s e v e n

Come Into My Heart




Oh Hayoung closed the door with a plastic bag in her right hand. It surprised her that Sehun suddenly appeared in front of her with food because that was so unlike Oh Sehun that she knew. The Sehun she knew wasn't this nice and he probably was the biggest jerk she had encountered so far, calling her stupid as he pleased when she wasn't that stupid.

She put the food on the dining table as her lips formed a smile. She remembered how Sehun explained himself saying Jongin was the one who made him sending the lunch for them as he was on the way home anyway - that friend of him went back to the back after eating. To be honest, Sehun didn't have to do all the explanation because she was already aware about that. Even the moment she saw Sehun standing in front of Soojung's apartment, she knew it right away.

For some reason, Hayoung envied Soojung for having Jongin by her side. Jongin was always the kind one and considerate to Soojung - he took a good care of her and treated her like she was special, so that was why when they said they were close friend, Hayoung didn't believe it. She was sure they were more than that their selfclaimed title.

She took one of the lunch set, ready to eat when Soojung suddenly stirred in her sleep and opened her eyes. The nice smell probably reached her and woke her up from the sleep.

"Did you order that?" Soojung asked once she was out of the bed, walking towards the dining table and settled herself beside Hayoung. Her hand reached for the other lunch set.

"Sehun sent it just now but Jongin probably is the one who ordered," Hayoung answered before getting up and went to the cabinet. Two glasses were taken and she put them on the table and walked towards the fridge. She took a carton of milk out of it and poured into the glasses.

Soojung raised her eyebrow upon hearing the answer. She didn't know but she just grew to like Sehun, maybe because he was Jongin's best friend so that was why. Well, she liked every Jongin's friend - not in the romantic way but in a friendly way. Sehun looked like a nice person - just like Jongin - and he was fun. They had a short conversation last night and Sehun was the type that everyone could be comfortable around him.

"What?" Hayoung asked.

"He's so nice. I like him," Soojung confessed. "You made a wise decision to 'marry' him," she bluntly told her best friends with a playful on her pretty face.

"You like Jaehyuk too," Hayoung pointed at her friend with the chopsticks.

Soojung let out a small laugh before replying her best friend, "but I'm on team Seyoung now, not team Jaeyoung anymore," she claimed just to have a confused expression from the girl across her. She shook her head realizing her friend was so slow to understand what she said earlier. "Seyoung; Sehun and Hayoung and Jaeyoung is Jaehyuk and Hayoung, understand?"

"You know what? You're like those light weed grass, change your direction whenever wind hits you," Hayoung told her friend.

"I'm not being fickle - I'm just on Jongin's side."

"What's so great about Sehun anyway?" the question wasn't for Soojung but, for herself. She couldn't think anything about Sehun that screamed he was a nice person. Maybe there was a time when he was being nice with her and that was when he accompanied her to buy presents for Jaehyuk. Other than that, he was a total jerk to her.

"Whatever you say but from now on, I'm on team Seyoung," Soojung stated, "not that I don't like Jaeyoung anymore," she continued when her best friend pouted.

After she saw how close the two were last night, she only had one thing on her mind; they suited each other but she knew those two were not going to be together. Hayoung was happy with Jaehyuk and she had no reason to break up with her beloved boyfriend. As for Sehun, she didn't know much about him and Jongin didn't tell her anything about the said guy but he looked like all he cared for was his works and Soojung was certain that was the case.






It was Monday and Hayoung hated Monday the most - that was until Sehun entered her life because now she hated Sehun more than Mondays and to see Sehun on Monday morning just a perfect combination to ruin her day. He called her last night asking to meet her this morning. She refused and told him if they could meet during lunch instead but Sehun had a lunch appointment with someone - she wasn't interested in whom he would be meeting.

"So, why do you wanna meet me?" Hayoung started.

Sehun put an invitation card which looked like a wedding invitation to Hayoung on the table for her to take it and look at it. "Go with me," he said after a while she read the invitation.

Hayoung lifted up her face so that she faced him right now. Sehun was being ridiculous - first, why did he ask her to go with her when they were not in any relationship? Second, she had no reason, at all to go to the wedding with him. If you wondered why, the first reason had the answer.

"Do you have to attend it with me?" she questioned him.

"Did you read the bridegroom's name?" he answered her with a question.

At instant, Hayoung took a look at the card and read the bridegroom's name as ordered by Sehun. It didn't take her five seconds to realize why he needed to attend the wedding with her. Oh Minki was the name stated in the card and there were only two possibilities to it - it was either Minki was his brother or his close relative and Hayoung believed the latter.

"I'm going crazy!" she grunted. "You didn't tell me that the pretend includes going to parties and functions with you," she complained. Before Sehun told her they had a party needed to be attended together as it was his company party - she remembered it - and now his family's wedding. This really drove her crazy.

"Seriously Oh Hayoung? It's obvious because we're 'going out’ and gonna 'get married' soon."

For some reason, a weird feeling triggered her when Sehun called her by her full name, but in a good way. She liked it. No one but Soojung had called her by her full name, not even Jaehyuk. Even when he was mad, he always went by 'Hayoung-ah' but then again, Jaehyuk was barely mad at her.

"So when is it?"

"Oh Hayoung darling, the invitation card is already in your hand so read it by yourself and make sure to free your schedule on that day," Sehun was near to be pissed off - Hayoung was seriously testing his patience right now. He gave her the invitation card to her because he was just too lazy to tell her everything but if she was gonna ask him everything, it would be just a waste to handed her the invitation card.

"Oh Hayoung darling? I like it," she stated with a smile on her pretty face. It was an honest statement. "And I guess even if I don't want to, I really need to attend the wedding, right? So don't worry, you'll have me as your date that day," she agreed to it because what choice did she have? The moment she agreed to Sehun's plan, no wasn't an answer anymore when it came to anything related to their family.







A girl entered the office after the guy from the inside asked her to come in. She walked to the guy and settled herself comfortably on the chair across the guy. A file in her hand was put on the desk and she literally did nothing until the guy stopped doing his work and turned his attention on her.

"The file you asked," she told the guy shortly, pointing at the file she put on the desk before just to have the guy nodded as an answer. "I have something to talk with you," she said.

"Did you meet Sehun? He was at the party," he informed the girl, ignoring what the girl had told him earlier.

The girl frowned. Sehun was at the party? But why didn't she meet him at all? It wasn't like she wanted to meet Sehun; in fact, she wanted to avoid him at all cost. She didn't want to hurt him, though she knew he was fine with meeting her.

"He was with Hayoung," there was a short pause before the guy talked again, "Oh Hayoung."

The girl smirked. Jaehyuk didn't have to state the obvious to her. "Of course it has to be Oh Hayoung," she whispered to herself but was enough for Jaehyuk to hear it as well. "How did the two know each other?" as far as she could remember, Sehun didn't know Hayoung before and hearing he was with Hayoung most of the time at the party, they must be close.

"You know Jongin's girlfriend, she is her bestie so they probably met through the two," Jaehyuk shrugged. He told her that but he was certain that wasn't the case.

"It could be that," she nodded, satisfied with answer given by her friend.

"But Haeun, you really don't want meet Sehun at all?" Jaehyuk looked at his close friend.

The girl named Haeun shook her head. She was afraid that meeting her would bring back the bad memories for Sehun and she didn't want that to happen. Sehun still blamed himself for what happened during the accident when it wasn't his fault. She had been doing her best to avoid Sehun and she wanted to keep doing that.

"What do you want to tell me?" understood Haeun's decision, Jaehyuk didn't want to ask anything related to their old friend anymore and changed the topic to the previous one.

"It's about you," the girl stopped for a while, "your mom's words were right. It's not even their fault so you should stop your whole revenge plan," she coaxed him. When she got no answer from him, she continued again, "Jaehyuk please, they're your family. It's all misunderstanding. All you need is the explanation of what happened from both your father and her, not the whole revenge thing."

"Is he even my father?" Jaehyuk looked so pissed off. He didn't like it when Haeun talked about this. It was his decision either he should stop it or not. Haeun had no say in this matter because it wasn't her who saw her mom suffered everyday. It was him. He was doing what he thought was right and that was all. They needed to feel what he felt.

"Jaehyuk, can you please listen to your mom even once?"

"This is none of your business!"

"You're impossible, Im Jaehyuk!" Haeun getting up from the chair. She was not in mood to talk with him anymore. It was impossible for her to change his mind when he didn't even listen to his mom request. She did it because of him, because she didn't want him to be one who hurt at the end of the day but if he didn't want to listen to her, it was his choice.


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[30% AM, 70%L] my laptop broke down so I cannot update this yet. Sorry. Will update it right away after I got my laptop back


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Chapter 8: I really like the story !
timmy10 #2
Chapter 8: Please update the story ~ it's really a great story
I hope you can update soon
This story is seriously amazing
jessjum #4
Chapter 8: when will you update the new chapter ????.....
Chapter 8: Please continue this story. Update soon please~ I really like it. It's now exciting. Hahahaha.
kamokamiko #6
Chapter 8:
aishah1117 #7
Chapter 8: Please update...I like your story...^_^
mariyakristinuh #8
Chapter 8: I seriously miss this story. Finally after a very very long time yaaayyyyyy!!!
Chapter 8: GghmxfznHfzjhxvk xkggsiFjzgklxhcjjc
Sehun is jealous
I couldn't believe that you actually updated
I'm happy now that you want to focus here
The one who asked if she is jaehyuk girlfriend i want to kill him
I hope they will prove him wrong
Ok i'll be waiting for your next chapter
I hope you won't take a lot of time
Can't wait for the next chapter