chapter 4

Of Surprises, Misunderstandings and Miracles


updated!enjoy reading~


Jackson sighs tiredly as he climbs up the stair to his room. He never really imagined Bambam to be that rebellious because for god’s sake he’s 5 okay? And he can’t help feeling really scared of what would happen when his son is a teenager. Anyway there’s no use worrying about that now because there are things that he needs to do first.

As soon as Jackson arrives in his room, he plops himself on the bed before reaching for his phone in his pocket. He made a promise earlier and Jackson is a man of his words so he’s now dialing up the number of his best friend. Yes, that’s right the owner of D’ is his best friend; Im Jaebum(aka JB).

Both Jackson and JB first met in a party when they’re kids and even though they didn’t get along at first, after realizing how similar their situation is such as being scrutinized and whispered and stared by the people surrounding them because they’re the heirs to large groups, their beautiful friendship starts. Well saying it beautiful is an understatement because there is nothing beautiful with their friendship due to both of their antics and obnoxious self. Despite that, JB is actually one of the few people that Jackson trusts.

 Anyway back to the phone call, Jackson just hopes that JB is not so busy that he could picked up his call and as if heaven is on his side, the call is connected.


Okay Jackson never expects himself to be greeted incredulously like that.

“Yah! Even though you’re the hyung, why so rude??It’s been quite long since we last talk!”

Yep JB is older by a year from Jackson.


Jackson softens at that and realizes that JB must’ve been in a bad mood because of something. Befriending JB throughout the years allow Jackson to know his friend’s habits quite well.

“Well, sorry didn’t mean to call at a bad time…so are you okay?”



A sigh is heard through the call and Jackson can’t help the smile that makes its way to his lips because he knows JB finally calms down from whatever that has been stressing him out earlier.

“It’s actually not that big of a deal…sorry for venting out my frustrations but you actually kinda deserves it”

“Hey!What do you mean by that huh??!!”

A laugh is heard through the call and this encourages Jackson to ask what happened.

“So what actually happened? And don’t tell me ‘it’s actually nothing’ because I don’t deserve to be greeted like that you jerk!!”

All right!All right! It’s just that work has been piling up and…uh…I was told to babysit…”

The last words came out as a whisper but of course Jackson could catch that.


“er!!This is why I don't want to tell you!”

“Al-alright, pfft, I’m s-sorry, didn’t mean to laugh!!Hahahhaaha! I swear!!”

“....Are you done?”

Jackson coughs before regaining his composure.

“R-right sorry…so how did that happened? I mean you freaking hate kids!”

“Mind you,I don’t HATE them…I just can’t HANDLE them well…”

“Yeah right, you literally scowled whenever you meet Bambam”

“Yah! You can’t compare your brat with the others! I swear he is on another level!!”

“Hmmph says the one who always bring him candies and toys whenever he visits…”

“…That’s just a way to shut him up from pestering and pranking me…”

Jackson snickers because he knows that JB actually adore kids and Bambam is no exception and well he’s just trying to tease JB a little but he can’t believe the other to get so worked up.

“Well, whatever, I’m actually really surprised that you agree to babysit...”

“Yeah, actually I was forced by my parents to do it…”

“Oh… wait…whose child are you babysitting?”

“My cousin’s…”

“Hmm I see…but why you though? No offense!”

A sigh is heard through the call.

“…My parents said that it could be a good experience for me…Anyway enough of this chit-chat, why did you call?”

“Mmmm about that do you know an employee of yours called Mark Tuan?”

“Hey you know there’s no way I could remember each and every employees working for me…so the answer to your question is NO”

“Well then you can ask about him from your secretary…”

“…Why should I? Wait a minute! Are you in some kind of with one of my employees?!”

“ Actually about that….” And Jackson begins explaining the details that happened earlier so as to not cause anymore misunderstanding.

“Yeah so more or less it’s like that…”



“BWAHAHHAHA!! See!! This is why I said that your brat is on a DIFFERENT level!!BWAHHAHAHHAH!!! Seriously this is golden!!!And hey its hyung to you!!”

“...I’m seriously worried to sick you know!!!How could you even laugh?!”

Jackson actually feels angry at JB’s laughter because how dare he to laugh at such a situation. A cough is heard from the other line.

“Right…Sorry Jackson-ah…I didn’t mean to laugh but PFFTT—Sorry sorry I’ll stop now…Alright I’ll make sure he won’t get into trouble tomorrow when he comes for work, that’s all, right?”

“Right…Thanks man…”




“…Bambam-ah, why’re you gripping my hand so tightly?” Mark asks the boy who’s dragging him to the dining room.

“I need to stick close to you hyung!!”Bambam replies enthusiastically as he looks up and smiles brightly.

“…Okay, but there’s no need to grip that tightly, it’s quite painful,” Mark says hoping that the boy loosens up a bit.

“Hmmm…Sorry no can do hyung! I don’t want you to be taken away!!!”Bambam replies as he grips Mark’s hand tighter.

“OW!!”Mark flinches and Bambam quickly release his hold and utters a lot of apologies. When Mark doesn’t reply, the boy’s eyes become teary. Mark inwardly sighs because seriously Bambam is quite a crybaby but that actually makes him more adorable and so Mark ruffles his hair softly before speaking.

“Hey Bam, I already told you I’m not going anywhere…that means I’m not going to be taken away,okay?” Mark says gently before he takes hold of Bambam’s small hand softly. Bambam nods at this and wipes his tears away.

“Wow…”Mark looks up towards the voice and found out that one of the two maids who have been with them the whole time to gape in awe. Mark tilts his head in confusion and this causes the other maid to quickly apologize.

“I’m so sorry for her rude behavior! She’s new here!”The other maid said as she bows and force the one in ‘awe’ to bow as well. Both of them begin to apologize and this makes Mark feels extremely uneasy.

“Ohh! No it’s okay!Please raise your heads!!…If you don’t mind I ask…uh…what do you mean by ‘wow’?” Mark asks from confusion and curiosity.

Both of the maids raise their heads and at first they hesitate replying to Mark before one of them decides to speak up.

“Um, well, the young master is actually really hard to handle in many aspects…and uh well you managed to easily persuade the young master and so I’m really impressed…” She says hastily and Bambam glares at her and seeing that the boy’s mood plummets down, Mark quickly tugs Bambam’s hand to gain his attention.

“Mmm Bam-ah! Let’s continue walking! Aren’t you hungry?” Mark asks quickly and Bambam nods eagerly at this and continue dragging Mark along with him.

After a few minutes walk, they all arrived in the dining room. Actually to be more accurate it’s not a room but a hall. Mark widens his eyes at the sight of the dining hall. He can’t help feeling so out of place at every place in this mansion and that includes the bathroom because even the bathroom is fancy and Mark admits the he could just admire and gushes about the bathroom for hours…A freaking bathroom…Mark shakes his head to snap out of it because he can feel his sanity slipping out.


“…Are you okay, Mark?” Mark snaps his head towards the direction of the voice and sees Jackson sitting across the room from where he’s standing. Jackson looks concerned and Mark actually feels embarrassed. Seeing that Mark doesn’t reply, Jackson brings his gaze to his son.

“Bambam…You did behave, right?” Jackson asks his son and Bambam squints his eyes at the accusation.

“I did! I did! I did right Markie- hyung??”Bambam tugs Mark’s hand.

“Umm yeah…and uh J-Jackson-ssi, I’m okay…”Mark feels really embarrassed from the stuttering.

“Oh..that’s good and it’s okay you can call me just ‘Jackson’, I feel more comfortable that way,” Jackson shrugs as he motions both his son and Mark to sit down which Bambam happily complies and drag Mark to sit down next to him.


The food is soon served and Mark is actually holding himself back to not drool at the sight. After the cutleries are prepared, they all begin eating and as expected the food is really good that Mark could cry in happiness because hey he’s a foodie but what impressed Mark more than the food is Bambam’s table manners. The boy is actually well-mannered and now that Mark finally notices, is that the boy actually knows how to use the cutleries well and he doesn’t talk with his mouth full and so they all eat in silence.

When they await dessert, Jackson decides to speak up.

“I’ve talked to your boss, Mark”

Mark perks up at this and thanked him and decides to ask what’s on his mind since earlier.

“Uh..If I may ask Jackson-s, uh Jackson, how’re you related to my boss?”

“Well, he’s actually a really close friend of mine,” Jackson replies casually and Mark nods at this as the information sinks into his mind.

“Oh! Talking about JB-hyung, aren’t you actually the same age as him? Uhh you’re actually older, huh?”

“Uh JB?” Mark asks confusedly completely ignoring the question.

“Oh hahahhaha! That’s what I call Im Jaebum-ssi! So, aren’t you older? So should I call you hyung~?” Jackson grins widely at this.

Mark looks shocked but regain his composure almost immediately.

“Oh…no it’s fine with me if you called me just ‘Mark’…”Mark decides to say because he seriously doesn’t mind people calling him without honorifics.

“Ahh, it must be because you’re much more used to the Western culture…Well, that makes the two of us then!” Jackson says gleefully.

“What do you mean by that?” Mark asks back.

“Well, I guess you don’t know but I’m from Hong Kong and it’s actually really hard for me to adapt to Korean cultures at first,” Jackson starts and Mark nods vigorously at that because he can totally relate.


Soon dessert is served and they begin to carry on casual conversations in between enjoying the tiramisu that has been served. Bambam joins their conversation as soon as he finished shovelling his portion. They talked for a while until one of the servants informed Jackson that Mark’s apartment door has been fixed. Mark smiles at hearing the news because this means that he can finally go home. Bambam cries after hearing the news and quickly leave his chair to hug Mark tightly. Mark looks shock at Bambam’s reaction and glance towards Jackson to see the man mouthing a sorry to him. Bambam’s sobs becomes harder by the second and Mark softens up at this and ruffles the boy’s hair.

“Bambam-ah…why’re you crying?” Mark asks the boy softly. Bambam glances upwards.

“Be-Because I *sniffs* I d-don’t want *sniffs* Mak-hy-hyung to le-leave,” Bambam says in between sobs.

“But Bam-ah…I need to go home…”Bambam just shakes his head at this and buries his head onto Mark’s stomach.


Mark continuously Bambam’s hair and shakes his head slightly when he sees Jackson is opening his mouth to probably interject the situation. Jackson shuts his mouth at that because it seems that the elder knows how to handle the situation.

“Bam…it’s not like we’d never meet again…”Mark starts and sees that Bambam perks up at this and so he continues.

“I know we will see each other again and I definitely play with you when the time comes…”Mark says soothingly and well he’s not lying because he needs to return the clothes that he borrows after all. Bambam raises his head after hearing Mark’s statement and his sobs calm down immediately.

“Y-you’ll c-come visit mwe hy-hyung?”Bambam asks hopefully and Mark smiles at this.

“Well…that’s not what I… uh.. nevermind... of course I’ll come if I’m invited,” Mark decides to not complicate the situation.

“Uh! O-of course! I’ll invite y-you hyung!! D-daddyy! Mark-hyung can vi-visits us right??”Bambam says as he turns his head towards Jackson. Jackson nods his head at this and Bambam literally cheered and after one last hug from Bambam, Mark is escorted back to his apartment with a car.




After that incident, everything turns back to normal and a week pass by in the blink of an eye. Nothing special really happens as the week pass through, Mark is extremely busy with his work and the only thing occupying his mind is the work that keeps on piling up.

Nevertheless, Mark feels quite happy especially by the fact that today is Friday meaning that he could soon go home and rest properly after a busy week.

It’s now break time and Mark sighed before he starts to stand up to meet his best friends; Junior and Yugyeom who both work in a different department from him, to get a quick lunch.

Just as he’s about to leave his office, the chief of his department; Kim Junmyeon (aka Suho) calls out to him. Mark is taken aback by this and actually feels scared because sure the chief is a very kind person both understanding and supportive and is always seen smiling but once he’s angry all the images of him being a saint, an angel, a guardian, whatever it is, completely crumbles down. So simply, said person is really really scary when he’s angry. Mark gulps at this and approaches his chief.

“Mark, sorry for interrupting your break but you’ve been called by the CEO himself to meet him up in his office,” Suho says as soon as he’s face-to-face with Mark. Silence filled the whole room and fellow colleagues who are getting ready to have their break stops in their tracks after hearing their chief’s declaration. Mark widens his eyes at this and he suddenly feels really scared because the only thing that comes to his mind from being called personally to see the CEO is that he must've made a mistake and is going to be fired. Suho notices Mark’s sudden fear and begins to calm the other.

“Hey, Its okay Mark, you’re not going to be fired! I know that for sure because you’re really diligent, so don’t worry too much and just hurry up to the CEO’s office,”Suho says gently and encouragingly before sending Mark off with a gentle smile.

Mark actually calms himself a little after those encouraging speech his department chief said to him but as he begins walking closer and closer towards the CEO’s office, he could feel his heart is going to burst out of his chest from all the nervousness and to make it worse, the ride inside the elevator seems longer than usual. With a soft ding, he reaches the CEO’s office. Mark inhales and exhales for a few seconds before knocking the office’s door. The CEO’s secretary opens the door and led him to enter the CEO’s room. As the door opens, Mark feels himself being tackled.



well i hope its not too boring since well this story will definitely be a slow-progress romance... sorry if theres too much convo going on & about the grammar errors coz again i kinda rushed this chap...thanks to those who subscribes and give comments!! also thanks a lot to aag1418 and ollyyyy for voting^^ anyway im just simply thankful to those who read this fic!!please continue giving the support! x) ❤ ❤ 

uwaaa the confession song mv is just afdhamlahskakshdkdhdkwudhfjdkkd >\\\<


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Chapter 7: Oh dear, you updated! *hearts in eyes*
Jaebum & Youngjae are so cute omg;;; ♡
And Bambam hahah xD
Jackson in casual clothes! Mmm, I can(not) wait to to know what Mark's reaction is going to be for that since you said that there will be a progress in their relationship *squeals*
Thanks for updating girl! ♡
aag1418 #2
Chapter 6: ADJSFK;;;; I CANNOT BELIEVE! I really can't believe that I'm reading this only now like HOW?! O___o
Oh my god, this is literally giving me life! And damn I love your writing style! *;;*
I love how you are not speeding the progress of Mark getting close with Jackson. And with Jaebum too! I'm really loving the MarkSon in here! I wonder if I can expect some MarkBum from this one.. Either way, I'm so in love with this fic!
Baby Bammie is everything! I bet as Mark assumed that the kid's mother must have had her reasons to leave him, but really... How could she... He is too damn adorable! ;-; And baby Youngjae too, omg;;; *w*
And lmao at Jinyoung though! Apologising Mark's neighbourhood before shouting his arse off at Mark XD
I can't wait to read the next chapter already! Assignments are killing me too >,< But hope you are doing fine with your studies :)
Thank you so much for writing this! Definitely one of my favourite on going fics! ♡
midorinoriko #4
Chapter 6: so fluffy. update soon xD
Chapter 6: I'm dying from the fluff ;_; can't wait for the next chapter! <3
hyunyeolliemarkson #6
Chapter 6: Finally an update! Loving this chap! Thanks author-nim :)
taoftsehun #7
Chapter 5: It's okay, I love this story
JacksonWang1a #8
Chapter 5: please update soon, author -nim... fighting....
BabyShades #9
Chapter 5: this is one of my fav stories <333
I really love the way you write and don't ask me about the plot, it's amazing!!

thank you for the update and make my life brighter today!!!
aag1418 #10
Chapter 5: OH MY GOD >_<

i may be the only one but till now this is soo CUTE♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡