Husband + Wife = Minnie..

Forever five; Always stay by your side.


Taemin’s POV

I scanned the big box of frost containing various kinds of ice-creams. There’s vanilla, chocolate, coffee, tiramisu, strawberry, and lots of other flavors.

Hmm.. Which one should I take??

I was about to reach for the three in one choice when I saw a new flavored ice-cream hidden underneath it. I moved the box of ice-cream above it and found a sour soup flavored ice-cream.

Oh.. I haven’t tried this one yet..

Just when my hand was an inch from the box of ice-cream, I felt someone lifted me up and the next moment I found myself in a trolley with some other ingredients for tonight’s dinner.

“Didn’t I told you to stay still and don’t wander around?”

Key looked at me with his hands on his hips, pretending to be mad. I laughed at him and tried to get out but he shoved me back down. I pouted.

“Hyung, let me out please.. People watching us..”

I half pleaded, half embarrassed at the staring eyes of the other customers. But Key doesn’t look aware about it or he was just pretending not to.


“It’s so embarrassing..”

I said in lover voice, trying to hide my flustered face from both him and the anxious eyes.

“Why would you? Kid should just sit properly while parents do the shopping.. Now where is that chicken head?”

He takes the abandoned ice-cream box before and placed it in my lap and starts pushing the trolley, ignoring my whining while searching for his beloved ‘husband’. It didn’t takes long for him to spot Onew hyung at one section of the grilled food, trying a free food sample, smiling and laughing with a girl.

“Yah! Hubby! Are you cheating on me??”

He hit the back of Onew head once we get there, earning the surprised look on the blushing girl at the small counter. It was obvious that the girl had fallen for Onew’s charm.

That boy.. He didn’t even need to work hard to get the girl, just smile and that’s it.

That’s Onew’s biggest charm, his cheerful smile that comes with super adorable smiling eyes. I was kinda jealous with him about that cause even though we shared similar smile and crescent smiling eyes, his smile seems like attracting people into it while mine is still considered as an aegyoo. But I feel bad for the girl, cause obviously, Onew hyung is just too slow to realize other’s feeling and he is just.. extremely slow..

“Ah, wifey.. Here, try this! It’s delicious!!”

He fed the piece of meat on the small stick into Key’s mouth and Key started caresses his face, saying how good of a husband he is. I furrowed at their stupid sudden role play but in the same time, realized that the girl’s face blushed more.

LOL! Did she enjoy the show these two playing??

She did look like it. I’m surprised that there is someone that actually enjoys these kinds of cheap shows.

“Minnie ah, you try too…”

My eyes grew wide at Onew’s sudden invitation in my mouth. From one corner of my eyes, I can see the girl frowned.

She probably confused now…

Well, anyone will if they watched two boys, looking not more than twenty years old calling each other sweet names with a kid not more than a middle schooled itself, claiming him as their child.


I turned my eyes back at my parents who are looking at me with their shining eyes. I munched on the food and it sure does taste good. So I give them the brightest smile that they love so much and do a little eagyoo while nodding. Upon seeing this, Key couldn’t help himself from pinching on both of my cheeks and Onew started picking more than three pieces of meat on one stick before filled my mouth with it again.

The counter girl chuckles and realization stuck me.

Why am I playing along?

“Hyung! I’m not a kid anymore, let me out and stop treating me like a kid..”

But Onew doesn’t seem to hear it as he shoved more into my mouth and Key starts pushing the trolley again once his husband finished feeding me with the last piece of meat.

Seriously these guys..


Key’s POV

“Hubby.. buy me that..”

I shakes Onew’s arm slightly as my finger pointed at the man selling helium balloons with various kinds of shapes and colors at one corner of the park, still playing the role of the husband and wife.

Onew turned his head at the direction of my finger and smile.

“You want a helium balloon wifey?”

My smile went wider upon hearing the nickname he gave me. I nodded eagerly. He leaned forward to give a small peek on my cheek before making his way to the man with the balloons. I spotted an empty space under one of the shady tree near the lake and placed myself under it.

The park was filled with families picnicking. Children running here and there while parents having their own moments of affection. There are also few young couples spending their time on the benches or under the shady trees, talking sweet to each other.

I watched the bright clear sky and think of Jonghyun and Minho. It would be nice to have them here too. It been long since the last time we went out together.

I should really organize a picnic for us..

As I watched the sky, the image of Taemin come running appears from my peripheral vision.

“Yah! Hyung! Why did you leave me???”

He asked, hands on his knee as he reaches me, panting. I laugh as I motioned him to sit beside me and he follows.

“But you were too absurd with that machine..”

Laughter escaped my mouth as I recall him playing with the toy horse outside the mall. He looked so much of a kid with those excited face riding it. And he kept asking for coins to put in it every time it stopped, leaving me and Onew no other choice than to leave when he isn’t watching us.

“At least you should tell me where you were going.. Parents shouldn’t leave their kid alone like that!”

He nags and I wondered if that habit comes from me.

Aishh, I know I shouldn’t nags him a lot..

But I can’t stop the laughter that treat to crawl out of my mouth as I’m thinking of my son nagging at me. If a kid nags at their own parents, what makes their parents then? Their kid’s child? Isn’t it supposed to be the parents the one nag at their kids?

“Aigoo.. What’s make you laugh so hard wifey?”

I lifted my head and was greeted with Onew’s hand, giving me the glistering red, heart shaped balloon with the golden tinted words ‘To My Loving Wife’. I bursted into a laughing fit again at his cheesy choice.

I can’t believe they sell this kind of balloons here too..

My laugh however stopped when Onew suddenly take my chin in his hand and he gently wipes the baby tears from the corner of my feline eyes, making my cheeks flustered.

“Wifey, are you that happy receiving this balloon? Should I buy you more??”

Gah! Stop smiling like that chicken head!

“Yah! APPA! Not fair~”

Onew turns his attention to the pouting boy beside me and give his hand to the boy while smiling with a little nod, signifying him to take it. Taemin smiled and took his hand to get up.

“Our Minnie wants a balloon too??”

He asked gently and Taemin nodded. He then takes Taemin with him to buy another balloon and I managed to catch Taemin winking at me before he jumps on top of the boy.

Thank you Taeminnie! I’ll cook you steak later!

I can’t deny that Onew is indeed slow but he can be perfect too sometimes. He could be the romantic and caring husband if he wants to.

I should have known, playing this role play with him is dangerous.. I hate how he able to rubs his charm on me..

I bring my knees to my chest and hugged it, smiling happily while playing with the balloon he gave me.

They said if that when the sky is crystal clear and children laughter filled the air, it is time when the angels come down to earth to collect scattered wishes. If it’s true then, I wish for this happiness last forever.


i know itz short.. n i know i haven't been updating this story like forever..
forgive me dearest.. i can give u many reasons as to why i only update now..
but i know how ever i tried to make sense of it, it still looks nothing more than excuses..
please forgive me for that..
i hope u enjoy this chapter as well, though it might be short.. hehe..


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Lysara #1
Chapter 6: nice chapter... love OnKey, so adorable! :3
but since there's no explanations... is hard to understand what goes on...
moechiii #2
Chapter 6: Did he come back to life or...?
I just want OnTae :3
Lysara #3
Chapter 5: Wait... I'm confused... Is he dead or is he there....? He is a ghost?!
Yah! Neko explain yourself please!
And update i want to know what happened
SungYongGun #4
he is dead? D:
but.... he is there......?!?!?!
im soooo confused -.- but i like your fic ;)
please update soon i want to know what happen and try to understand :s <33
Confused :o
I want to know more. This is good :)
nice fic :D I want to know what happened to him!! Please update soon~
araryna #7
hello my cute dongsaeng :P Finally i'm here XD<br />
Dear author, yes! i'm so confused right now >___<