Serve Me Part 2

Book of Meanie


Having a good sleep in your soft bed was always the best. He snuggled closer on his pillow, the weather have became colder, the soft cushion seems massaging him and his pillow has given him enough warm for his comfort.

How does a pillow give warm?

And why is he sleeping in his bed?

He opens his eyes quickly only to realize that pillow was Mingyu. Grinning at him, his memory about last night doesn’t match on what is happening today. How long was Mingyu staring at his sleep? He panicked and move to his side, almost falling over to the edge, when Mingyu pulled him abruptly.

“Good Morning”

They were an inch apart, and Wonwoo can’t help to notice how luscious Mingyu’s lips are, how his vampire teeth added to his handsomeness and how his voice soothes him in his outburst. His muscular big hand was on his waist, and Wonwoo felt electricity going in his body through those hands. Just suddenly, that bright moment became dark, as Wonwoo’s mind came playing on what have those hands been doing to his body, playing him, using him, abusing him.

“Get off me!”

And he fell on the floor. He forgot he was in the edge and when he pushed Mingyu away, he was caught by the pillow he was expecting to hug earlier. Apparently his pillows are thrown on the floor, since his bed is only good for one person might Mingyu throw it to make more space.


He felt like he was just a disabled person, he was thrown in his bed again then the younger on top of him giving it full weight on him. Now he question himself who was the real drunk last night, maybe him, how on earth did he ever decided to let Mingyu stay in his house when he could call a cab to drive him away? He remembered sleeping on the couch, and it creeps him how Mingyu have bring him to his bedroom and-

A lingering kiss landed on his cheek.

“I have been looking for you everywhere”

Mingyu smiled softly, and Wonwoo is in awe. He is still gorgeous as , even if how much wasted he is last night. Apparently, a known model is expected to be that beautiful.

“And I found you here, Im so happy” Mingyu’s smile grew even wider, getting their spaces closer to the point that they could hear their heartbeats. Rhythm that gives them bliss.

“Why you havent found other ing bypass?” He sharply said, Wonwoo had his hands on Mingyu’s chest trying to pry him away from their closeness, but Mingyu wouldn’t let him escape. Not again. 

“I can’t blame you for saying that”

“Get off me!” Wonwoo tried pushing again, but he hasn’t regained his full energy back. He have practically drag Mingyu up to his apartment, he have taken care of his upper clothes and decided that its time for him to take his rest on the couch while Mingyu was in his bedroom. And he felt really stupid, why he have put Mingyu in his bed instead of the couch.

“I have so much to say, so better listen” He hears those kind of tone again, the superiority in his words, but the different is, its not making him scared instead it make his heart race even crazier. Wonwoo have made himself patiently waiting for Mingyu to continue.   

A kiss on the tip of his nose.

“Ive always practice what will I say to you when this happen”

“maybe I’ll forgot because Im too nervous” Mingyu smiled shyly, avoided his eye from Wonwoo who had just staring at him. Giving him time to speak, and the moment was all for the two.

“I uhm” He met his eyes again, curiosity was all Mingyu can see but the hint of hatred is still there. Scaring all the confidence Mingyu had. His mind went black, and he said something he will surely regret.









“I think we should eat first”

















“This really looks fancy!”





The whole thing is a mess, where instead that Mingyu should be sleeping in the couch and where Wonwoo should prepare a meal for his guest. It’s all mess up that the two didn’t even bother. Though, they have so much problems to face rather than thinking who needs to do such small things.

Mingyu who have a habit on waking early, even he have been so wasted last night, he still manage to make an upgraded version of ramen on Wonwoo’s supplies. Which he called PAMAGO GHETTI, it was just an experiment added with spam and cheese.

Wonwoo eyes twinkles, hurriedly grabbing chopsticks to taste the heavenly dish in front of him. All he had in mind was to eat and get full, and no one’s gonna stop it.

“Of course” A guy who loves food so much, must also know how to make one, and that’s one thing Mingyu is so proud of.

“This is deliciousss” Wonwoo squealed, shaking his body at the heavenly taste. Mingyu felt success when his experiment dish tastes good.


“But what the , you have used up my supplies for this week just to make this. You could just make a simple ramen!” He pointed his chopstick to Mingyu, with his stare that could shoot laser if it can. Wonwoo was on a budget, he do lives alone, and making so much supplies for one dish is so much waste. Even if its combination was heavenly.

“You dont have any real food in here, so I made one” Mingyu retorted, when he was checking his supplies everything was instant. He actually needs to have a quick trip on the convenience store to buy the spring onions, garlic and pepper.

“I’m a busy person” Wonwoo avoided Mingyu’s stare and dig back in the dish.

“You dont know how to cook” He said teasingly, making Wonwoo cheeks went red. For a guy who had named himself as an independent, he should know how to make his own proper meal rather than resorting to instant or going to restaurant. Its not that he never tried to learn, he just realize cooking is not meant for him.


“hmmm?”Wonwoo look up, only to realize how close Mingyu’s face is. And he cant help to notice more on the latter. He was memorizing every detail Mingyu has which he already did. He was held captive on the moment, and all he could hear is his heart thumping. 

“I’ll going to visit you every day, and to that bar”

“I failed to send you home last night because there was no taxi available” Wonwoo lied, looking at his side. He dont lie much. And he is not even good at making one. Well he can’t say to Mingyu that he also miss him as the memory of how Mingyu have done to him keep haunting him. It was all mess up, that Wonwoo is all more confused. He is in between hate and love to Mingyu.

“Thank you” Mingyu smiled widely, whatever reason Wonwoo has given him, he cant ignore the fact that Wonwoo is worried for him that he was brought here.

“Just stay away from me after this!”

“I wont” Mingyu quickly reply, his grin getting closer to where Wonwoo is.

“Can you just leave me alone?” Wonwoo raised his eyebrows, his eyes are staring to fury. He want to rip off that smug on Mingyu’s face but letting go of his chopstick make him doubt in his actions.

“Why did you left?”

“Isnt it obvious because of you!” Wonwoo was getting red, shouting all his frustrations out. His tears are threatening to fall and he desperately made a dare to himself; if he would not cry he would be eating to his favourite restaurant.

“Then come back”

He fist his hands tight, he dont feel right to be himself. He felt unclean and filthy on Mingyu’s blackmail. Those days he cried to sleep, trying to take a bath at least three times a day just to forget his hands touching him anywhere.

“Easy for you to say”

“I miss you”

It was the same way Mingyu have told him when he was drunk, that pushes him to make a decision to take care for Mingyu for the night. He gave Mingyu an opportunity to be to his life. The two side of Wonwoo was fighting, but he chose to let his ‘angry side’ dominate the situation.

“Miss the ing sessions”

“No I-“

“You are going to make me as a ing toy to satisfy your needs and using my secret to your advantage” He cant stop his mouth. He never expected he would be this brave on this situation.

“You need to listen-“ Mingyu has managed to be beside him, holding his shoulders. Mingyu had so much to explain, he admits he was the worst person before but Wonwoo also need to hear his side.

“No!” He scream, his hands covering his face. His plans on going on to his favourite restaurant is all cancelled as he felt his tears flowing. The pain in his chest became vulnerable, and his strength starting to leave him.

A warm feeling came in to wrap his fragile state, Mingyu hug him tight trying his best to ease Wonwoo just a bit. MIngyu admitted he was the worst person before, he thought his sufferings was enough to punish him from his doings.

“Im too full of it”

Mingyu thought wrong, there was more. He massage Wonwoo back as he continued sobbing in his chest. He was to focused on Wonwoo that he didn’t realize, his tears came.

“Im sorry” He started, Mingyu’s voice was soft and gentle as he continued.

“I know those aren’t enough for all the sins I have done to you, but I wanted to keep you. I wanted to take care of you, I wanted you by my side. I want you. No. I need you”

Mingyu close his eyes and wrap Wonwoo around his arms. The feeling was welcoming and Mingyu cant help himself being entice again on Wonwoo.

“You need not me!”

He was puched by his chest abruptly, and Minghyu hands went to his hair combing it slightly because of frustration.

“Will you for goodness sake just listen!”

“Why would I listen to a liar like you?”

“Shut up or I’ll kiss you”


It made Wonwoo stop in his rant, and his world stop as he realized those words. Mingyu’s lips how do they taste? Have he ever tasted them before? He felt like he a person who had amnesia, and he has the urge on remembering how it felt, how it dances with his lips and how it dominates his entire being.


“I love you”

It was a slap of reality, and all his fantasies gone on a quick notice. ‘Love’? Did Mingyu considered it as love?

“You need to watch your words!” He launch his fist towards Mingyu but was caught by Mingyu’s right hand. It was tight grip making him focus on Mingyu’s face more. He dont like it because it makes him felt even more guilty, even more closer....

“I know what I am saying! I wouldn’t spend days looking for you, I would spend my night getting myself forgot that I ing miss you and I would not spend so much time finding you just for when I could grab anyone”

....His heart beats even more.

“I dont know how love works, but I know you are important to me”









The silence was killing Mingyu, he wasn’t sure of how Wonwoo have reacted to his confession as he was just staring him with his straight face.


“Get out!”


Wonwoo shouted, pointing to the door.



It was deafening, but Mingyu retreat in his plans, walking over the door.




“Get the out in my life!”




It was heartbreaking.


















Serve Me Part Two of Three...

Im really sorry the last part was really rushed... I’ll edit it as soon as I regained my sleep back.

Thank you very much to my 65 subscribers! Thank you for giving time reading this collection of one-shots of Meanie wooo woooo. And to the 9 commenters, wow guys you are the best! It motivates me to work better. I love you <3 <3


SO I realized I had forgot to put DK on the’Diamond Life’ post I made. I swear I did not do it unintentionally or I forgot him because he is my less bias. I have no less bias on Seventeen. Its just that I thought I counted 13 names, maybe Im really sleepy to notice. Anyway, we all know he is a ball of sunshine and also a ball of darkness when he is sad. Remember that time he cried on Seventeen Project because his efforts was not recognized during that mission. He mean he work really hard but it was even acknowledge. PLEDIS YOU ING NOT MAKE MY BABIES CRY I”LL HUNT YOU DOWN


I think I need to start making the last part thoughhhhh.. hehehehehehehe This part was already done for a while but the last scene were all conversations so I need to put some touches on it. Aren’t I? Share your feedback. Im loving it so much than you ever expected. Mwah! 

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why am i so nervous tell me what you think please


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elkiegyu #1
Chapter 1: waah. I kind of want wonwoo's pov
Chapter 7: Omg. This is beautiful. "Serve Me" is so emotional. I love the characterization. ♥
Chapter 1: woooow
meanieboys #4
Chapter 8: omg this is so good xD
Beautyla #5
Chapter 8: Aww you're so doing well on writing I'm satisfied so far well done well done. I can't wait for more
Chapter 7: Lol Mingyu be patient you 185cm baby xD
Muknip #7
Can you do a dominant mingyu and a submissive wonwoo pls? Omg ur stories are the best though, I always squeal when I read them XD
heyyy im a new subscriberrr and your stories are all so gooddd heheh can I request a story where wonwoo rlly likes mingyu's sharp teeth and ahem ;))
Can someone pls request a dominant wonwoo and a submissive Mingyu? anyways i love your stories ^^
mansae_1717 #10
Chapter 3: wait what who was talking at that last part omg