The school and the Supernaturals *Edited*

Opposites Attract

A/N: Another edited chapter! If you're an old reader, please read because it has WAY more information than the original one did! XD

Baelynn's POV:

  After lunch, we used the rest of the day getting to know each other more. I tried to ask them about what school would be like, but they said something about it being a 'surprise' and refused to explain, so instead they offered to show me more of what their powers were like. They ushered me to the backyard, and that's when all hell went loose. 

     Everything was totally and completely fine, until Bobby thought it would be a great idea to sneakily teleport right behind Donghyuk just as he was showing me how he could control a bolt of lightning and scare him. The said lighting bolt then flickered to the left and zapped Yunhyeong in the rear. That's when Yunhyeong lost it and started chase the now frequently teleporting Bobby around the yard; then he tripped and barreled into Jinwhan and Chanwoo who were trying to stop them. They all ended up crashing into a tree, leaving a surprisingly huge indent in the trunk.

    The after effect of all this? I had to help Hanbin patch up a few bruised heads and see Grandma scold someone (aka Bobby) for the first time ever. Man, she can get scary when she's mad...

     They still refused to tell me about our school except for the fact that we have to get up at 7:00AM in order to arrive on time. So I set my alarm and crawled underneath my covers. Closing my eyes, I could already sense that something big would happen tomorrow.

  I just didn't know what exactly.

     "Ya..... Wake up...."







"Hyung... I don't think this is how we should be-"

"Shh! If that stupid alarms of hers won't wake her up then I will! It's MY job to make sure we all get to school on time and she is NOT gonna be the reason why we are late! Now! Maknae, go to the bathroom and fill this up. Quickly!"

"Ok, hyung...."

        It wasn't long before I felt warm water drizzle onto the back of my head. My eyes flickered open and I sat up in shock.

"Yah! Kim Hanbin!" I gasped angrily. The said boy just rolled his eyes and smirked at the beautiful damage he had done.

 "Now that you're finally up, get dressed. We need to leave in thirty minutes." He ordered and walked away. Chanwoo, who I had just noticed standing next to the door, gave me an apologetic look.

"Sorry Noona..." He shuffled his feet a bit. "Hyung can get pretty serious when it comes to Lady Jeon's rules and orders..."

    I sighed and gently ushered him out of my room, promising that I would be ready in a few minutes. After closing the door I went to my closet and dug out my new school uniform. Back in the U.S., I was only able to attend public schools, so I never knew what it felt like to have a school uniform before.

       Despite all my classmates going on about how lucky they were to be able to wear whatever they wanted, I secretly was the opposite. I mean, 'cmon. Aren't school uniforms kinda cute? 

     I held it up by the hanger it was on and examined it. The blouse was black with a black and silver sweater vest to pull over it. The Jacket was a dark violet that matched the black and violet pleated skirt. To top it all off, a weird looking crest rested on the jacket's heart, woven into the fabric with black and silver thread.

     I climbed into the uniform but had some trouble trying to get the black and purple-striped tie tied around my neck; I couldn't tell if it was supposed to be an actual tie or some kind of bow tie. Either way, I couldn't figure it out. Thinking I would just ask one of the guys for help, I grabbed my new back pack and headed down to the main living room. The guys were already there, sitting around and talking. They looked up when I made my entrance.

  "Wooooo! Now don't you look hot!" Bobby whistled, earning a slap on the back of his head by Yunhyeong. I rolled my eyes at him and held up the stupid tie-thing.

  "Does anyone know how this is supposed to be tied? I've never done it before so...."

  "Oh! Yeah! Here, let me." Jinwhan stood in front of me and I gave him the peace of fabric. He pulled it around my head and tucked it under my blouse's collar.

  "We're in a bit of a hurry right now. So I'll tie it real quick and then show you how to properly do it yourself later. Ok?" He asked as he did his magic. I nodded in agreement and watched as the long piece of fabric became a pretty bow. Ohhhh! So that's what it's supposed to be!

   After he finished, Jinhwan stepped back and examined his work. "Yep! That'll do!"

  "Thanks, Jinhwan-oppa!" I smiled at him and used the moment to examine the guy's uniforms.

       Like mine, they were mainly violet and black, except instead of the black and violet skirt and bow, they wore just plane black slacks and a black and violet-striped tie. The same silver and black crest hugged their chest pockets and I couldn't help but wonder what it stood for...

   "Alright! Now that we're all ready, let's get going!" My thoughts were interrupted by the annoyance that is Kim Hanbin. He clapped his hands loudly and didn’t even glance at me as he walked out the door. The other's soon slowly followed.

  "But I haven't even eaten breakfast yet!" I whined. Chanwoo, who didn't leave yet, chuckled and handed me two pieces of buttered toast.

  "I thought that might happen, so I made sure to save you some, Noona."

  "Awww! Thank you!" I beamed at him and grabbed the toast as we followed the others. We all got into a huge van that could fit nine people and we headed off to my 'new' school with Yunhyeong driving us. At first we all thought one of Grandma's chauffeurs would drive, but Yunhyeong insisted, saying something about showing of his amazing driving skills and what not.

      To my surprise, he was a pretty good driver. Even when Bobby did his usual mischief, Yunhyeong's eye never left the road.

    Except for the fact that I had to sit next to Hanbin, the entire trip at first was pretty nice. We started talking about favorite classes, school activities and hobbies that the boys liked to do.

   It wasn’t long before Yunhyeong announced that we were almost to the school gate.

The odd thing was that, after Yunhyeong finished his announcement; Hanbin shot his hand out and gripped mine tightly.

  "What the- ya! What are you doing?" I was confused and tried to take my hand back, but his grip was too strong and firm. OH, wait. Hanbin: Power of super strength and energy. duh!

   He rolled his eyes at my weak attempt to escape then nodded at Donghyuk, who sat on my other side. "Yah, take her other hand."

   Donghyuk followed his order and scooped up my right hand into his. He gave me an apologetic smile afterwards. "Sorry, Noona. It's just that, while we cross the school's gates, it might be hard for you. So doing this will lessen the pain a bit."

  "Wait... 'lessen the pain'? What 'Pain'?!"

   "The school's gateway is a magical portal." Junhoe explained. "It's the ONLY entrance that the students outside of the magical realm can use. Since Noona isn't used to the feel of magic yet, your body will be negatively effected by it."

   "It's like playing the guitar." Donghyuk added. "Once you start learning how to play, your fingers get sores and bruises on them. But, after a long period of practice, calluses start to form on your fingers that can protect you now since they understand the feel of the guitar strings."

  "Ohhh...." I nodded in understanding. "So this 'Pain'... is it going to be bad?"

   They all shared a look.

  "It depends." Jinhwan-oppa spoke up this time. "We've all been through it, and have shown different symptoms."

"Yeah, like some of us got either really dizzy or had temporary headaches. Both of the twins threw up their breakfast." Bobby-oppa laughed at the thought. I looked at Donghyuk, confused.

"Twins?" I whispered to him.

    He chuckled. "He's talking about Yunhyeong-hyung and Chanwoo. Since they look a-like, he calls them twin 1 and twin 2, even though they both hate that title."

   I giggled and looked over my shoulder to see the maknae, who was sitting behind me, red in the face and pouting. I guess he got embarrassed by Bobby's story.

   "We're here!" Yunhyeong called from the driver's seat, and both Hanbin and Donghyuk tightened their grip on my hands. I looked through the windshield and saw a golden light expand into a huge circle of bright, white light. Yunhyeong stepped harder on the gas pedal, making us go faster as we headed right into the light.

     The moment we were completely in a weird feeling started to grow in my stomach. The feeling then quickly turned into pain that jetted out to the other limbs in my body. 

  I gasped loudly and arched forward, hanging my head close to my knees.

  "Noona! Don't worry! We're almost to the end! Just hang on!" I could hear the worry in Dongyuk's voice as he started to rub my back. But it didn't help at all. The pain was too much; my body started to shake and I couldn't help but bite my lip to keep myself from screaming.

    Moments later, I felt the car come into a sudden stop but the pain was still evident.

       I started taking deep breaths; trying to calm myself down, which ended up helping the pain weaken too. Slowly but surely, the pain in my body started to disappear.

      It wasn't until it was able to open my eyes again when I noticed the strong arms wrapped around me. Holding me as if I was about to be whisked away by a storm. 

    The arms helped me feel safe and helped the pain lessen even faster. But before I could even look up to see who was hugging me, the arms were gone. 

    "Noona.... you ok?"

     Disappointed and confused, I looked up and found the others staring at me with concern. I gave them a tired smile. "Yeah. I'm better now."

   They all looked relieved now except for Hanbin, who was just looking out the window like he was bored out of his mind.

        He noticed me looking at him and we locked eyes for a bit; which surprised me. Instead of the usual cocky, annoyed look he always had on there was something different: Curiosity, contempt and something that I couldn't read.

 It was the same way he looked at me when calmed me down during my panic attack yesterday. 

    I rose by brow in question, but before I could say anything, he sighed and looked away.

  "Alright, now that that's over and done with, let's get to class!" He opened the door and hopped out. As the light from the sun hit his face, I couldn't help but notice that his ears were a bit red.

       Thinking that is was just a trick of the sun; I brushed the thought off and proceeded to climb out of the car along with the other boys. Once my feet touched the ground I looked up and gasped. 

   The building in front of me did NOT look like a school. If there was any easy way of explaining it, I’d say it was a real life modern day version of Hogwarts. 

   "Welcome to Corswell academy!" Bobby sang while holding his arms wide open as we walked to the school doors. "Widely known for their excellence in magic curriculum; Corswell academy aims to provide the absolute best education for our student body. Especially for the ones who will be the future leaders of our world...." 

     I just watched as Bobby went on and on, spouting nonsense facts that looked rehearsed.

   I inched closer to Yunhyeong and whispered. "Does he do this a lot?"

   Yunhyeong grunted a 'yes'. 

   "Just about every single time we get a new member. He got bored one day and decided to memorize every word in the school's pamphlet."

  "Which he is pretty proud about since he's not that great at studying." Jinhwan cut in. "So let's just let him have his fun. Hm?" He smiled at me expectantly so I had to smile back.

   He's right though, why chastise the guy if he's doing something he enjoys?

  As we got closer to the school I noticed that the students around us kept growing in numbers. Some were either walking around like we were or standing in groups and talking, while others were chasing each other and playing around.

      Curiosity got the best of me, so I couldn’t stop my gaze from drifting place to place. While not paying attention to where my feet were walking, I treaded off from the boys a bit and ended up bumping into a group of people; having a collision with one in the process. 

    I fell down and landed on my . Groaning in pain, I looked up to see three ticked off girls glaring down at me with dark red eyes. 

  "Oh my gosh, I am so sorry-" I started to get up, but one of the girls used her foot to push me back down even harder than before. She placed her boot on my stomach, holding me down as the one in the middle crouched down in front of me. 

   "Well well, what do we have here?" She said, eyeing me up and down. "Normally, the students here wouldn't even DARE to do what you just did to me, so I’m guessing.... you're a newbie?"

        She smirked and looked at the two beside her. "Well, since she's new, how about we teach her what happens when she messes with us. How does that sound, girls?" 

    They all shared a viscous smile and leaned towards me. They opened their mouths wide and I could see two sharp canines growing over their smaller ones. I froze in shock as they crept closer. Now where were the guys when I need them?! 

   I was trembling by the time that I felt the heat on my chest. It wasn't hot enough to hurt, but it was enough to bring me out of my shock-like trance.

           I looked down and saw that my necklace was glowing a bright yellow light. The girls standing over me noticed it too for they stopped immediately and stared in confusion as it lifted its self out of my blouse and hovered over my face.

    It kept on getting brighter and brighter by the millisecond and I could sense that it was angry. 

   "You fools! Look away! Now!" A female voice cut in and despite not liking the insult, I willingly obeyed.

        For a few seconds, the light was so bright that I had to cover my eyes with one of my hands. Thankfully it ended pretty quickly and I could open them again. When I did, I saw the three girls on the ground a little ways away, staring at me with wide eyes and then looking at the person standing in front of them.

      It was a girl; she was wearing the same school uniform except for the fact that the crest on her jacket was red and silver. She had her hands up in front of her, holding what looked like a see-through shield.

    After a few seconds she too opened her eyes. 

    Sighing with relief, the girl put her hands down and the shield faded away. The girls behind her slowly started to get up, but halted when the other gave them a killer glare. 

   "Explain yourselves!" She growled. "Now!"

    The girl who stepped on my stomach quivered in fear. "W-well, you see... that new girl bumped into Minhee.. S-so we thought that we could teach her a lesson by scaring her a bit-"

    "You fools honestly thought that was a good idea?! For one! It's against the school rules to bite people while on campus and TWO! Haven’t your parents ever taught you that you need to KNOW who you're aiming at before you go biting someone's neck?! You almost got your selves into a pretty horrible dilemma by not know what her abilities are!" 

    Whenever the mysterious female raised her voice the three girls would flinch in fear. After a while of more yelling, she gave them one last glare full of annoyance and disappointment then walked over to me.

       I didn't flinch or crawl back in fear because I could see that, in her eyes, was the sign of deep concern and worry. Once she finally got to me she held out her hand. 

   "Are you ok?" She asked. I cocked my head a bit in surprise, but nodded anyway.

  "Yeah." I took her hand and she helped me stand back up. "Uhh... Thanks for saving me from...." I looked over her shoulder at the three girls, who were now giving me the death glare. The nice girl in front of me noticed my gaze and turned around. 


   "Why the HECK are you still here?!" Annoyance could be clearly picked up in her voice and the three girls dashed away in fear. Now that they were gone, I could feel the stares from the other students, which made me even more nervous. The girl turned back to me and smiled.

   "Sorry about them, they tend to think that they're all that just because their parents have a high rank in my clan."

   "Clan?" I raised my brow. Her eyes widened a bit at my question, but then she chuckled. "Oh my, I thought it would've been obvious when you saw their fangs. We are vampires, if you haven't noticed."

  I gave her a blank stare as my mind tried to process all the new information. "Vampires...." Well, Grandma did say that there were other supernatural creatures out in the world, so it shouldn't be a surprise that vampires were one of them...

   Slowly, I nodded my head in understanding. "Ok.... Vampires... that's cool." 

   She cocked her head a bit. "It almost sound like you've never seen one of us before."

  "I haven't." I replied. "About a month ago I was living my life as a normal human that didn't know anything about magic or the supernatural."

  Her brows furrowed in confusion at my statement. "Then why-"

  "Baelynn-noona!" a familiar voice cut her off and we both turned around to see the boys’ running towards us. 

  "Noona, where were you?" Donghyuk asked while panting. "We were so worried!" 

  "Yeah! One minute you're by my side and then the next you were gone!" Yunhyeong yelled. "Please don't ever do that again, you almost gave me a heart attack!"

   The concern in their voices made me feel really guilty. "Sorry guys..." I glanced around nervously. "I didn't mean to disappear like that. You see, I wasn't looking where I was going and ended up bumping into these girls and-"

   "You caused trouble, didn't you?" Hanbin sneered. I pouted at him, ticked off because he was sort of right. "I didn't mean to! It just happened, and well, it turns out that they were vampires and they tried to bite me-"

   "What?!" Jinhwan ran over to me and put his hands on my shoulders to observe me. "Did their fangs scratch any part of your skin?! Did their nails cut you in any way?! Did-" 

     "Oppa, calm down. I'm fine." I took his hands off my shoulders gently and squeezed them in assurance. "They didn't get the chance to do anything to me, thanks to..." I trailed off, realizing that I didn't know my savior’s name; I looked at the girl beside me in question. 

   "Joy." She said with a knowing smile. I smiled back. "Thanks to Joy, they got scared and scampered off."

"Actually, that's not entirely true." Joy said with a hint of hesitance. 


    She pointed at my necklace. "Normally, even though I have a higher rank than them, they don't like to listen to my orders. But that thing hanging on your neck probably scared the wits out of them. Which I'm not surprised since they were the ones who made it angry in the first place by attacking you." 

    "So that's what that bright light was earlier..." Bobby murmured. The other guys gave him a sharp glance.

    "You saw it and didn't think to inform us on this while we were looking for her? Hyung!" Donghyuk, Chanwoo and Junhoe whined in anger. Bobby smiled sheepishly. "I thought it was some of the warlocks playing pranks on each other, so I didn't think twice about it. Sorry, Baelynn..."

   "Hehe... It's ok, oppa." He looked just like a cute bunny right now so it was hard NOT to forgive him. 

   "So, you're a jewel guardian?" Joy asked. I nodded. 

   "She's Lady Jeon's granddaughter too." Yunhyeong informed her.

     Joy's eyes widened in surprise. "Really?! You mean- THE long lost granddaughter who we all though-"

       She couldn't finish her sentence due to shock and wonder.

       Everything was quiet around us until she stood right in front of me and did a 90 degree bow. My gasp was among the many around us that were watching. Despite this, Joy didn't straighten up. 

   "As a high ranked officer of the future vampire council, I am honored to say these words..." 

   That's when she stood up again and took my hands into hers. 

  "Welcome back, Cho Baerin of the Jewel Guardians." She smiled.

   After the fiasco in the front of the school, we all left for class with Joy waving goodbye to me as she headed towards hers. Although the event ended, I could still feel the stares of the other students on me as we walked through the hallways.

    I clenched my necklace nervously, rubbing my thumb over the smooth jade as if it would calm me. Yunhyeong, who saw me fidgeting, placed a comforting hand on my shoulder.

   "Hey, don't worry. They're all just curious about you, that’s all. The majority of the students here won't hurt you. Trust me."

    "The majority? What about the minority?" I asked.

   "Those are the trouble makers who just want attention, so they might cause accidents. But that's all. Seriously, no one here is truly evil enough to want to hurt someone..."

   The memories of the three vampire girls made me doubt his words and I raised a brow.

   It turns out that, because we are the future group of guardians, we get to have our lockers near each other and the majority of our classes together.

     My first class was Astronomy with Donghyuk and Junhoe, so they helped me know what books I would need first; then we bid the others goodbye and headed to the classroom.

      There were many students already sitting in seats by the time we got there. Thankfully, though, Junhoe spotted three opened seats near the corner and we rushed to claim them. Even in the classroom the other students were giving me strange looks, so Donhyuk tried his best to distract me by telling me all the amazing things that I should know about the class.

    Right when he was in the middle of telling me a funny story about Junhoe and a telescope, four guys came over and plopped down onto the desks and chairs around us.

  "June! Dong-dong! What's up!" One of them said as he slapped a bro-five with Donghyuk.

“Hyung~!” Donghyuk smiled in response.

   "Who's the newbie?" Another asked, looking me up and down with large eyes. I narrowed my eyes at him, but Junhoe spoke up before I could say anything.

  "This is our newest member, Baelynn-noona." He started explaining. "Lady Jeon found her in America. Last month she just got her jewel back and has been asleep the whole time, that's why today's her first day."

   The tallest of the four boys whistled. "A month? Wow. That's probably the longest record, huh?"

  Donghyuk nodded then turned towards me with a smile. "Noona, these guys are a part of the future fairy and werewolf councils..."

  He nudged the one who high-fived him with his elbow, who then stood up and smiled at me.

   "Hey! My name is Kwon Soonyoung, but I like to go by the name Hoshi!" His smiled got so big that I couldn't even see his eyes anymore. He then motioned towards one of the others. "And this-"

   "Hi, Noona! My name is Lee Seokmin, but you can call me DK!" The younger quickly (and very loudly) cut him off. Hoshi playfully knocked the side of the younger's head with his fist and sighed. "As I was saying, this is my younger brother, DK. We are both a part of the future fairy council."

   "Yeah, and Hoshi-hyung has a pretty high rank too." Donghyuk mentioned.

 “Rank?” That reminded me about earlier when Joy mentioned that she had a high rank in her clan.

 “Oh! I guess we forgot to tell you about that, huh?” Junhoe mumbled and gave me an apologetic grin when I shot him a pointed glare.

 “Well, ranks in a clan or a certain species are basically what you’d naturally think they are.” Donghyuk started to explain. “It’s similar to ranks in a Kingdom or Military. The higher rank or level that you and your family are, the more important your position is.”

 For example….” Hoshi spoke up. “I am one of the oldest of 13 brothers that are supposed to lead the other fairies in the future. Because my Father, the Fairy King, had so many sons, he chose one of us to be the future Fairy King and two others to be his second and third command.”

I soaked up what he said and tried to put two and two together.“So… when Donghyuk said ‘high rank’ he meant that you…”

   “I’m the second in command.” He grinned. “My oldest brother is the future King and my other brother, Woozi, is the third in command. He was qualified to be second, but he said that he, and I quote, ‘Didn’t want the extra work’.”

    One of the two other boys practically snorted at that while DK smiled sheepishly. “I don’t really blame him. He already has so much on his plate already.”

   “Isn’t he basically the living definition of a ‘work-a-holic’?”  Junhoe mumbled, to which Hoshi answered with a nod. “Sadly, yes.”

    While they were still talking, I used the time to take a good look at the fairy brothers.

    They were both very handsome. Hoshi had very light blonde hair, chubby cheeks, and most likely the cutest slanted eyes I've ever seen. He wasn’t exactly short, but wasn’t as tall as the others though either and his voice always seemed to have a joyful tone to it. 

      DK on the other hand had short, light brown hair with the bangs styled up and a long face that made him look older than me. He was defiantly taller than his brother, but they had similar smiles that showed their kindness.  

     When they were done talking, I looked towards the other two boys. They also smiled at me and then stood up.

  "My name is Lee Sungjun, but people call me Wei." The taller one explained quickly.

      "And I'm his cousin Seon Yein, but you can refer to me as Sunyeol if you'd like." The other added after. "As Donghyuk just said, we're a part of the future Werewolf council."

       Just like Hoshi and DK, they were very good looking. Wei's hair was styled to where it went up and curved to the side of his face.  The shape of his eyes made him look serious but I could see a glint of mischief and humor in them.

      Sunyeol, though, defiantly had a baby face. Like Hoshi, he also had strait, blonde hair but it was styled so that the bangs curving a bit to the right. 

   “We aren’t of super high rank like Hoshi is.” Sunyeol continued. “Our ranking system is pretty similar though. Instead of a King, we have an Alpha and Beta which are our two oldest cousins.”

    "Wow. Let me guess, you also have a lot of cousins..." I commented, half-expecting him to say a number similar to fifteen or something.

 “Not as much as the Fairies, but yeah. There are ten of us.” Wei replied with a small smile. “But, please don’t be scared or worried about us. Even though we’re supernatural creatures that can turn into super huge wolves, we’re also just a bunch of guys that love to have fun and joke around.”

    “Plus…” DK grinned. “They wouldn’t hurt a fly if it didn’t hurt them first. Trust me, when you start to get to know them all, you’d start to think that they’re a bunch of pups instead!”

     That earned him another jab in the head and I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly they were acting.

“Well I can’t wait to meet all of them.” I said with a smile, but kind of got a little creeped out when DK started to give me a strange look.

     "Noona, mind if I could ask how old you are?" He questioned while rubbing his sore head. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't startle by his random question, but I answered anyway. 

     "I just turned 19 last month." 

      "Really?" Hoshi yelled excitedly. "That means you're the same age as us!" He pointed to himself and the werewolf boys.

    We kept on chatting away until a tall man in brown slacks and a gray dress shirt walked into the room. I'm guessing that he was our teacher for everyone quickly rushed to their seats once they saw him enter. 

     "Alright class, since I’ve just been informed that we've gotten a new student with us today, let's start with getting the introductions over and done with quickly. Ok?" He looked around until he spotted me and gestured towards the front of the room.

   "There you are. Can you come to the front please?"

     Once everyone's attention was on me again I started feeling shy. I stood up from my seat and tried my best to avoid anyone's eyes as I headed towards the front of the room. 

    "Uh... Hi... “I said nervously when I got there. ”Um, my name is Cho Baerin and... um... I'm 19... Uh... I used to live in America so-"

      "Wait a minute." A kid shouted, cutting me off. "Are you saying that you are THE Cho Baerin who was killed years ago by the rouges?" 

    "That's impossible!" Another shot up. "My parents were a part of that investigation unit that was there and they said they was absolutely NO evidence that she was still alive."

    "Well, then why is she standing right there then?" A girl this time suggested. "Couldn’t it be possible that they overlooked a few things?"

   "Are you saying that my parent’s made a mistake?"

   The room suddenly burst into loud chatter while I just stood there watching, not knowing what to do. The teacher tried to get everyone to quiet down, but even his attempts were drowned out by the other students.

   I looked back towards my new friends for help, but all they could do was motion signs of encouragement me, which did actually make me feel a bit better. I mouthed a small ‘thank you’ which made Hoshi grin in reply. But it quickly was wiped off as his eyes grew large with panic.

     "Baelynn! Watch out!"

      Hoshi's warning bought my attention and I looked up to see a chair flying through the air, heading right at me. Instinctively, I crouched down with my arms over my head. I stayed that way for a few minutes, waiting for the impact; but it never came. Being the curious person I was I opened my eyes and looked up.

    Instead of landing on the ground near me or behind me, the chair was hovering over my head.

    "Noona!" Donghyuk and Junhoe ran to my side and pulled me from the chair. Once I was out of the way, the chair fell from its position in the air and landed on the ground with a clatter.

     "You ok, Noona?" Junhoe asked. I nodded a 'yes' while noticing a male student walking over to the chair and picking it up so that it stood in its correct way. Then he turned towards the rest of the class with a grin.

     "See that? Remember how they also said that Cho Baelynn might have had the power of telekinesis ‘cause she was born with a Jade just like Guardian Kyuhyun? Well, if what just happened now wasn't enough proof for you, then I don't know what is."

     "Lim Changkyun!” Our teacher scolded. ”That was totally unnecessary! Now apologize at once!"

  The student bowed his head. "Yes sir, sorry sir." Then turned around, walked towards me and held out his hand.

    "Sorry about that, just wanted to prove a point. No hard feelings?" He said with an apologetic smile.

 I looked  back and forth between him and his outstretched hand. In the end, I finally took it.

 “Yeah, no hard feelings.” I replied. “You were only trying to help me out anyway. So no problem, except, please don’t do it again…”

He laughed at my response and helped me up.

 "The teach said my name earlier, but I'd rather be called I.M. because I.M part of the future gargoyle council. Ya’know? hehe."


A/N: And THAT is how we get to meet Hoshi, DK, Wei, Sunyeol, Joy and I.M! XD I plan to have many other artists star as supporting characters so be ready to see who is who! Though, I will give you a hint that Hoshi will help play a larger part later on... hehe!


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Update soon authornim i miss this storyy;-;
Chapter 6: Oh yes new chapter!
Vampires O.O
Well hopefully she will be finding te other female guardians (her lost friends) soon.
Great chapter author-nim!

Chapter 6: Omg! You finally updated! I am so happy that you're back bringing new chapter. THANKYOU lol
Chapter 5: Wow sounds like the other guardians are going to be found soon.
Great chapter.
I'll be waiting for more chapters
Fighting author-nim!

Chocopie39 #5
Chapter 4: Interesting! Hope you'll update soon!
Chapter 3: Baelynn finally meet the stone?! lol ok us date soon!!!
Chapter 2: This is Amazing!!!
Wow so you can chose your character? Fantastic :D
I'll be looking forward to the next chapters
Fighting Autor-nim!!!!

Chapter 2: OMG i am so looking forward to this story! sounds interesting ouo OMG who is the 'he' heree update soon!