For the love of the Divines...Where is Jaejoong???

Hello Lovelies! 

I wanted to address a reoccurring comment on my story "Of Wolves and Dragonkin". Many of you have questioned, multiple times, of when Jaejoong will appear in the story. First of all, there is absolutely a reason why he has not physically appeared yet. Certain events must take place, events that literally pave the way for his appearance. Until all that is made known, either out right or subversively, Jaejoong can't appear in the story yet. I'm not deliberately withholding Jaejoong from my readers, nor am I trying to drag out the suspense, I am following my plot outline to the letter. I have been working on OWAD for almost a year and we are just now getting to the more exciting parts of the story. I will say that the time for Jaejoong to appear is nearly upon us so, I hope everyone will continue to be patient. I will also reply to your questions about Jaejoong thusly: How do you know Jaejoong hasnt already appeared in the story already -just in another form?

hint hint... 

Think on that one ^_^





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ozwalkr #1
LOL!! He has already shown himself several times! Let's see...little child, dream figure with long hair. Jae himself is just another aspect of the long lost brother/lover. He has been here all along... Pabos.