On being a hater.

So I'm starting this post with a rather iconic saying "haters gon' hate" and hooray for GDTOP gifs for emphasis.

I'm not particularly sure why I'm writing this post. Maybe because I am a touch defensive on being branded "hater" and as for the popular outlook of being hater, I feel kind of... you know... unecessarily mean.

Have I ever lived in a haters gonna hate bubble I wonder. When I was young (and brash, and rude, and kind of a major ), I had a score of people who hated me. Like real hate, like write you a letter and being a douche to me... which was a very fun past time for me. I liked being angry. It was sevvy on default. Now don't get me wrong, I don't think I am important enough to get haters, I think I was an which merited some hateful commentaries. Not that I ever took them to any account, just that these people who needed to be angry at me, needed to express they're discontent with me or my lifestyle, they did, minorly, deserved the expression. Eventhough, I would just tell them to off and that I could give a about them and their feelings.

Mostly I was called arrogant, self-important, , ... the kinds that weren't too creative.

Why am I going on about this?

As I grew older, I tend to have this knee-jerk reaction to me being angry, which is me feeling quite horrible for being the same ol' back in the good old days where youth still excused most of the things I did. I have developed something of a philosophy of tolerance and acceptance. You know, it's an outlook of thinking that everyone deserves to live their life without the imposition of right or wrong, good or bad. It's good decisions and bad decisions, and just the freedom to have both. I like that. I like live and let live. That is what I want, no brands of weirdo, loser, cool, just preference and respect. That is my ideal world.

But what does it have to do with being a hater? I believe hate is such a strong word, and though, by principle, I am not allowed to have this feeling. I still have it, and I DO feeel guilty about it. I wrote this to somewhat qualify my feelings, because the want of no standards is a want, not a reality.

There is this spectrum of Like-Dislike-Hate. I would deem dislike as something neutral, apathy, maybe?

Now, I am disclosing something I have grown to hate, and now I understand that some of you would find me offensive, which is not my intent. I think the problem with the world is we treat every comment as a personal offense, and I am not saying I am an exception. For example, if someone said TOP is not that good, I would probably burst an important artery, die and bring about some rabid fangirl zombie apocalypse. Actually, in connection, I have just had the delights of someone saying that I overrate TOP and consequently losing my lid and just you know, some sevvy rampage.

I know the rampage was uncalled for and unproductive, but I don't know... I mean, I started the conversation, I just sometime wonder why I need to qualify my opinion in relation to others... I mean, can't I hate something and be left alone with it, without the rebuke of "YOU'RE OVERESTIMATING MY BIAS." Because you know, this is exactly why he is my bias... Hmmm... maybe you should google the word.

I don't want to come across as an , but maybe I was spewing , whatever.

Okay, the disclosure: I hate... Winner.

Now, I think I am an awful hater because I don't know them. I have judged them on their fans that annoyed the out of me. And I hate Mino's performance of Doom Dada.

Here is a rather hateful statement: I found Mino's Doom Dada performance offensive.

My explanation: As a TOP stan, I felt Mino's performance sub-par and unprepared for. I remember when YG Concerts meant exceptional covers from labelmates, but know with the nearing of Big Bang being shipped to military service, we are served a dish easily digested, a funny skit, of hahahahaha weird Doom Dada. I am offended.

The thing is Stan TOP so much, that this is actually quite a normal reaction. I thought Doom Dada is an actual presentation of TOP as a character, someone strange and deep, and the message inlaid in the music about a social commentary on popular culture was something I respect. Of course, it was commercialized, with visuals clearly defined "K" and I watch, as a fan, TOP's message diluted and celebrated as "undefinable but he's cute so okay." And TOP has been fine about this, and this is of course, sevvy just being an elitist snoot.

I had this conversation with K who I discussed my bias of Dara, because Doom Dara is something of a circus. And though I thought she was incredibly adorable, I thought she did herself no favor as an artist. I mean, what does that skit tell you except that she's funny and cute. What does that tell you about her talent-wise?

But of course, I can't hate Dara. I just wish she took herself more seriously, sometimes.

Now, for Mino. I'm not saying Mino was god awful which is something his fans take away from me saying I am offended.

I think Mino's Doom Dada performance okay. Just like how an amateur would do it...

...and of course I am pummelled with comments of being an , and that he's still young, and wow sevvy why are you an , he did well! He was an underground rapper too, if TOP was the same age as Mino, they'd be equal, YOU ARE OVERESTIMATING TOP, why are you a douche...

okay. And of course I get mad. Because this video is a host to "Har Har Mino is such a cutie," "Mino is a TOP upgrade because he can dance," "Mino soon will be TOP."

And of course, all this positive comments are valid.


Did Mino's performance merit my outburst? No. I think Mino did okay. It wasn't good, but it wasn't horrendous, peel my ears off performance. He did a short jig, which I thought was all wrong for doom dada, but hey my opinion.

Now, what I started seem to be a fan war, of something like Winner vs Big Bang, and for fans of this upstarts, they demand I like them, love them because YG is family. :/

I have liked YG Family for a long time, and have acknowledged that YG is primarily talent-based, and once upon a time, I did give Winner that benefit of a doubt that they must be something good to be part of YG.

But the thing about this YG is family argument, is that you are trying to force me to like them, just cause. And you forget that they are, in truth (and there is no denying this), a commercial effort of replacing Big Bang as a major income earners of YG. Now this isn't even something to be upset about since all businesses deal with turn overs and entertainment commoditize idols and this includes a shelf life and expiration.

As a Big Bang fan, I think I have the right to be offended with group made to replace my Big Bang. And though I don't like arguments because I studied argument and I get pissed off if your logic and argument is flawed and I just think everyone is dumb and I feel quite swallowed up in my elitist .... I still think I am entitled to say my own piece.


I am offended, and no I don't think Mino sharing an underground past merits him being compared to TOP.

I don't think he's a TOP upgrade.

Back when TOP covered No Diggity, he gave it a TOP personality. It might not have been better than the original, but the performance was his.

What Mino did was reiterate, spit words to the same tempo, same beat, same delivery as TOP did, maybe with a down grade of TOP's characteristic low tone voice.

I didn't see him as an artist, but a complete, offensive rip off.

Am I being harsh? YES. YES I AM. But only because YG concerts used to be so ing high quality you HAD to buy the concert audio just so you can get a piece of Gummy's Heartbreaker.

I know Mino is young. , wasn't TOP young before? Wasn't GD young before? When GD did his This Love cover, I wasn't in love with it, but I thought, oh hey that's so GD.

I know Mino may be under the process of defining his character as a kpop idol, but my problem is he sang/rapped something I actually adored. Now, people are asking me why the am I being pissy about this. And I freaking wonder if in Kpop, are we allowed to revere something past surface value? If I love TOP as an artist who deserves having music treated as art, does that make me the biggest idiot of all?

I am a hater. Oh god. But only because I love TOP.

And I guess, no one will understand.


LOL. Wow this post was a big waste of time. :/


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hellokorea #1
One more thing: I really dislike the "haters gonna hate" phrase, especially how often it is used. Sure, it's not okay to be purposefully mean and try to hurt people's reputations, make them miserable etc. But it seems like "haters gonna hate" is also used to avoid constructive criticism and dialogue.
hellokorea #2
I am much older than you, I can almost guarantee, so I don't have the same type of passionate feelings towards musicians/bands/etc, but I appreciate your passion. In regards to your labeling yourself a hater- what it sounds like to me is that you are direct and honest. I would rather have someone disagree with me honestly and let me know it, as opposed to talking about me behind my back and being manipulative - those type of people have caused me a lot of pain and heartache.
sevvy i don't think you're being a hater - you have a point with all your reasons and i think they make perfectly logical sense >: so i think you're 100% entitled to your opinion because you do have your reasons and i don't think anyone has the right to say that you're a terrible person or anything like that >: thanks for writing this blog post; it made me really broaden my mind to a lot of things about opinions ^^