Some random Tagging Game

Rule 1: Post the rules

Rule 2: Answer the questions the tagger asked you then make 10 new ones

Rule 3: Tag 5 other people and link them to this post

Rule 4: Let them know you've tagged them


My answers to CorinneluvSNSD4Ever9's Questions

1) List your fandoms and biases!

AKB48= Kashiwagi Yuki

SKE48= Furukawa Airi

NMB48 = Watanabe Miyuki

SNSD = Kim Taeyeon

2) Any fandom out of kpop?

AKB48, SKE48, NMB48, HKT48 (Not so much)

3) What languages do you speak, and where are you from!

UK represent!! And I speak English (No duh), Japanese and Filipino

4) Are you a student? If yes, do you like school? If no, did you like school? Share your experience!

Maybe I don't wanna? XD

5) Are you bored about my questions so far... I'm sorry they're lame I'm kinda lazy and my brain refuses to function properly.

Not really XD

6) If you could have a relationship with your bias in real life (e.g. sibling, love life etc.) what could it be? Oh and say who's the bias too! Hehe.

If I had a relationship with each of my 48G biases it would go:

Furukawa would be my younger sister.

Kashiwagi would be my wife.

And Watanabe (Miyuki cuz there's two Watanabe's in 48G) would be my ex-girlfriend.


Mushroom Soup

8) Other SNS accounts? If you don't mind saying?


9) Can you dance?

To a good-ish standard

10) List your top 5 hobbies :)

1) Anime

2) Video Games

3) Music

4) Sports

5) Books


My 5 Questions to: Kyler (Taogotmypanda365), Min (BiasListOfDOOM) and any AKB48 fan in my friends list XD

1) Pandas?

2) If you were any animal what would it be?

3) Fandoms and biases?

4) If you were to confess to your bias, how would you confess to them (Name your bias pls :D)

5) Can you do the Chubby Bunny Challenge? If so, how many marshmallows can you fit into your mouth?

6) Bunnies?

7) Rank your biases, if you have more than one.

8) Do you wanna build a snowman?

9) Can you watch....

10) Can you say supercagifragilisticespialidocious, super fast?


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LoL~~ i didn't even try the last question kkkkk
Can dude can YOU say that?