Let's make a deal


Dara POV

It's been a week since I started working at the restaurant, somehow it helped keeping my mind off Jaehyun.There are plenty of customers everyday, even though they're mostly old people, I have to work hard!I lock the doors at night and sleep on the sofa..

Oh! Ahjumoni lent me her clothes until I get the paycheck and buy my own, I wash my hair in the sink.. I can't really take a shower.. So yeah, I probably stink like hell... Ha-ha.......Ha.....

Anyways, it might not be a dream job but im thankful.

Ahjumoni's daughter helps us with cooking, I mean, people that come here usually order ramen or chicken so it's not that hard.. My grandpa loved ahjumoni's noodles.. Oh, I also do the cleaning and shopping for groceries!


"Dara, Can you go to the supermarket?We need more carrots, buy some milk as well!"


I ran out as quickly as I could and headed towards the supermarket, I always loved shopping for groceries.. Well, I mean.. It's not like I had money......... Walking around the supermarket is fun!!

As soon as I went inside, I greeted loudly like I've done for the past week. 

"Oh, hello Sandara-sshi!" Familiar girl that works there smiled politely.

I continued walking around with a huge grin.. These days I've been feeling quite happy actually!

My hand flew towards the pack of carrots when I noticed it, as I turned around I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, im so sorry!" There was this awkward silence so I decided to look up.. My eye twitched weirdly when I saw the person in front of me. 

It's him.. The guy.. Can't I live peacefully?!

Before I knew it, I threw the pack of carrots in his face and started running around the supermarket in attempt to hide myself, I wasn't even that scared, I just felt the urge to survive and use my super-saiyan power.

Somehow I had a feeling I'd be seeing him somewhere after I came to a conclusion that he survived my last attack.

I crouched down in the very corner of the shop, where all of the snacks were placed and peeked through the shelves with few bags of chips as a camouflage.

I gasped when I saw him walking towards my direction so I quietly took even more snacks and covered myself with them as I sat on the ground, to my shock, I was greeted with a very loud outburst of laughter.

Maybe it's someone else...  With that in mind, I didn't move an inch.

 "You forgot your carrots." 

It's a trap, he can't find you so he's saying that in hope you'll come out on your own.

It was pretty obvious that I was under the pile of chips but that didn't stop me to think otherwise, maybe.. Just maybe.. He was like one of those cheating kids in hide n' seek that yell out 'I see you' even though they have no clue where you are, just because most of the kids hiding think they've been found out so they come out.. NOT TODAY PAL!

Well, that great idea of mine vanished into thin air when he grabbed one of the bags and opened it, leaving my face exposed. 

"That was a very smart idea, miss." He said calmly as he ate the chips.

I gulped and smiled nervously, "I-I think you've got the wrong person.. S-sir.."

"I don't see anyone else hiding underneath the 20 bags of snacks..-"

"I-IM NOT HIDING! This is an..An.. a-advertisement!...." Im coming up with some great ideas today, good job Dara.

As my eyes traveled nervously in all directions to avoid any eye-contact, he crouched beside me and his finger which made me glance at him immediately.

He smiled creepily, I was reminded of an anime I watched on television long time ago, black butler!!! Is he a demon?!!!!

"I-I.. need to go!!" 



Just when I was about to sprint off, he grabbed my wrist and shoved a snack in my mouth.

"Wmha amm ymu dmooin?"

"You're really pissing me off you know, Petra.." 

W.. What?Did he.. What did he just call me?P-Petra?    "Wmhat?!" 


I swear, this is the most un-respectful, rude, annoying person I've ever met, fine if you want to play that game, bring it onn bastard!

"Sorry, what did you say, Jigung?"



"Say that again." 

"JIGUNG!" I yelled as I broke free from his grasp and ran away.. Again.

Screw carrots, I'll buy them in another supermarket!But, how in the world did he know I was here, it can't be coincidence, right?I mean, from all the supermarkets??!!If I see him again, I'll call the cops!


"Im back!"

Thankfully, I found another supermarket on my way back and bought everything I had to as quickly as possible.I think I might be cursed or something.. Let's hope that nothing goes wrong any further than this.. 


I literally just stepped inside when I saw ahjumoni and her daughter running out, smoke coming from the kitchen.

What going on?

"Ahjumoni, what happened?...."

Her daughter called the firemen as I stared blankly at the small restaurant in front of me. "We were about to open up and something happened in the kitchen.. Im sorry Dara, everything got ruined, we'll have to close the restaurant for now.. You can sleep in our ho..-"

"Oh no!I have friends I can stay with, please don't worry about me!"

What am I saying..

"Are you sure?"

No.. I don't have anyone..


I guess this is it.

People started to ask what happened and look through the glass entrance when the firemen appeared. "Everyone, step aside!"

Well... This is.. Great.

I spent the next hour in front of the restaurant until everything settled down, I got the paycheck even though I don't deserve it.. I can't trouble her anymore, she did enough for me.

"Here's my address, if you need anything!Anythiiing, okay?Take care of yourself please!"

And so.. Im homeless again.. It's so sad it's making me laugh.Two times in less than a month.. OH YES, IM GREAT, THIS SHOULD BE IN THE RECORDS BOOK!

Well, at least I have some cash now.. 

Maybe I should sell my soul to the devil? Ha-ha-ha.........Ha..Ha, how funny.

I decided to spend the rest of the day on the bench, mumbling to myself, singing songs... In a park.. "It's okay to be homeless, let's be homeless together, right everyone?Hhahahahahaha" I probably forgot to mention that I bought a bottle of soju so im a bit drunk.

Guess who appeared in front of me.. Wrong. Group of guys, three guys to be exact. 

"Hey sweety, 'sup?" Ouh pluuuueeese.

"Noin'." What is this.. Did I learn the gangster language.. "What you up to doll?"  "Noin', Im just homeless!Hehee!"

"Oh really, wanna have some fun with uus then?"

Look!Three black butlers in front of me!Hi smirking Sebastians, you all look terrifying!

"Im gud."

"Oh come on, we can be friends, righttt?" UUUUgh, im getting shivers from these creeps.. "Im gud."

"Too bad we don't take no for an answer." Hm?

One of them lifted me up and threw me over his shoulder like im a potato bag or something. "Yaaaaa-a-a-a-h, put me dooown!"

​"Sorry but that wo..-"

"Oh, look it's Petra."


"Busy being kidnapped?Mhm.."

"Who the are you, step aside blondie."

Oh god im going to puke, being turned upside down isn't helpingg! 

"Hhmm?How amusing, do your parents know you're out this late?"

"You moth..-"

The brown haired guy strode towards Jiyong, clearly pissed off, he was about to punch him but Jiyong twisted his arm in a second. "Don't with me, kid."

My face was almost bumping against this dude's bum so I peeked at the scene while I avoided his , I felt something gross coming out of my mouth when I heard a bone crack coming from the brunette.. He broke his.... arm?

Soon enough, I was being thrown on the ground as the two ran away, their friend joined them, except he was crawling and screaming like a possessed goat.

I fell on my back and released very awkward sounds.

"So, Petra.. You're homeless huh?"

"Whyyy y..-"

"Let's make a deal."


Hereee it isss, im soooooo sorry for not updating, I was busy with school ;-; I hope you'll forgive me huuhuhuh.. It's not that long but yeah.. LOVE YAAALL


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Sorry I had exams!Updating soon:)


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daragon_vip #1
Chapter 4: Lol this story is kinda interesting... I hope you’ll continue update authornim!!
mimi_chan18 #2
Chapter 4: its been awhile please update soon :)
jennypish2012 #3
Chapter 4: Update please authornim. Thank you
applerkang #4
Chapter 4: Lmao "oh, look, it's petra!" this is daebak! Never read anything like this in a while *happy tears* thank you so much! I really like this. I'm kind of doubting the word 'romcom' in your tag because mostly, they are exaggerated but I am smiling the whole time i'm reading this. Kamsahamnida! ^_^ fighting! I'm sure you would attract lots of applers:)
kryptonite17 #5
Chapter 4: I was in a very bad mood today but reading this chapter makes laugh so hard...thanks authornim..please keep the updates coming...
heiress #6
Chapter 4: Please be a little nicer to her Jiyong.
wenkie0414 #7
Chapter 4: nice name.. petra and jigung
Chapter 4: Updte please
Chapter 3: great , hope for more
jennypish2012 #10
Chapter 3: Update please authornim.. Thank you