I missed you, Stranger.

One wish

I found myself dazed in dismay as I stared at this girl. She was cute, pretty and was really nice. How could all of this had happened without me knowing. One day to another and I found out I'm singing a duet with Yoona of Girls Generation. It's indescribable for me, but probably no for her.

"Eh, hey..." I stammered.

She smiled and covered with her hand before giggilng at me. "Hello Chin," she chirped. It was nice to hear my name greeted in that manner. Just as a general greeting, nothing else. It's reminiscent of my room mate. My former room mate. She greeted me everyday with a cheerful call of my name. I barely knew her, but it felt nice to hear my name like that. I kind of missed her at that moment. I never noticed how some of the most simple greetings could be so implicitly reasurring and comforting. I suppose I grew accustomed to my room mates small habits. Her undergarments hanging from the wash baskets sides and the way she always left the room whenever I entered. If I was a little more consious of this, I would have stopped her from leaving and talked to her more often. The more I thought of things like this, the more I would regret not ever getting to know her. It didn't matter know, she was gone from my life. But I truly hoped not.

third person :

Chin stood still, his face flush and eyes wearily paying attention to his surroundings. His mind was set on the figure standing a few feet away from him. He stared in disbelief and was vexed at the situation he was unaware of. He was to sing a duet with Yoona. There was a plethora of issues he wanted to solve, but mainly just to understand his life. He seemed to be hanging by a loose thread of his Manager. Without him, he'd most probably already appeared on several magazines and news cast. It would have been titled something like, 'ONE WISH member Chin suffers from memory loss?' or something a little more creative. Not like it had been fabricated to give sympathy for him.

Chin rolled his eyes back, something he'd picked up in high school when in high stress. Then he bit harshly on his bottom lip, trying to make sure all of this was true. It was his own way of confirming reality. A small test. He just needed that extra bit of reassurance that it all wasn't a dream. "Yoona..."

"Chin," she repeated in a soft tone. She took a deep solid breath before taking small precise steps towards Chin. Her hair bounced a little on her shoulders each step she took. Chin stared intensely, trying to soak up all the nescessary details he could. He wanted to- needed to make sense of all of this. He, in a way, liked the idea of singing with Yoona. In his eyes, it was sort of like a learning instrument to being famous. A tool at his aid- or a teacher.

"So," he muttered, his attempt at making everything seem natural, "what are we singing?"

Her eyes darted wider and she laughed, bending her head back a bit. "You're funny, we're still in the middle of writing the song remember?"

"Um, of course..." he murmured and scratched the back of his head as she turned around. He sighed deeply and took a gulp of air, soothing himself. "So, what have we got so far?"

She spun around in her dress and wuickly flipped through some papers. "We should head to the studios first... or I suppose I could sing a bit of the song for you."

Chin nodded one deep quick hasty nod and smiled. His lip curled in the corner at the excitement inside him. "Of course, sing ahead!"

Yoona smiled and took a tremendously large breath, stretching her  vocal cords. She closed her eyes and began to hum a soothing melody. "... I think the beat goes like this," she told him, although it sounded like she was reminding herself.

Chin was frozen in his tracks. His movements were still as if someone had stole them from him. He couldn't believe the soft melody that could be sung from Yoona- from anybody. It was harmonic and unlike any other live performance or tune he had heard. From that instance, he swore that he couldn't perform this duet with her. His skills weren't as polished or nearly clear enough to meet hers.

"W-wow, that was nice..." The words slipped from his lips. "What's it meant to be about?"

"Well the song was originally about a couple who would fight all the time... but- didn't you change it? You thought of making it into something else. What was it?" She asked and that made him feel obliged to answer without hesitating.

He paused, skipping a breath. "I-I thought that the couple fighting would be a bit... obvious and blatant."

"Blatant?" She questioned him with a grin. Her white teeth shining like pearls until her lips met. She creased her eye brows, awaiting an answer that would simply blow he away.

"Y-yeah, I mean isn't that such a plain and obvious thing to sing about. I mean, we're artist and we shouldn't sing things so drab-"

"Then what should we be singing Mister Artist?" Yoona's lashes fluttered when she asked this question, she blinked more times than she count. This was mainly because she wanted to make him pressured. She knew this answer had to impress her or he would simply be nothing but another singer in a boy band. Nothing that would 'stand out' beyond others.

He laughed in a large breath and broke his eyes from hers. He had to make up everything he was saying. Only using things from his other life's knowledge. It was a rather shameful thing that he was improvising because it could have lead to miss conduct of his career, but certainly not Yoona's. She was already an accomplished singer.

It made him reminisce of when he was fifteen. He had started his tenth drama class and first act. He didn't really bother to show up at eariler rehearsals or plan any lines. He knew it was a mistake to stay up at night downloading music instead of talking to his group members discussing about the act. It was a mistake to even enter drama when he had no real commitment, of course until he started to take up singing. So there he was on stage in his drama blacks with no idea of anything. So he improvised each line. Of course this triggered the other members in the play to improvise to- it forced them to if they wanted to pass. That was kind of the moment that he managed to realise his talent. Of course his Jin, whom was also in the group, had to drill it into his mind. He thanked him for that. Learning the skills of improvisation.

Chin stammered again and in a haphazard manner he leaned onto the back of the wall nearby. "I-it should be palpable... in a way."

"P-palpable? Doesn't that mean able to be touched or felt?" She was confused but still intrigued by his answer.

"Yeah, also capable to be perceived. So the song should be something you can touch... in a metaphorical manner of course. O-or, found by instinct of the melody. Ah!" He squabbled, figuring the perfect solution to cover his misguided attempt of being an 'Artist'. "The song solely relies on melody and tune. We will still be singing, but mainly within the tune!"

Chin would feel himself swirling into his creativity. The ideas popping into his head like he hadn't need to think of them, but they needed to think of him. It was such an easy thing once he really got into it. It was almost nostalgic.

He kept mumbling to himself once he noticed Yoona was deep in her own thoughts also. He fell silent and got up from the wall, leaning over to her. He felt the need for her to answer him. To say anything. "I-is it a bad idea... or something?"

Her eyes instantly fluttered open and making a small 'n' noise. "N-no! It's a good idea. I was just thinking... you're different then the others..."

"D-different?" He didn't undertand what she was trying to imply. He truly thought that this meant he wasn't meant to be a singer. This answer, to him, meant almost everything. Perhaps it was just a simple confusion between words?

"Yeah... you're different than before. From the last time I saw you," she said slowly, trying to figure him out with her words, "you were like the others, but now you're almost a stranger."

He stood still and wanted her to continue to answer him. Was this meant to be a good difference or perhaps it did mean he wasn't suppose to be a singer. Whatever it was, he valued her opinion on this more then his whole career. Maybe because in his eyes, it was his whole career.

"You're differen't... and if I'd notice this earlier, I'd say I missed you. Even if you are a stranger today."



thank you for reading, sorry for such a slow update ^^


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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
pinkdot121424 #2
udpate soon :)
Jaimee #3
Kim Kyung is cute^^<br />
I think I'll check it out:)