Of Happiness and Sorrow.

Forever five; Always stay by your side.


Minho’s POV

I had a dream. A nice one. A dream of Taemin, with us.

I haven’t seen him smiling like that for a while right now. Usually he would appear with a sad looks and pain in his eyes. And he would always disappear before I could grab him.

But this time it’s different. He was smiling, like an angel. His voice was cheer and he even touched me. He was sitting there, here, next to me.

It feels so real. Almost perfect with his bright smile. I wouldn’t mind having the same dream for the rest of my live. At least it is better than the one I dreamt before.

“Yah! Onew hyung! You cheat!!”

I can still hear his voice.

“No I don’t! You just worse with this game..”

Ahh.. They might be playing the ‘Snake and Ladder’ game. Taemin at it and Onew always uses it to win that boy.

“But you insist..”

But you always give him that way Taemin...

“You didn’t say you don’t want it either..”

That’s because you keep using those aegyoo on him hyung…

“I’m not playing anymore.. I’m going to sleep..”

I can imagine Onew’s cute pouts as he tries to keep Taemin with him. But Taemin would just pretend to ignore him, leaving him pouting more than ever before he would playfully sneak behind the older and tickles him.

“AH HAHAHA.. Tae- Taemin.. Taeminn ahh… S- st-stoop!.. StoOoOopp…”

And yes, I was right again. No need to tell me.

. . . . . .

. . . . .

. . .

. .


I stared at the steadily moving fan on the ceiling.

“Say Mickey..”

I blinked my eyes.

“N- No!”

Onew’s voice filled the house, followed with his loud laughter. I blink again.

“Give it up hyung..”

I frowned. I was more than sure that voice belongs to Taemin. And I’m pretty sure that I was wide awake now.

“Mi- Min.. Minnie…”

I pinched my cheek.


It hurts.. I’m not dreaming..


But it’s Taemin’s.

“Al- allrite…”

I’m must be dreaming..

“Say it~”

I must be..

“Mic- kkey..”

I must..

“No stuttering please..”


“Mickey! Mickey Mickey Mickey!!”

It’s him!

“Hahaha.. You should see your face hyung!! It’s priceless..”

It’s really him!

I quickly stand up, sending the blanket over me off the floor.

Since when do I lay on my bed?

Ah, it probably be Jonghyun..

But wait, Jonghyun dread this room. He won’t just came in and..

He won’t.. Unless..

“Oh, you’re awake..”

I walked passed Key, ignoring him as I made my way to the living room. And I could have sworn I was dreaming.

There, in front of my very eyes.. I saw the most miraculous thing I’ve ever seen in my life.

Miracles don’t happen in real life, don’t they? Then somebody please explain this to me.

Why is there’s Taemin and Onew laughing like hell on the floor? Why is Key watch it like it was something normal? And why does Jonghyun stuttering at my name??

“Minh.. Minho..”

At this point, both Taemin and Onew had already stop their playing time and landed their eyes on me. I can see Taemin’s bright smile clearly now.

“Minho hyung.. You awake? Wanna join us?? Onew hyung is playing dirt—“

He didn’t even get to finish his words when Jonghyun suddenly interrupted him.


“Yea hyung??”

“Why don’t you go take a walk with Onew hyung for a while?”

“But I.. Minho hyu—“

“I need to talk with him.. You won’t mind if I borrow him for a while, won’t you?”

He looks at me, than to Jonghyun with a confused face. Jonghyun put a puppy eyes on him and he smiles, nodding his head like a bubble doll.

“Hmm! Onew hyung, let’s go to the park and have ice-creams..”

He stretches his arms in a very cute way as he get up. Usually I would just jump and hugs him tightly whenever he did that but after what happened and with this state of mind about what is going on, I just stood there, rooted, like a mannequin while he takes Onew’s hand and help the boy to get on his feet. I still had my eyes on them when Jonghyun waves them little waves as they walks out of the door.

 “How about you tag along too, Key? Just to make sure..”

Jonghyun said to Key who just came out from the kitchen. The kitty eyes boy give him a glare as he crossed his hand. Obviously didn’t like the idea of Jonghyun giving orders to him.

“Ayy.. Do you really want to get rid of me too??”

He holds his position, looking not less than a scary principle scolding his student but Jonghyun just smile.

“Why don’t you buy the food for lunch?? There’s barely left after you cook almost everything for yesterday’s dinner and this morning we haven’t eaten anything at all except for coco puffs…”

He said and Key’s ears immediately perk up at the mention of food. Something tells me that whatever the thing this guy had to say to me, it wasn’t something as easy as it could be. Or else, he won’t ask Key to leave.

“Ah! Speaking of that.. Yah! Wait for me..”

Soon as I watch Key disappear from the front door, Jonghyun pulls my hand and drags me to the balcony. Once we reached there, he makes sure that the door to the balcony was locked from the outside before asking me to sit on the wooden chair placed at one corner.

“Hyung.. What.. What was that?”

I asked, after finally able talk again once he takes his seat in front of me. He looks at me with something that I can’t decipher in his eyes. The air was silent for a while and I don’t make any attempt to rush him. I know whatever it is, it must be hard for him to explain since the Kim Jonghyun that I know, isn’t a serious person. He will only get on his serious mode when something bad/serious happens.

“I have something to tell you.. But you must swear that you won’t be mad, fumed, angry, or whatever..”

He said after a long paused. I nodded, having no other option except to agree. He looks at me in the eyes and takes my hand in his, warming it before inhaled a little more than usual amount of air.

“What ever you see earlier, it’s true..”

He stopped and I don’t bother to interrupt.

“It’s Taemin.. Taemin is… back..”

I raise my eyebrow in confusion.

How can Taemin be here? He’s gone.. He won’t come back.. He’s… he’sdead

As if he could read my mind, Jonghyun nodded and explain what is going on and how he, too, can’t believe it at first.

“But now he’s here, when I sees Key smiling like that and Onew hyung is back to his old self.. I just.. I don’t want it to stop Minho.. They both had been suffering enough all this while..”

I look at him, there’s a slight hint of tremble in his tone and even though he tried to avoid my eyes, I can tell that he was trying to hold his tears.

“Minho, you understand my feeling right? I just.. I don’t want this house to be gloomy again..”

He lifts his head and shoots me almost teary eyes contains nothing but hopes, not begging, not pleading either.

“Minho.. You wish the same too, right?”

I stare into his eyes, trying to figure if he was playing a trick or teasing me. He did warn to annoy me right? But no, I don’t find any mischievousness in it.

“Hit me”


“Hit me! I need to know if this-“

I didn’t get to finish my word when I felt his fist make a contact with my cheek, leaving a huge amount of pain and reddish skin.

“Auch.. That’s hurt..”

I whined and he immediately takes my face near him to inspect the injure he done. I let a small chuckle and he furrows.


He hit my arm slightly and I laugh at his expression.

“I really thought I hurt you just now..”

“But hyung.. It’s really hurt.. “

I pout. Its feel a while since the last time I played with him.

“It’s not a dream Minho..”

“I know.. Or else it won’t hurt so much…”

“Im sorry that I hurt you…”

“And you ruin my pretty face..”

His serious face crack at the word I use and a chuckle escape his lips.

“Pretty?? Since when did you start to admit you’re pretty??”

“Since you start being so serious I guess..??”


He hits my chest, this time a lot slightly before he took me inside the kitchen and boil some eggs to place at my bruised cheek.


Haha! More JongHo scene.. anyone wanna complain bout it? sorry but I kinda into this pair lately.. mian.. back to the story, since now Minho knows, what do you think will happen after this? Could he play along with Jonghyun and the other or he will just shake the truth out of them? Will he be able to accept Taemin and pretend that whatever happened never happens? Can they, live happily like before?

p/s: hmm.. which coupling I haven’t put in yet?? OnHo? OnJjong?? I kinda miss 2MIN.. hmm.. can anyone guess which couple will appear next??haha, read my mind! :P

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Lysara #1
Chapter 6: nice chapter... love OnKey, so adorable! :3
but since there's no explanations... is hard to understand what goes on...
moechiii #2
Chapter 6: Did he come back to life or...?
I just want OnTae :3
Lysara #3
Chapter 5: Wait... I'm confused... Is he dead or is he there....? He is a ghost?!
Yah! Neko explain yourself please!
And update i want to know what happened
SungYongGun #4
he is dead? D:
but.... he is there......?!?!?!
im soooo confused -.- but i like your fic ;)
please update soon i want to know what happen and try to understand :s <33
Confused :o
I want to know more. This is good :)
nice fic :D I want to know what happened to him!! Please update soon~
araryna #7
hello my cute dongsaeng :P Finally i'm here XD<br />
Dear author, yes! i'm so confused right now >___<