To late to apologize


In a blink of an eye, he had returned to China.
In another blink, he had recorded his new album.
Before he realized it, his own personal studio was formed.
And without his notice, his solo work was released, together with a MV.
He knew about all of it, he hadn't expected it to be released all so fast.
The truth was, he couldn't keep up with it, yet he was the one who was doing it all by himself.

He had reunited with Luhan, endlessly chatted with him and exchanged phone numbers.
He had reunited with his family, talking about his current situation, earning their support.
But what had really made him happy was his reunition with Kris. The one who welcomed him in open arms and kept him in a tight embrace.
They had been talking, made a fight, released their ual frustrations on each other, talked more, cuddled and slept.
Just to wake up and go seperate ways again, after exchanging phone numbers as well.
Tao was happy and relieved, that they were able to settle everything down between each other again and continue as secret lovers.

But of course.
To all good things comes an end.
And Tao knew, that he was in a endless tunnel.
Pitch black surrounded him.
And he had no choice but to accept it.

If he could have turned back time, he would have done it.
He wanted to apologize to the others.
But it was to late.
He couldn't.
He never would.

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Chapter 5: Did lay die?