The Manor - Achara Kitsuwanee (TW: modern slavery??)


The Manor



NAME: Achara 'Acha' Kitsuwanee
: Talks very little. Might say 'Acha' if someone asked and she cared enough to answer, but wouldn't speak unprompted, so at first they probably refer to her as the Thai / SEA girl
AGE: 22
BIRTHPLACE: Phra Phloeng, Thailand
FACECLAIM: Lalisa Manoban


APPEARANCE & LOOKS: Acha stands at about average at 161cm. She has a pretty, round face with big puppy eyes and long lashes. Her hair is black and messy.

 As a child she got the nickname 'gazelle' for her small frame and long limbs. Acha had always been skinny but the last year took a toll on her body and her weight has gone from petite to concerning. She looks frail but don't let that fool you, similarly to the animal she moves quick and agile.

FASHION: Acha wears a simple black hoodie and dirty black training pants. Her clothes look dirty and well-worn, there are two small holes at the lower part of her hoodie which moths had bitten through the fabric. On her feet are equally well-worn sneakers, the cheap seams starting to get loose.


fiercy loyal, practical, organized, self-reliant, perceiptive, confident
quiet, recluse, morally ambigous?, evasive, guarded, judgmental


Achara was always a very quiet person. She can - and will - go for multiple days without speaking a word. Most of the people around her probably think that she's mute or incapable of understanding Korean since she doesn't often acknowledge other's words. But in reality, she just doesn't want to converse with other people. She had seen a lot of instances where talking led someone into trouble so she prefers to be quiet and keep her head low. She is a social recluse anyways, not minding about many people except for her closest relatives, so it's not like she looks out for friends or allies. She trusts herself best, believes in her judgements and opinions, thank you very much. None of the Koreans she met so far were very welcoming so she doesn't expect any more from her new house mates.

In the improbable case that someone gets Acha to talk, she would be rather unsure of herself or give away more about herself than she wants to. Acha is a bad liar, she prefers evading questions to that and thus gives herself away easily. And while she overall has a high opinion of herself, she knows that making conversations is one of her weak points.

As mentioned, Acha tries to avoid confrontation at any costs. Her flight response remains superior, whether it's ducking her head when a Korean supervisor belittles her kind on the fields or a crazy person coming for her in a big mansion. She makes herself look deliberately unassumming, so that no one would make her their target.

Most of the people expect her to be very straight laced due to her quietness but if you could actually look into her head, you'd see that she actually thinks quite little of those around her. 'Wow, she's such an idiot, way to get herself killed', she might judge her comrades. If you lived in an environment like Acha, you stop believing in saving the day and look out for first and foremost yourself. Less competition, more chances at survival. She doesn't want to dirty her own hands, but to get rid of the competition, she would lead others down paths that would get them killed.  Her brothers' life is more important to her than anyone else, if saving him means that she has to be the bad guy, she accepts the role without hesitation and put on a show that'd put the Joker to shame.

That doesn't mean that she is uncaring. No, there are high probabilities that she might like one or another contestant or can relate to them. Howver, it would take a lot of symphaties for her to start helping anyone else with their survival.



Achara - or Acha, as everyone called her- grew up poor. Her family lived on the countryside, her parents, she, her twin brother and her five younger siblings. Both of her parents worked as hired helpers on farms.

At school she was about average. She was so quiet and unassuming that many teachers forgot that she was even in their class. She always loomed in her brothers shadows but she didn't mind - she never felt the need to engage in meaningless small talk and she didn't think that she could form a deeper connection with any of them, either. She wasn't bothered by their presence but she didn't need it either. It always felt like the people around her were just co-existing, never making much of an impact in her life.

The exception was her family. If it weren't for them, Acha would have become a complete recluse. Since she was one of the oldest, she naturally had to grow up quickly and help out with the household chores and the rearing of her younger siblings while her parents were working long hours. Even though she didn't have a nurturing personality type, there were a lot of things expected from her and she obliged, because she wasn't passionate to put up a fight. After a while, taking care of her family just seemed like part of herself.

Through all of that, however, there was somebody at her side, loyal and understanding. Aroon had always been her favorite brother, the only one who could understand her and . They were closer to each other than to their parents. However, while Acha was dispassionate about anyone and anything, Aroon was impulsive and thrill-seeking. He wasn't good at school, had trouble writing and reading. After quitting in 11th grade, he started working on the fields when he stumbled upon an ad on facebook which offered a large sum of money for becoming an immigrant worker for a Korean company. Seeing that his salary would be about three times higher, Aroon decided that he'd go for it despite the language bareer.

Acha, who didn't have much to fight for, decided to just follow him where he'd go, since even a difficult life around him would be better than the dull life she would have otherwise. Together they travelled to the capital where they met with a broker. At that point, Acha already suspected that the whole deal looked rather shady from a legal viewpoint but Aroon wanted the money and nothing could stop him. So they found themselves signing a two-year-contract and boarded a plane to Korea.

Acha had been told that they worked on the outskirts of Busan but the arrangement of a few farm buildings in the middle of nowhere were far from it. Right when entering the new country, their Korean company kept their passports. It was a complete scam; Acha soon found out that the shifts were much longer than allowed, she spent at least 18 hours a day on the field. They lived together with eight other people in a tiny room with bunk beds. There was no place for their belongings, no electricity, no way to contact their family. The other workers were from many different countries and some of them were quite agressive. The Korean supervisors never cared about physical altercations as long as everyone was still able to work the next day.  She thought it was modern slavery.

Acha wanted to leave but she didn't know how. She tried to talk to the Korean supervisors but they threatened her with the termination fee, a sum neither she nor her family back in Thailand posessed. There were only other workers and the supervisors around and she didn't know how far and into which direction she had to go. Overall it seemed pointless to escape so she powered through. Aroon told her it would get better, eventually, and she'd try to believe it. But one day she couldn't hold it in anymore and blew up at him.

One week later he was gone. For the first time in her time there she was disobdient, demanded answers until they punched her face and told her to be quiet or they would 'ing cut out her tongue'. A few days later he re-appeared, not worse for wear, and told her not to worry since he would help them to get into a better place. Acha wasn't a fool and she disliked what he did, but how could she stop him? Since then, he'd been coming and going, sometimes staying away for days, sometimes for weeks. Acha worries increased when he disappeared for months and nobody gave her answers. She had half a heart to flee and search for the police on her own, but would they even try to help him if he was caught up in something shady? She felt terribly helpless.

That was until she found something underneath her pillow one night while going to bed. It was a map, some money and a letter. On the map there were two crosses, one for her location and one for a mansion. Even more interesting to her though was the letter, it said: come here if you want to find out where your brother is. She knew that it could have been a joke that could end up horrible for her, knew that by fleeing she might put all ire of the Korean organization on her. But the second she laid eyes on the words, her resolve was set.

And so she ended up at the mansion.

The Details

OCCUPATION: Illegal Immigrant Worker (Harvest fields)

Running - She isn't called a gazelle for nothing!
Stamina - if you're plucking up strawberries hours a day, you're bound to get some endurance
Street Smarts - Calling it a skill might be a bit far-fetched but in comparison to others who grew up in a more sheltered home, Acha is better at adapting to difficult situations and knows when to lay low. This isn't the first precarious situation she's been in, although the most dangerous one by far. Knowing that she's better at spped than muscle strength, she'll probably make a plan that includes mostly hiding and running away.

- Pulling the cap of her hoodie further down her face so that her eyes will stay hidden; mostly when she's scheming/thinking or when she has the feelingsomeone observes her.
- Biting her lower lip when she's stressed. If she doesn't die first, she's going to end up with a bloody lip because this is something she constantly does, even if she bites lightly, this habit can go for hours.
- Starts tearing up when angry. Doesn't cry when she's sad but in real moments of anger, her tears well up and block her vision.

the colour black
minimalism / things that practical rather than lavish
plants and flowers

the cold
rain /being wet
noises, especially sudden, loud ones

important people



Aroon Kitsuwanee
22 / Her twin flame, brotherly soul mate, better half
Easygoing and kind, Aroon had always been the twin who spoke for both of them. He was a bit reckless and went missing for the past few months (Acha doesn't know for how long exactly since she doesn't own a calendar but it was almost two seasons ago). Cares for him deeply.

LOVE: She's probably aual.

The Wish

WISH: She wishes to find her brother.



COMMENTS: OH GOD I TOTALLY CAN'T ENGLISH TODAY!!! I'll end up editing this on the weekend to make it more coherent, but right now time's running out.

PASSWORD: my inner potterhead showing


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