Let's Make a Deal

What Time Changes

A stumbling figure passed through the streets without any destination. Seungri didn't know where he was or where he was going, he only knew that he was moving forward.

When he came to his senses he finally realized where he was. He sighed and leaned back against the wall on the street. It was the same street where Top had given him a piggyback ride when he was sick. It was the same street where Top had kissed him.

Seungri felt the tears coming back. Cold drops of water dripped down to the ground. But they were not his tears. (Great. Now it's raining too.) Seungri cursed in his head. The rain fell even harder now and soon the streets as well as Seungri were soaked in rainwater. Seungri didn't care. The rain seemed to soothe him.

He slowly slid down the wall and sat on the wet ground with his knees against his chest and his arms wrapped around his knees. He buried his face in his arms and wept more.

Why was it always like this?

Why didn't anyone love him?

Why was everyone trying to deceive him?

His father definitely didn't love him since he left him and his mother all alone. His stepfather didn't love him, he always beat him for no reason. His mother didn't love him or she wouldn't have left him alone with that monster of a stepfather. His girlfriend didn't love him, she thought of him as a joke. And Top. Top didn't love him, he only wanted revenge.

Seungri sobbed quietly and pulled out his phone. He punched in a number but hesitated in calling. Could-could he trust him? What if he was also just playing with him? Seungri closed his eyes and forced him to hit the call button.

"Hey what's up?" Daesung answered the phone in his usual cheerful voice.

As soon as Seungri heard his hyung's reliable voice, the same voice that comforted him anyime he had troubles, Seungri cried even more. How could he ever think that his best friend could be a fake? Seungri cursed at himself for thinking that way.

'"H-hyung.. I..I" Seungri sobbed into the phone, unable to speak.

"Oh my god Seungri what's wrong?1" Daesung's tone immediately changed into a worried one.

"H-hyung I..I can't...I can't..." Seungri still couldn't speak as felt the breath leaving his lungs.

"Stay right where you are I'm coming to get you!" Daesung said worriedly and hung up.

Seungri weakly smiled at his phone. Atleast I know one person loves me.


As soon as Top regained his senses he ran out of the school to look for Seungri.

"LEE SEUNGHYUN! LEE SEUNGRI! LEE SEUNGYUN! LEE SEUNGRI!" he repeatedly called while walking through the streets. 

Suddenly he heard a distant "Lee Seungri' coming from the opposite end of the street. He followed the origin of the sound and there he was.

He had found him.


"There you are!"

Seungri looked up from his arms to see Daesung standing over him with an umbrella to protect him from the rain.

"Hyung!" He sprang up to hug Daesung, so grateful that through all the lies Seungri had fallen for, he knew Daesung was his only truth.

Daesung hugged him back warmly.

"I was so worried! What's wrong?" Daesung asked.

Seungri began crying into Daesung's shoulder as he began to tell him what had happened with Kwon Jiyong and Top-no, Choi Seunghyun.

Daesung nodded with sympathy.

"I think we should tell Youngbae-hyung about this. You haven't seen him in a while right?"

Seungri nodded. He knew that Youngbae was a great support whenever he had troubles so he quickly agreed to go to the hospital to finally see his hyung.


He had finally found him. After Top had followed the sound he saw Kwon Jiyong yelling Seungri's name over and over. It seemed that he was also looking for him.

As soon as Top laid eyes on him Jiyong noticed him. Jiyong smirked a little when Top grabbed the shirt of his collar and glared at him with dangerous eyes.

"You sly bastard." Top growled.

"And what could you possibly mean by that?" Jiyong acted innocently, angering Top even more.

"Stop acting like you don't ing know! You lied to Seungri!" Top shook him.

"I didn't lie, I simply told him the truth. You told me on the rooftop that day that all you wanted was to get revenge on him and that you didn't really love him. What part of that is a lie?"


"Heh. How would I know such a thing?" Jiyong shrugged. Top threw him to the ground but Jiyong wasn't fazed at all. He simply stood up and patted the dirt off of him.

"I'm not here to fight with you." Jiyong suddenly turned serious.

"Well it certaintly doesn't seem so." Top spat darkly.

"Let's make a deal. At this rate, Seungri isn't going to believe in anything you say. His heart's already closed up."

Top silently listened.

"However if there were two of us both explaining the actualy story, he's more likely to believe in our story."

"I don't understand. Why are you trying to help me all of a sudden?" Top tilted his head.

"I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing this for Seungri. I...I honestly didn't think he would be this broken after what I told him. I thought he would forget you quickly and come to me. But now all that's happened is his broken heart and now he won't be able to trust or love anyone anymore. He'd be too scared to. How am I going to steal his heart if he can't trust me or love me? That's why I'm doing this so that he can learn to trust people and know that it's okay to love people without being scared of being rejected." Jiyong paused to look at Top with a dangerous smirk.

"And once he's learned that- that's when I'll come to steal him away from you. That's when I'll show him that I love him much more than you do."

Top looked at Jiyong grimly. He could tell that he really did love Seungri as well. But that didn't mean he was going to hand him over. However at the same time he knew Jiyong was right. The only way Seungri would believe him was if he had Jiyong's side of the story as well. Kwon Jiyong may be sly and cunning but he was very smart.

"Fine. I agree to your plan." Top finally spoke. "But just remember that Seungri is mine and he always will be- no matter how much you try to steal him away, I'll always have a firm grip on him." Top smirked.

Jiyong grinned back "We'll see about that."


Seungri and Daesung were at the hospital just in time to help Youngbae get ready to leave the hospital. He was fully recovered now and now longer needed to stay at that prison like room.

As soon as he saw Seungri, he gave him a warm hug while Seungri continuously apologized for causing this whole mess. After all, Youngbae got hurt after he protected Seungri.

After their reunion Daesung cleared his throat.

"Seungri. I think you should tell him."

"Tell me what?" Youngbe asked curiously. Seungri simply sighed. He knew Youngbae and Jiyong were very close friends. He looked at Daesung who gave him a reassuring smile.

Seungri began to tell Youngbae what had happened, all the way since he and Top first met to what had happened between him and Top an hour ago. Youngbae listened attentively, notcing some details that were different from when Jiyong had told him what had happened.

When he was done, Youngbae and Daesung exchanged glances.

"Seungri. I don't know much about this Top guy but. But I think you should try to listen to what he has to say." Youngbae said calmly. Seungri shook his head.

"I don't think I could ever face him."

Daesung looked at Seungri with sad eyes. He had never seen his donsaeng so sad and hurt. Youngbae also felt the same way.

"As Jiyong's best friend, I know how he can be when he's jealous." Youngbae reassured.

Just then his phone began to rang. Youngbae simply hung up and texted something on his phone before turning back to Seungri.

"I know it's hard but there might be more behind this story that Jiyong told you."

Seungri twiddled his fingers nervously as he listened to his hyung. He was beginning to think that maybe....just maybe his hyung was right.


"Goddammit he hung up on me!' Jiyong roared at his phone. Top sighed. They were still looking for Seungri without any success.

"Ugh I swear Youngbae knows where he is! Seungri would have called either him or Daesung but I don't have that smily bastard's phone number!" Jiyong continued to complain on and on until his phone buzzed with a text from Youngbae.

Seungri's with me. You better get your here quick and explain to Seungri what happened. And prepare for a punch cuz I told you I wouldnt forgive you if you hurt Seungri.  -Youngbae


Jiyong grinned.

"I know where Seungri is."

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Chapter 16: t, im crying ok... im not 😭😭
Chapter 17: I like that Jiyong just want seungri to be happy
Chapter 16: Seungri getting hurt Q..Q
Chapter 15: Why?? This should not happened..but seungri need to know the truth
Chapter 12: Damn that not what supposed to happened
Chapter 22: TopRi <3 too bad for gri even if I am a big gri shipper....xD