Online Dating #3

Online Dating

Online Dating #3 - Yoongi
Group: BTS
Pairing: YoonSeok
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,713
Warnings: Mild language warning. Alcohol consumption.


Yoongi hates places like this. Places that are far too loud to have a conversation at a normal volume, and he hates it even more when he’s only here because his stupid coworker thinks that he could use the socialization. The three of them—since the only way Jimin and Seokjin could get him out is if they came with him—sit in one of the lounge areas away from the large speakers, so the music is a little quieter over here, but not much. It’s quiet enough, though, that Yoongi can hear the sounds and moans coming from the couple next to him as they make out with each other on the couch.

“Seriously, you two are so gross,” Yoongi mumbles, mostly to himself, trying to ignore the two. Jimin sits on Seokjin’s lap, facing his boyfriend, and the two are face as if they haven’t seen each other in months.

Jimin breaks the kiss and looks at Yoongi. Seokjin can’t keep his lips off the younger for long, Yoongi know, because he begins on Jimin’s neck while the younger one is away. “You’re just jealous because you don’t have this.”

“ off, Jimin,” Yoongi snaps. “I don’t want any of…that.

Jimin almost seems like he’s about to say something, but his eyes flicker to look somewhere behind Yoongi. Knowing that means there’s someone approaching the table, Yoongi turns around to see an unfamiliar face coming near. “Hey, would you care to dance?” The man asks, and it takes a moment for Yoongi to realize that it’s him he’s talking to.

“What? Me?” Yoongi asks, and he can feel Jimin staring at him as if he’s the biggest idiot on the face of the planet. “I-I guess.” Normally Yoongi would avoid any strangers who approached him in a place like this, but he’d do anything to get away from these two s.

The man takes Yoongi’s hand and drags him onto the dance floor. He’s not even really that appealing, but, whatever. It’s just a dance.

Once they get to the center of the floor, they start to dance. The guy gets behind Yoongi holding onto his waist as they dance together, his body moving smoothly to the flow of the music. Yoongi takes not that the man is already half-hard when his presses to Yoongi’s , but he doesn’t let that bother him. It often happens in places like this. Yoongi just lazily sways his hips, not really caring to get into it.

“I don’t see pretty faces like yours around here often,” The guy shouts into Yoongi’s ear. He has to so that Yoongi can hear him over the music, but Yoongi wishes that he wouldn’t be so loud. “Why are you alone?”

“I wasn’t alone,” Yoongi retorts in a snappy tone. He tries to turn around to face the guy, but he holds Yoongi’s hips in place with his strong hands. “I was with my friends before you dragged me away.”

Yoongi feels the man resting his chin on his shoulder, and he feels his body shake with laughter from behind him. “You know what I mean.” He shouts, and Yoongi feels one of his hands glide from his hip to his inner thigh.

Yoongi’s movements slow, and his blood begins to boil in his veins. The guys hand glides up Yoongi’s thigh until it’s settled in his crotch area, and he presses against Yoongi’s . That is seriously not okay. Yoongi shoves his elbow back, hitting the guy in the stomach easily, and he instantly retracts, cradling his abdomen. “What the ?” He demands, glaring a Yoongi.

“Yeah, what the ?” Yoongi spits back. “Could you at least have the decency to ask for my name before you try getting all handsy?” And he runs back to the lounge area where Jimin and Seokjin are still making out on the couch. Thank, God. Yoongi thinks.

“Hey,” Yoongi says, slapping Jimin on his shoulder. The kid pulls back, glaring up at him. He responds with a sharp what, probably irritated that Yoongi is disturbing them when he was supposed to be dancing with some tard. “I’m done with this place. I’m leaving.” Yoongi says, and he turns to leave from the club before Jimin can protest or try to convince him to stay.

Yoongi is relieved when he gets out into the cool, crisp air of the late-autumn night. It’s a nice contrast to the built up heat in the club, mostly coming from many, disgusting sweating bodies. The music from inside the club slowly fades away as Yoongi walks further and further away from the building. Yoongi can feel his phone vibrating against his hand as he walks.

Pulling the device out of his pocket, he sees that he has a message from Hoseok, happyvirusgamer, on the dating app. Curious, and really just wanting to talk to him, Yoongi opens it.

happyvirusgamer: Hey, what are you doing right now?
minyoongi93: Just left the club. Walking downtown by myself.
happyvirusgamer: Would you like some company? I’m kind of bored, honestly.

Yoongi freezes in his steps, reading the message over and over. He and Yoongi had been having small conversation back and fourth for a little over a week now, but he had never asked Yoongi to meet in person. It’s semi-late at night right now, so Yoongi knows that it’s not the best time to meet someone he barely knows, but he has a really good feeling about this.

minyoongi93: Sure.
happyvirusgamer: Great. Meet me in front of McDonald’s? I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
minyoongi93: Yeah…did you want to get something to eat?
happyvirusgamer: If you’re hungry.

McDonald’s isn’t exactly the most ideal place to have a first date, but when it’s the middle of the night and no other places are open, Yoongi’s not going to complain. He’s not going to complain because he is hungry, and he just wants to get something to eat. He hadn’t had very much alcohol while he was in the club, but it’ll still affect him a lot if he doesn’t eat anything.

From Yoongi’s current location, the walk to McDonald’s is only about six minutes, but he waits for Hoseok to get there before he orders anything. It’s only five minutes before Hoseok gets there, and Yoongi recognizes him instantly. He’s a bit more attractive in person than he is in his photos online, and he smiles when he notices Yoongi. “Have you ordered yet?” Hoseok asks, removing his scarf. Yoongi shakes his head, unable to think of a clear response—even if it’s as simple as no. Although he doesn’t think Hoseok is really that attractive, there’s just something breathtaking about him. “Good,” He says with a smile. “I’ll pay for it. For making you wait on me.”

Yoongi tries not to get too excited about Hoseok paying for his meal. All his other dates who had done that ended badly, so Yoongi’s not taking this as a good sign or anything. Hoseok tells Yoongi to get whatever he wants, and that makes Yoongi happy. He doesn’t order much, but the fact that Hoseok’s willing to pay for anything makes Yoongi happy. Although he doesn’t mind being the one to pay for a date, he likes it when his dates are romantic enough to be the one who pays. “Did you have fun at the club?” Hoseok asks as Yoongi takes the trey and they both go to find a table.

“Absolutely not,” Yoongi uses his words, finally. He selects a table slightly secluded in a small corner, having had his fill of crowded areas tonight.

“Dare I ask?” Hoseok asks fondly. He takes his seat in front of Yoongi, and he sets his scarf on the chair beside him.

Yoongi doesn’t touch his food until Hoseok takes his own. Yoongi grabs a fry, hot and fresh, hissing a little when it burns his tongue. “Some guy asked me dance,” Yoongi mumbles.

“Oh, that’s just the worst,” Hoseok jokes, and Yoongi glares at him with a slight pout. “Go on.” Hoseok presses, laughing in spite of himself.

“He asked me to dance, and he thought that me agreeing was a free ticket into my pants.” Yoongi continues. “He didn’t even have the decency to ask me for my name, so I left.” Yoongi munches on another fry, eyeing Hoseok. “So don’t think I’m letting you into my pants tonight either.”

“It’s good that you have respect for yourself,” Hoseok says. Yoongi glances at Hoseok before taking a sip from his cola. “That’s important if you want to get into a relationship with someone who values you as a person.”

Yoongi snorts at that. “I’ve never had someone who cared for anything but my body,” He says. He wishes that he could take it back as soon as the words leave his mouth because that’s not exactly something that he had planned on sharing, but Hoseok doesn’t seem to react badly.

“I know it’s hard to find,” Hoseok agrees. “But there’s someone out there who will like you for your spirit and your mind. Your body is just sort of an added bonus.”

A faint smile tugs at the corners of Yoongi’s lips. Hoseok sounds like a romantic type of person, the type of person Yoongi would love to be in a relationship with. Only, Hoseok’s not looking for a relationship. Yoongi knows that because Hoseok told him that during their conversation online. “I hope I can find someone like that one day,” Yoongi sighs.


After a late night dinner at McDonalds, the two find themselves walking around downtown. They’re both enjoying a single cup of ice cream that Yoongi had bought from the ice cream parlor that stays open all year for all hours of the day. It makes it ridiculously cold, but that’s okay. It’s okay because the two walk close together for warmth, and Yoongi thinks this feels like a real date.

He learns a few things over the course of him and Hoseok walking together and talking together. He learns that Hoseok has a very contagious laugh—the kind that you can’t help but smile and feel all bubbly happy inside just by hearing it. The kind that makes Yoongi want to find out how many ways he can get Hoseok to laugh. He learns that Hoseok smiles at everything, and he’s definitely the type of person who can make you beam like the rays of the sun—even on a dark and stormy night. Hoseok learns that Yoongi is extremely ticklish, which he takes to his advantage when it comes to the last bit of ice cream—or at least tries to take to his advantage.

Yoongi holds the ice cream bowl close to his chest, and he almost has the spoon to his mouth when Hoseok suddenly starts tickling him. “Stop, you ,” Yoongi demands, but he chortles delightfully. “You’re going to make me drop it, and then neither of us will have it.”

“Maybe that’s my plan,” Hoseok returns, only tickling Yoongi more.

Yoongi jerks away, laughing, but Hoseok eventually brings him down on the ground. Hoseok falls on top of Yoongi, the force of his fall and the weight of his body above Yoongi crushes Yoongi’s windpipes, and Yoongi tries gasping for breath but ends up dropping the spoon his hair. Yoongi feels his stomach sinking in embarrassment, but Hoseok’s laughter still brings a smile to his face. “I’m sorry,” Hoseok apologizes. He pulls the spoon out and grabs a napkin, which he had stolen from McDonald’s, from his jacket pocket and cleans Yoongi’s hair.

Yoongi knows that he’s blushing furiously at how kind Hoseok is being, and he knows that the city lights are bright enough to show it. “My…ah…my apartment is just around the corner,” Hoseok says as he get to his knees and stands up. He offers Yoongi a hand. “We can go there so you can wash up, if you want.” He pauses and flashes a grin at Yoongi. “And I promise this is not all just a ploy just to get into your pants.”

He wasn’t exactly planning on going to Hoseok’s place tonight, but sometimes unexpected things happen. Although they’ve only been together for a little over an hour, Yoongi feels like he can trust Hoseok. Yoongi agrees, and Hoseok leads him to his apartment.

Hoseok’s apartment is quite a bit bigger than Yoongi’s (and a hell of a lot cleaner), and Yoongi can see that he’s still unpacking. There are still a few boxes lying around the living room that need to get done. While Yoongi’s apartment only has a kitchen, a bathroom, and his bedroom, Hoseok’s apartment has it all. As soon as they step in, there’s a small closet to kick their shoes into, which they both do. Stepping into the apartment, there is a door to the kitchen on the left, and a living room right in front of them. Between the kitchen and the living room is a small hall that probably leads to bedroom and bathroom. “Uhm, I guess…you can shower, if you want. Or just wash your hair in the sink.” Hoseok begins suggesting ways to solve Yoongi’s problem of his sticky hair. “Or I can take you home?”

Yoongi shifts all of his weight to the right side of his body as he thinks about it. It’s already quite late in the night, and he wonders if he can convince Hoseok to let him stay the night. He knows that Taehyung probably has some people over at their apartment, or he’s just not there, so Yoongi doesn’t really want to go back. “I don’t have any clothes to change into if I take a shower…” Yoongi starts.

“I’ll let you borrow some pajamas,” Hoseok says. “And then we can sit on the couch and watch movies or something, and I’ll take you home in the morning.”

Yoongi doesn’t even have to ask or try any convincing because Hoseok just offers it. Almost like he knows that’s what Yoongi wanted. “Movies are good,” Yoongi agrees.

Hoseok leads Yoongi to the bathroom where he gives Yoongi a towel and some pajamas. He tells Yoongi that he can use anything he wants, and he leaves Yoongi alone.

Even the bathroom is much bigger than the one in Yoongi’s apartment. Yoongi’s bathroom really only has a tub, a toilet, and a single sink. Here, the sink actually has counter space, and there’s even a shelf to set the pajamas on so they’re not sitting on the toilet or something while Yoongi is showering. Yoongi undresses and gets into the shower. He’s mildly impressed to see that Hoseok uses the same brand of shower products as Yoongi.

Just as Yoongi begins washing his hair, he hears a light tapping on the bathroom door. “Yeah?” Yoongi calls out.

“I just wanted to ask if you like hot chocolate,” Hoseok calls in. “I’m going to make me some. Would you like a cup?”

He’s so cute and thoughtful, and Yoongi only wishes more that Hoseok was looking for a relationship. “Sure, thanks!” Yoongi calls. Hoseok doesn’t respond, but Yoongi hears him walking away.

Yoongi comes out of the bathroom, later, with the towel draped around his shoulders, and Hoseok greats him with a smile. “Sorry my pajamas are a little big,” Hoseok apologizes as he hands Yoongi his cup of hot chocolate. It’s hot, but not too hot. Absolutely perfect.

Yoongi takes a seat on the couch while Hoseok gets the movie in. Since it’s getting close to winter, Hoseok recommends watching some cute, romantic winter movies, and Yoongi agrees. It seems gay as hell, meaning more like a date, to Yoongi, but he’s not going to complain. Hoseok seems like a romantic, so romantic movies were only a reasonable option. Hoseok sits next to Yoongi on the couch, and the first movie of the night begins.

Yoongi only lasts through one and half movies before he drifts off into a deep sleep. When he wakes in the morning, he finds himself sleeping on Hoseok’s couch with his head resting in Hoseok’s lap. Hoseok is sitting on the couch, and Yoongi feels guilty. Did he stay in that position all night because I fell asleep on him? “Hoseok,” Yoongi whispers after pushing himself up.

Hoseok makes a small sound just before stirring from his sleep, and he looks at Yoongi with tired eyes. “Good morning,” Hoseok says as he stretches out, and grabs at his neck as if it’s sore. Yoongi frowns.

“I’m sorry,” Yoongi apologizes. “You didn’t have to stay out here with me. You could have slept in your own bed.”

“I know,” Hoseok agrees. “So it’s not your fault.”

Hoseok takes Yoongi home just as he promised, and Yoongi returns, happy that one date finally worked out just the way he wanted it to. Hoseok was so sweet and kind to him, and he kept to all of his promises about not wanting to get into Yoongi’s pants that night. It was an innocent sleep over, and nothing happened.

“Where the hell have you been?” Taehyung demands when Yoongi enters his apartment after being dropped off by Hoseok. The younger is fuming and angry, and Yoongi remembers, now, that he forgot to text Taehyung last night and tell him that he wasn’t going to be home. “I have been trying to get a hold of you all night. I called Jimin, and not even he knew what happened to you.”

Yoongi bows his head, feeling guilty. He knows that Taehyung panics when Yoongi doesn’t return without telling him that he’ll be out all night because he doesn’t want anything back to happen to Yoongi. On the other hand, he never tells Yoongi when he is going to be out all night. “Sorry,” Yoongi sighs. “I…uh…had a date.”

And Taehyung’s demeanor totally changes as he relaxes and, instead, looks happy for Yoongi. “Oh, really?” He asks, hopping over to the couch and sitting down. He pats the cushion in front of him, inviting Yoongi to join him. “Tell me all about it.”

And Yoongi goes into detail, telling Taehyung about how Hoseok had texted him as soon as he left from the bar, and how they got late night dinner at McDonald’s. How that all led to some ice cream, a bit of mess, and cleaning up at Hoseok’s place where he ultimately stayed the night. He tells about how Hoseok is the most perfect being on the face of the planet, and completely unavailable. Not because he’s straight or taken, but because he’s not interested or even looking for that matter.

“Just because he says he’s not looking, doesn’t mean his not interested.” Taehyung assures him.


“Oh my god, tell me you didn’t.” Jimin exclaims as he comes into the office early Monday morning, sitting in the chair at the front of Yoongi’s desk, propping his feet up on he wooden surface. Yoongi has no idea what he’s talking about, but he’s sure it’s something stupid by the way Jimin is staring at him with his cheeky grin.

“Okay, I didn’t.” Yoongi says just as Jimin tells him to and logs into his computer. It makes that soft ping sound, indicating he’s successfully signed in.

“Oh, but I think you did.” Jimin says. He removes his feet from the desk and plants them on the floor, and he pulls the chair closer so he can comfortably rest his arms on the surface. “Not only did you go on a date, but you spent the night with none other than Jung Hoseok.”

Yoongi freezes, and actually turns all of his attention toward his friend, who, somehow, knows about his date. How the does he even know Hoseok? “What?” Yoongi questions, and he feels his heart sinking in his chest, wondering why Hoseok would tell anyone about that.

“You don’t even have to say it. He doesn’t even have to say it,” Jimin goes on, clearly excited about this whole thing. “He said that he went a date with a really cute blonde with a tattoo of a treble clef on his right wrist, and I knew instantly that it had to be you.”

Yoongi bites back a shy grin, lingering on one thing that Jimin said. “Really?” He questions, his tone a bit higher than usual. “He said I was cute?”

Jimin slams his palms on the table in excitement. “He said you were really cute,” Jimin corrects him, putting emphasis on the really, and Yoongi feels his heart leap in his chest. “So, tell me about it. Did you guys kiss?”

Yoongi eyes Jimin for a curious moment, wondering if he should answer that question. “First, tell me,” Yoongi settles for challenging the kids. “How do you know Hoseok?”

Jimin’s jaw drops in disbelief, and Yoongi just waits for his answer. Jimin’s acting as if Hoseok is some big name celebrity, and, in Jimin’s book, he could be. “Are you kidding me?” Jimin questions. “He’s only, like, one of the most popular gamers online along with his hot friend Jungkook.”

Yoongi snickers, leaning back in his chair. He had never asked Hoseok what he did for a living, but he did talk about video games a lot on his webpage, so it only makes sense that he’s a professional gamer. “Won’t Seokjin get jealous if hears you talking like that?” Yoongi tests.

Jimin rolls his eyes. “I’m allowed to look, Hyung. I’d never go for Jungkook.” Jimin assures him. “I’m insanely loyal to my one and only.”


Thursday rolls around and brings Yoongi to the club again, this time invited out by Hoseok. He begged and begged Yoongi to come with him, saying that Jungkook, his best friend as Jimin had mentioned, was forcing him to go because he didn’t want him to be a shut in. He got Yoongi with, “Besides, if you’re with me, it’ll keep all the creeps off of me.”

Hoseok links arms with Yoongi as they both enter the club together, and Hoseok locates his friend. Jimin had described Jungkook with the word hot, but Yoongi can’t really agree. He’s definitely more of Jimin’s type in looks, and, the way Hoseok talked about him while trying to convince Yoongi to come, he seems to have a lot of personality traits and life-style preferences in common with Jimin as well. “Jungkook, this is Yoongi,” Hoseok introduces him. “Yoongi, my best friend, Jungkook.”

After only five minutes of talking to Jungkook, Yoongi begins to wish that Jimin would have met him before getting into this long term relationship with Seokjin. Jungkook seems like he would be a perfect match for Jimin. The two are insanely compatible. Jungkook bounces away, leaving Yoongi and Hoseok alone when some strangers comes up and asks him to dance.

“So how about it, Yoongi hyung?” Yoongi’s face heats up when he feels Hoseok’s hand around his own, and the gamer draws him closer. “Do you want to dance?”

Yoongi ends up agreeing, but only if Hoseok pays for their drinks. Hoseok tells him that he has himself a deal, and the two down two shots each before hitting the dance floor. Once they begin, Yoongi easily decides that Hoseok is a much better dancer than the guy from the week before, and he’s even better than any dance partner Yoongi’s had before. His hips sway just enough to really ing y, and Hoseok is slowly becoming more attractive to Yoongi than he had been in the beginning. “Why didn’t you tell me you are a professional gamer?” Yoongi shouts to be heard over the music.

“My profile states that I get to play video games for a living,” Hoseok responds, his rhythm not faltering. “I’m sorry, you didn’t know?”

Yoongi shakes his head. “My friend had to tell me about it because apparently you mentioned me in a video or something?”

Hoseok smiles, and grabs Yoongi’s hand. He’s dragging Yoongi away from the dance floor and out onto the patio where it’s much more quiet, and they can have a conversation at a sensible volume. “Yeah, I just…I had so much fun with you the other night, I couldn’t resist telling everyone,” Hoseok admits. “I swear I didn’t mention your name or anything. I hope that’s okay? It got positive feedback.”

Yoongi doesn’t know why, but the simple fact that Hoseok enjoyed their night so much that he had to tell the world about it, literally the world, makes Yoongi happy. So, so happy. “Is it true that you called me cute?” Yoongi asks shyly, and he looks at the ground, embarrassed once the question leave his mouth.

Hoseok in a breath, seeming to think about it for a moment. “I believe my exact words were, really cute,” Hoseok confirms Jimin’s statement from earlier, and that’s all Yoongi needs.


As days go by, Yoongi and Hoseok end up spending more and more time together. They start a tradition of meeting for coffee every morning before Yoongi has to go to the office for work, and they occasionally meet for dinner as well. Anytime one of them gets invited out with their friends, they always call the other, and Yoongi’s beginning to feel like they’re becoming really good friends. It’s a little upsetting Yoongi because Yoongi would really, really like to be more than a friend to Hoseok.

One day, Hoseok sends Yoongi a message, inviting him out to a really nice Italian restaurant, and Yoongi can’t refuse. He can’t help but feel like Hoseok is playing with his feelings, though, the way he keeps inviting Yoongi out to all of these fantastic places and being a romantic little , but Yoongi goes anyway. He just hopes like hell that he doesn’t wind up hurt in the end. The Italian restaurant that they go to is fairly small, but nice nonetheless. It’s small enough for Yoongi to see around the restaurant easily, so he’s mildly startled when he sees Seokjin there, but it’s not Jimin that he’s with. It’s Hyosang, that mother er he works with at the hospital. “Isn’t that…” Hoseok starts, but Yoongi’s already marching over to the pair.

“What the are you doing here with him?” Yoongi demands, seriously hoping this isn’t what it looks like. Jimin is so cute and sweet, and he doesn’t deserve to be treated like this. He doesn’t deserve to be lied to and stepped on.

“Can I not eat out with my coworker without raising suspicion?” Seokjin tests Yoongi easily. Hoseok tries to tell Yoongi that it’s fine, and that they should just leave it alone, but Yoongi’s not about to just leave it alone. This is Jimin, Yoongi’s best friend and coworker, and he’s not going to let him be heartbroken because his boyfriend is cheating on him.

“Yes, maybe in a casual restaurant,” Yoongi snaps. “No one comes here, at a fancy restaurant like this, just as friends.” He demands. “You’re lucky if I don’t tell Jimin.”

“Just know that, if you do, you’ll be the one who hurt him, not me.” Seokjin says back sadistically.

After a little outburst and small argument, Yoongi manages to get both parties kicked out and banned from the restaurant for a couple of weeks. “Are you going to tell him?” Hoseok asks Yoongi as the two sit on the curb, not ready to go home yet.

Yoongi sighs, and he shakes his head. “I can’t,” Yoongi says, hurt filling his chest. Although he had been thinking about how perfect Jimin and Jungkook would be together, he can’t get his friend out of his mind. Jimin loves Seokjin, and they do have great chemistry. He’s going to be so devastated when he finds out that Seokjin’s cheating on him, but Yoongi can’t be the one to tell him. “Hoseok, why don’t you want a relationship?” Yoongi suddenly asks, deciding to change his focus to something else.

Hoseok shrugs. “I never said I don’t want a relationship,” He says. “I just want to let myself fall in love instead of forcing it to happen. I’m not actively looking.”

E/N: Chapter three! Yay! I'll upload chapter four (this, but in Hoseok's POV) as soon as I get it done! I hope you liked this one~

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XueXing #1
Chapter 6: I can't wait for your other fanfic of those two couples but you have not updated 'My Roommate' and have not start on Jikook's story. ;-(
I hope you would update 'My Roommate' soon.
Chapter 6: just reread this bc its cute af and the hinted future jikook is life
Chapter 6: I really loved this!!! Super cute & sweet
yoonseokaf #4
Chapter 6: I just read this for the second time and it was super cute. You didon't really well at portraying emotions without getting carried away by it! It is amazing! <3
Zanilia16 #5
Chapter 5: My word, this was such a great read. Much Thanks!
YoonGiLovers97 #6
Chapter 6: I'm falling. OH MY GOD. It's nice.
Chapter 6: gosh i absolutely loved this <3 hoseok here is goals~
SilenceMaker #8
You made me so happy you have no idea!! I loved this, your writing is great. Hope you write more!
Chapter 6: ahhh precious babies <3 this is really cute, I love it
jamless_jimin #10
Chapter 6: Every time something about Hoseok's gaming career came up I kept thinking of achiement hunter xD
Now apart from my ah fangirling. I absolutely loved this story and how you tell the story through both p.o.v's I'm so excited for the other two stories as well xD