
What Time Changes

Seungri lay on his bed and stared at the ceiling. He could hear noises from the kitchen and smiled.

"Seungri where are the spoons?" Top called from the kitchen.

After their little incident Top had carried Seungri back home and offered to take care of him since he had a bit of a fever. Seungri didn't want to become a burden but Top had insisted. 

"Far cabinet on the left," Seungri replied, playing with the cold towel on his forehead. Soon after, Top appeared with a bowl of porridge in his hands.

"I'm not that good at cooking but it should taste alright." Top sat on a chair next to the bed.

Seungri sat up on his bed and reached for the bowl but Top pulled it back.

"You can't feed yourself," Top chuckled. Seungri pouted.

"I'm not THAT sick. I can feed myself," Seungri tried to reach the bowl again but Top pulled it back even further.

"Nope. Just say 'ah'" Top grinned. Seungri sighed and gave up. He opened his mouth and Top blew on the hot spoonful of porridge before feeding Seungri.

Seungri felt like a baby being fed like that but Top seemed to enjoy it fully.

After Top finished feeding him he got another cold towel for Seungri and pushed Seungri a bit to the side to make room for himself. 

"Hey don't push me!" Seungri protested.

"Well I know you aren't going to move over for me obediently so what can I do?" Top lied down next to Seungri who scooched further away toward the wall. Top noticed this and simply scooched more toward Seungri.

Top turned to his side so that his body was facing Seungri who had his back towards him and was facing the wall. Seungri gasped when he felt Top's arms embrace him, but it wasn't like the time Jiyong had used him as a body pillow. Top's embrace was much softer, more comfortable. Seungri turned to face Top instead of the wall to see that Top was already asleep. 

Seungri brushed away the bit of hair that was getting into Top's face with his hand, and then snuggled into Top's chest. Top readjusted his position so that Seungri's head was against his neck, and his own chin rested on the top of Seungri's head.

The two slept like this peacefully and the plentiful rest seemed to cure Seungri's fever.


"TOP WE ARE LATE DO YOU HEAR ME??!?" Seungri yelled as he dragged the sleepy bingu toward the school. Top refused to run to get to school on time and Seungri was desperately trying to pull the heavier man so he wouldn't be late.

The two barely made it and Seungri was exhausted by the time he got to his desk. 

First period began and Top was finally fully awake while Seungri became sleepy again and slept through the whole class with his head resting on his arms on the desk.

"Seungri please answer number 23."

Seungri shot up "U-uh number 23 is.." Seungri stopped. There was no teacher in front of him nor students. He looked up to see Top snickering.

Seungri went red and jabbed Top's side in anger "What did you do that for?"

"It's for sleeping all through class, not noticing it's break time and most importantly not being awake to play with me," Top laughed.

"Play? Are you some 7 year old?" Seungri chuckled.

Top grinned like a bingu and squealed in his aegyo voice, "Yesh Top is 7 years old!" He raised 6 fingers toward Seungri who couldn't stop laughing at Top's aegyo voice. He sounded like some erted 50 year old man.

"Haha fine I'm awake now so I'll play with yo- woah!" Top suddenly lifted Seungri up and placed him on top of the desk so that Seungri was sitting in front to him. Top put his hands on the desk on either side of Seungri's lap and leaned close to him.

"Show me some aegyo." Top grinned mischievously.

"Wh-what? No way!" Seungri blushed and shook his head.

"Then I won't let you go anywhere." Top leaned even closer. Seungri was trapped. Top's arms were on both sides of him and he needed to lift his legs if we wanted to get off the desk but Top was right in front of him so he couldn't move his legs.

"But break will be over soon and people will see us!" Seungri protested.

"So hurry up and show me aegyo! How bout you do the gwiyomi? Or maybe you can call me Oppa?" Top chuckled at the thought of Seungri doing those things.

"No! I said I won't do it!" Seungri huffed angrily, pouting a bit.

"Fine, then you have to kiss me." Top laughed.


"Well I'm always the one who kisses you so this time I want you to kiss me." Top laughed and he protruded his lips out toward Seungri who was  flushed red.

But to Top's surprise, he felt a little peck on his lips. Seungri shut his eyes tightly and quickly pecked Top's lips before drawing back immediately.

"Th-there! You happy?" Seungri stuttered, his face burning brightly red. He couldn't believe he actually did it.

Top was about to kiss Seungri again for a longer, deeper kiss but unfortunately the bell rang and students began returning to their classrooms.

Top removed his hands from Seungri's desk and before returning to his seat he said to Seungri, "Meet me behind the school walls after school." 

Seungri smiled and nodded.


Jiyong stood outside Top and Seungri's classroom. He wanted to talk to Seungri but when he got there Top was already in his way. It seemed that Top had beat him and confessed to Seungri first. But that didn't matter. In the end Seungri would be Jiyong's, whoever had him first didn't matter.

"Meet me behind the school walls after school." Jiyong heard Top say. Jiyong smirked. He needed a way to separate Seungri from Top so that they could talk privately.

Jiyong quickly dialed a number while walking back to his own classroom.

"Hey it's me. I need about 10 of you to keep Top busy after school. Make sure he can't go anywhere, understand? You know what I mean by 'keep busy' right? He's strong so make sure there's a lot of people." Jiyong ordered and then hung up. 

Just wait Seungri. I'll prove to you that I'm the one who loves you more.

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Chapter 16: t, im crying ok... im not 😭😭
Chapter 17: I like that Jiyong just want seungri to be happy
Chapter 16: Seungri getting hurt Q..Q
Chapter 15: Why?? This should not happened..but seungri need to know the truth
Chapter 12: Damn that not what supposed to happened
Chapter 22: TopRi <3 too bad for gri even if I am a big gri shipper....xD