
One wish

I panted loudly trying to make sense of my situation. Everything around me was so normal yet crazily different in my eyes. There was a calender full of dates that was right beside a large poster. The poster was of myself. I was wearing a jacket but no shirt underneath revealing abs that I never knew I had.

There was a a small company logo on the bottom left. It was an entertainment industry logo. A photography company to be exact. It's a popular industry in the entertainment world for singing celebrities. But what I am doing on the photo? Perhaps it's not me but the guy has the same facial features although a little different. He looked perfect in every nook and corner. It was bizarre to look at myself like this.

A small creaking noise of a door was heard and I hastily pulled the blanket up over my head. There were loud definate footsteps of what sounded like a man. He spoke loud and clearly, "Chin, wake up!"

A strike of fear and unassurance struck through me as he pulled the blanket off my head. "WAKE UP."

I was dazed and confused on how he knew my name. I was actually confused by all of it. I'm in a room I've never seen before being awoken by a stranger who knows my name. There's also the bizarre poster of myself stuck up on the wall. It must be a dream or a prank by Kyung but it all feels too sureal.

"Chin! Get up, you're going to be late for the interview," the man shouted, tapping me on the arm.

I opened my eyes slowly, trying see the man in flesh. He was in a luxurious suit and had dark black hair. A smile that could pursuade anyone to do anything and eyes that seemed innocent. Who was this man?

"Ugh, w-who are you?" I stuttered, trying to back myself against the wall. I held my hands up in a fighting position but he just returned a bizarre look.

"What are you talking about? Stop playing games and get ready for the interview. You also have a photo shoot after and I know that it's your fifth one already this week but ever since your last debut people have been raving for you. So hop up and take a nice shower. Perhaps that will wake you up, now hurry!" He huffed, talking so fastly that I only heard chunks of what he said.

"Erm okay..." I said uncertain.

I decided to just play along with this until I fully understood what was going on. He said I had an interview and photo shoot because of a recent debut I had. What does that mean? If he thinks I'm a singer, he's mistaken. Although he did call me Chin before. I'll just keep tagging along with this for now.

After a quick shower I examined myself in the full body mirror. I was completely , inspecting my body from toe to head. I had abs, or a six pack to be more specific. They were almost like Le Joon's of MBLAQ but a bit better, not trying to sound full of myself. My hair was still jet black but the style a little different. As if a professional had cut it. I had to admit that I looked kind of good, even if I was drenched with water. My skin was perfect although my eyes had a bit of darkness underneath but it could be easily covered. My arms were muscley but not too big, just the perfect size. I did a full spin around check of my body and realised that I had bearly any hair on my body. I know that asians don't usually have hair but my arms are completely hairless. I still have armpit hair and leg hair but that's it. There is hair in other regions of my body but I'd rather not go into it. It's weird to see such a masculine and good looking guy in the mirror. Especially when it's you.

"Chin! Hurry up! You're going to be late!" The strange man shouted behind the door. He was still waiting outside.

I froze for a bit. I had forgotten that he was there and that I'm still in a completely vulnerable situation and have no idea as to what is happening.

I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my chest. I had to look for clothes but there was noting in sight. Only a large black cupboard that was in the wall. I opened it and realised that it was a room full of clothes, shoes, hats and anything else that you could wear. It was quite big, bigger than my actual room. (A/N: he's referring to his room from when he wasn't famous).

There was a large selection of clothes to choose from and frankly, I had an idea for what to wear. I've never been the type to have tonnes of clothes or dress too conciously but you give me a room filled with expensive clothing and I'll have an idea or two. It's actually one of the reasons I want to be famous, all the clothes and stuff you get. And no, I'm not gay. Although I am a bit overwhelmed by all the clothing.

After getting changed I take a minute to look at myself in the mirror. I wore a white button-up shirt with a black sleek blazer that is topped off with jeans. I slip on my shoes and inspect myself. I look kind of classy, as if I'd fit in with all the other celebrities. Although it all feels weird. Yet refreshing, like I'm a new man. But I can't say for certain, I'm not fully aware of what's going on.

I run out the room and see the same man as before. He looks at his watch and back to me. "We should get going or you're going to be late."

"Erm, is that a bad thing?" I ask, trying to squeeze as much information as I can from him.

"Y-yes! What's with you today? Why are you so slow?" He questions me, he tone of voice so forceful.

"H-hey, um what's your name again?"

His jaw drops open and he walks up to me, shaking his head. "Han Jeong-soo! What's with you today? Are you sick?"

"N-No, I don't think so..." I mutter and raise my hand to me forehead. "So, Mr Jeong-soo... um, let's go to the interview?"

"Y-yeah, of course."

We leave the dorm and the building. After hopping into a black car, we leave the gates of the place. There's some paparazzi taking pictures of the car and I stare in amazement.

"So does that mean I'm famous?" I mumble to myself, unaware that Jeong-soo heard.

"Um yes. Did you hit your head or something?" he asks, but in a more calmer manner. "Here take these glasses."

He offers my big black sun-glasses and I'm guessing it's because of the paparazzi. I take them from his hand and slide them on, looking at myself in the reflection of the mirror.

I look back to Jeong-soo, thinking of asking him some questions. It seemed like the perfect time.

"Um, Mr. Jeong-soo sir..." I slowly call his name, trying to think of a sane way to ask him some questions. "A-are you my Manager?"

His head turns sharply to face me. His eyes filled with disbelief. "Are you sure that you're Chin?"

"N-nevermind... i-it's was a joke! Joke, got you!" I wildly laugh, trying to seem normal.

He scoffs loudly and checks his watch. "Hm, we're a bit late. Are you going to be alright at this interview?"

"Um, y-yes?" I answer slowly, trying to hint my unsureness. "Can't we do this another d-"

"We're here, let's go quick!" he yells and opens the door.

Lights flash and I cover my eyes with my hand, trying to adjust to the amount of light. I feel a hand grabbing me by the arm. I look up to see Jong-soo pulling me towards the large building. Lights keep flashing and there are series of questions flooding towards me.

"... is it true that you're going to sing with SNSD??"

"Have you really never been kis-..."

".. are you seeing Tiffany of SNSD?!"

"Are you gay?"

"What's your relationship with the girls of SNSD?!"

I run into the building with Jeong-soo and the doors are closed. I coul still hear the faint calls of the paparazzi but ignore them. I sit down at a chair and see my Manager, staring at me.

"Are you sure you're alright? Not sick or anything?" He questions worridly. He bends down on his knee, placing his hand on my forehead. "Hm, maybe you're just a bit sick? Should I cancel this interview..." He mutters and walks off, answering his phone.

I thought that perhaps it isn't a dream. It could be reality. I don't know if it's a twist of fate, but my dream has finally came true. Kyung always told me it wouldn't, but now I can tell him it's not.

"Where is Kyung... and Jin?" I mutter to myself. "H-hey! Jeong-soo, could you do me a favour?"

He walks over to me, placing his phone into his blazer pocket. "Hm, what is it? Anything."

"Contact some peope for me."

I thought over my decision and about Kyung and Jin. If I'm famous, then who are they?

"Um, alright..."


thank you for reading and comments are very much appreciated :D

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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
pinkdot121424 #2
udpate soon :)
Jaimee #3
Kim Kyung is cute^^<br />
I think I'll check it out:)