New School Year

Oh my god... School starts up for me in a couple of weeks, and I am NOT looking forward to it. I AM going to be a junior though, so I guess it ain't all bad. But what I'm not looking forward to is the people.

It's an all girls school. I have no idea why such hell holes even exist. But what's bothering me is, I wear a wig, because I have a medical condition and I don't have a lot of my real hair left. And these girls love to run by me in the hallway and yank on my wig to pull it off. A pair of girls from my gym class were walking by me in the hallway, and one of them said,

"I don't know why some people wear wigs, it makes them look so ugly!"

So I flipped them off and made sure to be on the opposite team from them during dodgeball so I could crush them.

Another girl asked me if she could see my real hair, which wasn't so bad, but then she tried taking pictures of the bald patches I have. That aint cool.

Or another thing, they think I worship the devil because I made the mistake of telling someone that I'm atheist. They also think I'm a devil worshipper because I can arch my back really far. They think I'm the exorcist or something. One girl actually flat out asked me if I worship the devil. I asked her why she thought I did, and she said,

"Well you don't believe in god, and it's unnatural to bend your back like that!"

I said, "I wonder how stupid you have to be for that thought process to make sense..."

And the solution to everything for these girls is to duke it out! That's not how I was raised to solve problems! I dared to say I was tired of all the attitude, and I have seniors getting all up in my face asking if I wanna fight! My solution to this is to just stand there and stare at them until they finish yelling. BTW, these seniors are tiny! Very very short! Not that intimidating!

By the end of the day, I'm just exhausted from having to deal with all the attitude and shouting and crap. But at least now they seem to have accepted me. One girl even said that I'm no longer white. I'm black now, she says, I'm one of them. So hopefully starting the school year with the other girls will make it easier than just coming in at the middle.


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Autumnaree #1
You just get cooler every time I read something you have written. Girlie girl you are flat out AMAZING!
tara! you didn't tell me any of this!!!!!
I hope things really get better for you, just ignore those girls- and if they keep bothering you about the wig you need to tell your parents.
Thats what i did at my old school when people called me anorexic.
And bending your back really far is a talent, not a devil worshipping thing!!!!
It took me years to do a perfect back bend for dance, and even CL from 2ne1 had to practice to do it, you should tell them that you are learning how to dance, and actually do something creative and artistic unlike them, who are just begin close minded buttfaces.
and tell them that if they are really that sick minded and racist, they are the devil worshipers, not you

Lots of love,
That's horrible! T.T I hate all girl schools. ( I haven't been to one but they sound like a demon nest.)