I'm totally lost...

I just heard from my best friend back in America. 

She's been diagnosed with cancer. 

She's only 25. This should not be happening. 

I'm not even in the same country as her. 

What do I do?

I'm so lost. 


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candylover #1
Unnie :( I don't even know what to say... But stay strong and I do pray that everything will be alright... If you need help I'm here. I remember that thoughtful deed you did and it just made me so happy even for a little while. I miss you and don't think I'll leave you even if we are from different parts of the world. I <33 you.
Extremely sorry to hear that :/ my grandfather passed away last week from blood cancer, and although he was quite old, it still hurt losing him. So i can't imagine having a friend so young going through that. Sorry, I at comforting. At times like these, I usually always crack jokes to cheer a person up. I lost my mom to a terrible disease when I was 16, so I've gone through a lot myself, and the best thing to keep in mind is that life goes on. You're friend is young, she has the strength of a bull, and she'll pull through ^.^ keep your head up and keep her distracted with funny lame jokes. Stay positive!
MinSooluver1 #3
I am not very good at giving comfort, but I wouldn't know exactly what to do in that situation either. When my sister was diagnosed with diabetes, she burst into tears right in front of us, and although diabetes isn't going to kill her, it made her life horrible. Now she can't even do the things she wants to do for fear of fainting. All I could think of when she was diagnosed was "make her happy". I knew she would not die from it anytime soon, but I wanted to cheer her up. Please make her happy, even though you may not be in the same place, call her anytime you get the chance, see how she's holding up. Have you read Revelation 21:3-5? It gave me a lot of comfort when I lost my grandmother and when my sister got diagnosed with cancer. Please remember that even though she is sick, this is not over. I believe in the hope of resurrection, AND all illness being cured. I hope I was able to give you a little bit of comfort, even if it was just a small amount. I really did just say what was on my mind and in my heart. Even though I may not know her at all, I have connections with people I don't even know, so please take good care of her, no matter what it takes.
That is very terrible. I'm so sorry. I don't know the exact situation but if my experience can be of any help....
I have not been in your exact situation but I have a friend who got brain cancer at 30, had surgery and is completely cancer free since. She now lives her life to the fullest every single day, I'm very proud of her. I've also lost a loved one (cousin) to cancer.
I think the most important thing I did was to be positive for them no matter how hopeless they became. If you can go to see your friend I'm sure she would love it but sometimes life has other plans. Find a way to communicate as closely as possible - skype would be ideal because you can be as close as possible. Then you could set up 1 specific day and time per week to check-in. It might give her something to look forward to.
I don't pretend to know how you feel. I can only say - think positive thoughts because no matter the end result, life is better lived hopeful and happy to whenever our end may be.
My positive thoughts and energy to you and your friend in this time, my heart pulls for you.
Love to you *hug*
WhysoseriousWolf #5
Bestfriends stays together even from afar.
nougat1997 #6
Oh no. :(
Don't panic.
Do you want to go back ?
Whatever you decide, make sure you are comfortable with it.
Sending you love~~
Otoyaittoki #7
Thats heavy o__o
I have no experience with such kind of things but I think the best you can do is be there for her and help her the best you can from Korea
I'm so sorry :c
unfortunately, there isn't a lot you can do. I know from personal experience how much it to feel so helpless, but all you can really do is be there for her and hope for the best. I'm sorry. :c
OMG... That's so sad because you aren't there for her... May be you can always call and talk to her, and become a good listener to her cries and rant... Let her know that you are with her and don't make her lose hope...
i know you must be sad and upset and angry. its ok to be all that! She must be strong and you must be strong to. However you guys deal with it best. She must be terrified right now and that is ok. She has every right to be. Just be with her. She needs you the most right now, even if you're not in the same country. As long as she knows you're there for her thats ok.
You do not have to put on a brave face every single second of the day. You can break down.
Always remind her how much you love her
I'm praying for your friend and for you.
Omg.. I'm so sorry to hear that..
ashmk113 #12
Its is OKAY to cry. It is OKAY to be angry. It is OKAY to expect the worse. But do not let the cancer define your friend. SHE IS MORE THAN THAN THE CANCER. She HAS cancer, she IS NOT cancer. Her life currently will probably revolve around it. You're going to hear a lot of "be strong for her". That's so vague and it's ty advice. It feels like people are telling you, you can't cry or be scared less. Your thoughts, worries, emotions, are completely justified and you do not have to explain yourself. Same goes for your friend. Whatever the hell "be strong" really means, "be strong for her" by letting her be scared. Don't let her think she has to be brave every second of the way. Don't let her think she can't tell you her worse fears and the horrible thoughts and worries that visit her mind because she think's those thoughts might worry you. She is entitled to her emotions AND SO ARE YOU. Don't think you are selfish for having a weak moment.
I am not telling you to become a depressed mess and give up and just accept your friend could die from this. I'm telling you it's ok to feel these things because you have to be soulless not to. Obviously you want to be positive & optimistic but it's ok to be realistic. She is also young. She has a damn good chance of being ok and having a healthy life. If praying is your thing, pray for her, pray with her, ask us to pray. I have no problem taking a few moments out of my day to pray for her and asking my grandmother and her prayer group to keep her in mind. Do not write her off as dead. She has a chance and you have to believe she does to. Take care of yourself too. She is not going to want to see her friends become wrecked over her condition. Stay healthy for her. Find an outlet for yourself, write it out, take up a strenuous activity. Don't let it ruin your day. I know it's hard not to. Just remember to not let the cancer define her, don't let her get lost in it. I wish you, her, and her family the best. <3
En if you haven't seen her, pray for her...
Your prayers can do a miracle.
Tell her about how much you like her, and how muh you miss her and want to be with her now.
Most important -
Don't brak down to her, you need to stay strong.
demonessrin #14
Just always make sure you are there for her. Listen to her fears and show her how much you love her.