Girl Talk: What's Your Preference??

So I should put some kinda warning in here for guys and sensitive girls but blood happens, right?? 

You probably know what's next don't you?? 


I don't know why I put it in caps XP I guess I used to feel insecure about my period but now after all these years I don't give a . 

But on to the point of the blog.

Which do you prefer?? Pads or tampons. I mean for everyday use. Not for nighttime or exercising.

Personally, I use tampons and all (I only asked 2 lol) my friends think I'm weird. Well one of my friends did. The others just choose to wear pads because it's more comfortable.

I wasn't always a tampon user. Actually I just started using them with ease about 6 months ago. And I've been menstruating for 5 years. Before then I used to struggle and waste 2 or 3 before getting it right. Mind you I'm a . I've had 18 years tell me tampons take your ity. Really?? Because I thought ity involved but I could be wrong...

But one day last summer it slide right in for some reason and ever since I've been Team Tampon. Last period I used them the whole time except to bed and light days. 

Some think it's weird to stick something into your body but I hate bleeding on myself. I feel self conscious when I'm wearing just a pad because I think I'm bleeding everywhere and the whole world knows mother nature decided to be a to me. Now when I'm on my period I can wear leggings and not have to worry about my pad showing through. I feel free.

But that's just me. What about you??


I LOVE this color ^_^


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Haha ha.
The color matches the topic. ;)
Honestly I prefer Pads.
Pads and I forever and after. C:
CosmoQueen #2
I use only tampons and my life is so much happier because of it. Pads feel like diapers and I can't imagine how anyone can use them and not go crazy. Cuz once you start with tampons you will never wanna go back lol. Though for a long time I was scared of them and the thought of using one really freaked me out. But once you get used to it, it's really easy.
wyllaya #3
I dont use Tampon or Pads... i discovered the divaCup 7 years ago and i bless that day each month... do a quick research and you will be amazed