He Is Real.

Forever five; Always stay by your side.



Onew’s POV

It’s Taemin. Taemin is back. My little adorable Taemin is back.

I stare at the boy in my arm, leaning so close to my chest, to my heart. He looks at me and smiles.

The smile I haven’t seen for what feels like forever. The smile that I longed for.

This is a dream.. I must be dreaming..Because it’s Taemin.. Because Taemin is..


He asked, suddenly.


I blinked.

“What because of me??”

He asked me again.

His voice.. It’s sound so real..


I blink again, getting confused and happy at the same time.

I must look ridiculous right now.

“Hyung.. You keep saying that ‘Taemin is back’ and ‘I must be dreaming’.. because it’s me.. why?”

Oh, did I accidently speak out my mind?

“I didn’t say that..”

“Yes you did..”

“I didn’t..”

He stares at me with those eyes. Those sharp eyes.

I did..

“It just that.. I’m happy to see you again Taemin..”

“What? Onew sangtae again??”

He giggled at my expression and I can’t help myself from smile and planted a kiss on his forehead.

He smiled back and slides his arms around me, hugging me closer to him. It’s feels nice, we haven’t been this close for so long.

Taemin might have not known it yet, but for me, he means more than just a best friend to me. He is not just a best friend, he is my childhood friend, my playmate, my Taemin. He is my treasured friend I don’t ever want to lose.

And to think that I lost almost lost.. yeah, that’s sound about right. Almost. Since he is with me right now, here in my arm.

I should have known; he won’t leave me, us. He can’t, he promised.

He’ll never leave me. Us. Never.

He promised.


Key’s POV

I smile as I watch the two snuggling with each other on the couch. It’s been a while since I saw them like this.

When Taemin gone, Onew become a complete mess. He was nothing than a body without a soul. Like a crab without it’s shell, so fragile and helpless.

Of coz we were all sad but it cannot even be compared to Onew’s. Onew’s the worst. Added by his feeling of being guilt, he won’t allow himself to even touch his love, chicken of coz. He keeps blaming himself for the accident and refuses to take care of his own health. The first week, I had to force him to eat but it didn’t go well that I ended up letting him eat on his own, which he will only when the rest of us sleep. He didn’t even let us comfort him; keeping himself imprisoned in his own room.

Well, I’m not going to get angry at him, I too will act like him if Taemin is my childhood friend. Everybody knows how much Onew treasures that kid, he might love him more than I do. They grow up with each other, sharing identical eyes smiles and similar bright cheerful innocent personalities, anyone who hasn’t known them well might have thought they were twins. Maybe that’s one of the reasons why Onew keep acting like a kid even with the rest of us.

Though Onew is the oldest among all of us.

“Now I haven’t see that smile for a while..”

Jonghyun placed his arm around my neck and I whacked his head.

“What was that for?”He scoffed.

“Just for fun… call Minho.. Dinner’s ready..”

I said as I pushed him to the direction of Minho’s room. He gives a pout which I return with a small pinch on his nose.


I said seductively. He smiled, giving a small peek on my cheek before heading to call for Minho. I stood there, rooted for a moment. It seems like ages since the last time we had our moments, well, beside than arguments I means.

I smiled to myself, recalling back the moment ago before make my way to the living room.

“Hey.. Dinner’s ready..”

They both turn their head and an identical smile appears. I can’t help but to ruffles their hairs, which they both replied with a cute adorable pout.

See, I told you they were like twins!

“Stop pouting or I’ll finish the chicken myself..”

A grin appears on Onew’s face while Taemin just giggles before start fixing the elder’s hair. Something tells me that Taemin also fond of Onew the way the other is but I don’t think I need to ask to know the answer, it was obvious though. And I kinda jealous with that.


Because I’m the umma!


Anyway, I still have Jonghyun and Minho.

“Hmm.. Smells good..”

Onew said as he sniffs at the delicious looking meal before he takes the seat at the end of the table. Taemin place himself beside him, parallel to me. Onew picks his chopsticks and try to steal a piece of chicken popcorns from the salad in excitement but frowns when the chicken was thrown back into the bow after I hit his hand slightly.


I said, narrowing my eyes at him. He bends his head a little like a kid and I smile in victory. Jonghyun comes a while later with Minho following right behind him. He takes the empty seat beside me while Minho, looking rather sleepy, takes his place next to Taemin. I rushed Jonghyun to say our pray, getting afraid if another minute passed by and Onew couldn’t control himself anymore. Believe me, the look in his eyes while he savoring/slaving the chickens is very scary. Looks like he can turns into a cannibal if he can’t lay his hand on the chicken any moment from now.

“Here, eat this…”

I place a rather large chicken wing, which I know Onew going to be jealous for it, into Taemin’s plate. It took almost half of the plate. Onew is looking at it with wide eyes.

That’s for making me jealous earlier.

“This too..”

Jonghyun place the bindaeddeok in the maknae’s plate with a grin, which Taemin reply with his cute aegyoo.

Everybody knows Jonghyun loves his aegyoo.

“Gomawo hyung~”

Everybody does.


Jonghyun lean forward a bit to pinch both of the maknae’s cheeks and Taemin pouts while winching his nose.

Look at him. How cute..

“Taemin, here.. Take this, this and this..”

Onew place everything he caught in his radar into the youngest bowl, creating a volcano of vegetables and meats and chickens and eggs and other food. Taemin eyes his bowl wide eyed but still manages to reward the smiling sheepishly elder with his bright smile.

“Gomawo Jinki..”

Onew’s smile went wider. He loves it when Taemin calls him by that name. I smile too. To be honest, I kinda miss seeing him smiling like that. He used to be the smiling maniac but stopped once during the period which I wish it never happens. But right here, right now, seeing him back being his old self, I’m very very glad.

Something poked me on my right and realizes that it was Jonghyun. He is smiling, like an idiot, as usual.

“This feels like home..”

He said, almost whispered. I munched on the chicken popcorns while placing a spoonful of veges on his plate.

“I don’t wish this to stop..”

He rubbed my back. I tried to hold my tears, a feeling of melancholy came by a sudden.

I don’t know why.

I don’t even know why I said that.

“Don’t worry.. It won’t..”

He tries to comfort me, which always success.

“Minho hyung.. Are you that sleepy?”

A sudden question from Taemin make me realize that Minho have been so silent for the whole time. I shifted my eyes to the tall boy. His doe eyes were half opened and you don’t need to ask to know that he is sleepy.

What is this? He is the one making me cooking but he barely even eats the meals.


I transfer the fried shrimp into his bowl with the other meals. He looks at it for a while before mouthed a thanks and takes a spoonful of rice into his mouth. There’s rice left at one corner of his mouth. I was about to say that when Taemin gently removes it with his fingers and consumes it. Minho just stares at him for a while.

1 minute.

3 minutes.

5 minutes and he smiles. Taemin smiles. Onew is too occupied with his love of his life to witness it. Jonghyun grins. I smirk.

Aigoo.. These two..

“Do you put sugar in this?”

Minho asked me, finally able to take his eyes off of the younger.


He nodded and keeps on munching on the food I gave him. Suddenly he smiles.

“It’s delicious..”

He said, looking right into my eyes for a while and that’s it. I crack a smile and told him to eat more. He seriously needs to eat a lot, just look at how thin he is now. And it was me to blame for, for not giving him a proper meal.

I feel bad for him, for myself. For forgetting my responsibilities.

But fear no more, Umma Key is here now. I’ll make sure both you and Taemin going to have healthy meals from now on.

I’ll make sure to bring this family back to normal. Back to how it used to be.

Back to our old happy family.



So, this chappy is a bit short. I don’t reveal much in this update, esp in Onew’s POV but u hav to that it is important to me to keep it this way. Making it a bit mystery. But no worries, everything is going to be explained in the nex update, in Jjong’s POV. So, tell me what u think bout this fic..

p/s: did you notice the OnTae, JongKey, TaeKey, JongMin and 2MIN there? Yeah, mostly its about Tae’s pairing and if u read it carefully and a great observer, u might had already know that I’m an OnTae shipper.. XDD

(yeah! Im a big fan of Onew and OnTae and Taemin!)

this fic will highlight mostly Tae’s pairing, esp OnTae and 2MIN. JongKey will make their appearance but just not as much as OnTae or 2MIN. I hope that I could describe and shows u how this OnTaeHo working and what happens between them beside than emphasis the friendship they shared, share. JongKey will plays the big role between them and if any of u ship MinKey or OnKey or OnHo or JongHo or OnJjong or.. oh wait, there’s no more.. don’t worry.. I’ll put them. I always have trouble in pairing the boys which mean I always mess up with the pairing, so u need no worry of seeing your fave pairing..

Oh, I guessed I rambled a lot now.. I think I should stop. Till the next update, chaos!

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Lysara #1
Chapter 6: nice chapter... love OnKey, so adorable! :3
but since there's no explanations... is hard to understand what goes on...
moechiii #2
Chapter 6: Did he come back to life or...?
I just want OnTae :3
Lysara #3
Chapter 5: Wait... I'm confused... Is he dead or is he there....? He is a ghost?!
Yah! Neko explain yourself please!
And update i want to know what happened
SungYongGun #4
he is dead? D:
but.... he is there......?!?!?!
im soooo confused -.- but i like your fic ;)
please update soon i want to know what happen and try to understand :s <33
Confused :o
I want to know more. This is good :)
nice fic :D I want to know what happened to him!! Please update soon~
araryna #7
hello my cute dongsaeng :P Finally i'm here XD<br />
Dear author, yes! i'm so confused right now >___<