
Lets go to bed

The next day, I woke up to the movement in my arms. I opened my lazy eyes to find a figure there in my arms. It took me sometime for my eyes to adjust to my surroundings but from the scent of strawberries running up my nose, I knew that it was none other than my beloved SungMin-hyung. Once my eyes have adjusted, I found myself staring into a shiny pair of eyes, as if it were never tainted with tire before.

I felt my lips curved up into a smile. "Good morning, beautiful." I said. His eyes shone even brighter than before and wished me back. We stayed in that position for some time until we heard the couple next door getting up. The sound of a door closing reminded us that we should get up and go get ready for our schedule too.

"We should get up too, hyung." I softly said still staring at him. "But I don't wanna move." He whined. I chuckled at his childishness and gave a small peck on his forehead. "C'mon, we're doing our first mission today. We should be fresh and ready for it!" I tried to convince him like an adult would try to convince their child to take a shower.

He pouted and jokingly rolled his eyes at me. "You may act like an adult now, but in front of a child, you're only as 'adult' as your height. You've no knowledge of child care, Kyu. That's a fact."

"Then you take care of our children!" I jokingly shot back on impulse but he stopped in his tracks and looked at me with a slightly shocked expression. "D-did I say something...wrong?" I asked a bit afraid if I did for I didn't know what wrong have I made.

Still keeping the eye contact, he came closer to my face until we were only a couple of inches apart. "Repeat what you said."

" take care...of our children?" I repeated slowly, still not realising my 'mistake'. "How many kids do you want, Kyu?" He asked with all seriousness.

I was taken aback. 'What?' "Erm, I don't know. Two? Why?"

"You said I should take care of our children right?" I nodded and he looked at me more intently trying to get the message through. I repeated what I said again and again in my head until finally, it hit me. Our children. That's what I said. 'Our' children.

"H-hyung, I...erm...I, they''m I...ready? Well, they're...I mean...not that I mind...I mean, they're cute and all and...err..." SungMin-hyung placed a finger on my lips gently to shut me up. I was thankful that he did that because I had no idea what was I blabbering on about.

He gave me a reassuring smile and walked towards the bathroom. I silently cursed at myself for acting so ridiculously in front of him. I let out a big yawn and stood up stretching my long limbs. I made up my bed and went out to the living room to see who was making breakfast. I wasn't surprised to find RyeoWookkie-hyung already dressed and cooking so effortlessly.

"Good morning, Wookie~" I said cutely. He turned around with a playful angry expression and said "Yah! I'm your hyung." I laughed it off and stood next to him by the stove. I saw that he was frying anchovies and green chillies. "What are you cooking?" I looked to his left, and there sat a bowl filled with vegetables ready to be cooked. 'Oh hell no!'

"You're not gonna use ALL those vegetables right?" I asked again. He smiled "I'm making fried rice. I'm sure mine won't be as good as HanKyung-hyung's Beijing Fried Rice, but I thought I'd give it a go." He was obviously ignoring my second question.

"Hmm...okay then" I said still eyeing the evil greenery that was called vegetables. I walked out of the aromatic kitchen and back to my half pink, half sky blue room. The pink part belonged to SungMin-hyung of course and the blue side, mine. I could smell strawberries from the direction of the bathroom. The sound of running water stopped after a few moments.

'He's done!' I thought. I took my clothes from the closet, getting ready for my turn. I stood a few feet away from the bathroom door. A few moments later, he came out only in his pants, shirtless with a towel over his head. He lifted his head and smiled sweetly at me. Of course, i barely paid attention at his sweet face and more to his 'sweet' body. 'Right, stop it.' I walked pass him and shut the door lightly. A sigh escaped my mouth. I was relieved.

"Next time, Cho KyuHyun, don't be in the room when he comes out of the shower." I told myself. I shook my head once more and stripped. I was in the middle of washing my hair when I realised that I didn't bring a towel in. 'Oh great.'

When I've washed all the soap off, I tried to dry myself as much as I could with my hands. I tried to squeeze the water out of my hair and wipe the water off my body. I was still quite wet but it was better than before. I put on my boxers and quickly walked out of the bathroom, but two steps out and I knocked into someone.

I took a step back to look at who it was. Well, it was SungMin-hyung of course. Who else could it have been? I blinked at him, a little bit confused as to why he was standing there. He shoved a blue towel in front of my face and I had to blink several times more before I understood his action. He was passing me a towel. I took it and muttered a thank you, walked back into the bathroom and dried myself properly.

When I was done dressing, I heard a distinct thump from the room. I walked out to find SungMin-hyung sitting on the floor between our beds rubbing his head. I rushed to his side "What happened?"

"N-nothing." He looked away with what seemed like a blush on his face. I gently pulled his chin to face me. "Tell me." I said, in hopes that he could tell that I was really worried. His blush deepened and what came out of his mouth next made me laugh. "I suddenly remembered were half just now...and fell off the bed."

I was clutching my stomach, the laughter filling the room. He pouted and hit my on my shoulder. "You're mean." I helped him to his feet. I took my phone from the side table and went out of the room, all the while pulling him with my. He was still rubbing his head when we got to the kitchen.

"Does it still hurt that bad?" I asked, worry obviously written in my voice. He nodded. I pulled him into an embrace and kissed the spot he was rubbing at. His hands s around my back and clasped together. He locked me in his arms too. We stayed that way for a while. I was happily inhaling his strawberry scented hair until a sound of someone clearing their throat made us jump back.

It was LeeTeuk-hyung with his ever so famous dimpled smile. We smiled back sheepishly at him. I cleared my throat went to the direction of the kitchen. SungMin-hyung pointed at the direction of the hall which lead to our rooms and mumbled something about his phone and battery. When I stepped through the saloon-styled door, the sensational smell of food hit me.

"Yum! I'm practically drooling now! Can I have a taste please!" I childishly begged RyeoWook-hyung. YeSung-hyung was sitting on the counter where the nasty bowl of green evil sat earlier. I was glad the bowl was replaced by him. I went to sit next to YeSung-hyung. "Good morning, Kyu." He smiled at me.

I swear, he never shows his aegyo in front of anyone but the members. His smile was so adorable. "Good morning, hyung. RyeoWookkie-hyung..." I whined, looking back at him. "I want a taste please"

"Aish, this boy." RyeoWook-hyung shook his head in fake exasperation. "No." The reject was real though.

I pouted and went out the living room. KiBum-hyung and KangIn-hyung were setting up the table while SiWon-hyung was reading his bible on the sofa. He showed no signs of putting the Holy book down to help the others. I plopped down next to him. "What are you reading?"

"Revelation." He was clearly drowned in the book and clearly wasn't going to explain further. I just silently nod and stared at my hands. 'Well, this is awkward.' I stood up, suddenly agitated. I went over to the balcony and looked down to find several black dots at the ground floor. Must be fans waiting for their favourite groups to show up. 'I wonder whose fans are they?' (since Super Junior live in the same building as several other artists)

I walked back inside, the table was set up and RyeoWook-hyung was taking out a big pot filled with the fried rice he spoke of earlier. The living room was filled with the fragrant smell of the rice. I couldn't help but to salivate. I went back to my room to get SungMin-hyung.

When I stepped in, he was talking on the phone in his bed. He was under the bed sheets. 'I don't think he noticed me'

I tip-toed to his bed in an attempt to scare him but his conversation with the person on the phone made me stop in my tracks.

"I love you too." There was a short pause, he was probably listening to the person on the other line speak. "Yes, no worries. I will." Another pause.

"Yes, yes. I love you too. How many times must I repeat myself?" He jokingly asked. "Yes..." He jokingly groaned.

My body was tensed up. 'Who is he talking to? Who is that person? Do I know that person? I'm gonna kill that person.' Thoughts like that ran through my mind. I couldn't help it. Jealousy took over and I was ready to strangle the next person who talked to me. I pulled the blanket off of him (maybe a bit too roughly). He was shocked but he replied the person on the line anyway.

"Okay, I know." He replied his normal tone, but his face said "what the hell was that for?" I just stood there, glaring him down. "Yes, erm, I think I'll call you back later. My KyuHyun is here. I think he wants to talk to me."

"Okay, Okay. I will. Love you too, umma." He ended the call and I felt my insides turn to ice as though someone had dumped me in the Arctic Sea. 'Opps.'

"Why did you do that for?" He asked me. The anger and jealousy in me completely subsided and was replaced by...shame? It's not something I'm very used to feeling. But when I do feel it, it's terrible. I looked away from him. Too afraid to face the consequences. "Look at me, Cho KyuHyun." I swallowed the lump in my throat. As slowly as I could, I turned my head to him.

"Open your eyes!" my eyes shot open. "What. the. hell. was. that. for." He asked word by word. Seriously, angry SungMin isn't a SungMin you'd want to meet.

I swallowed the lump in my throat again. "I...erm...ahem...I were...talking with someone else...on the" The last few words were barely audible but the silence in the room helped amplify my voice. I avoided making eye contact with him. He suddenly cocked his head to one side. "Kyu-ah...are you...are you...jealous?" The word pierced through me when he said it.

I nodded slightly. He looked at me in shock, awe and amusement. I felt so silly standing there like that, so I went down on my knee, to his eye-level and said "Hyung. From today onwards, I'll be jealous if you say those words to anyone besides me and your mom. I might act rashly like I did just now. And I might seem stupid, but I just can't take it when its you telling someone else that you love them. Promise me you won't use those three words to anyone else besides me, the members and your family. Promise."

He looked at me for a while. Not saying a word. Not moving an inch. "Please, SungMin-ah..." I begged. The plea helped him make something up in his mind. He sat up straight, held my hand and told me "If I have to promise you something, you have to promise me something too." I gulped once more and nodded.

"You have to promise me that you will never use the words 'I love you' to anyone else besides me, your hyungs and Henry, and your family. You have to promise me that you cannot flirt with just anyone you see. Not even with someone you like. As long as I'm there, I'll get jealous. You don't want a jealous Lee SungMin. So, promise me."

He held out his pinky. I took it with mine. Like before, without breaking our pinkies, our thumbs touched to seal the promise.

"Kyu-ah. From now on, lets be an official couple."

My eyes widened at his request. I blinked a few times. 'What is wrong with you, Cho KyuHyun. You've been just a blur person since you woke up!'

His face reddened to the shade of a ripe tomato. I smiled at him sincerely. "Yes. Lets. Lee SungMin, you are now officially my boyfriend."

"Cho KyuHyun, you are now officially my boyfriend." We stared happily into each other's eyes for some time. I finally remembered my original intention of coming to the room, that was to call him out for breakfast. "Let's go eat. Breakfast is ready."

With our still linked finger and thumb, pulled him up. My other hand helping as well. We went to the breakfast and ate.

"Today, is our first shoot for that Mystery Show. I hope everything goes well." YeSung-hyung said. We nodded. Suddenly there was the sound of someone snoring. It was LeeTeuk-hyung's ring tone. The snores belonged to KangIn-hyung of course. "Teukkie, when are you going to change that?" KangIn-hyung whined.

"Oh hush. Yobboseyo?" He answered. "Yes...yes. Okay. Sure. Okay, see you. Bye." He kept the phone in his back pocket "ShinDong will meet us at the studio. He's having breakfast with Nari's family." We all nodded again and continued eating.

When we were done eating, we walked over to the studio, once again leaving the dirty dishes in the sink to be cleaned up later.

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Eunli_umma #1
Chapter 9: Oh Gosh... I don't know if you're still writing this. But know that you have a fun! And I await your update :D
rocksolidpanda #2
please update soon!
KyuminMania #3
Am here....this is awesome*D
CoFFiee #4
Cute and adorable ^^
Who could ever resist sungmin cuteness?
Even that Certain evil couldn't do that!! ^^

Update soon ^^
veveanna-dreaw #5
ahhhhhh, so cute
Okay, I stand by what I said when I first read the story. This is uber cute! >.<<br />
I am a little confused, though, about Kyu and Ming's relationship. I was busy thinking about 'are they or aren't they' whenever these two got intimate. Or maybe I'm just a little slow and missed something. xD<br />
<br />
I'm interested in where you will take this story next. I see you got a great idea here and there were moments that got me laugh (like how Kyu live up to his reputation as the evil maknae xD ). <br />
<br />
Overall, you got a great thing going here and I can't wait for an update. :D
Darzyy #8
Updaaate~ pleaase ^-^