’re staying for lunch right hyung???”Bambam asks Mark excitedly.


Mark looks conflicted and can’t seem to answer the boy because he needs to seriously contact his office or he’ll likely get in trouble tomorrow. Jackson sees the other struggling and then he realizes in the fist place why the guy wants to report to his office without even thinking his appearance.


“Uhh Mark-ssi, Can I call you that?”


Mark chuckles at that before saying; ”Just Mark is fine.”


“Ohh...okay then, Mark, would you tell me where you work at?”


Mark perks up at that and tells him where he works.


“Ahh, D’Soul.Co ,Im Jaebum’s right?”


Mark looks quite shock and nods slowly.


“Then rest assured, I’ll take care of it…so in the mean time, why don’t you clean yourself up? Don’t worry, I’ll ask the maids to prepare you with some clothes afterwards,” Jackson says at ease as he orders a maid to guide Mark to the nearest guest’s bathroom.


“W-wait! There’s no need to—“ Mark begins but he’s being cut off as soon as he begins.


“Oh no it’s okay, it’s the least I could do for you especially after all the inconveniences you experience and anyway now that you’re officially a guest of mine, I can’t let you go home looking like that can’t I?” Jackson says as he wiggles his eyebrows at Mark teasingly.


“And besides…I’m really thankful that you take good care of Bambam…”Jackson pats Bambam’s head softly at this before turning to Mark once again.


“Well then I’m off to make a call, see you two in the dining room and Bambam please behave,”Jackson says as he begins to walk out of the room.


Bambam stuck his tongue out when his dad is out of the room and turns to Mark.


“Hyunggg~ Take a bath with me! C’monnn~”Bambam says as he tugs at Mark’s hand to drag him away.


“W-wait a minute young master, your father specifically asked me to guide the guest to the nearest bathroom,” The maid says looking quite frantic.


Bambam pouts but still hold Mark’s hand tightly.


“Well then, I’m still going to the bath with Mark hyung!!! I won’t take the bath without Mark hyungg!!”Bambam childishly retorts back.


Mark is going to speak up when the other maid sighs tiredly before addressing Mark if he’s okay to take his bath with said boy and Mark just smiles a little and nods at her because one thing he knows about Bambam is that the boy is extremely stubborn. Bambam shouts in glee at his approval and begins walking excitedly as he drags Mark along with him. Mark just hopes that nothing bad would happen as he allows Bambam to drag him as the maids follow in tow.



okayy tht's for chp 3, i kinda change the perspective in the middle hehe so to those of you who're confused dont hesitate to ask me^^

(this doesnt have anything to do w/ the fic but...#prayforparis...)

Thankyouu for readingg~

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Chapter 7: Oh dear, you updated! *hearts in eyes*
Jaebum & Youngjae are so cute omg;;; ♡
And Bambam hahah xD
Jackson in casual clothes! Mmm, I can(not) wait to to know what Mark's reaction is going to be for that since you said that there will be a progress in their relationship *squeals*
Thanks for updating girl! ♡
aag1418 #2
Chapter 6: ADJSFK;;;; I CANNOT BELIEVE! I really can't believe that I'm reading this only now like HOW?! O___o
Oh my god, this is literally giving me life! And damn I love your writing style! *;;*
I love how you are not speeding the progress of Mark getting close with Jackson. And with Jaebum too! I'm really loving the MarkSon in here! I wonder if I can expect some MarkBum from this one.. Either way, I'm so in love with this fic!
Baby Bammie is everything! I bet as Mark assumed that the kid's mother must have had her reasons to leave him, but really... How could she... He is too damn adorable! ;-; And baby Youngjae too, omg;;; *w*
And lmao at Jinyoung though! Apologising Mark's neighbourhood before shouting his arse off at Mark XD
I can't wait to read the next chapter already! Assignments are killing me too >,< But hope you are doing fine with your studies :)
Thank you so much for writing this! Definitely one of my favourite on going fics! ♡
midorinoriko #4
Chapter 6: so fluffy. update soon xD
Chapter 6: I'm dying from the fluff ;_; can't wait for the next chapter! <3
hyunyeolliemarkson #6
Chapter 6: Finally an update! Loving this chap! Thanks author-nim :)
taoftsehun #7
Chapter 5: It's okay, I love this story
JacksonWang1a #8
Chapter 5: please update soon, author -nim... fighting....
BabyShades #9
Chapter 5: this is one of my fav stories <333
I really love the way you write and don't ask me about the plot, it's amazing!!

thank you for the update and make my life brighter today!!!
aag1418 #10
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD >_<

i may be the only one but till now this is soo CUTE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡