finding out more about myself

  So on my way to figure myself out I am leaning to love and know that it is ok for me to be as creepy as I want. It is hard to accept that I am creepy I guess that is how I can put it. All my life I have always been into "creepy things that would scare most children" I have have always been told that was wrong or if a friend found out they would leave. I am fine the way I am and I like the way I am. and if Halloween being my Favorited holiday of all times makes me the devil then so be it I will be the devil himself. I am just tired of being judge every time I buy,like,sing something. I already do not like myself I wish other will not make it worse. I just need to find a friend that likes me just the way I am. I am not going to try and change myself to get friends or pretend anymore I am done with that. I just want to be me and be happy being me. I am know I am not my best right now but I am trying to change that but I think one big step to getting better is for me to move out. I am working on  that so so hard and it is going to take forever I know but I know when. I am able to move out I think I will be so much better. because all of my bullies are the people I live with.  


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sayahyuga #1
U are taking a great step towards the right direction!!
Good luck, I hope you can accomplish everything you've set your sight on xD also, be yourself because you are amazing and whoever doesn't see that is clearly blind
tyn_can #3
Oh you can do it! Well, friends will love you as a friend no matter who you are , what flaws you may have, REAL friends will accept you.

Its good you are doing your best, I am here to support you :)
If u're proud of the way u are, u love urself dear. Never say u dislike urself. In the end, the most precious person to u is U.
lilith9999 #5
Be brave and move on! Fighting!