
One wish

I've always wanted to be famous. I'm always talking about the life of a celebrity like I know the whole experience when I know nothing about it. I don't know anything about being famous. My friends, Jin and Kim Kyung tell me it'll never happen because of my lack of courage. I've never been one for a large crowd of fans screaming at me to do something that'll entertain them. Although if I ever had the chance for that to happen, I'd dive right into the crowd like there was no yesturday. I suppose it's my ultimate dream. If only things were as easy as saying those two words, I wish.

"Yo, Chin," Kyung called, a cheeky smirk arising from his lips. He flicked at his hair that just covered the top of his eye lash. His finger extending til the tip touched the ends of his brown hair. His eyes were locked onto his hair, until it broke, shifting his attention to me. He smiles, a quirky one while his hands sit in his front trouser pockets.

"What's up?" He asks, yet it sounds more of an invite.

Kyung is my best friend and although it sounds weird for a guy to have a 'best friend', I couldn't care less if people think it's queer or weird. I suppose I don't care because I don't care about other's opinions, for now.

"Kim Kyung, what are we going to do tonight?" I reply, trying to sound 'cool'.

He swings one of his hands out of his pocket, checking his watch. The watch is branded 'One Wish'.

"One Wish... what a weird brand," I mumered under my breath, not loud enough for anyone to hear.

Kyung flexed his arm muscles out and closed his eyes wearily. "Hm, well Jin isn't here today."

My attention shifts to full focus by this remark. Since Jin isn't here we aren't able to hang like we usually do. The three of use hitting town doing michevious things that we'd usually do like cussing, joking and other things.

"Really?" I question, my attention shifing to the horizen, "I suppose I could hang with you..."

He makes a sort of fake laugh, rolling his eyes. "Very funny. Want to do something tonight or call it home?"

"Hm, call it. Can't be bothered doing anything tonight. Especially because Jins not here," I joke, hiding my smirk.

"Calling it?! I thought we'd go eat or something, you owe me hot pot..." he mutters disppointed. He kicks at a nearby can, trying to make me regret my decision and reconsider it.

"Fine, we'll do something," I sigh.

I jump off the bench and head down the street as Kyung follows beside me. It's filled wth young adults and teens making their way through the city. The lights filling the streets at each corner. Most bars, restaurants and night clubs are open but we'd usually head to a small night cafe. It's at the back of a night club but it's pretty quite.

We walk in and the the cafe is packed with people. Some stare as me make our way to the front desk, asking for a table. We are seated by a waiter and handed the menu.

"Ugh, haven't eaten here in ages..." Kyung grumbles, his eyes scanning each meal on the creamish menu.

"You havent?" I question, surprise. "I thought you ate here last week?"

He looks up at me, a disearning look on his face. He stays quite for a minute, trying to focus on what he had done a week ago. His lack of remembering doesn't surprise me, he can be caught off guarge easily.

"Did I? Doesn't matter... Hey look! New meal on the menu!" He exclaims, "check the desserts!"

I turn to the back page, the word desserts is printed in large bold letters. After looking through a couple of rows I see a sticker next to one of the meals. It's a cheap bright yellow mark reading 'NEW'. My eyes scans through the name and it intrigues me.

"One wish? Hm, indulging creamy pana cotta with a side of rasberries and sweet temptating side of high quality made gold leaf..." I mumble to myself, making my decision in my head. "I'm ordering it."

"Really? A big buff guy like you ordering a-," he looks at the meal menu, "sweet temptating and indulgent dessert? Alright, I'll order a dessert too!"

"Always copy me..." I state softly.

"I'll order... the creme brulee!" he shouts and we order our desserts.

After spending one whole hour at the cafe and finishing our meals we walk out to the river. There are a few couples and other groups of people but there are enough benches for the two of us to sit. The river is lit up by lamps that are spread out on the sides of the river. It gives a romantic feeling, if you're with a girl that is. Not Kim Kyung.

"You wanna call it quits?" Kyung asks.

He lies down on the bench, his eyes viewing the stars. He kicks his legs up and places his foot on his other knee. He looks so laid back and relaxed. Like he couldn't care less about anything.

"I suppose, I'll go home and you can sleep here right?" I laugh, pointing at him.

He laughs with a bit of smugness and gets up, his hair a bit flattened on the back. "Yeah I better head home... I have a curfew afterall. Stupid father..."

My eyes strike to his. I sense the tension rising as he stares off at the river, his eyes filled with hatred and anger. He clenches his fist into balls and shakes his head softly, calming down.

Kyung has never had a good relationship with his father. His father always got on his case about being a 'pretty boy' because he wore clothes that apparently weren't grown up. His past with his father has been a bit rocky with arguments and fights. I know this because he'd always run to my place afterwards. He tells me that his dad had hit him or yelled at him. They despise each other I suppose. But deep down, I don't think Kyung hates his father. I'll never really understand their full relationship though.

"Hm, you heading home or wanna spend the night at my place?" I offer trying to sound casual.

"Nah, I'm gonna go... later man. Oh and by the way, good luck with trying to get famous!" He chuckles softly and walks off into the darkness of the city.

I shake my head and head home, the streets are still filled with people but I still feel a bit lonely. It feels weird to walk home alone, usually Jin would head in the same direction as me because we live near each other. Or Kyung would usually come over my place. I tell him to crash at my place whenever he wants because I don't live with family. I live with my room mate but barely see her. Yes, I live with a girl. It was weird at first but I grew accustomed to it. The one thing I can't grow accustomed to is the lingerie or lying around the place sometimes. I don't mind all the nice smelling soaps and shower gel though.

I reach the bus stop and notice an advertisement. It's filled with pink and yellow stars and ribbons. There's sparkles and some band on it. It looks to be SNSD or Girls Generation as it's known as. All members are holding some banner for something they're advertising. It reads 'One Wish'.

"One Wish... Aish, why does that keep popping up?" I question to myself aloud.

I then turn around and notice a man walking by, his face is priceless, like he's just seens mad man. I bow lightly and smile, but he runs off into the darkness with a fearful look.

"Hm, wierdo..." I mutter, turning back to the poster," One wish huh? I wish I was famous... like Jaejoong or Kikwang! DBSK... MBLAQ... But like that would happen. Damn Kyung killing my dreams all the time."

After the long bus ride alone and walk through the streets I arrive home. A few lights are on and the front door is already opened for me. I walk in and slide my shoes off to see my room mate. She sits on the couch, holding a book at her chest. She looks exhausted yet peaceful.

"hey, you still awake?" I ask, closing the door. "You should be sleeping!"

"Hm, I'm fine... you should go to sleep, you're always tired when you come home!" She yells cutely. She gets up from the couch and smiles at me. "Good night."

"Mh, good night!" I yell softly as she runs off.

Next morning; 9:34am

The sunlight beamed through the window as I opened my eyes. I waited until my they adjusted by the amount of light. I shuffled around on the bed and the mattress and pillows are unusually soft. I open my eyes to see a room that I've never seen before. It's a regualr room but with a large closet and a small table.

"W-what the? Where am I?"


thank you for reading, hope you enjoyed the first chapter :D

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--Moonie #1
this was cute!
pinkdot121424 #2
udpate soon :)
Jaimee #3
Kim Kyung is cute^^<br />
I think I'll check it out:)