The price of freedom


Kris looked down to his beloved boyfriend. He seemed so peacefully asleep, but he wasn't. The fans, the haters, they finally got to the panda and they had taken revanche. They blamed him for using EXO to gain fame, they called him names, they treatened him, they bashed him for his lyrics saying 'I waisted my time in EXO'. And now here they were, together, while Kris kept holding on Tao his hand and brushing the others fingers with his thumb. No one had known about the depression which the panda was having. No one would have guessed that he would attempt on commiting suicide. And no one could believe, that he was so close to succeeding on his attempt. His life was hanging on a thin line, they were about to lose the panda. Yet, they did all they could to save him. They wanted him back.

When the news came out the comments were all mixed, coming from different sides.
"Serves him right."
"My poor panda!"
"EXO-L fighting for Tao!"
"He just couldn't stop being a burden to others could he? Always making trouble. Geez."
"Pigeons really go far with looking for attention."

Just so they wouldn't have to deal with the Chinese boy anymore, SM had agreed on terminating his contract, pulling all their hands away so they couldn't be blamed. EXO went to China to visit him in the hospital. And because of that, only because of that EXO had become one once again. It had been the wish from the panda that all 12 would be all together some time. That for one time, they could talk freely and not give any cares, that for once... their disagreements would be settled down. They never guessed that it would be because of Tao being in the hospital. And just for him, they talked and laughed all together when they gathered in the room during their weekly visit all together. Not knowing if he would be able to hear them, but they knew, that the atmosphere in the room would be better for him. They knew, it was better for him then when a silent and killing atmposhere would be around.

Kris once again looked down to his boyfriend. Just to be met with the faint smile coming from the other, while his hand was getting cold, his eyes still closed. Kris knew that they made Tao his final wish come true. They were all together as if nothing had happened, ever.  They were all laughing together, showing the panda what he asked for. In a blink of an eye, Kris was met with the on-going noise coming from one of the machines which was attached to Tao's body. The slow beeping, replaced with all the noise. His silent tears dropped down on the hand of the boy he loved so much.

Has it been worth it?
Giving up everything, including his life, for freedom?

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Chapter 5: Did lay die?