e i g h t

Come Into My Heart

Hayoung was sure her mother was beyond happy to have Sehun as her guest for tonight, even though he was here just to pick her up. Her expression shined brightly when she informed her she had to go to his relative's wedding, after being asked by her mother why she didn't go out for today as it was weekend. Hayoung knew it was weird for her mother to see her at home during weekend as she usually spent her weekend either going out or sleepover at Soojung's.

To say Hayoung was nervous to meet his family was an understatement. Despite of knowing the fact that his parents definitely would like her - if not, why else would they set them up in an arranged date? - she couldn't ease the wariness she was having right now. She was worried about meeting his close relatives. Status and everything along the lines was not a problem at all, she wasn't worried about that. She wasn't in the drama which she was the poor lead going to meet the rich guy's family - this was reality and it was different from the drama.

Did they know Sehun and her met through an arranged date? How much did they know about them? If the female lead in the drama worried about either or not they would be accepted by the rich guy's family, then she was worried about either they knew this was all a pretend or not. Hayoung couldn't help but to think about this useless stuffs as she walked down the stairs.

The voices could be heard as she walked nearer towards the living room. It didn't surprise her at all to see that her father was with them as well. Their conversation topic definitely was all about the business and Hayoung decided not to interfere the boring conversation.

"You're already here," her father stated delightfully when she appeared in the living room, paused them from their conversation.

"You're pretty," her mother remarked.

Hayoung gave both of her parents a smile as a reply. Of course she was pretty, she tried her best to look good for tonight. It took her more than an hour to choose the dress and she ended up wearing a long, black dress that she just bought when she went out with Soojung last Tuesday. The dress was supposed to be worn for Sehun's company party but it seemed like she had to buy a new one for that occasion. Soojung claimed the dress was so revealing despite of it being so long but Hayoung could care less about it - as long as it looked good on her, then it was fine.

"We'll be going first."

Hayoung excused themselves from her parents before she made her way out from the big mansion with Sehun followed behind her. It might be her feeling, but she felt like Sehun was staring at her all the time they walked to his car. It wasn't like she was uncomfortable with that, rather it seemed like she had done something that displeased him, though she didn't know what it was.

Ignoring the feeling, she went inside the car and so did Sehun. The atmosphere was quite uncomfortable for Hayoung - there was this tense atmosphere between them and the song played on radio didn't help at all. Hayoung wanted to asked him what was wrong with him, as he was just fine having a conversation with her parents just now but Sehun seemed like he didn't want to talk at all. She thought that maybe she had to figure it out herself.

The ride was long and Hayoung wished they would arrive sooner. It was a torture to be in this car with moody Sehun. If she had done something wrong, wouldn't he at least told her? But no, he was not and he was keeping it to himself.

"Did I do something?" she asked after ten minutes of silence. She couldn't take it anymore.

Sehun turned his face on her for a moment before had his focus back on the road, not answering her question. She did nothing wrong but there was something he didn't really like about her tonight. He was overacting - he knew it.

"The heck I did wrong?" Hayoung turned to Sehun but was puzzled when the car was pulled into a parking lot of a shopping mall. She frowned looking at him. "I thought we're going to the wedding? Why are we here?"

"Your dress is just too revealing. I don't think my mom would like it," Sehun stated, staring at her up and down.

Hayoung's lips curved, forming a smile - was this the reason why he was all moody, she thought. For some reason, Hayoung wanted to laugh and for some reason she thought he was being so unreasonable. She didn't expect she would witness this side of him. He looked like a cool guy so she couldn't understand his thinking as to why this dress was too revealing.

"Isn't it better if your mom wouldn't like it? That'd end all this pretending game," Hayoung said in all honesty, not meant to offend Sehun or anything.

Sehun couldn't agree more with what Hayoung said. If her mom didn't like her, sure thing the whole arranged meeting would be cancelled in an instant but to think it would be because of her dress, that didn't make any sense to him. Her mom was always an open minded person so that dress wouldn't be a problem at all.

It was then he realized, either he wanted to admit it or not, it was him who didn't like seeing her wearing that dress. It was too much revealing to his liking. He just didn't want her to attend the wedding with that dress.

"Right, but seriously, you need to change your dress," he was still with his decision. He got off from the car and went to open the door on the passenger side, just to have Hayoung coldly stare at him.

"I really don't get you," Hayoung claimed, giving in.

She went out from the car and followed Sehun into the department store. It was embarrassing for her to walk around the mall in that dress. Everyone was giving her a look, like she had done something wrong but, luckily Sehun understood the situation - he pulled her into the closest clothing store as soon as they entered the mall. That was the only thing she was thankful to Sehun for tonight, after he ruined her mood.

"Get her a nice dress," Sehun told the sales assistant when the girl greeted them.

The girl examined Hayoung before turned to Sehun with a puzzled look. Everything on Hayoung was just perfect in her eyes. The dress highlighted the perfect curve and the gorgeous body of her - nothing was wrong with it, no matter how many time she saw it. Plus, the dress itself was pretty and it seemed like it was made for her.

"But this already a nice dress, sir," the girl drawled, not sure how nice the dress should be to be nice enough for the gentleman who was standing on her left right now.

"What he meant was a long dress with a long sleeves," Hayoung quickly answered the girl with a sweet smile before Sehun could say anything. An annoyed tone was evident in her voice.

"Yes, please do that," he replied to the girl, sounded as annoyed.

Sehun didn't really want to pick a fight with her, knowing it would ruin the atmosphere between them, but the thought there would be a lot of eyes staring at her gorgeous, perfect figure, was maddening. Sehun knew something was wrong with him tonight - probably the stress from the loads of works made him acting like this, he thought.

The girl smiled looking at, what she thought, a lovely lovebirds fighting because of a piece of dress. Working at the store for some years now, it was normal to witness a guy bought a dress for the girlfriend but never she saw a guy brought a nicely dressed girl, wanting them to pick another nice dress for her. The dress the girl wore couldn't even be compared to what was here - it was definitely a branded dress which cost probably more than her salary.

The girl led Hayoung to the way and Hayoung insisted on picking her own dress. Her eyes caught on a beautiful red mini dress but she knew Sehun probably would ask her to change again if she picked that dress. Realizing she had spent so much time looking at the dresses and they might be late because of that, she randomly grabbed a knee length dress with a lace sleeves and headed straight to the fitting room.

Hayoung went out from the room five minutes later and headed right away towards Sehun, showing the dress - either it was suit his liking or not. After having a nod as an answer from him, she went to pay for the dress but Sehun was there first, handing his black credit card to the sales associate at the register. She was about to tell him she would pay for herself before he cut her off, as if he knew what was on her mind.

"I'll pay for it," he told her.

"Well, then," she shrugged. There was no point in arguing about it with him so she better agreed with him now.

After done with the payment, the two went back back to the car. The air between them was as cold as before. Not wanting the uncomfortable atmosphere to continue, Hayoung tried to think of a topic to strike up a conversation with Sehun, but nothing came up. They weren't in a relationship where she could tell him her personal matters - their relationship were pure business. Just then, something clicked on her mind.

"Sehun," she hesitatingly called him, receiving a hum. "You have your connection in China, right?" she kept her face straight.

Sehun nodded while humming yet again, asking her to continue what she wanted to tell him. It seemed like this was gonna be a request to him.

"Can you please get me a store at the Shanghai IFC mall?" she turned to him with a smile. "Or maybe even at the Shanghai Isetan?" she added, realizing she might be quite overboard requesting a store at Shanghai IFC mall. The mall was a high-end mall - sure it was a bit difficult to require a store there when her company brand wasn't that well-known to the public yet, despite of having the connection.

"Why would I do that?" he turned his face on her, raising his eyebrow.

"Because," she stopped for a while and gave him yet another sweet smile, "let's use each other, comfortably."

Sehun laughed - she was smart, he thought. He didn't expect this would happen when he told her that on their first meeting. She sure was an opportunist. "You sure take this comfortably things to the whole another level, right?"

Hayoung shrugged. For some reason, the atmosphere in the car was getting better. Hearing Sehun's laugh just now, she was convinced that he wasn't as mad as before anymore. She was relieved for that - she disliked it when he acted cold towards her. She really didn't do anything wrong but when he acted like that, it felt like she had done him wrong. Of course she was used to fight with him - they always fought when they meet each other - but to receive a cold treatment from him, it made her feeling so guilty.

It was ten minutes after the drive that they finally arrived at the hotel for Sehun's cousin wedding. Hayoung linked her arm with Sehun's as they entered the hall, and that caught a lot of attention from some of the guests, who she thought were his relatives. It wasn't she was uncomfortable with all the attention, but it made her feel nervous. Plus, was it weird that Sehun actually attended the wedding with a partner?

Sehun pulled out a chair next to his mother for her, which made Hayoung to shot him a look. Her sitting next to his mom was a nightmare - his mother didn't stop talking to her about how much she wanted her wedding with Sehun to be like this, and she wanted her to wear the dress from the same designer, saying that she already had a dress in her mind. She could only nodded at that, while faking a smile.

"I'm so gonna kill you after this," she whispered to Sehun. No wonder he didn't want to sit next to his own mother - because he didn't want to hear his mom blabbering about their 'wedding'.

Sehun let out a small laugh, just enough for her to hear it. "You have to be familiar with your mother in law's non stop talking habit," he replied in whisper, earning a pinch on his arm from Hayoung who was glaring at him. "It hurts," he claimed but was totally ignored by her.

The rest of the wedding ceremony was like a torture for Hayoung. Sehun's mother sure didn't know when to stop talking about their wedding. She went as far as discussing their engagement date with her, which Sehun totally avoided being involved in the conversation. He literally told her mom he was fine with any date. She told his mother to discuss the matter with her parents later as she really didn't want to think about it.

Make sure to tell mom not to agree with the date because they were still knowing each other, Hayoung made a mental note to herself.

The wedding ceremony ended but they both were still in the hall, with some of his relatives. Now they were interested in her and Sehun didn't have any intention to bring her back home until he introduced her to them. It seemed like, to Hayoung, Sehun was really close with his relatives - something that Hayoung envied. She didn't have a bad relationship with her cousins and relatives, but they weren't close either. The first person Sehun introduced to her was his brother. She really didn't know the fact Sehun had an older brother. His older brother was nice. Unlike Sehun who used sarcasm whenever they talked, his older brother was being careful with his words.

"I remember you now - aren't you Jaehyuk's girlfriend?" one of his cousin suddenly asked when Sehun was about to introduce her to his cousins.


I'm updating using phone and too lazy to proofread so there might be lots of errors and mistakes. Please bare with it. Also, to those who read Silent Love, I'll put the story on hold first, because my current focus is this story. I'll try to update as frequent as possible. Sorry for the long hiatus (?) lol Things weren't that good for the past months so yeah

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[30% AM, 70%L] my laptop broke down so I cannot update this yet. Sorry. Will update it right away after I got my laptop back


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Chapter 8: I really like the story !
timmy10 #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story ~ it's really a great story
I hope you can update soon
This story is seriously amazing
jessjum #4
Chapter 8: when will you update the new chapter ????.....
Chapter 8: Please continue this story. Update soon please~ I really like it. It's now exciting. Hahahaha.
kamokamiko #6
Chapter 8:
aishah1117 #7
Chapter 8: Please update...I like your story...^_^
mariyakristinuh #8
Chapter 8: I seriously miss this story. Finally after a very very long time yaaayyyyyy!!!
Chapter 8: GghmxfznHfzjhxvk xkggsiFjzgklxhcjjc
Sehun is jealous
I couldn't believe that you actually updated
I'm happy now that you want to focus here
The one who asked if she is jaehyuk girlfriend i want to kill him
I hope they will prove him wrong
Ok i'll be waiting for your next chapter
I hope you won't take a lot of time
Can't wait for the next chapter