Princess Hours

What Time Changes

Seungri blinked twice. This was just an illusion right? There was no way THE Kwon Jiyong was waiting for him in front of his own house. But that proved to be wrong when Jiyong walked up to him angrily.

"Do you know how long I waited here for you? 4 hours! All the way since school ended to now! Where the f**k were you?" Jiyong huffed in anger.

Seungri was still confused. He tilted his head, "B-but why were you waiting?" Jiyong just sighed. Seducing this innocent dimwitt was harder than he had thought. 

He pinched the bridge of his nose and tried to calm his anger down. "Look it's just that I want to spend some time with you alright? Now let me into your house. Since you were so late you're gonna have to let me stay over."

Seungri gasped, "Nononononononono you definitely can't do that! I'm sorry I wasn't home b-but I had a part time job and..and anyway you can't!" 

"So you're just gonna send me off after I waited 4 hours just for you?"

"B-but I never asked for you to wait and-"

"Excuse me?" Jiyong stepped closer to Seungri with a dangerous look in his eyes. "Who said you can talk back to your sunbae?"

Seungri stepped back and gulped. He wished Top was here.. He was so scared of Jiyong he didn't know what to do. Without answering he continued to stare at the ground, afraid that Jiyong might start beating him up.

When Jiyong saw Seungri about to cry, he mentally slapped himself. (You're supposed to make him like you, not terrified of you) Jiyong thought. He softened his expression and tried his best to smile.

"It's fine Seungri. I won't stay over but...I am hungry from waiting so can't you atleast have dinner with me?"

Seungri looked up surprised. He lied, "B-but I already had dinner and I don't really have any money right now so-" his lie collapsed as his stomach began to grumble, demanding food.

Jiyong laughed, "Look I only want to eat WITH you not eat you. Stop being so nervous." (Heh the panda 's trying to lie to me. Cute.)

Seungri blushed and cursed at his stomach. In the end he finally agreed and the two approached Seungri's doorway.

"Are your parent ' s home?" Jiyong asked.

"No. I live alone."

When Seungri touched the doorknob, he couldn't bring himself to turn it and open the door. He couldn't have Jiyong see "those things."

"Yah what are you doing? Hurry up and open the door."

"S-sunbae! My room is really messy so please please give me 5 minutes to clean up and then I'll let you in!"

"Haha don't worry about that. I'm a guy too, we all have messy rooms!"

"But still! Please give me 5 minutes."

Jiyong looked at how desperate Seungri was and gave in, "Fine. But if  you just leave me out here you're dead."

"Thank you." Seungri sighed in relief and quickly went into his room and made sure he locked the door so that Jiyong won't peek in. 

He quickly found "those things" and hid them under his bed in a hurry. Then he opened the door to let Jiyong in who was patiently waiting outside.

"Wow. Small house you got here." Jiyong remarked. Because he was the son of a rich company, all of his houses were more like mansions and he wasn't used to houses that were more like the size of his room. 

"Well.. I do live alone so.."

"Hey is that the DVDs for 'The Princess Hours'?" Jiyong rushed to a DVD shelf with all the seasons of the Kdrama 궁。

Seungri was surprised that someone so tough like Jiyong also watched one his favorite kdramas. "Y-yeah do you watch it too?"

"Haha of course! Read the manhwa version too."

"Really?" Seungri asked. He was happy that he and Jiyong shared something in common. Maybe this way he and Jiyong could get close and he'll finally believe Seungri that he wasn't the one who hurt Youngbae. 

"Mhm. We should rewatch them together sometime." Jiyong suggested.

"Of course, sunbae!" Seungri smiled cutely at him. Jiyong suddenly stood up and grumbled, "I-I'm going to the bathroom." And slumped toward the bathroom and slammed the door behind him.

(D-did I do something wrong?) Seungri wondered. He looked back at the DVDs. (I wonder if Top watched this drama...ugh why do I keep thinking about him!) Seungri shook his head, trying to get his mind off of Top.


Meanwhile in the bathroom, Jiyong looked in the mirror and cursed at himself. What the hell was happening to him? His face had gone red and blushing after he saw that dimwitt smile at him. The same dimwitt that had hurt Youngbae. 

Jiyong splashed some cold water onto his face, "Don't get confused Kwon Jiyong.. He's just trying to act cute so that you won't beat him up. Just like how he pretended to befriend Youngbae so that he wouldn't get bullied." But in the end Jiyong knew that the conversation he had with Seungri was real. When they were talking about 'Princess Hours' Jiyong wasn't trying to make Seungri like him, he was just talking to him because he simply liked talking to him. But Jiyong kept denying it.

"This is all just for revenge and revenge only."


When Jiyong came out of the bathroom, Seungri was in the kitchen wearing an apron. He turned his head noticing Jiyong.

"Oh Jiyong-sunbae. I'm just going to cook tuna omelet if that's okay with you." Seungri said looking back to focus on the egg in front of him.

"That's fine with me. And hey."


"Don't call me sunbae anymore."

Seungri turned his head toward Jiyong again who was awkwardly standing next to his bed, "What? But why-"

"Well I'm saying since we're closer now you can just call me hyung." Jiyong muttered rubbing the back of his head shyly. 

Seungri was so confused at Jiyong's sudden change in behavior but he smiled anyway. "Okay hyung!"

Jiyong just cleared his throat and looked away to hide his blush. Seungri turned back to finish cooking and got everything ready on a plate.

He settled everything on a tray and walked carefully toward Jiyong while saying, "Sorry but I don't have a table so we're just gonna have to eat on the -" Seungri stopped in his tracks.

Jiyong was sitting on his bed smirking at him. He had found "those things" Seungri had hidden under the bed and was holding one of them in his hands. 

Jiyong teased. "Heh. So even someone like you reads these-" Seungri quickly put the tray on the floor and lunged at Jiyong on the bed in an attempt to get the dirty magazine away, his face was burning in embarrassment while Jiyong was laughing and putting his arm away from Seungri so that he couldn't reach the magazine. After everything, Jiyong still loved bullying Seungri.

"Woah okay! Calm down!" Jiyong finally handed Seungri the magazine back who quickly hid it away again.

He looked toward Jiyong who was lying on the bed with teary puppy eyes. "Please don't tell anyone."

"About what?"

"Y-you know about the-"

"Oh about how you don't have a girl to do it with so you use those mags?"

Seungri gulped and tears almost fell from his eyes. Jiyong grinned. It was so fun to tease Seungri. Jiyong sat up and inched closer to Seungri who was tensely sitting at the edge of the bed. 

"So does that mean you're a ?" Jiyong whispered into Seungri's blushing ear. Seungri grabbed the bed blankets and his fists tightened as he tried to force the tears back. What would he do if Jiyong started telling everyone at school about this? How would he face the teachers? How would he face Daesung? More would he face Top? He was sure everyone would make fun of him and laugh at him and Top wouldn't want to hang out with a laughingstock like him anymore. 

The thought of this made him angry. The thought that he might lose Top. Seungri didn't want to admit it, but he was already attached to Top since the moment he smiled at him and ruffled his hair. 

"If you're not going to eat dinner here... then please leave." Seungri squeaked. He was actually trying to defy Kwon Jiyong. (Aw man I went too far) Jiyong cursed at himself. He couldn't help but want to bully Seungri because his reactions were so... cute. 

"I'm kidding Seungri. Besides. Most guys do this anyway, you don't have to be embarrassed about it." Jiyong said trying to cheer Seungri up again. 

Seungri sniffled a bit, "But you won't tell right?"

"Of course I won't. I just wanted to tease you a little bit, that's all." Jiyong ruffled Seungri's hair. 

Seungri smiled at him "Thanks for not telling, hyung."


After the two finished the food Seungri decided it was late and time to go to sleep.

"Hyung umm... it's late now so.. and um.. I need to get to bed so.."

"Are you kicking me out?" 

"What? No! Well..yes. but I wouldn't call it 'kick out'" Seungri stuttered.

Jiyong looked at the clock and sprawled onto Seungri's bed.

"It's really late now so just let me sleep over. Your house is close to the school anyway." Jiyong yawned and stretched out on Seungri's bed.

"Huh? But.."

"What if I'm walking in the streets and someone comes to kidnap the son of Mr.Kwon. The CEO Mr.Kwon. Are you just gonna let your hyung go out in the big bad streets all vulnerable?"

Seungri doubted that would happen since Jiyong could probably beat the crap out of any kidnapper but he knew Jiyong wasn't planning on leaving. 

"But I don't have any extra blankets to sleep on the floor."

"No problem," Jiyong scooched over on the bed to make room for Seungri. Seungri was hesitant and first but then just sighed and lied next to Jiyong.

"Good night Seungri."

"Night hyung."

But Seungri couldn't fall asleep because he kept thinking about how he wished it were Top that was next to him that moment. 


Seungri couldn't get any sleep. At all. At first it was because he kept thinking of Top. But then it was because Jiyong turned to him and used him as a human body pillow. The whole night Seungri kept trying to get Jiyong's hands off of him until morning appeared.

And it didn't help that the two were about to be late for school. 

"JIYONG HYUNG WAKE UP WE GOTTA GO!" Seungri yelled at Jiyong who was still tightly hugging his pillow. Seungri had to practically drag him out of bed and toward the school.

They were at the school gate when they noticed someone running too. Seungri ran from Jiyong's side to catch up to the person.

"Top! Wait for me!" Seungri yelled and the Top stopped and turned around.

Jiyong ran after Seungri and caught his shoulder. He put his arm around Seungri's waist as if he was claiming property. Top walked towards them.

"Why are you coming to school together?" Top asked with anger in his voice.

Seungri tried to answer "Oh that's cause-"

"Seungri invited me to sleep over." Jiyong sneered. Top's eyes grew even angrier.

"Wait what? That's not what happe-" Top grabbed Seungri's arm and forced him away from Jiyong. He dragged Seungri toward the school, his grip tightened on Seungri's wrist the further away they got from Jiyong. 

"Wait Top..ow...that hurts so let go of me!" Seungri pleaded as he was getting dragged toward the classroom.

"So you aren't okay with having me over but you're okay with him? Is that it?" Top ignored him and tightened his grasp.

"What? No that's not what happened so just listen to me!" Top abruptly stopped and let go of Seungri's wrist.

"I'll listen to what you have to say after class." Top growled as he entered their classroom leaving Seungri standing at the door, rubbing his now bright red wrist.


Irurjroeoribf school starts tomorrow QAQ kill me now... 


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Chapter 16: t, im crying ok... im not 😭😭
Chapter 17: I like that Jiyong just want seungri to be happy
Chapter 16: Seungri getting hurt Q..Q
Chapter 15: Why?? This should not happened..but seungri need to know the truth
Chapter 12: Damn that not what supposed to happened
Chapter 22: TopRi <3 too bad for gri even if I am a big gri shipper....xD