I know this is bad



My little brother has autism. I know this isn't his fault, but I resent him for it. I'm sick and tired of his needs being put before my own. I'm sick and tired of getting weird looks whenever I'm in public with him. And most of all, I hate how he acts.

For example, right now I'm on vacation. We just went on a ride that simulated flying on a hang glider. Michael didnt like it, and burst into tears and screamed. So they stopped the ride, and now he's throwing a tantrum. So we have to leave, and I don't get to go on any other rides. What the flying ? Why can't I enjoy MY vacation?!! Why do I have to leave? Why can't I stay with one parent while he goes?!


Whats even worse is my parents give him special treatment, which I know he needs. But he takes advantage of it. If I do something he doesn't like, he tells mom and dad I hit him or something, and I get in trouble!


This vacation is supposed to be my graduation gift, but I'm spending it cow towing to my brothers every whim! Why? Because he's AUTISTIC! I'm not gonna say that autism doesn't exist, but it's NOT an excuse for him to get away with blaming me for things I didn't do, or for him to manipulate my parents to get what he wants! I hate him sometimes. Is this normal?


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That . My first gut reaction is to think it's not right to resent you're brother because he has issues, but I would probably do the same if I was in your shoes. So yes, it is normal.
peachywink #2
It's not much of a graduation gift if they brought him. It's just a family vacation that they are claiming is your gift to avoid getting you anything. I know people might say you are wrong but they don't know how difficult it is to have a mentally disabled child in your family...there's a reason most parents divorce. I have 2 cousin one is SEVERELY disabled and not in a nice way. She can't read, screams every day and breaks things, you can't take her many places you can't leave her with a babysitter she is incredibly difficult. Her sister is younger which is really your problem...because your older your expected to care about them but that's unreasonable to ask of anyone. My normal cousin has numerous times said she feels nothing for her sister...and it's true because her family isn't very good at managing the disabled child. I know that she will never care what happens to her sister but after being in there house I honestly don't blame her...because her family never attempted to make a relationship between them they are almost strangers where one terrorizes the others home. My normal cousin never babysits because even if asked she would still leave the house. She just doesn't care what happens to her. So if you are really really at that point with your brother with if they got hurt you would smile (yes my cousin did) then you might want to talk with your parents about your feelings because it is never healthy to focus so much on one child when you have multiple.
I sort of know what you are feeling...
I have a younger brother who is crazy smart.... however he has no social skills and no interest in actually doing anything
so whenever i make friends, go out, or volunteer my parents always put him first
"oh tell the lady that you have a brother who will be doing this in a few years"
"take him with you"
"how could you forget to tell your teacher to make sure your brother signs up"
"stay by his side"
"we paid so much for your tests and car it's only fair that he gets to choose whatever happens for the next 10000000 years"
and soooo on

stay strong girl, and know that you're not alone <3