Online Dating #4

Online Dating

Online Dating #4 - Hoseok
Group: BTS
Pairing: YoonSeok
Chapter Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 4,063
Warnings: Mild language.


“He’s really ing hot,” Jungkook says. He’s holding Hoseok’s phone, looking through the pictures that Yoongi has uploaded on his dating profile. Hoseok smiles and kicks Jungkook’s chair, resting back on the kid’s bed. “Seriously. Why haven’t you met him yet?”

Hoseok makes a small sound when his phone lands on his stomach, and he clutches it in one hand. “I don’t know,” Hoseok says. He rolls over to his stomach. “He said that he wasn’t in a hurry to take this anywhere, and I agreed that we don’t have to rush into meeting each other. I’m not looking for a relationship anyway.”

He yelps, this time, when Jungkook’s hand comes down hard on his . He rolls over and punches his friend in the arm. “Hyung, ask him out.” Jungkook says.

“Right now?” Hoseok questions. “It’s already late.”

Jungkook shrugs. “Dude, it’s Friday,” Jungkook reminds him. “As long as it’s not two in the morning, it’s never too late to ask someone out on a Friday.”

Hoseok considers it for a moment, his thumb smoothing over the glass surface of his phone screen. After talking to Yoongi for a while, he really is interested in meeting him. It seems like they have a lot in common, and he really wants to get to know more about him. “Doesn’t it seem like a booty call if I ask him out this late?” Hoseok asks. He hasn’t done a lot of dating in this form, so he’s not really sure how to go about it.

“Maybe,” Jungkook confirms. He gets up and moves over to his bed, pushing Hoseok back so that he can rest his head on his stomach. “Just don’t ask him to your house or anything, and you should be fine.”

Hoseok decides to go for it. He opens up the dating app and punches out a message to Yoongi.

happyvirusgamer: Hey, what are you doing right now?

“I’m just going to see if he’s up,” Hoseok tells Jungkook. Instead of being direct with it, he’ll only ask Yoongi out if he’s awake. He waits for a response.

minyoongi93: Just left the club. Walking downtown by myself.

“He said he was at the club.” Hoseok informs Jungkook once the response comes through. He feels his heart sinking, wondering if Yoongi was out having fun and dancing with people. While talking to Hoseok, he said that he’s not exactly the party type, so it’s hard to imagine. “What should I do?”

“Is he at the club now?” Jungkook asks. Hoseok looks back at his phone and shakes his head. “Then ask him if he wants to hang out. It’s not rocket science, dude.”

happyvirusgamer: Would you like some company? I’m kind of bored, honestly.
minyoongi93: Sure.

Hoseok attempts to sit up, and Jungkook finally gets his head off of Hoseok’s stomach. He sits up as well. “He said sure.” Hoseok says. He feels nervous all of a sudden, wondering if meeting Yoongi in the middle of the night is such a good idea. “What now?”

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Do I have to tell you everything?” He asks. “Just pick a place to meet him. Preferably a place that’s open right now so he doesn’t think you’re a serial killer.”

happyvirusgamer: Great. Meet me in front of McDonald’s? I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.
minyoongi93: Yeah…did you want to get something to eat?
happyvirusgamer: If you’re hungry.

Hoseok pulls Jungkook into a hug before bouncing off the bed. “Thank you, Kookie!” He cheers. “I have a date tonight.”

“Good luck,” Jungkook cheers as he lies back on his bed. “I feel like you’re going to need it.” He mumbles before Hoseok leaves from his apartment.


When Hoseok arrives at McDonald’s, he recognizes Yoongi immediately. He finds that the elder one looks so much better in person than he did in his photos, not that he didn’t already look “really ing hot,” as Jungkook had said. “Have you ordered yet?” Hoseok asks Yoongi. The other just shakes his head instead of vocalizing a response, and Hoseok assumes that he must be shy. Cute. “Good,” Hoseok says with a smile. “I’ll pay for it. For making you wait on me.”

McDonald’s isn’t exactly the most ideal location for a first romantic date, but Hoseok told Yoongi that he’s not really looking for a relationship right now, anyway. This isn’t a romantic date. It’s just a hey-let-me-get-to-know-you-better date. He tells Yoongi to get anything he wants. Not that he’s filthy rich or anything, but McDonald’s isn’t really that expensive, so he can afford to get Yoongi whatever. It doesn’t matter. “Did you have fun at the club?” Hoseok asks. Yoongi’s mentioned before in messages how he’s slightly anti-social, so Hoseok can’t imagine him enjoying a club very much.

“Absolutely not,” Yoongi speaks finally, and Hoseok really likes the sound of his voice. It’s cute, but manly. Yoongi selects a table secluded in the corner. McDonald’s tends to be the busiest and most packed during the night because it’s the only place that’s still open.

“Dare I ask?” Hoseok asks, slightly relieved that Yoongi didn’t enjoy his time at the club. Maybe this will be his chance to turn Yoongi’s night around.

Hoseok sets his own food in front of him, and he watches as Yoongi eats one of his own fries. He holds back a laugh when Yoongi hisses through his teeth because of how hot it is, but he decides not to about it. “Some guy asked me to dance,” Yoongi finally says, and Hoseok has to hold back a laugh again. How is he so goddamn cute?

“Oh, that’s just the worst,” Hoseok teases. He laughs a little when Yoongi glares at him, slightly pouting. “Go on,” Hoseok urges with a laugh.

“He asked me to dance, and he thought that me agreeing was a free ticket into my pants.” Yoongi continues. “He didn’t even have the decency to ask me for my name, so I left.” He takes another fry to his mouth, and he eyes Hoseok. “So don’t think I’m letting you into my pants tonight either.”

“It’s good that you have respect for yourself,” Hoseok says. Honestly, Hoseok’s had too many dates with too eager people. He’s not looking for someone to sleep with, he’s looking for a friend. If Yoongi manages to become more than that, then that’s an added bonus. Friendship, to Hoseok, is important in a relationship. “That’s important if you want to get into a relationship with someone who values you as a person.”

Yoongi snorts at that. “I’ve never had someone who cared for anything but my body,” He says, and Hoseok wonders what kind of a past Yoongi has with relationships. From what Hoseok has gathered over their short amount of time talking online and in person, it hasn’t been a good one.

“I know it’s hard to find,” Hoseok agrees. “But there’s someone out there who will like you for your spirit and your mind. Your body is just sort of an added bonus.”

Yoongi’s eyes seem to glisten with hope as a faint smile tugs at the corner of his lips. He knows that he hasn’t really known the other for all that long, but he really wants Yoongi to know that there are people who will treat him well. “I hope I can find someone like that one day.” Yoongi sighs.


Hoseok didn’t want to just go home after their dinner at McDonald’s so he asked Yoongi if he’d like to, maybe, walk around downtown for a while. Just to get to know each other better. Yoongi agrees, and the first place he leads Hoseok is to an ice cream parlor that’s open year round and all day. Yoongi buys one bowl of ice cream for them to share, since the ice cream is ridiculously expensive in this shop. The two lazily eat the ice cream while they walk really close to each other in their attempt to stay warm.

While walking around with Yoongi, Hoseok learns things about Yoongi and himself. Although he’s wanting to let things just happen, he thinks he’d be okay if everything just happened with Yoongi. Although Yoongi is not a very social person, Hoseok can tell that he has a warm heart and really cares about those who are close to him. He can tell that in the way that he talks about his best friend, Jimin. He learns that Yoongi actually hates his job as an editor, and he’d much rather do something else with his life. And Hoseok learns that Yoongi is ticklish, a bit of information he takes to his advantage when it gets down to the last bit of ice cream.

Yoongi keeps the ice cream bowl close to himself, and Hoseok watches as he quickly tries to take the last bite of ice cream. Just before Yoongi is able to get his mouth on it, Hoseok begins ticking him, and Yoongi laughs, trying to jerk away. “Stop, you !” Yoongi shouts, and Hoseok’s surprised that he’s already comfortable enough to call Hoseok mean names. “You’re going to make drop it, and then neither of us will have it.”

“Maybe that’s my plan,” Hoseok says. He only tickles Yoongi even more, and he ends up bringing Yoongi to the ground. He lands on top of Yoongi, accidentally forcing air from Yoongi’s lungs on the impact. Hoseok just laughs more, especially when the ice cream spoon fall in Yoongi’s hair. “I’m sorry,” Hoseok apologizes, but he’s not really sorry. This is fun. He removes the spoon from Yoongi’s hair and wipes what he can of the ice cream with one of the napkins he had stolen from McDonalds.

Hoseok smiles even brighter when he catches the pink flush taking over Yoongi’s adorable cheeks, perfectly illuminated by the streetlights. “My…ah…my apartment is just around the corner,” Hoseok informs Yoongi, not having intentionally led Yoongi this way. He gets himself up from Yoongi’s body and stands before offering Yoongi a hand to help him off of the ground. “We can go there so you can wash up, if you want.” He pauses and flashes a grin at Yoongi. “And I promise this is not all just a ploy just to get into your pants.”

Hoseok knows that it can be a bit awkward to invite Yoongi over just hours after meeting him, but he hopes that he made a good enough impression on the elder that Yoongi doesn’t see any evil intentions behind Hoseok’s offer. He really doesn’t plan to take this too quickly with Yoongi, but he does hope to take it somewhere. Yoongi agrees, and Hoseok leads him to the apartment.

Yoongi seems to look around Hoseok’s apartment slightly bewildered. Hoseok wonders if that’s because he’s appalled by the fact that Hoseok hadn’t finished unpacking yet, or if he’s just overwhelmed by the place in general. He settles for the second option after deciding that Yoongi’s expression isn’t a bad one. Honestly, even Hoseok was a bit overwhelmed by the place when he moved in. “Uhm, I guess…you can shower, if you want. Or just wash your hair in the sink.” Hoseok begins thinking of ways to solve Yoongi’s problem of his sticky hair. “Or I can take you home?” Please don’t tell me you want to go home.

Hoseok watches Yoongi as he shifts his whole weight to the right side of his body, looking deep in thought. It’s already quite late in the night, and Hoseok honestly doesn’t feel like taking Yoongi home, but he will if Yoongi is not comfortable staying with him for the night. “I don’t have any clothes to change into if I take a shower…” Yoongi starts.

“I’ll let you borrow some pajamas,” Hoseok quickly offers. Just as long as Yoongi stays. “And then we can sit on the couch and watch movies or something, and I’ll take you home in the morning.”

Hoseok chews on the inside of his cheek as he waits for Yoongi to answer. “Movies are good,” Yoongi agrees, and Hoseok sighs.

Hoseok plays the roll of the polite host. He leads Yoongi to the bathroom, gives him his towels, and invites him to use any of the products that he has in the shower. He hopes that Yoongi doesn’t mind anything he has. He knows that you can tell a lot about a person by the type of products he uses.

While Yoongi is showering, Hoseok decides to keep himself busy. He goes to the kitchen and begins making some hot chocolate. He originally plans to make one for himself and one for Yoongi, but then he wonders if Yoongi even like hot cocoa or if he can have it. Just to be sure, he goes to the bathroom to see if Yoongi wants some.

After getting a confirmation from the elder, Hoseok makes a hot chocolate for Yoongi, too. He smiles when Yoongi comes out from the bathroom wearing his pajamas. They’re a bit big on Yoongi, who, despite being older than Hoseok, is quite a bit smaller than Hoseok. “Sorry my pajamas are a little big,” Hoseok says as he hands Yoongi his cup of hot chocolate. He’s so cute in Hoseok’s oversized pajamas, Hoseok thinks.

Since Yoongi agreed to a movie, he gets the movie ready while Yoongi settles on the couch. Hoseok loves winter movies, and it’s quite cold outside, anyway, so he suggest that. Yoongi seems a bit shy and reluctant to accept the idea, but he does eventually agree.

When Hoseok joins Yoongi on the couch, Yoongi keeps to his spot on the other cushion. Slowly, throughout the movie, he slowly inches toward Hoseok. Hoseok smiles, appreciating how subtle Yoongi is trying to be, but how obvious he really is. Yoongi keeps inching over slowly until he can comfortably rest his head on Hoseok’s shoulder. Yoongi only lasts a while after that, and he ends up falling asleep on Hoseok.

Hoseok’s intention is to finish the movie before getting Yoongi a blanket, and he’ll return to his own room to sleep. That’s his original intention, but he ends up falling asleep before the movie is over.

“Hoseok,” He hears Yoongi’s voice in the middle of his sleep. Hoseok hadn’t even realized that he had fallen asleep out here, and, honestly, his body is a little sore.

“Good morning,” He says and stretches, rubbing at his sore neck.

“I’m sorry,” Yoongi apologizes. “You didn’t have to stay out here with me. You could have slept in your own bed.”

“I know,” Hoseok assures him. “So it’s not your fault.”

Just as Hoseok promised, he take Yoongi home shortly after they wake up. He drops Yoongi off outside of his apartment, and he goes by Namjoon’s place to discuss his next project. “I’ve finished editing your last gameplay videos, and they’re on the schedule for upload.” Namjoon informs Hoseok. “So, I’ve been looking over the next game you and Kookie should play together, and…why are you so happy?”

Hoseok knows that a very obvious blush is on his face when Namjoon takes notice to Hoseok’s amplified mood this morning. He feels really good today because his date with Yoongi the night before had gone really well. Maybe, just maybe this is exactly what Hoseok’s been waiting for. “No reason,” Hoseok shrugs it off. “I just…had a really good date last night.”

Namjoon smiles. “We’ll have to talk about that later,” He notes. “But I think the next game you and Jungkook should play is Until Dawn.”

“No,” Hoseok says easily. He knows that his fans love watching him play horror games. Especially with Jungkook. While Hoseok jumps and screams at every corner of a horror game, Jungkook is completely calm, laughing at his best friend’s misery. “Absolutely not.”

“I’m just saying,” Namjoon says. “If you want to keep your fans, you have to give them what they want. They want to see you in tears playing the next horror game, so that’s what you’re going to have to do.”


“How did your date with Yoongi go?” Jungkook asks obnoxiously as he strides into Hoseok’s room, dropping his bag off at the door. “I want all of the details. Even the juicy ones.”

Hoseok rolls his eyes, recounting the events from the night before. “The juiciest detail I have is that he stayed the night and slept on my couch,” Hoseok tells him. “But the date was good.”

“Did you kiss?” Jungkook asks, sitting on Hoseok’s bed. “What about holding hands?”

Hoseok laughs. “No, we didn’t do any of that.” Hoseok assures him. “It was just a friendship date, Kookie. I don’t typically kiss people I hope to become good friends with.”

“I haven’t even seen you two together, but I already ship you.” Jungkook says, lying back on the bed. “What are we playing tonight?”

“Until Dawn,” Hoseok says, deciding to go with Namjoon’s advice. “I already have it downloaded on the Playstation.”


Jungkook talks Hoseok into joining him at the bar again when Thursday rolls around, and he insists that Hoseok invites Yoongi to come along. Hoseok knows that Jungkook is just interested in meeting Yoongi for himself and seeing how he and Hoseok interact with each other. While Jungkook isn’t really interested in finding himself a boyfriend for more than one night, he’s definitely interested in Hoseok’s love life. It takes some convincing, Yoongi mostly reminding him that he hates going to the club, but something Hoseok said must have worked, because Yoongi willingly gives in.

After introducing Jungkook and Yoongi together, the two talk for a while before Jungkook bounces off somewhere with some strangers. Hoseok knows better than to think that Jungkook is actually leaving them alone. He knows that the kid will be watching them from a distance.

With Jungkook out of the picture, Hoseok takes Yoongi’s hand in his own, dragging him close. He asks Yoongi if he’d like to dance, and Yoongi agrees. Hoseok’s had a few different types of dance lessons when he was younger because he really likes dancing. He dreamed of making a career out of it, but an injury that he suffered right at the end of high school threw that dream away and is what brought Hoseok to his gaming career instead. Three years later, Hoseok finally picked up dancing again, but not professionally. Just as a way to keep himself in shape since his job only consists of him sitting at a computer or on his bed playing video games. He has to do something to make sure he doesn’t shrivel up and die.

While dancing, Yoongi tries to start a conversation, asking Hoseok about his gaming career. It’s a little difficult to hear his soft voice over the sound of the music, but Hoseok is sure that it’s something about why Hoseok never told him that he was a professional gamer. Hoseok tells him: ““My profile states that I get to play video games for a living. I’m sorry, you didn’t know?”

He brings up one of the videos that Hoseok uploaded on his second channel, the one that he uploads daily vlogs on, and he says that his friend told him that he was mentioned on it. Hoseok feels a little embarrassed about it. Yoongi doesn’t seem to have any idea who Hoseok is, so Hoseok never even considered the possibility that someone Yoongi knows would know who he is. Anyway, he apologizes to Yoongi for talking about him without his permission, but he promises that he never even mentioned Yoongi’s name. He didn’t. He never once mentioned Yoongi’s name. His friend must have known that it was Yoongi, though, because of the description Hoseok gave about his date.

“He likes you,” Jungkook says after they drop Yoongi off at his apartment. “A lot.” He feels the need to add.

“I know,” Hoseok says.

“You like him, too.” Jungkook tells him.

“A lot,” Hoseok adds before Jungkook can beat him to it. “I know.”


Despite the fact that Hoseok knows how he and Yoongi feel about each other without Yoongi even having to say anything, Hoseok never makes the first move to telling Yoongi that he likes him. At least, he doesn’t want to do it right now. He wants to see how long this has the potential of lasting first. He doesn’t want to jump into a relationship with Yoongi and then let it all fall apart from then.

Yoongi and Hoseok somehow start the tradition of meeting for coffee every morning before Yoongi has to go to work. They occasionally meet for dinner as well, and Hoseok eventually get the chance to meet Yoongi’s friends. He and Yoongi go on a double date once with Jimin and Seokjin. These two are an adorable couple, but Hoseok can’t help but imagine what it’d be like for Jimin and Jungkook to meet. He wants to introduce Jungkook to Jimin because he thinks that the kid is perfect for his best friend. Maybe he can get Jungkook to stop fooling around with other people and finally settle down into a real and meaningful relationship. The only problem…it’s easy for Hoseok to tell how much Jimin likes Seokjin. Yoongi informs Hoseok that they’ve been in a relationship for nearly five years, and Hoseok’s hopes of getting Jimin and Jungkook together slowly begin to crumble.

His hopes of him and Yoongi starting a relationship together, though, those hopes are still going strong. Hoseok decides to finally make the first move and tell Yoongi how he feels about him. How he loves every little thing about him and that he doesn’t want this to just be a friendship anymore. He wants to ask Yoongi to be his boyfriend. To let him hold him and kiss him and make him smile. That’s why he asks Yoongi out to his favorite Italian Restaurant one day. He hope that Yoongi kind of gets the hint because it’s a nice restaurant. Not exactly the sort of place that friends go on dates, but where couples go on dates. He hopes that Yoongi gets that hint.

Hoseok is a little shocked when he and Yoongi arrive. They’re shown their seats, but Hoseok is instantly distracted by a familiar face. Seokjin. The long-term boyfriend of Yoongi’s best friend, Jimin. He’s here. At this nice and fancy restaurant, but his date is definitely not the adorable face of Jimin. Nope. It’s someone else. Someone Hoseok hasn’t met. As bad as this is, Hoseok can’t help but feel a little glimmer of hope rising in his chest. If Seokjin is cheating on Jimin, then— “Isn’t that—” He starts, trying to not have selfish thoughts here. If Seokjin is cheating Jimin, that poor kid is going to be crushed. When he looks, Yoongi is already marching over to Seokjin angrily.

Hoseok finds himself falling for Yoongi even more when he sees how much he really cares about his best friend. He starts yelling at Seokjin for cheating on Jimin. He says something about how this isn’t a place that friends would come on a date, so Hoseok thinks that maybe, just maybe, Yoongi did get the hint. His little outburst, though, has them getting kicked out of the restaurant. As much as Hoseok was looking forward to this date, he doesn’t really care about them getting kicked out. He just finds himself more attracted to Yoongi now, and he hopes that Yoongi does the right thing and tells Jimin. It’ll hurt the kid more if he finds out later and finds out that Yoongi’s known.

“Hoseok, why don’t you want a relationship?” Yoongi suddenly asks.

Hoseok wants to tell Yoongi, but it doesn’t seem like the right time anymore. Not after they just found out that Yoongi’s best friend is being cheated on. It seems like an incredibly inappropriate time to ask Yoongi to be his boyfriend. He shrugs. “I never said I don’t want a relationship,” He says. “I just want to let myself fall in love instead of forcing it to happen. I’m not actively looking.” It’s the truth, too. He’s not actively looking. He hopes he never has to actively look because he hopes that he’s already found it. Right here. With Yoongi.

E/N: Two more chapters, and we'll see the conclusion. :3 I hope you guys look forward to it!

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XueXing #1
Chapter 6: I can't wait for your other fanfic of those two couples but you have not updated 'My Roommate' and have not start on Jikook's story. ;-(
I hope you would update 'My Roommate' soon.
Chapter 6: just reread this bc its cute af and the hinted future jikook is life
Chapter 6: I really loved this!!! Super cute & sweet
yoonseokaf #4
Chapter 6: I just read this for the second time and it was super cute. You didon't really well at portraying emotions without getting carried away by it! It is amazing! <3
Zanilia16 #5
Chapter 5: My word, this was such a great read. Much Thanks!
YoonGiLovers97 #6
Chapter 6: I'm falling. OH MY GOD. It's nice.
Chapter 6: gosh i absolutely loved this <3 hoseok here is goals~
SilenceMaker #8
You made me so happy you have no idea!! I loved this, your writing is great. Hope you write more!
Chapter 6: ahhh precious babies <3 this is really cute, I love it
jamless_jimin #10
Chapter 6: Every time something about Hoseok's gaming career came up I kept thinking of achiement hunter xD
Now apart from my ah fangirling. I absolutely loved this story and how you tell the story through both p.o.v's I'm so excited for the other two stories as well xD