I am going to super rant right now. (feel free to ignore)

ok for the past couple of days I been sick and it just seems to be getting worse. I am used to be sick I get sick a lot. And I always hide it well because my family always blows up about me being sick. It really seems like they can not go a day of taking care of themselves. That is all fine I am used to it. I always take meds or get to a doctor so I can get better soon. my no good uncle will not take me to the in doctor. All he would have to do is maybe sit in the ER for an hour or two. But I been asking him to take me for about 3 days now. it would all be fine if it was the flu or a really bad cold or something. But I have been scary sick and it has been scaring the out of me. The first day I had a really bad headache and I could not deal with the pain at all. I even took some meds and did not work. It felt like my eyes were going to pop out. The second day i could not open my eyes at all. Any kind of of light would kill my eyes. The third day i tried to take meds again. And I was throwing up the whole day non stop and I was really light headed. And now I feel like I am going to pass out. I feel like I just want to cry. Also my uncle keeps on giving me evil looks and just ignoring me.


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tyn_can #1
Looks like you are feeling terrible sis. It just be a severe stress that ended up like that. You had migraine I guess and a bad fever. You might need enough rest like days. Maybe there's a problem ith your eyes too? I had that symptoms when I started wesring glasses everything I see though its dark but them its too bright. I hope you feel better. Get some good rest, see the doctor soon and eat healthy. I will pray for you to be better well that is the most I could do sis.
Sounds like you caught a really bad flu and being dizzy can lead to low blood sugar or your iron is low. I hope you feel better.