VOX | Yoo Inhyo | Dracula


nickname, little Hyoyeon — From some angles her face is said to look similar to Girls' Generation's Main Dancer, so upon debut she got that nickname by journalists
nickname, Dragon Leader — Inhyo doesn't mess around. She's fierce and demands the best from her team, thus the other members gave her the nickname 'Dragon'

birthday — 11/11/1991
birth place — Busan, South Korea
hometown —Busan, South Korea

ethnicity — Korean
nationality — Korean

language spoken, korean — native tongue, fluent
language spoken, japanese — she knows basic Japanese because she learned it in school

blood type — B

Yoo Inhyo

by Chakayuko (sori)


— i am beautiful, i will always be beautiful, even if it is only to myself.

face claim — lee chae eun
back up — hae in

height — 167cm
weight — 54kg

Extra featuresHer eyebrows are very thin so she uses an eyebrow-pencil to make them more prominent.   She has a small scar on her left palm and her ears are pierced even though she's rarely wearing earrings. Her body is rather curvy.

fashion style

— clothes on, clothes off. visable personality.

She loves vintage fashion. Inyho feels much more confident if she wears clothes that fit her style. She likes blouses with collars and ribbons and doesn't like green or too bright colors, so she often wears black, white, some dark blue and purple. Inhyo has a pretty good sense of fashion and knows the best (and cheapest) clothing stores in Seoul, Busan and Daegu that sell unique clothes which are both eye-catching and cute.

She's a fan of vintage but that doesn't mean that she won't wear anything else - it's more the opposite, she tries everything out. Some things she likes the most are white dresses and blouses with laces and she also has a liking for jewelry like necklaces and rings. Furthermore she likes patterns. Inhyo feels conscious about her muscular legs and therefore she doesn't often wear hot pants or really short skirts. She loves accessoires and often wears some bracelets and necklaces, preferably in gold or with pearls.


(+)/positive traits or qualities - outgoing, witty, charming, clever, appears confident, energetic, hardworking
(-)/negative traits or qualities - manipulative, moody, demanding, insecure, know-it-all, easily offended
(/)/neutral traits or qualities - perfectionist, competive

Inhyo gets along well with most people since she's outgoing and charismatic. The way she can adapt and behave well according to almost every situation, regardless if it's a fansign, charity event or meeting with the CEO, she usually leaves a good first impression. Inhyo doesn't hesitate to initiate a conversation and talks pretty much whenever she's among other idols and people her age and is good at befriending so others  assume she has a confident 'alpha'-personality.

On the other hand she's bowing 90 degrees and speaks very formal to higher-ups, just like it's expected of her. People that are close to her or interact with her on a daily basis, like group mates, stylists and manager eventually encounter her many flaws and bossy behaviour, but everyone who only knows her on the surface and met her once or twice backstage would say that she's a nice girl, maybe a slightly bit too outspoken, but thereby approachable and friendly.

Inhyo's on-stage personality is probably her best feature - she is pretty energetic most of the time, witty and a prankster. She often makes fun of good friends, imitates MCs, the members and other people in a funny way and exaggerates a lot while telling stories.  Inhyo also has a good sense of humor - she often makes snarky remarks at others, and although she can be a bit mean or too honest from time to time, she really knows how to make others laugh. However, although she's good at making fun of somebody, she isn't really sensitive nor tactful and she isn't good with showing feelings. Others always assume she has a confident ‚leading/alpha'-personality. This was also the reason why SM-Entertainment chose her to be the leader of vox.

However, as everyone else, Inhyo isn't perfect. For once, she's a bit hypocritical and gets offended very easily - she makes fun of everyone but doesn't take jokes about herself lightly. Inhyo is pretty easy to annoy because she doesn't like accepting that she's wrong and she reacts rather sensitive to critism. While she is smart, she also have strong know-it-all tendencies, she voices her opinion to every topic and has to comment on everything even if she doesn't know much about it. She is stubborn and doesn't often take others' advises to heart but as long as you aren't insulting her she'd try to befriend you and treat you nicely.

Inhyo rarely does something 'just because'. Most things she does or says is done with some kind of intention, whether it's cooking food to improve the group relationship, pretending to be a computer expert to impress someone or subtly calling out SM Entertainment for overworking them. Although she wouldn't want to risk getting kicked out she doesn't like being treated unfairly and if she's unhappy with something she definitely confronts the other person.

On the inside Inhyo is quite the competive person and she can't help but feel jealous when another group is better then hers. Therefore she's pretty strict to the members and nags at them a lot when there aren't any cameras around. She's not the kind of leader you would share your problems with and she's often bossy and annoyed at them that she realizes this mistake too late.

She's not a good team player herself since she doesn't really trusts a lot of people. Inhyo gets frustrated if she feels like she nobody is listening to her. But even if she's acting so strict towards the members she's actually quite proud that she can lead such a talented group and she'd always take the responsibility seriously. She doesn't give compliments easily and if she's encouraging or praising someone she's very honest about it.

The leadership made her feel older than she actually is. Therefore she feels very proud and grateful towards the fans that are supporting her. She often leaves messages for them on her cyworld and twitter and if she sees fans outside the dorm she sometimes go out to chat with them or gifting them small selfmade presents, such as cookies or little stuffed animals. While she can be very mean towards people who annoy her and she has many flaws you can‘t deny that she‘s very caring towards her fanbase.

And contrary to the popular belief, Inhyo isn't as happy with herself  as it might seem - she knows that she isn't the absolute stunner look-wise and hates that her voice can't keep up with the main or lead vocalist. When somebody sees that she's suffering or wants to help her she always brushes them off, since she absolutely hates showing weakness. She‘d even distances herself from the help-offering person and treats her cold as long as said person brings up that matter.

And while Inhyo is great at small talk, witty and outgoing, she has quite trouble expressing her feelings and helping others in an emotional situation. She can't give advises in love questions and she has no clue how she could help a hurt and crying friend besides asking if everything is okay. Inhyo wishes she'd be more caring and warm but she doesn't know what to say or to do in an emotional moment without sounding cheesy and often just starts rambling awkwardly. She hates herself for being such an imperfect leader, but she really isn't good at cheering someone up or apologizing. But Inhyo possesses dedication for everything she does and in order to be an useful part of the group she also works hard on herself and stays up late for practice despite having heavy shedules the next day.






— likes

one — peppermint bubble gum and candies
two — manhwas and animes (favorite genres are action, dark, horror and shounen, she stays away from Shoujo and romance-centered manhwas)
three — astronomy and space, she's amazed by the beauty of stars and planets
four — hip hop, bubble gum-, dance- and electro pop
five — plush animals

— dislikes

one — waking up in the morning
two — talking behind someone's back
three — aegyo
four — Kimchi and any spicy food
five — nail polish or long nails

— habits

one — She bites her lip or rolls her eyes if someone said something that she thinks is stupid but she usually doesn't comment on it.
two — Inhyo talks to herself whenever she's under pressure.
three — She plays with her strands of hair whenever she feels self-conscious.
four — Blinking when she's nervous.
five — Never cries in front of her bandmates.

— hobbies

one — watching sappy dramas that probably have the cheesiest, worst plot ever
two — Korean literature [preferably fantasy books but she's actually reading anything]
three — collecting cute but useless things like key chains and lucky charms
four — working out
five — practicing

— other facts

one — She collects gemstones and has already over fifty different ones. When she is anxious she takes her favorite one, an amethyst, where ever she goes because she thinks they have a positive influence on her.
two — She has a oft spot for fairy tales and myths, like the story about the red thread which makes you meet your soul mate eventually.
three — Her ideal type changes every week and has usually a nice smile. Example's are Tom Hiddlestone, Shim Hyesung, Benedict Cumberbatch, Song Joongki, Kim Soohyun and Captain Jack Sparrow.
four — Her role models are the South Korean Gamblerz Crew, a b-boy dance group formed in 2002. She already tries dancing their choreographies since months but the spins were just too difficult for her.
five — When she writes messages on her mobile or tweets something she always adds 'XXX' at the bottom of the message.


— my background/past shaped me, it will always shape me. It created me.

Inhyo was born and raised as an only child in Busan, South Korea. She kind of fit into the stereotype of only children - her parents doted on her a lot and treated her like the apple of their eyes. They treated her very well and spend a lot of their time raising her. Inhyo knew that her mom wished to have a large family and many children and sometimes she felt like her father would have liked to have a strong and manly son. Inhyo's birth was a problematic one and because of that her mom lost the ability to ever get pregnant again. Luckily, Inhyo was a healthy baby but since her parents knew that this would be their only child they were very protective and cared a lot about her safety.

Growing up, she was a bubbly kid that would talk a lot and make pranks. She was decent but not outstandingly good at school and she had a small but close circle of friends. When she was young, Inhyo wasn't much into idols or music and spend most of her free time playing basketball and tennis.

That all changed when she was eleven years old and won tickets for a concert. First she didn't even wanted to go since she didn't like all that hype about idols but in the end she went nevertheless. And she was amazed by the many idols singing and dancing to the catchy pop songs in these awesome outfits under the bright lights of the stage. After that she was so impressed that she wanted to be an idol, too. She tried singing but she wasn't good at it. Nevertheless, Inhyo wasn't one to give up and so she practiced her vocals so she could reach higher notes and she saw You Tube videos to learn how not to strain her voice and use fry register in order to become better. Furthermore she started dancing lessons.

Inhyo found out that she was quite talented and so she started to practice popping, locking, Jumpstyle and Breakdance. She also tried out ballet but soon realized that she didn't like it that much because it's so stiff. She also was good at freestyle so she joined a dance crew which was participating on small competitions. They often went to Seoul since there were many opportunities to practice and showcase their dancing, while Busan was still more countrified.

With eighteen a scout scouted her after a dance battle in Busan and offered her to be a trainee at SM Entertainment. She was hesitant but her parents persuaded her to say yes because they wanted their daughter to become a famous celebrity. They thought that this would make their daughter happy and they saw her talent. While Inhyo was uncertain they already had the feeling that their daughter could get famous for her dancing and told her that it would be a waste of her skills if she didn't take that opportunity.

Because of that Inhyo agreed and moved to Seoul. She knows that most people would frown upon her parents for pushing their daughter like this but secretly she's happy that they insisted and she thinks that they made the right decision.


— we will always be there, even if we are not there.

mother — Yoo Yoonmi // 50 // kindergardener // chatterbox, curious, energetic, optimistic, sassy, gentle // Her mother and her were always close. Her mom was a really good mother, caring but also strict at times. They are still on really good terms and talk to each other once a week over the phone. Inhyo sometimes misses her and often talks about her problems with her

Father — Yoo Minhoon // 51 // elementary teacher // calm, quiet, caring, supportive, honest //  They are very close and he's really protective about her. She makes him proud and they have a good relationship


— we are a family, but we will never be your true family.

best friends — Nang Kyungmi // 24 // barista //  outspoken, gossiper, confident, feminist, quirky // Kyungmi has a dark sense of humor, drinks alcohol liter-wise and smokes like a steam engine. Most people avoid her but Inhyo and her are the best of friends. Kyungmi is moody and short tempered but also sharp and funny and while Inhyo is a bit motherly and nagging at her Inhyo knows that she could always rely on Kyungmi.

Good Friends — Kim Hyuna // 22 // idol // blunt, stubborn, playful, confident, sassy // In 2012 Inhyo went out drinking with a group of friends that also knew Hyuna well. They end up being the only sober ones and so they talked a bit. Some months after that they met again through these friends and talked even more. In the end they exchanged contact information and got close. They are always making fun of each other and Hyuna is a person talking non-stop. They are dorky and Inhyo likes that when she's with Hyuna she can simply relax a bit after the stress of training/leading. When one of them has a problem the other one would do anything to help her. They often take selcas together and Inhyo is always telling her not to overwork herself.

almost like a brother — Shim Changmin // 25 // Idol // calm, thoughtful, clever, witty, attentive, prankster, laidback // When she was new in Seoul she was working as a waitress in a cafe Changmin visited frequently. He recognized her from the trainees and they talked a lot. Changmin liked that she treated him like a totally normal person and they soon became close.  When they are together they have a lot of fun and like to be themselves. He helps her to adjusting to being an idol and is like a older brother for her [there is completely not any romantic relationship between them]. Inhyo can open up about her issues and her problems and she knows that he'll understand. As an only child, Changmin is kind of the older brother she wished she had.


— without us, who is there to do anything else?



— I believe that hard work is the way to success.

stage name — Inhyo
persona — Enchanting Siren

fanclub Name — Sirens
fanclub color — pantone turquoise #66fccc


AUDITIONING — Wanna Be Starting Something - Michael Jackson (Dancing)
TRAINEE LIFE — She really loved singing and dancing but after she entered SM Entertainment she felt like her instructors were never really satisfied with her and that made her pretty frustrated. Inhyo also missed performing on stage since she wasn't allowed to do so as a trainee. The first years was the worst and she often cried and thought of quitting. But every time she wanted to quit she realized that the whole time spend at SM would have been for nothing and that made her work harder in order to achieve debuting.

After her nineteenth birthday she started to work in a small cafe to earn money. Her parents told her that she shouldn't worry about that and that they were going to pay for her living expenses since it was them who persuaded her to become a trainee but Inhyo didn't want to burden her family too much and so she kept working. She also got rhinoplasty and double eyelid surgery because she felt like she was lacking in the looks-department. She had a few good friends among the other trainees but none of them were dancers since Inhyo viewed them as her competition. Her family visited her sometimes and brought diet-cookies along. Of course it was not easy and she doesn't really have much free time but during the last few years she wasn't that unhappy anymore.

FUTURE EXPERIENCES — I would like if she would star at a few varierity shows and maybe idol dance battle?

SCANDALS —plastic surgery scandal - past photos of her resurfaced; showing that she had a  a flatter nose (true)
iljin scandal - some blogger uploaded photos with the caption 'Vox leader Inhyo's delinquent past' which caused an uproar among fans - Inhyo explained that this wasn't her on the photos



last comment — Since I'm half-Romanian of course I had to try out for the Dracula plotline. English isn't my native language and so sorry for any mistakes

scene requests —
// Inhyo gets hit by a water bottle at a concert and faints. She feels really apologetic towards the fans and hates that the media keeps reporting about this. She doesn't want to seems stupid or let anyone down.
//Weekly Idol
//A really really heavy fight between the band members escalates which made everybody angry, upset or sad. One of the members plans to quit, doesn't go to her shedules and leaves the dorm. They all think that this was it - they are going to break up and Inhyo feels super-guilty to fail as the leader. But in the end they could persuade the leaving member to come back to the group.
//Inhyo fights with somebody and gets a bit too mean so she feels guilty afterwards; however she doesn't want to apologize.

password — SNSD - Wait a minute

cho kyuhyun

— lee jinki (onew)

personality — Cho Kyuhyun - if you'd ask anyone on Seoul's streets about him, you would probably get an answer like 'Isn't he the guy from Radio Star? I like his snark' or 'Hasn't he been accepted into one of the best universities in Korea without using idol privileges? That's admirable'. If you ask his friends, they would probably answer you with 'that punk never uses honourifics' and 'can't believe that someone can be as lazy as him, he's spending 90% of his free time gaming'. Well, Kyuhyun has a lot of facettes.

For one, Kyuhyun likes being lazy and practical. He isn't the romantic type of guy and he certainly wouldn't change much for any girl. If he hadn't any other duties at hand he would be sitting in front of his computer gaming or going out to drink with the Kyu-line. Kyuhyun has a rather laid-back personality and stays calm and unfazed in situations where others are making a fuss. He can work hard but if it doesn't concern his career as an idol or his academic future, he often chooses not to.

Furthermore he's  known as 'Evil-Kyu' because he doesn't use honourifics with his hyungs and likes making jokes and on the expense of others. He's quick-witted, persistent and diverting and manages to pull it off in a way that makes him get away with more than it's usual for a nation that has usually a strict age hierarchy. He knows how to make his hyungs help him with carrying his stuff and paying the bill. But while he might look like he's a typical spoiled brat, he's actually smarter than he shows and with his father owning an education institute he was told the importance of studying since he was young.

relationship — Since they are still getting to know each other, they are friendly but also a bit distant towards each other. For some reason Inhyo feels a bit weird around him - he actually shouldn't have been her type at all since she usually likes rippled abs and the more masculine type of guy, but somehow Kyuhyun's voice and his eyes are alluring and so she feels oddly drawn towards him.

But Inhyo wouldn't be herself if she's admitting that she has a crush and so she acts kind of tsundere around him, she doesn't avoid him but she snaps easily around him, comes off as annoyed and disagrees with everything he says. Others raise their eyebrows and reprimand her because of that attitude towards a sunbae, but Kyuhyun, being an evil, disrespectful maknae himself, doesn't mind her behavior.

He actually finds it refreshing, involves her often into conversations and makes fun of her, too. Inhyo doesn't know how he's feeling towards her but she is hesitant to make the first step towards a closer relationship since she actually doesn't even know if she's even ready to break the dating ban at all.

history — They already talked a bit when Inhyo was still a trainee since he sometimes greeted the trainees and involved them in a light conversation or gave them a piece of advice when he encountered them in the company. However, they only exchanged few sentences and Inhyo doubts that he even knew her name before she was announced to debut. But still, for her he was making a lasting impression when he greeted her the first time.

She was walking down a corridor of the company because her instructor told her to fetch some sheets from an office in the third floor of the company when she suddenly saw Siwon, Kyuhyun and Donghae coming from the opposite direction. When they passed her, she mumbled a quiet 'annyeonghaseyo' since it was one of the few situations when she was intimidated, and they gave short smiles and greeted her back.

Back then she didn't think he was handsome, truthfully, she actually thought that Donghae and Siwon both looked better, but even though he only said 'annyeong', his voice sounded really nice and melodious and was kind of stuck in her head for weeks. Since her own voice is and her complex she sort of admires people with nice voices and outstanding singers and from that moment on,  Kyuhyun was one of them

other — In 2007 he was involved in a major car crash which almost took his life. He doesn't talk much about it and doesn't want to worry anyone but he's grateful for being alive and learned to value every moment. After that accident, which left a scar on his stomach, he got a bit more thoughtful and serious.



— back up love rival interest

PERSONALITY — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

RELATIONSHIP — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

HISTORY — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius. 

OTHER — Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam porttitor dui nisi, id commodo massa imperdiet ac. Praesent velit dui, efficitur sit amet nisi id, suscipit congue orci. Nam et gravida mauris. Fusce vel tristique velit, in scelerisque lacus. Morbi sagittis, felis ac blandit egestas, libero neque aliquam turpis, at pellentesque urna enim eget justo. In porttitor purus non nunc posuere finibus. Morbi tincidunt blandit velit, vel semper risus rhoncus sed. Ut vulputate nisl vitae elit consequat, quis ultrices massa varius.


Park Sooyoung (Lizzy)

— Jung eunji

PERSONALITY — Lizzy is very outgoing, bright and energetic has certainly a special charisma that makes her stand out. Lizzy is kind of a straightforward and blunt person. She's determined, funny and social so she makes friends easily. If Lizzy likes a person - and that's usually the case - she's very friendly caring in the big-sister kind of way. She can be really nice to people she likes and she tends to help her new group members a lot.

But whoever can't get along with her sharp tongue and pisses her off better watch their steps since she isn't very forgiving and she can be pretty harsh. Lizzy can also be a bit annoying and bossy at times. She is confident and manages to always stand in the spotlight. Around her fans she's a totally sweet cutie-pie, though.

RELATIONSHIP — Whenever they see each other their mood immediately drops and they get both rude. They ridicule each others concepts, outfits and songs and both are determined to be a better performer than the other. Their rivalry is an open secret, Inhyo might try to play nice and fake on stage but Lizzy is definitely not, and even hints about a disrespectful rookie group on her TV appareances.

Inhyo also gossips with other friends about Lizzy, sure that Lizzy is doing the same. Their groups are worried that their fight will escalate and give them a negative image, especially Inhyo, but whenever she sees Lizzy she just gets annoyed. Inhyo knows that their fight is he fault but their personalities clash and somehow Lizzy just gives her a bad vibe so it's not easy for her to be friendly

HISTORY — Backstage at a music program Inhyo was ranting to another one of her group members about idols that debuted despite being totally useless for their group. She especially targeted Lizzy, and said that she danced totally average in comparison to her band members and was also the worst vocalist of her group. 'Apparently she has a ty personality, too', Inhyo added, 'She said that she had the best body in After School and put Uee down. She doesn't have any skills nor outstanding beauty or charisma and has this attitude toward her group members? I'm just glad she isn't in our group.' When she turned around there was Lizzy with an unreadable expression in front of her. Inhyo thought about apologizing but decided against it because she actually meant her words

OTHER — Maybe they can make up in the future? I feel like both of them are kind of similar personality-wise, so they might someday look past their rivalry and realize that they could have been friends.



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