Got a Job at a thai restaurant!!



I stopped college temporarily so I gave out CVs to all the shops and restaurants around my house ( and there's A LOT)

And yesterday the Thai restaurant owner called me ^^

Dad had difficulty to know what he wanted 'cuz he was talking in english xD
( yeah I live in the french province of Canada BTW :P)

So I'm starting today :D (training only but still!!)

I'm so happy! I may learn some Thai ^^

of course I won't touch the food, I'll be the cashier but still! I'll work at an asian restaurant :D

And I'm lucky I'm bilingual!!! xD or else I would be in trouble... 'cuz the owner speaks barely to no french.




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Nasthycielle #1
Bonne chance, j'espère que tout se passera bien!
Thai express, huh? I worked for them this summer and it was really fun! All of my coworkers were thai (and some vietnameses...), in overall, I learned some useful words :D En tout cas, félicitation!
If you learn Thai, you can practice it with me :D