
One wish

'I dreamt of you today. You were sitting at your desk scribbling down notes like crazy.

I wanted to help you, tell you to slow down. But instead I just watched.'


My head ached. I felt an onslaught of tension in the back of my mind as I got up. My body felt nauseated, as if I had eaten one whole tub of glue and it somehow weighed me down. My throat felted coarse and dry as I yawned. I got up from the table and realised I was still in the studio. It looked as if everyone had already left. I could hear a few staff moving things around in the recording room but it sounded as if today's recording was finished.

"You're finally awake!" A light familiar voice called, "I was afraid you would never wake up."

I turned my head to face Yoona. Her warm gentle smile gave me some strength to stand up and greet her properly. "I'm glad to see you. You look really prett-...-" I stopped, biting harshly on my lips. What the hell had I just said? I guess the fanboy side of me still lives. "I mean...hi."

She eye me strangely and sat down on the small one person sofa. "You must be tired, just sit." She offered me to sit right beside her on the sofa. I didn't even know if there'd be enough space.

Cautious of my fanboy-ish feelings for Yoona, I slid over to the sofa opposite of her. "I'll... sit here. T-that's if you don't mind?"

"It's okay," she said with a sour face. Kind of like she was disppointed.

"I-I didn't mean anything by that! I-I... I'm just not that close to you and I thought if I sat down next to you I might...!" I bit my lip again. What the hell was I doing?

"You might what?" she giggled, "and what do you mean? We've known each other since for ages! You haven't acted this way since you were a trainee."

I blushed, embarrassed. What did she mean? I've known her since I was a trainee or something? "I-I know that! I-I was just a little... nervous because you came out of no where!" I yelled. I can't say Im good at hiding embarrassing moments. I was blushing like the kid who plays soccer for five minutes and instantly turns into a tomato. I'm such a dork.

"It's okay Chin," she reassured me and laughed. I brightened up a little after this. Maybe it's because she was so pretty that day when she said that. "You're kind of different today, but I like it."

This however, caught my off guard. What'd she mean by that? If she likes the me now, what the hell was I like before? "Um, thanks? But, while we're talking about that... what was I like?"

"You were... nice," she stuttered almost like she didn't want to admit what I was truly like.

I knew this wouldn't have sounded weird, but I said it anyway. "Was I... an arrogant idiot by any chance?" The disappointment in my voice so was high that I could almost hear my resemblance of my parents voices. They were always disappointed in me whenever grades were handed out. I wouldn't have blamed them though.

She smiled innocently. "I wouldn't say an arrogant idiot..."

I leaned back in the sofa and sighed. "So, the lyrics are done. What's next?" I thougt changing subject would make it hurt less. Although Yoona telling me I'm arrogant hurts more than anything in the world. Damn myself being a fanboy!

She put her finger to her lip, lost in her thoughts. "We're going to record. While you were sleeping the staff and your manager handled everything else pretty quickly. All we have to do it record. You ready? If not we can record another day..."

"Um, another day. I'm pretty tired and everything. Plus, apparently I have a photoshoot! I'm so excited!" I cheered, finally remembering what my manager told me. He said something along the lines of "I put your photoshoot back on! The other members will meet you there. I know you hate..." And my memory kind of loses it there.

"I should probably go, it was nice to meet-... I mean, nice to see you again Yoona." We stood up together and I headed towards the door. She bowed gently and I bowed at a full on ninety degree angle. "It was really nice seeing you... and Yoona, you're really pretty."

I stormed out the room before she had time to react. With a retarted fist pump in the air, I felt half like a man and half like a fanboy. Without realising, my manager stared at me like I was insane. "What? Never seen a man before?" I teased.

"Yeah, I see a man everyday when I look in the mirror," he grinned shamelessly.

That back-fired I guess. "Yeah, so where's the rest of the band?! I'm meeting... I mean seeing them yes?"

"You'll meet them there, they've been waiting for you for almost an hour now." He hurried out the door and bowed to everyone in the waiting room.

"ONEWISH, what have you got in store for me?"



Sorry I haven't been updating and sorry this chapter is rushed. I have been really busy. Hope this makes up for it :)


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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
pinkdot121424 #2
udpate soon :)
Jaimee #3
Kim Kyung is cute^^<br />
I think I'll check it out:)