AFF's new layout (is it called a layout? bcs i have no idea what else can it be called)

i switch on my computer and clicked on AFF>


then that sentence up there said "switch to the new AFF"


i clicked it. and then WHOAAAA everything became blue. haha.


from green and yellow to blue.. like seriously. whoa.


but i had a few moments of blur, trying to get used to everything. though i like it. xD



on a side note, trials are coming. (gosh why is college so busy?? why did i choose this course in the first place lol) so again.. hiatus until its over...

[03.08.2014 | 1311]


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I love this new version! I've been using it for about a week, and it's just so cool and neat! AND BLUE IS MY FAVORITE COLOR!! 8D But it looks too much like RR and FFO... BUT HECK IT'S STILL AWESOME xD

Oh, wow, college does sound really busy lol. Good luck with your trials! ^~^