chapter 5

Of Surprises, Misunderstandings and Miracles

hi!sorry for not updating in 2 weeks…and to make up for it, I made this chap longer than all the other chaps( this is an approx 4.5k long chap)^^

there are reasons for this delay, well its coz I’m truly busy last week & then when I’ve managed to find time to type up the fic…my dog bit my hand thus the delay hahahah…but seriously tho tht’s wht really happened…my hand feels numb afterwards & typing with one hand is just really…really slow…

anyway enjoy reading~


Mark sometimes seriously questions life challenges that have been given to him and this ‘particular life challenge’ is not an exception. Why question it? Well it’s clearly because he didn’t signed up in his current company to babysit. Yes, to babysit two little boys in the CEO’s office no less.

Well, the boys aren’t the actual problem because well even though Bambam is loud, noisy and annoying, Bambam is being…uh Bambam and to be honest the other boy is an angel with the given name; Choi Youngjae. Youngjae is simply said a relative of Im Jaebum or President Im as Mark and all the employees called him and a friend that Bambam just made for about approximately an hour ago as Bambam declared after a short introductions between Mark and Youngjae.

 Mark instantly fell in love with the little angel just because Youngjae is so adorable and polite and Mark can’t figure out how’s he related to President Im and well since we’re in the topic, the main problem is actually the president. President Im is basically throwing imaginary daggers every time the kids interact with Mark. At first, Mark thought that it was perhaps jealousy that’s causing him to glare at Mark like that but actually it’s much more complicated than that. It’s like President Im is warning Mark that he could kill him or well basically fire him if he hurts one of the kids.

Mark feels extremely pressured and he could actually feel the tension forming up. The two kids are happily chatting up with Mark as said tension builds up and unfortunately, Bambam being the smarty-pants he is, of course undoubtedly makes a comment about said situation.

“Why are you both sooo awkward??” Bambam slurs as he steals a glance at President Im and then returns to Mark with a toothy grin. Mark forces a fake smile at this because seriously Bambam doesn’t need to emphasize that and now Youngjae is looking at them both curiously before he asks a question to Mark.

“Mark hyung, do you hate JB hyung?”Youngjae asks as he tilts his head cutely and Mark would’ve cooed at that except the question that he’s being expected to answer almost literally breaks his mentality which is an exaggeration but try to stand in his place. Mark could actually also feels President Im perks up and awaits his answer. Well, President Im, in all honesty is a good CEO and is fair towards his employees but then again he’s very strict, meticulous and really really frightening even though Mark never really experienced his wrath directly but Mark couldn’t exactly say that he likes him.

“Why the question Youngjae-ah?” Mark decides to play it safe.

“Because you both awk-akwawd?”Youngjae says as he fumbles with the word.

“Awkward you mean?” Mark asks dumbly trying to delay his answer and Youngjae nods vigorously at that and Bambam is keenly waiting his answer. Mark sighs inwardly at this because it looks like he can’t escape not answering the question when his ‘audiences’ and yes this includes JB are looking forward to his response.

“Well,uh,um he is my superior,I’m just being respectable to him so it’s not like we’re awkward or what…”Mark says lamely and hope that’s enough to satisfy all the listening ears in the room and sure enough he hears an approval from President Im. Bambam looks weirdly at him and is going to make a comment on his reply when Mark decides to ask something that’s bothering him since their ‘reunion’.

“Bambam-ah, how did you get here in the first place?” Mark asks casually and hopes the boy takes the bait to a change in subject.

“Oh! Dada dropped me here of course! Because I really really want to meet Markie hyung!!!” Bambam replies cheerfully but Mark suddenly feels his stomach twist because the boy is left alone with another boy and the CEO no less and no offense but Mark thinks President Im can’t possibly supervise them all the time and what if something like last week happened again only this time what if it’s real kidnapping that’s going to happen and even though there’s a lot of securities inside the company building what if the kidnapper is actually someone from the company itself and is exceptionally smart. Mark shudders at the thought.

“I-I see…but wait isn’t there at least anyone accompanying you nearby? I mean a bodyguard, a maid or your mo—“Mark’s words are cut off by a knock.

“Come in,” President Im orders and the secretary comes in with a plate of cookies.

“I’ve prepared the cookies as you’ve ordered president,” The secretary says as she places it on the coffee table where Mark and the kids are sitting. President Im says a quick ‘you’re dismissed’ and the secretary quickly dismisses herself.

“Ohh!! Cookiesss!” Bambam cheered and Youngjae’s eyes twinkle at the sight. Both boys are gonna take the cookies when Mark stops them.

“Wait boys! Please wash your hands first,” Mark insists and both boys sulk immediately but comply to Mark’s request nonetheless. Mark stands up to follow the boys to the toilet when the CEO stops him.

“Mark-ssi, a moment please,” President Im says menacingly and Mark gulps at this before ushering the boys to wash their hands and then comes nearer to the CEO’s table.

“Let’s cut to the chase, before, when you’re mentioning why there is no one accompanying the brat, you’re going to ask about the brat’s mother, right?” President Im says sharply and Mark could only nod at this.

“Well, whatever you’re trying to dig, you should drop it,” This time the president’s tone is even harsher than before and Mark can’t help but flinch a little.

“P-pardon? Dig?” Mark manages to stutter the words out but it seems that the president has already lose his temper because he quickly stands and pull at Mark’s tie to bring their face closer (I swear they’re not trying to kiss haha) before he barks out.

“Don’t you dare play dumb with me Mark-ssi, I’m just telling you that what kind of information you’re trying to dig from the brat, you’ll stop it now or you’re fired!” President Im continues and Mark’s fear vanishes into thin air at those words because seriously even though he’s scared to of being fired, the thought of himself getting accused with whatever bull he’s not doing is making him boil and so his anger replaces his fear.

“I’m not trying to play dumb or anything and I’m not trying to dig some sort of information from the boy! God, why would I do that?! I’m just worried okay! I don’t want last week incident to happen again only this time it’ll be real!!” Mark huffs out and the president could only stares at him in surprise before he regains his composure in a few seconds and release his hold on Mark’s tie. Mark immediately steps backward because he doesn’t want to be chocked again.

“So, you’re telling me that you don’t know anything about the brat’s mother when you brought up the topic?” President Im asks as he gazes intently at Mark to find if he’s lying or not.

“I don’t know, I’m honestly just worried,” Mark says determinedly and the president sighs at this.

“I seriously don’t know why you don’t know about this matter and I apologize for accusing you but don’t blame me! Everyone literally knows but it’s only you who is… I don’t know too ignorant about the news…well, whatever it’s better like this but nevertheless seeing as you’re an employee of mine, I’m going to give you an order,” President Im blabbers out and as much as Mark is really curious about what kind of news that everyone seems to know but not him, he decides to push back his curiosity before nodding at the president’s last words.

“Do not and I repeat do not mention about the brat’s mother in front of the brat and especially at Jackson, do you understand?” the president eyes Mark sharply and Mark nods at this but it seems that President Im is not satisfy as he keeps on glaring at Mark and so Mark decides to say a swift but determine ‘Yes sir!’ and the glaring stops.

As the conversation between the two dies, the two boys come tumbling out of the toilet and dash towards the table to dig in the cookies. Mark approaches them and sits down beside Bambam.

“So why’re you two taking so long in the toilet?” Mark asks as he glances between the two of them. Bambam munches his cookie and swallows it quickly before replying.

“I need to poo so I ask Jae to accompany me,” Bambam grins as he finishes his sentence and a frown appears in Mark’s face.

“You can’t just ask your friend to accompany you when you’re doing your business,” Mark chastises him and he swears he heard a soft chuckle from the president when he says this.

“But I’m bored!!!” Bambam retorts back and then surely this time Mark hears the president laughing his off.




The rest of the afternoon was spent with a lot of chatters from Bambam. There’s also a lot of bantering between Bambam and President Im and also since Mark is to babysit both boys for the rest of today’s shift, he feels that he’s seeing the president in a new light because sure, the rumors of the CEO being cold and all are true but some of them are completely wrong because for instance, President Im has a soft spot for children and he’s actually a pretty easy-going guy that Mark actually feels quite comfortable talking with him now and then about work and somehow strangely astray to music.

Anyway as Mark’s shift is going to end at 6 pm sharp and it is approximately 5 minutes before 6, President Im dismisses him telling Mark that he can leave because anyway Jackson will be soon arriving to pick up Bambam. Mark perks up at this but as he’s just about to excuse himself, Bambam starts whining.

“Nooo! I still want to talk with Mark hyung!!” Bambam wails out and his whining only halts when there’s a sudden knock by the door along with the secretary mentioning that Jackson has arrived. President Im quickly tells his secretary to let Jackson in because he looks like he’s extremely fed up by Bambam’s whines. Jackson walks into the room immediately after he’s given permission to enter and is immediately tackled by Bambam.

“Dadaa! I don’t want to go homeee yet! I still want to spend some time with Mark hyung!” Bambam blurts out as he begins shaking his dad. Mark sweat drops at the sight and suddenly he feels a tap on his shoulder and is quite shock to find that the president is behind him but quickly notice that he’s hinting him to leave now or obviously Mark won’t be able to go home soon. Even though Mark feels bad for Bambam, he really needs to go home so Mark nods quietly getting the message and bow his head slightly before trying to slip out of the room but it’s probably too late already because Bambam de-attaches himself from his dad to run and tackle Mark.

“MARKIE HYUNGG!!”Bambam shouts and Mark could feel that his suit is getting wet and he suddenly feels so guilty for trying to leave the boy a few minutes ago.

Bambam starts sobbing and reflexively Mark starts his head to calm him down. Mark hears a sigh and glances up to find Jackson ruffling his own hair before both of their eyes meet. They stare at each other silently for a while before Mark breaks his gaze first from embarrassment of thinking that he could probably drown from those chocolate orbs. He quickly turns his focus at Bambam whose sobbing seems to get worse by the second.

“Why don’t you join us for dinner, Mark?”

Mark glances up and focuses his gaze at Jackson again when he hears the invitation. Bambam perks up at this and his sobbing calms down a little.

“Y-yess! Ma-mak hwu-hyung please join us! I just w-want to spend a l-little more time with you! ” Bambam manages to stutter out in between sobs. This time Mark glances down at Bambam and sees the boy’s eyes are still teary. Mark really feels bad but to be truthfully honest he doesn’t want to join them for dinner because hey he just met these people twice and most importantly he doesn’t want to burden them especially seeing that Jackson is one of those big, important people in the business world.

Mark lets a sigh out when he finally reach a conclusion before carefully lifts Bambam’s arm off his waist to kneel down so that he’s face-to-face with said boy and shakes his head softly as to refuse the invitation. Bambam gets all teary again and is going to start sobbing again when suddenly he feels Mark holding both his shoulder.

“Um, why don’t you join me for dinner?” Mark asks the boy and Bambam, with his tear-stricken face, beams brightly at this.




“Mark hyung! Markie hyunggieee! What’re you going to cook???” Bambam asks Mark excitedly as Mark is struggling with his keys to open his apartment door. Mark is fumbling with his keys but in actual honesty he feels like losing his mind because he did invite Bambam over to have dinner but he didn’t actual expect Jackson (well he is Bambam’s father so it’s only natural), his boss and Youngjae well Mark doesn’t really mind  to tag along.

“Bamie-ah, calm down,” Jackson says as he tries to calm his excited baby. Bambam just quickly gives his dad a grin and a snort is heard which Mark presumes that it’s coming from his boss.

After a few minutes, Mark manages to find the key and as much as he feels embarrassed of going to let two big CEOs inside of his small apartment, he decides to just be a man about it and let all his ‘guests’ in. The second the door opened, Bambam quickly grabs Youngjae’s hand and bolts inside the apartment as if he owns it. Mark rolls his eyes at this before letting the other remaining two in.

As Mark enters the living room, he sees that Bambam is already seated on the sofa with Youngjae and is smiling brightly at him. Mark smiles back in return and thinks that it probably won’t be that bad and anyway at least he won't be lonely for a few hours. He quickly ushers Jackson and his boss to sit and go to the kitchen to provide them with some drinks before going back to the kitchen again announcing that he’s going to prepare dinner right away.

Mark shrugs his suit off and lay it onto the nearest table then he rolls up his sleeves as he peers inside his refrigerator hoping that he has enough ingredients to feed all the guests plus himself because he is definitely starving especially after skipping his break. Fortunately, he found enough ingredients and thanks his mom for always nagging him to stock up. He ponders for a while but quickly decides to make a simple spaghetti carbonara. Soon, his mind is completely endorse on cooking and as he is going to lift the now boiled pasta, he feels a tug on his shirt and looks down to find Bambam blinking owlishly at him.

“Mark hyung, do you need my help?” Bambam says and there’s a hint that he’s insisting Mark that he should help because he tightens his hold on Mark’s shirt. Mark is going to deny because the boy is obviously the guest but then he feels a sense of déjà vu and refrains from denying.

“Okay, you can go prepare the table but be careful,okay?” Mark decides to say and Bambam beams as he nods before he starts taking out plates and cutleries and Mark thanks god a lot that Bambam is a smart kid because the boy clearly knows his arms’ limit and patiently goes back and forth to prepare the table. Mark just hopes Jackson doesn’t kill him for making his son do this because no matter how friendly and comfortable he’s getting with the boy, he is still the young master of the infamous Wang household.

Well, in all honesty, Mark is actually pretty surprised that Jackson allows Bambam over to his apartment and is much more surprised to find that he along with President Im and Youngjae decides to tag along too. Speaking about Youngjae, Mark can’t help but smiles a little remembering that the boy gets teary-eyed and said that he wants to spend more time with Mark too and it’s cheating that only Bambam is allowed to but not him and so Mark decides to invite him along and thus that’s how President Im tagged along too.




Jackson is pleasantly surprised when he sees that Bambam, his baby, his son, his top priority, his life, is preparing the dining table. He looks fondly at Bambam as soon as he’s over his shock and immediately helps and joins his baby in preparing the table. Jackson may be born rich and is currently a CEO to a big company but that doesn’t mean that he can’t do house works and chores which is weird, but sure he can do all kinds of chores except for cooking because, as a kid, his parents rarely spoiled him and taught him to always respect others whether he’s rich or poor and to always treasure all the little things. They also taught him lots of other things such as; not to waste too much money and when he’s a kid, he usually questioned and thinks otherwise about his parents’ advises but now that he is grown up and a parent himself, he feels very grateful to his parents for not spoiling him and to give him wise life advises.

Soon after seeing Jackson’s actions, JB and Youngjae decides to help too though they didn’t really do much because it’s mostly done. Not long after the table preparation, Mark enters the living room while holding 2 big bowls; one filled with spaghetti and the other with what Jackson assumes the sauce. Jackson quickly helps him up and he sees that Mark looks taken aback by his action because he literally widens his eyes when Jackson reaches out to take the other bowl. Jackson chuckles inwardly and then places down the bowl carefully on the table and Mark follows his action. After they’re all seated around the dining table, Mark decides to speak up.

“Uh, first of all, since I don’t really know what you all like, I just made a simple dish and I apologize in advance if the taste is not up to your standards,” Mark blabbers out nervously and Jackson decides to let his chuckles out.

“What’re you talking about Markie hyung?? The food looks great and pastas are one of my favs!!” Bambam says enthusiastically and Jackson sees Mark literally gives away a look of relief.

“Yeah, Bamie is right, it looks great,” He decides to add and JB gives out a small hum of approval too. At this point, Mark looks incredibly relieved and Jackson is literally holding himself back from laughing out loud and by the time he finally calms himself down, he sees Mark is putting some spaghetti and pours the sauce for Bambam and soon he follows the action to his own plate.

“Hmmm, this is actually really good,” JB says and looks surprisingly at Mark. This causes Jackson to be curious and he quickly digs some in and he widens his eyes at the taste before glancing at Mark like the other had just grown another head.

“Wow, this is actually good!” Jackson says out of surprise and then quickly mutters out an apology after realizing how rude he is for expecting the sauce not to taste good. Jackson thought Mark would be offended by his rude comment but is actually glad to see that Mark just smiles softly at him.

Jackson feels warm all of a sudden after seeing Mark’s smile and can’t help smiling back at him when he suddenly feels a kick on his leg causing him to flinch a little before glaring at the perpetrator. JB just smiles weirdly at him and goes back to eating as if he didn’t kick Jackson a moment ago. Jackson glares at him for a while but seeing that he’s already being ignored by JB, he decides to stop his glares and continue eating.

“Bam-ah, give me your glass, I’m gonna refill it,” Mark says and then Bambam obediently gives his cup to Mark. This is when JB decides to speak up.

“How come the brat is very obedient towards you, Mark-ssi?” JB asks and Jackson is actually curious about this too because Bambam doesn’t just simply obey someone. Mark glances up in surprise when he’s suddenly mention but quickly regains his composure.

“I don’t know, isn’t Bambam always like this?” Mark asks back confusedly.

“WHAT?!” JB replies back in shock and glances at said boy's dad for some explanation. Jackson just shakes his head before he chuckles out.

“Mark, Bamie is only like this with you, I mean, sure he is obedient towards me but he is never obedient to people he just met a few times,” Jackson decides to help Mark. Mark looks even more confused at the statement.

“But he’s always like this from the moment I met him,” Mark replies back and then Bambam giggles.

“That’s because I really really like you hyungggg!” Bambam grins and this is when Youngjae decides to speak up too.

“I-I really really like Mak-Mark hyungg too!” Youngjae says determinedly like he doesn’t want to lose to Bambam and laughters filled the room at this.

The rest of the dinner soon passed by pleasantly with all of them eating seconds and more for Jackson and JB because they’re both heavy eaters. Jackson learns a few things about Mark such as the older can speak 3 different languages,usually play games for a stress-reliever and that he’s quite good in skateboarding which he finds this informations similar to him. He actually finds learning more about the older interesting because it’s not everyday you find someone with similar interests. After all of them finish eating, both Jackson and JB thank Mark for having them over and the boys soon follow the action.

When they’re about to go home, Bambam makes his dad promised him that he can meet Mark again and Jackson agrees willingly because by now he sees no harm found in Mark but just in case he should assign a bodyguard the next time Bambam is going to visit Mark. As they’re about to leave, Mark suddenly calls out to him.

“Wait! Uh here, these are the clothes that I borrowed last week,” Mark says as he holds up a paper bag. Jackson looks confused for a second but quickly recalls the event.

“Oh, it’s fine you can keep it!” Jackson replies back easily grinning at the end of his sentence.

“No! I can’t possibly keep this!” Mark retorts back intensely and Jackson is taken aback by the sudden increase in tone before he relaxes and smiles at the older warmly.

“Please keep it, consider it as a gift for all the troubles we have been causing you all this time, alright? Bye now,” Jackson says and pats Mark on the shoulder before walking away not waiting for Mark’s reply.




Mark stood outside for a while in shock because the other just walked away like that before he re-enters his apartment because the night wind is quite chilly. He walks straight to his room as he concludes that he’s too tired to clean up the dishes tonight. He takes a quick shower and hurriedly dressed himself up and then sprawled himself on the bed. Mark recalls today’s event and actually thinks that overall today is not such a bad day and is actually a good one to end the week when suddenly he jumps out of bed fumbling around for his laptop because he suddenly remembers researching about Bambam’s mother. President Im’s actions were too drastic to be ignored so Mark thinks that he really should know the reason why.

Soon, after finding an article about said topic, Mark wastes no time to read about it. He found out from the article that Bambam is sort of a child prodigy.Well, this isn’t something that surprises him any longer because he understood the first time he met Bambam, the boy is sort of smart especially the fact that he didn’t mention his full name so Mark couldn’t actually recognize the fact that he’s the only heir to the Wang family.What surprises him the most from the article is that the boy’s mother is actually still alive but she eloped with another guy approximately 3 months ago.This shock Mark because well maybe not everyone is the same but how could a mother leave behind her own baby, her child, to run away just like that and even though Mark can’t really judge her because of course she must had her own reasons to leave her husband and child behind like that, he can’t help feeling angry and sad at the same time.

No wonder his boss orders him to refrain speaking anything related with the mother.

Mark shuts his laptop and walks to his bed as he thinks that sometimes ignorance is bliss. He gets under the cover and closes his eyes as he tries his best to erase the thoughts of how both Bambam and Jackson are coping. They look fine and Bambam sounds really cheerful but sometimes as he chatters away, the boy would suddenly pauses and continues with another subject. Mark used to be quite confused at the change in subject but now he understands why, it probably reminds him of his mother. Now, Mark also figures out why there’s always a tinge of sadness in Jackson's eyes when Bambam cries.

That night, Mark prays hard that his dream would sweep him off his feet from reality.



Okay well that is all for chap 5! Bambam’s mother had been revealed and later on you all will slowly know the reason why she left both Bambam and Jackson my poor babiesss huhuuu TT TT... Hope this chap didn’t bore you,,, I tried my best,,ohh next chap’ll probably be next week…and i apologize for my lack in knowledge about CEOs and such and i literally assume both CEO and president to have the same position, if my assume is wrong please do tell me (:

Anyway thank you for those who subscribes and thankyousomuch to taoftsehun for upvoting^^ <33333

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Chapter 7: Oh dear, you updated! *hearts in eyes*
Jaebum & Youngjae are so cute omg;;; ♡
And Bambam hahah xD
Jackson in casual clothes! Mmm, I can(not) wait to to know what Mark's reaction is going to be for that since you said that there will be a progress in their relationship *squeals*
Thanks for updating girl! ♡
aag1418 #2
Chapter 6: ADJSFK;;;; I CANNOT BELIEVE! I really can't believe that I'm reading this only now like HOW?! O___o
Oh my god, this is literally giving me life! And damn I love your writing style! *;;*
I love how you are not speeding the progress of Mark getting close with Jackson. And with Jaebum too! I'm really loving the MarkSon in here! I wonder if I can expect some MarkBum from this one.. Either way, I'm so in love with this fic!
Baby Bammie is everything! I bet as Mark assumed that the kid's mother must have had her reasons to leave him, but really... How could she... He is too damn adorable! ;-; And baby Youngjae too, omg;;; *w*
And lmao at Jinyoung though! Apologising Mark's neighbourhood before shouting his arse off at Mark XD
I can't wait to read the next chapter already! Assignments are killing me too >,< But hope you are doing fine with your studies :)
Thank you so much for writing this! Definitely one of my favourite on going fics! ♡
midorinoriko #4
Chapter 6: so fluffy. update soon xD
Chapter 6: I'm dying from the fluff ;_; can't wait for the next chapter! <3
hyunyeolliemarkson #6
Chapter 6: Finally an update! Loving this chap! Thanks author-nim :)
taoftsehun #7
Chapter 5: It's okay, I love this story
JacksonWang1a #8
Chapter 5: please update soon, author -nim... fighting....
BabyShades #9
Chapter 5: this is one of my fav stories <333
I really love the way you write and don't ask me about the plot, it's amazing!!

thank you for the update and make my life brighter today!!!
aag1418 #10
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD >_<

i may be the only one but till now this is soo CUTE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡