Different lives

One wish

Thinking about my decision, I pondered on whether I should contact Kyung and Jin. After all they're my best friends and I'm a bit confused on what had happened. I'm famous and they're nowhere in sight. I'll contact them

"Can you contact two guys for me?" I ask quietly to Jeong-soo.

He sits on the chair beside me, playing with his phone. "Um, sure. Who?"

"Kim Kyung and Jin, my friends."

He gives me a peculiar look. "Who are they?"

"M-my friends!" I shout, although knowing that shouting will do nothing.

I thought it could perhaps refresh his memory but as a Manager I'm sure he'd recognize his client's friends name right away. This made me wonder about their where about. I was worried that since I'm famous I'd probably never have met them. It felt strange to be so definite about knowing someone but then realizing that they might not be a part of your life anymore. I had the immense feeling that I had to contact them, the both of them.

"Um, alright. I canceled all of your plans today by the way-... ack!" He grimaced as I waved my hand in front of his eyes.

"Listen! Just contact them!" I shout.

I scribble their addresses on a sheet of newspaper nearby. I tear the section of the newspaper off and shove it into his hand. I then thought over my decision, perhaps it was much easier to just visit them myself.

"Um, wait! D-don't worry... could I just have the day off? Like to do stuff?" I ask him, innocently.

"S-sure I guess, let me get the driver to bring you back to the dorms-..."

"I can do it! I-I'll get him to bring me back to the dorms!" I exclaim, running towards the door.

Jeong-soo follows closely behind and we make our way through the crowd again. This time I catch a glimpse of more than just cameras. There are fans screaming and holding up sign with my name. Some are holding pens, like how on movies you see celebrities signing posters for fans. But it seems so different in reality because as the celebrity, it's kind of overwhelming.

I enter the cab and Manager signals the driver to go. I looked at the driver and he was a different one from before, this guy was much younger. The driver smiled at me and I could tell he was a bit nervous. Maybe because this time it's only me in the car.

"Um, I was wondering if you could drive someplace for me," I say slowly and politely.

His jaw trembles a bit and he nods furiously. "A-anywhere!"

"Um... drive here could you? The first address please," I handed the torn piece of newspaper to him and pointed at the first address. It was Kyung's address; I figured I'd visit him first considering he's my best friend. After all, I'm a little confused about what's going on. I figured he could tell me something.

I arrive at Kyung's place and it's almost the same as before. Except the garden is a bit overgrown which is unusual. Kyung, Jin and I used to fix the garden together because Kyung asked us to. I know it sounds quite gay, but he'd ask and we couldn't refuse. It was his grandfather's garden after all.

I hop out of the car and signal the driver to wait for me. I ran up to the front door didn't bother to knock. Kyung's parents are never home so he lets me and Jin just walks in as we wish. I remember he usually just leaves the key right in one of the five pot plants. I reached over for the pot of orchids, the soil b to the top. I dug through until I reached the key, and as usual it was there. I opened the door and took my shoes off. The house was empty, only the faint sound of music. It sounded like a k-pop song, I had never heard I before though. That was quite unusual considering that I was always updated.

I walked through the house until I reached Kyung's room. He was asleep on his bed, a cup of ramen on his bed side table. He seemed to be peacefully sleeping but I was anxious to wake him. I crept up and sat on the chair nearby. His room was a little different. He had some k-pop posters hung up on his wall and his room was quite messy. His computer was still active with music playing. I carefully leaned over to Kyung's face, his expression very calm.

"Kyung," I whispered but there was no reply. "Kyung!"

He shuffled around in his bed but was still asleep. I wanted to wake him up but I knew I'd feel guilty if I did, but I decided to do it anyway.

"KYUNG! WAKE UP!" I screamed, although it didn't sound like... normal.

he moved around in his bed and his eyes opened slowly. "Mmph... hm?"

"Kyung, wake up! It's me Chin!" I demanded and a high pitched tone.

He examined me before his eyes widened with surprise. He got up immediately once it seemed he figured who I was. He positioned himself against in a sort of cuddling motion with his pillow. It looked kind of weird, but it suited him seeing as he was kind of a pretty boy.

"H-how'd you get in here? My parents aren't even home yet..." He yawned, his expression still dull.

"Kyung, the key in the pot plant! A-anyway, I need to tell you something! The weirdest thing happened to me this morning-..."

"Chin! Can I just ask you one question?" He leans up to me, his eyes examining my face like he has never seen me in flesh. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm just visiting, why?"

"Chin, we haven't talked in like five and a half years," he tells me, as if he's very bad news.

"W-what? We talked yesterday! Remember, eating at the cafe behind the club?!" I scream, wishing for him to agree with me. I wanted confirmation that I wasn't losing my mind. Only then did I realize how grand my situation was. It was overwhelming. Very Overwhelming.

"Chin... what are you talking about?!" He scornfully said, as if we were strangers having an argument.

I could tell he wasn't going to answer me with what I wanted him to. He thought I was insane. The look in his eyes were unsettling. He grew weary of my absent mind and stood up, inspecting me from head to toe.

"Chin, are you okay?"

"I-... Kyung, what's going on? WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I scream as loud as I could. It echoed the through the house as I dropped to the floor. I couldn't understand anything. How could my entire life just change by one day. I was normal yesterday and now famous. What the hell was going on?

"C-Chin!" Kyung ran to my side and lifted me from the floor to my lift. "Listen to me! What is going on?!"

"That's what I want to know! Who the hell am I!? WHO!?" I begged him for an answer, but I knew he didn't know it. "Am I going crazy? I'm going crazy..."

"No, Chin! You're not-"

"Listen! Yesterday I was normal, now I'm... I-I'm famous. How does that even make sense?! You don't even know me anymore!" I shouted in his ear.

He held my arm and pushed me onto his bed. "Half of the people in Korea know who you are! You're Chin, blood type O, age 24, 174cm tall and you're the lead vocalist in the band ONE WISH!"

"Wait, what?"

"Um, you're the lead vocalist in the band ONE WISH," he repeated.

"I am?" I asked again, astonished by my own bedazzlement.

He hesitated and sighed, loudly. "Y-yeah, you are."

"Kyung... what's happening?" I wanted to reassure myself somehow. Make sure I wasn't going mad. It all felt like reality, but I was the only one that could see it as a dream.

"Look Chin, can you just go?" He scornfully asked. He didn't want me here and I could tell. I didn't know why, but I needed to know why.

"Kyung, why aren't we friends anymore? We were- are like brothers right?" I needed some form of reassurance.

He looked at me, boggled with confusement. "What are you talking about? Kyung, we haven't seen each other in-"

"Five years! I'm fully aware of that now okay?!" I shouted with hastiness in my voice.

He took a deep breath and it hitched a little. "Chin... look, you auditioned into some company and we never talked again. I went to college and you... became famous. Whatever, just leave."

"Why?!" I wanted his explanation.


"Because why?!" I screamed, even louder than before.

"Because you're not you! It's weird having you here alright? You left me and Jin and never came back. Don't expect us to let you right back into our lives. We're not your friends anymore. Just cause you're Chin of ONE WISH, doesn't mean you're our friend," he told me a desperate tone.

I was speechless. What had he expected me to say? That I was sorry and would do everything in my power to apologize? If he had saw everything from my point of view, he would have been feeling the same way I had. But of course, I have to take into consideration his view too.

"Alright, whatever..." I managed to mutter as I slowly backed out of the room. I left his house and hop into the car. "Forget about the next address. Just take me back to the dorms..."

"Um, alright sir."

We turned around and left the place. I didn't bother to turn my head around and see if he'd run after me. I knew he was irrational at times, but this is something he wouldn't do. I can't imagine what Jin would have to say if he saw me. He'd most probably be gentle on the idea of me coming back first, before going completely out of his mind. Pure Jin.

"Sir, we're here."

"Um, thank you," I murmured and hopped out of the care.

I ran into the building and found my dorm, but once I reached it I heard my Jeong-soo and some other talking. I opened the door and to my surprise saw SNSD all sitting on the sofa together. "Omo, this is a big surprise."

Jeong-soo turns to me with a strange look on his face of uncertainty. "What are you talking about? ONE WISH and SNSD have been working together for some time. You're singing a Deut with Yoona remember?"

My eye twitched as one of the girls stood up. I took a couple of large breaths and the last one hitched. "Of course, h-how could I have forgotten..."



thank for reading :)


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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
pinkdot121424 #2
udpate soon :)
Jaimee #3
Kim Kyung is cute^^<br />
I think I'll check it out:)