Online Dating #6

Online Dating

Online Dating #6 - Hoseok
Group: BTS
Pairing: YoonSeok
Rating: PG
Warning: Mild language
Word Count: 2,754


“Your fans are really excited about Yoongi,” Namjoon sits at his computer, looking over the comments on Hoseok’s video log channel. Hoseok has mentioned Yoongi a few times in the videos, but he has never shown Yoongi on camera. He wants to. He really wants to show the world the hot boy that he’s been talking about for the past couple of weeks, and he wants to announce that Yoongi is his. “Have you considered getting him into your gaming videos? I’m sure the fans would love that.”

“I want to, Namjoon,” Hoseok sighs, resting his chin in the palm of his hand. “But I don’t know how it would work.”

“Well, you have your gaming videos with Jungkook that goes up every Wednesday,” Namjoon begins. “And Monday you have your one off games,  and Thursdays are your reviews. Saturday is the day you upload your weekly logs on your side channel,” He goes through Hoseok’s schedule. “You could upload videos of you and Yoongi playing a game on Fridays. Just think about it.”

“You know, it’d be even better if he were my boyfriend,” Hoseok says, thinking of how much his fans would love to see him playing games with his boyfriend. If that’s what Yoongi were.

“So make him your boyfriend,” Namjoon says. “Besides, I’m as equally excited to meet him. Jungkook’s already met him, and all he can talk about is how hot he is. I’d like to judge for myself.”

“I’ll let you meet him, but he’s mine.” Hoseok feels the need to protect Yoongi from his friends. Yoongi is really attractive, and he knows that Namjoon and Jungkook would both love to get their hands on someone like him.

“I’ll just look,” Namjoon says. “No touching. I swear.”


“So I told him that Seokjin is cheating on him,” Yoongi says. “Since Seokjin means so much to Jimin, I don’t want them to break up.”

Hoseok pays for their coffees, and the two look for a seat. It’s a little crowded, but Yoongi always manages to find the seat surrounded by the smallest amount of people. “I know you want to protect him,” Hoseok says. He knows he must be the most horrible person on the face of the planet for seeing the benefit in this, but he really does think that Jimin would be good for Jungkook. Now he just has to find the right time to bring it up to Yoongi so that they can introduce them. Now, with the wounds still fresh, is not the right time. “But I really think you did the right thing by telling him.”

Yoongi’s still worried about it, Hoseok can tell. It’s sweet how much he cares about his friend, and it makes Hoseok fall for him even more every time he shows this sensitive side to himself. “Thanks,” Yoongi says with a small smile. It’s enough to let Hoseok know that he’s doing his job correctly. “Anyway, I’m thinking about going back to school and choosing a different career path.” Yoongi smoothly changes subjects without disrupting the flow of conversation. “I thought I’d like to be an editor because it sounded easy, but it’s actually boring and stressful.”

Hoseok thinks back to the conversation that he and Namjoon had just before this, and he thinks that this is the perfect chance to submit the idea to Yoongi. Since he’s wanting a different career path anyway. “You don’t have to go back to school to find a new job,” Hoseok assures him. “You can just quit everything and play games with me. You’re really cute, and my fans would love you. In fact, they’d probably ship us together.” They already do, and they haven’t even seen you yet, Hoseok thinks.

“I’ll think about it,” Yoongi says.


“Jungkook, do you want a relationship?” Hoseok asks. It’s been a couple of years since Jungkook’s gotten into a real relationship, and he’s never even had a serious one. Jimin is definitely the commitment type, so Hoseok has to be sure that Jungkook’s not going to hurt him like Seokjin did if he gets the chance to introduce them. “I mean, do you think you could commit to someone? Ever?”

The two sit in Hoseok’s room, playing Super Mario 3D World on the Wii U. It’s not for a gaming video. Just for fun. “I’d be willing to for the right person,” Jungkook tells him. “I just haven’t found anyone worthy of my full attention yet.”

“What do you imagine as the ‘right person?’” Hoseok asks him.

“I don’t know,” Jungkook says. He pauses the game just before Hoseok was about to fall off the stage. “I’ve been told that I’ll just know when I meet that person that he’s the one. I haven’t felt that with anyone. Ever. So I don’t think I’ve found him yet.”

“You don’t have any idea what you’re looking for? The type of person you think could be the one?”

“Well, I have some thoughts,” Jungkook says. “I like someone with charm. Someone who can have a cute side and y side. I’d like him to be shorter than me, but he needs confidence. Someone who knows what he wants and goes for it.” He unpauses the game after his brief explanation, and Hoseok’s character falls off the screen. “Someone who’s really willing to have an equal relationship. That’s my idea.”

“Would you ever date a fan?” Hoseok asks. He knows that Jimin is a big fan of Jungkook, already, so this is important.

“I would,” Jungkook says. “If he’s the one, I would be foolish to pass him up, right?”

“Right,” Hoseok agrees.


When Saturday rolls around, Hoseok and Yoongi have plans together again. Namjoon wants to come along this time, forcing Hoseok to fulfill his promise of letting him see Yoongi in person for the firs time. In turn, Yoongi brings his own friend, and Hoseok is honestly glad. He knows that Namjoon can get a bit demanding sometimes, and Yoongi’s friend is someone who can take his attention away from Yoongi. Especially because he, Taehyung, is really cute, and hopefully Namjoon’s style.

Sometime after sitting down, Namjoon brings up his need for a new roommate. Hoseok had told him that Yoongi’s been complaining about how crowded his apartment is getting, and Namjoon really does need a new roommate since his current one will be leaving soon. That’s why Hoseok thought this was the perfect opportunity to get him and one of Yoongi’s roommates together. The instant Namjoon brings the subject up, him and Taehyung get absorbed in their own little conversation almost immediately.

“I think these two are doing fine on their own,” Hoseok says to Yoongi. “Do you want to go somewhere else?”

Yoongi is so cute and obviously inexperienced in the art of bailing on his friends because he seems a little shocked that Hoseok suggests it at all. Hoseok rolls his eyes with a smile and tells Namjoon that they’ll be leaving. Namjoon waves them off, not skipping a beat in his conversation with Taehyung. The two are so deeply involved in their own little world right now that they won’t even notice Yoongi and Hoseok had just left them there alone. Hoseok gets up from the table and leaves them be, pulling Yoongi along with him on his way out of the cafe.

It’s a cold day, colder than the first time he and Yoongi had met each other in McDonald’s that night, but it reminds him so much of their first meeting. Especially the way Yoongi stands close, cuddling into Hoseok for extra warmth. He’s comfortable enough to stand closer now than he had been on the first night they met. Hoseok thinks he’s absolutely insane for have these feelings for Yoongi escalating so quickly. “What do you have in mind, if not sitting inside the warm cafe like perfectly sane people?” Yoongi asks with interest.

“Oh, Yoongi, I think we’ve known each other long enough for you to know that I’m anything but sane,” Hoseok teases. He pokes Yoongi in the side, and Yoongi flinches away.

When he does so, the coffee spills out of his cup and onto his fingers, and Hoseok feels guilty instantly. Yoongi winces as the hot liquid probably burns on his cold fingers, and Hoseok quickly takes his hand to clean it. This time, though, he doesn’t have napkins like he did after their dinner at McDonald’s, so he settles for the liquid fro Yoongi’s fingers instead. As if that’s going to help, he thinks later. He kisses Yoongi’s hand apologetically. “I should really be more careful. I’m sorry,” Hoseok says. He feels like a big idiot, but with the way Yoongi is blushing, Hoseok can’t stop himself before he kisses Yoongi’s hand again. Once more. For good measure.

“I-it’s fine, Hoseok,” Yoongi insists. Just before Hoseok can press his lips to Yoongi’s coffee flavored skin again, Yoongi pulls his hand back.

Now is the right time, Hoseok thinks to himself. Yoongi is always standing too close to him, and he always steals glances when he thinks Hoseok doesn’t notice. His face is flushed over with cute shades of pink anytime Hoseok gives him a compliment or does something sweet. He’s absolutely certain that Yoongi feels the same about him, so now is the perfect chance to confess those feelings. “You’re really cute when you get shy,” Hoseok begins with a nice compliment. He opens his mouth to say more—

“Hoseok, what do you want?” Yoongi suddenly demands before Hoseok can say anything else. “Because I really like you, but I feel like you’re just leading me on. You say you don’t want a relationship, but you keep being really sweet—”

He’s so stubborn. Always saying that Hoseok is not interested or that he doesn’t want a relationship. Hoseok never said that, but he can’t get that across to Yoongi. That’s why he presses his lips to Yoongi’s in the most gentle manner he can at this moment. He has to get him to shut up and understand that Hoseok’s been having the exact same feelings. Probably longer than Yoongi’s been having them.

Yoongi makes a small sound when Hoseok’s lips come into contact with his, and the two stand there, enjoying the moment while it last. All thoughts of the cold winter air gone from their mind. Despite his outburst demanding that Hoseok stops messing with his feelings, Yoongi is the first one to step back. “I can’t,” He breathes, and Hoseok feels his heart sinking in his chest. He shouldn’t have done that. He shouldn’t have kissed Yoongi without warning. It was uncalled for. Now he ed everything up. “I’m sorry…I can’t.”

Before Hoseok has a chance to react or say anything, Yoongi’s gone. He’s running away. Probably to his own apartment.


Hoseok’s advantage comes from the fact that he’s dropped Yoongi off several times, so he knows the location of Yoongi’s apartment fairly well. The problem? He’s never actually been up to Yoongi’s apartment, so he has no idea what number it is. That’s why he’s thankful for this amazing thing called the front desk in this nice building. “Excuse me,” Hoseok says and clears his throat to get the lady’s attention. “Can you tell me how to find the apartment of Min Yoongi?”

The girl looks completely unprofessional. Her hair is up in a messy bun, and she’s wearing a baggy sweatshirt. Her lips are heavily coated with the color red, and she even has a nose ring in all while chewing on a piece of bubblegum. “Mind if I ask who wants to know?” She questions, smacking her gum a little too much.

“I’m Hoseok,” He says. “Jun—”

“Jung Hoseok?” She asks, her pitch going up a few levels. “Yoongi’s told me about you. He’s on the third floor. Apartment C6.” She points to the elevator. “Good luck, sweetie.”

Hoseok is very thankful for the nice lady at the help desk, so he thanks her before rushing to the elevator. Just as he arrives on the floor, he sees Jimin leaving the apartment. “Hey,” He says, voice subdued. “Yoongi…uh…he just got back, and he’s a little upset.”

“I know,” Hoseok says. “That’s why I need to talk to him.”

Jimin nods and waves for Hoseok to follow him. Jimin leads Hoseok into their apartment. It’s really small, and a bit of a mess. Considering there are three people living there, though, Hoseok can’t really blame them. The living room and the kitchen are basically connected, and there’s one door leading to Yoongi’s room and another to the bathroom. No hallway. Jimin opens the door to Yoongi’s room, and he walks in to join his friend on the bed. “Yoongi?” Jimin’s voice is soft and comforting, and Yoongi sniffles. Hoseok stands awkwardly in the doorway, not really sure what to do at the moment. “Yoongi, Hoseok wants to talk to you.”

“Tell him I’m not here,” Yoongi whines. Lying on his stomach and facing away from the door, Yoongi has no idea that Hoseok is even standing right here.

“Yoongi, I can see you,” Hoseok speaks to let Yoongi know that he’s there.

“If I can’t see you, you can’t see me.” Yoongi says. “I’m not here.”

Jimin comforts his friend by rubbing his back soothingly. “I’ll let you two talk about this.” Jimin says, and he gets up from the bed.

Once Jimin leaves, Hoseok stays silent a moment before walking over to join Yoongi on the bed. “I never said I don’t want a relationship.” Hoseok says. “You sure are good at assuming things, you know.”

“I just don’t want to fall in love alone,” Yoongi whispers, but he doesn’t look at Hoseok.

“You didn’t,” Hoseok says. He rubs Yoongi’s back assuringly, and Yoongi sighs. “I said that I want to let it just happen, Yoongi. And sometime between you falling to the ground with ice cream in your hair and now, it did. It just happened.”

“I still don’t think I can do this.” Yoongi says. “I really like you, and I’d like for this to last forever, Hoseok. But nothing does. Nothing lasts forever.”

It’s really clear that Yoongi’s been hurt in the past, and he’s really cautious about getting hurt again. Hoseok’s not going to hurt him, though. Ever. “It’s funny, because they also say that everything must come to an end.” Hoseok says. Finally, Yoongi rolls to his side to look at Hoseok. “So if everything must come to an end, but nothing lasts forever—I want you to be my nothing.”

He’s a little shocked when Yoongi actually laughs at that. Hoseok smiles, feeling accomplished that he’s able to make Yoongi laugh even when he feels like . “You are so ing cheesy,” Yoongi says. He pushes himself up to a sitting position, crossing his legs in front of him. “You really liked me when my hair was all sticky with ice cream?”

Hoseok doesn’t know exactly when he really fell for Yoongi, but that was the start of it. He shrugs. “It suited you,” He says. “I really fell for you then. Or, on you.”

Yoongi rolls his eyes, but Hoseok can see that it’s impossible for him to hold back his smile. “You are so cheesy. Seriously.” Yoongi gets out around his laughter. “I like it.”

“I like you.” Hoseok says, happiness swelling up in his chest. “Yoongi, can I kiss you?” He decides to ask this time instead of just going for it.

Instead of giving an answer, Yoongi leans forward and presses a kiss to Hoseok’s lips himself. “It’s kind of hot when you ask for permission,” Yoongi sounds breathless.

“Really? It’s hot?” Hoseok questions. When Yoongi nods, Hoseok asks, “And what if I just go for it?” As soon as he completes the sentence he kisses Yoongi this time.

“Yeah,” Yoongi breathes when Hoseok sits back with a smile. “That’s hot, too.”

“Min Yoongi, minyoongi93,” Hoseok settles for Yoongi’s totally creative user name. “Will you be my boyfriend?”

“Do you even have to ask?” Yoongi questions.

“Isn’t it hot?” Hoseok teases.

“Yes.” Yoongi laughs. “Yes. It is hot. And yes. I will be your boyfriend. Because I like you, too, Jung Hoseok. A lot.”

Hoseok pulls Yoongi into a hug, squeezing him so tight he almost keeps Yoongi from breath. “I really really really really like you, Yoongi.” Hoseok says. “I promise to take care of you.” Forever, he thinks. But he doesn’t say it. That’s for him to keep to himself. For now.

E/N: That's it! The story is done! I finally made my own cover, and I posted the next story in this series. It is called "My Roommate," and it's Taehyung and Namjoon's story. After that one will be Jimin and Jungkook's story~ I hope that you guys all look forward to those. And I hope you like my awful poster I made for the story. It's the first one I ever made, so I like it. :3 Yes. I took a graphic design class in uni, and yes, I'm still that god awful at making posters. xD I like it, though. Some how, I think it fits with the gaming theme. xD ANYWAY! Read NamTae's story now! (When I upload the first chapter.)

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XueXing #1
Chapter 6: I can't wait for your other fanfic of those two couples but you have not updated 'My Roommate' and have not start on Jikook's story. ;-(
I hope you would update 'My Roommate' soon.
Chapter 6: just reread this bc its cute af and the hinted future jikook is life
Chapter 6: I really loved this!!! Super cute & sweet
yoonseokaf #4
Chapter 6: I just read this for the second time and it was super cute. You didon't really well at portraying emotions without getting carried away by it! It is amazing! <3
Zanilia16 #5
Chapter 5: My word, this was such a great read. Much Thanks!
YoonGiLovers97 #6
Chapter 6: I'm falling. OH MY GOD. It's nice.
Chapter 6: gosh i absolutely loved this <3 hoseok here is goals~
SilenceMaker #8
You made me so happy you have no idea!! I loved this, your writing is great. Hope you write more!
Chapter 6: ahhh precious babies <3 this is really cute, I love it
jamless_jimin #10
Chapter 6: Every time something about Hoseok's gaming career came up I kept thinking of achiement hunter xD
Now apart from my ah fangirling. I absolutely loved this story and how you tell the story through both p.o.v's I'm so excited for the other two stories as well xD