Update plus Bonus Halloween Video!


With our yearly "Haunted Halloween Bash" Finally over, Fic updates will resume within the next week.



For fun I wanted to post this for all my readers:


Every year during our Haunted Halloween Bash, my neice (whose now 14) and my youngest daughter (age 9) put together an original choreography for the end of the night performance. This year they performed to Katethegreat19's cover of "Come Little Children" from Disney's "Hocus Pocus". The underlying theme: The puppet master and her puppet (my daughter being the puppet) Check out the video below. 

#note: There is a glitch about 50secs in where the recording stopped and restarted but I hope you enjoy it. 



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ozwalkr #1
OH MY! They did GOOD!!! Tell them they have a thumbs up from OZ!