

"So, with him? I assume it's a him." The short-haired woman took off her glasses, facing the brunette that had just given her the lyrics paper.
"It's a him, yes. Ymer is a guy, it's general knowledge, Fala." the brunette nodded. 
"Oh, okay." Fala shrugged, mulling over the words. Nothing too complicated or hard... something she'd noticed with Aowen too. Not that she'd had many complaints about it, she knew well over her vocal limitations, but something about it just doesn't sit quite right to her.
"It's going to be okay, Fala." The brunette gently patted her shoulder. 
"It better be." Fala quietly sighed. There's a certain thing about the whole debacle that made it felt weird for her; of course she could trust their vocal teacher to a huge extent, but there's just something super off about today.
"Good morning. Miss Gayoung and Fala." another voice called, following the smooth sound of the door opening. Both Fala and the older woman turned their heads to the source; a figure with green hoodie and black cap. Fala could barely see the face, but from the low voice, she could guess already.
"Ymer," Gayoung smiled. "come in."
"Apologies for being late. Have you started the recording already?" Ymer bowed a little.
"It's alright. The sound guy is checking around for a little more things. Why don't both of you practice a little more before the sound check?"
"Rain falls again today, the painful rain... like on that day when I let you go." Fala sang to the microphone. She didn't mind the song, after all; it's a romantic ballad that the Korean public seems to like so much. At least it's not hip-hop (but then again they would need a rapper. Not a rock singer).
"It’s not over yet, it seems... I’m still waiting for you." Ymer sang. Fala raised her eyebrows. It's extremely rare for her to hear past the raspy, sing-shouty quality he displayed in his songs. This one sounds... clearer. 
"Is that why we went wrong?" Fala sighed. To be in ANMO from the gaming community of LPL was a major shock for everyone involved; she made a decent news back in China too. People didn't wonder about why she went away, but why she made a decision to get into another realm entirely unknown to her.
"Is that why we were happy back then?" Fala looked up, and while she could barely identify the face behind the cap and the hoodie, his lips had formed a thin line, and Fala could only wonder if there's a certain emotion that made him grimace just a little bit.
"Rain falls again today, the painful rain; like on that day when I let you go." Fala gulped, turning away once she'd hear the soundtrack finished. It's a romantic song, of course, but there's a thought about her job that she'd enjoy so much about; but now she has to let it go.
It wasn't nice. Sure, she'd enjoy her time with the people at ANMO and she's very glad to be with them there, but deep inside of her, as much as she tries to deny the loss had affected her, it still came to be. Many people at LPL had been very amazing people too; especially him.
And it still came to be. Very painfully. 
Denying it would be better, though. Right?
and okay this is a little complicated but i'll say it here: all applicants are actually still in the story (although to varying degrees of appearances; you'll see). i'll alter certain roles the characters have, but that shouldn't affect how your character act.
but anyway. congratulations to sammi and sienl1!


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